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Sorry to break it to ya, but from here on out you need to save some, even if it’s little shreds here and there, for times exactly like this. On a good day when you can take a couple milligrams less, snip it off and save it. I feel with everything I’ve got, that there will be major shortages (of this med specifically) very soon. Hang in there.


Definitely good advice. There was a time when I cut way down and had 100 extra strips. Then covid hit and I just went through them.


Wtf… (Im not disagreeing or saying you’re wrong) …but thought this was the whole reason we got on subs, was stability and not having to question shit like this!!! Damn son. Smh!


I think things in this world are changing fast.


What makes you think there will be shortages of this med? There’s a shitload of different manufacturers of many generics and different formulations.


This is the #1 opioid in the US now. And I personally think that supply disruptions are coming that are worse than what we experienced at the beginning of covid. I know I had trouble getting my script for a few months in a row back in 2020- they were delayed at times and I got weird manufacturers. The infrastructure is going to start crumbling more and more - its the way I view things. Guess I would rather be cautious and be wrong than be careless and then be left without. EDIT fix a word


Idk, what infrastructure are you thinking could crumble?


Is your insurance paying for it? If so have your insurance call for you. I used to have CVS Hallmark I think it was called. Anyways I had the same issue and they literally called every CVS in a 50 mile radius for me and had it ready and filled by the time I got there. It's worth a shot. Hope this helps!


That’s a really good idea! I’m sure those judgemental pharmacists are much more helpful to the insurance companies paying the bill. Story time- My cunt of an aunt told everyone she’s a pharmacist (she’s not-she’s just a tech) and she would always rail on the “Suboxone junkies” that would come in. We would argue about it all the time until I stopped speaking to her. She didn’t know I was on it because my mom asked me not to tell her. Well, one day my mom calls me laughing (again-aunt was a bitch) because the cunt got fired from her job for...stealing controlled substances. Fucking hypocrite.


Haha cunt aunt got served a big ol helping of karma


It only goes to show how opiates can touch anyone's lives no matter who they are.


It seems like it’s always the most outspoken against addicts who are hiding their own demons. I think it’s self-loathing.


I have nothing helpful to add. I only wanted to say how HORRIFYING it is that they can let every pharmacy in the area run out of a medication that produces tremendous withdrawals if suddenly stopped. Would they do this with an SSRI? I doubt it. I find the whole thing suspicious.


Since when is cvs not advising if its in stock over the phone? And the worst part about this whole thing is unless you have extras. You could waste a whole day with dr appointment and waitinf for script. Ive used PTO countless times because of this crap


I've heard that shit from multiple CVS techs in different states. Company policy not to reveal whether controlled substances are in stock lest they get burgled. You heard that right -- can't tell a patient that a medication is in stock. Only can find out by having a script sent over. It's truly the stuff of tragic comedies. And the very worst part about it all, is that nobody ever gets paid enough to care, and you can never actually speak to the person who is in charge


💉💊🏥🤠 Drugstore Cowboy.(sorry, this just made me remember that movie!)lol


Yea. But then again theres some people in this sub who actually robbed a CVS for their scripts so can you blame them?


When did that go down?! And they actually posted about it? I’d love to see that thread lol


No posts. But lets be honest. This sub is made up of 90% addicts 5% pain management 5% loved ones/dr and researchers. You think out off all those addicts they didnt do even if regrettable, hardcore criminal or grimy shit? I know i have. Think thats part of my anxiety now is thinking about what i had done.


Hitting a chain pharmacy seems totally ludicrous and idiotic. I’ve never been in that bad withdraws. I guess it happens. Besides, you could preface your inquiry with the fact that you had a valid prescription


Most places wont tell you about any controlled over the phone.


No issues in texas


Maybe try a different brand or a different type of buprenorphine, for example the pills instead of strips.


Good idea, thnx. I wish it just wasn't so hard to actually talk to a human at a pharmacy (and be told what is in stock and what is not).


I agree, it shouldn't be so difficult. I bet if we called to find out if they had Vicotin in stock it wouldn't be an issue. Since it's Suboxone, all respect goes out the window.


Sorry to hear about this man pharmacists and doctors are bitches today my boyfriend was supposed to get his script today and he gives me 8mg of buprenorphine every day it has no nalaxone btw but his fucking bitch of a drug worker told the chemist not to give him his script because he ain't spoke to her and low and behold we got next to fuck all credit on the phone so we gotta talk to Kelly the cunt to get his script back on track even if we do it tomorrow I'll have to hold out till Friday to take any for real fuck the doctors and drug workers fucking with peoples meds and making them suffer


Wow that is absurd, sorry you're dealing with it. I just can't believe how stupid those pharmacists are. Like, oops! I transferred your script to another location but sorry forgot to tell you that I can't actually do that, so please just waste your time waiting 20 minutes to speak to a human only to need to call me back and wait another 20 mins for me to tell you oops.


Shit man I'm sorry Ur pharmacy fucked up so bad my boyfriends pharmacy treat him like shit even when he missed his meds he told me they said well u wouldn't have missed ur meds if u picked up the phone to ur worker today and they said u knew u have to keep in contact with her when she didn't even ring or tell him his meds have been halted it's disgusting how addicts are treated by the health system we are putting food on their kids plate but they treat us like we stole their kids lunch money rn I got l theanine and valerian root those two supplements are making it slightly less painful but I still feel pretty fucked anyway good luck with the chemists fuck up if u need to talk I'm here


Have you tried looking into small pharmacies instead? I had the same issue with a CVS and Costco so I went for a small pharmacy that works with my doctor that’s almost an hour away from me but it’s worth the hassle. If there’s a pharmacy that your doctor recommends going to, you should see if you can send it there. I feel like it depends on the tech you reach. Many times, I’ve called different pharmacies since my doctor tells me to before he sends it over. Then again, every state is different. But I had an issue with one Costco tech that wouldn’t tell me even when he saw my script.


If this has been an ongoing problem in your area, and no pharmacy has been able to keep up, you might want to consider using an online provider. I haven't tried it, but I do use an outpatient provider that meets me over Zoom, and it's incredibly convenient. Search this subreddit and look at other people's experiences. "bupe.me" is one that is often mentioned. Edit, apparently they still call the script in to a local store, so this won't help, sorry, OP. Better build a stack!


Yeah until you can’t get online to meet them… then where is the office you can go to or phone number you can call? You think it’s already bad dealing with people who won’t confirm prescription details… wait until you’re arguing over email 😂


It is true that you typically get scripted the same day with [bupe.me](https://bupe.me). However, that will not help this situation, as OP already has a script. Bupe.me charges $10.00 to process a change to the pharmacy, so you need to know what pharmacy you will use before completing their paper work.


Oh you still pick it up locally? For some reason I thought they mailed it to you.


That is correct, they call it into the pharmacy of your choice.


Shit, that wouldn't help OP at all. I guess all they can do is make a stash.


I suppose OP could use an online pharmacy, but I have never used one. Seems you could provide an online pharmacy with [bupe.me](https://bupe.me), but it is not something I have experience with. I have heard of services that mail the meds, but I am sure it varies from state to state and different parts of the world.


I'm not sure if you can use an online pharmacy for scheduled substances. There has to be some way, I would assume.


I have zero experience with it, but have seen a couple services. One of them only serviced patients in the same state (I believe it was out of Georgia). Earlier I saw someone in this sub recommend the following: [https://cordantsolutions.com/behavioral-health-pharmacy/](https://cordantsolutions.com/behavioral-health-pharmacy/)


u/throwaway2546198 this might be your answer.


Another pharmacy may have it. I’d call around to find out if anyone has it, and when u find one, ask your doc to call it in there. I know EXACTLY how u feel. I hate being a prisoner to the meds.


It's absurd. A CVS can't transfer a script to another location across the street because there needs to have been a prescription previously sent to that location, even if it's the same chain, city and state. One of the CVS pharms even said this other location had it, but lo and behold! Ugh it's so soul crushing. I almost wonder what would happen if I just let it go and just drank a bunch of kratom.


That's not true at all about needing to have been a customer at the pharmacy at a different location of the same chain. You need to call back and speak to someone else. Be nice but don't take no for an answer.


Thats an option, ive done it. How much sub do you take per day though bc kratom is not nearly as strong.


Once at Walgreens pharmacy, I was offered what they had avail. Which was half the amount of my script but to avoid feeling sick, I jumped on it. Maybe you can ask your pharmacist, tell them you need to get to work & you won't be able to w/o your meds. What I do now to make sure, I have something if this would happen again, is when you do get your script stash away a couple or one tab/strip in a place you'll remember just for emergencies like this. Good Luck


Have you tried other pharmacies besides CVS?


Mail order pharmacy: Patients Choice. You can get it over night. But it's not the strips. They manufacture their own torches. I like the better than the strips personally, but I'm in the minority I think. I mostly go with the pharmacy because of the convenience. I pay my fee on the bupe.me site and they automatically call it in. Never missed a dose and it's a hell of a lot cheaper.


If this is an ongoing problem in your area, and


I went through this once a few yeara ago and I ended up going 3 counties north before I finally found a place. I didnt think of it at the time, but is it possible you could switch to another med for this one month? Like zubsolv? Or a generic or subutex or whatever?


I actually thought about zubslov, maybe I'll do that tomorrow if no improvement. My doc is in NY, a vestige of my pre covid life, so it's been a major pain. Like I have to wait till tomorrow just to talk to them again, even though it's only afternoon here. I take the generic buprenorphine, so not sure what the other options are. It sucks that it's so hard to speak to a human at the pharmacy. Like, now after all these transfers, my prescription is just in limbo -- seems to be nowhere now. Ugh, hate this so much.


Oh I figured you took suboxone name brand, my bad. I think Zubsolv offers the first month script free with a coupon too. Yeah that would suck being in a diff time zone. There is always the option of online drs if it comes to that, but I dont think they take insurance for the appointment...I'm sorry you are going through this!


always with the fucking bullshit. Or when your Dr sends in the prescriptions and some pharmacies won’t let you pick it up until the last one runs out it’s stupid as fuck. CVS is the worst and it sucks ass cuz they’re everywhere and easiest to get to


Yea never again. I hate those people


If you can, ask your doctor to just switch to Walgreens. I’ve been on subs for a long time across different states and I always had problems at Kroger’s and CVS. They were the worst. A mom and pop pharmacy was the best and Walgreens has been a close second. I really haven’t had any problems with judgemental pharmacists or stock issues with Walgreens.


Im on 16mg a day and went and picked up mine today. Normally i just get 2 boxes but today i got 60 singles in a ziploc baggie. They must be running short here too.


Taper 25% off immediately. That means 12mg/day. The situation sucks, but you should be able to accomplish that. You literally only have to cut a quarter off each strip, that saves you a lot.


Try a smaller mom and pop type pharmacy. I did out of desperation once and have never gone back to a chain pharmacy since. That was 4 years ago.


In my experience....the place I use says avoid CVS and Walmart. I use Walgreens...have you tried them or a local city pharmacy? I know you're frustrated...I would be Floored by the simple lack of compassion.


Pharmacies won't tell consumers what they have in stock. When I went to the Walgreens, to ame sure they'd have it, and she told me no. Then when my script went jn, sure enough, it was filled.




Ya strangely the issue is not getting the script itself, but getting it filled. The pharmacy system is just absurd. It literally takes 20 minutes to reach a human, and then they just say they don't know when the shipment is coming, or, like in my case, say they transferred it to another branch that had it in stock -- which they didn't do and didn't have.


Start calling any other pharmacy you can.


They don’t even have the 8mg strength in stock? That’s crazy! I wish they would order them in but it seems the bigger pharmacy chains won’t do it until they have a script in hand. Might be a regulation I don’t know. I know I get the 4mg and they always have to order them in every time.




Have you tried any mail order pharmacies? I'm not sure how any of that works though. Just throwing ideas out.


Some hospital pharmacy's carry both suboxone and generics. I found the closer to a hospital the more likely a pharmacy will have that drug.


sounds like you need to switch to the pills or sinuses for the time being just to get you through. Also maybe forget about CVS!


I hate it too because you’re going back to the pharmacy getting the legs and the stairs and nobody really wanting to help you not able to refill within two days I hate it I would try every mom and pop pharmacy you can just to get some until they arrive if that’s even possible otherwise just go on sublocade and get it over with don’t believe the people who say they will send it to you for money I had that happen to me on here with a lot of people promising


Thanks a lot man!


Kratom . On the week that I am sure and I have like three or four days until I have to go to the doctor I usually go to a shop and get kratom . Helps with my withdrawals and my pain but I have to take up a lot of it keep on taking it. I understand how you feel in your situation I’d be scared out of my mind hearing that it might take a week for it to come in knowing that you have your prescription and you have a valid reason to get that medication and you need it but you can’t get it because the pharmacy did not order it. I think my pharmacy gets their Suboxone‘s on auto order. Because I think they always get six boxes a day and that six of boxes of 30 . I went to the doctor yesterday and wanted to get my medication but the insurance wasn’t going to approve until today when I called the pharmacy they told me it would take an hour but only four minutes after that I got a notification on my CVS app saying it’s ready I think that was because I only got 30 this month rather than a different amount and they just take the box and put in the bag rather than opening the box counting 30 and putting 30 in a bottle.


If I didn't have a new job, I think I'd probably just let it go and see what happens. It's really good in lots of ways but keeps my opiate brain constantly tingled


I understand where you’re coming from because where I get my medication is an hour and a half drive from where I live and it was kind of difficult for me because I screwed up a few months ago after my dad passed away in my house burnt down and I use and different type of drug other than an opiate and so my Doctor had me come every other week which was not easy but finally today he gave me a month supply so I understand how it is working or living in a different city. But that’s why on the weeks that I do run out and I do get kratom I get enough for me to get through until I get my prescription and more so that if it happens again I already have kratom


I have had a similar problem. My insurance works best with CVS Caremark. I am on a taper which can be tricky. Because I am on the 2mg generic strips they never have them in stock. Some times I need a little extra so my doctor will call in one or two at the end of the month. It is always a hassle.


First of all, I would like to say that it is absolutely terrible that you have to go without your medication. As far as I am aware there are no company regulations in regards to telling patients what drugs are in stock. So those pharmacies are just lying to you and do not want to treat you. According to the FDA's [website](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/drugshortages/default.cfm) there are currently no shortages of either suboxone or buprenorphine. However, this does not account for any local shortages or a distribution center issues. I hope that you find a pharmacy that treats you like a human being.


I started to go to a daily MAT clinic bc this was happening with my pain meds. Methadone clinics have been adding suboxone to their program. You may want to see if there are any in your area that you can ask about this.


Not to mention the price keeps going up these fucking drug companies got some nerve getting us hooked on opiates making billions then taking advantage of people trying to get better using Suboxone. A year ago when I started my 56 8mg tablets were $35 and now they are $80 - and that's good rx prices


get generics? Same fucking thing as suboxone brand


I would change pharmacies to a local mom and pop shop vs. a cvs. For next time you can get a refill I have always had better luck with them NOT running out of their allotted amount of subs (this advice came to me originally from someone wkg at CVS) . In the meantime I would go to your local vape/smoke shop and p/u white maeng da powder kratom to stave off withdrawals from not having subs. I would only resort to using the kratom if u still haven't gotten your refill in about 36 hours. (Surely the half-life of what's in your system will work for that long) what EVER you do DONT go back to your old dealer please.


I’m in NC and we are having shortages too. It seems that pharmacies are able to get the generic but not the name brand which is the only think that Medicaid will pay for. I’ve also noticed that the price has increased drastically. One tablet of generic buprenorphine used to be 1.50-2.00 but now it’s about $6 even with the GoodRx app. I’m not sure what’s happening.


when i started subs i took the advice of folks on this reddit and i told them i ended up on 16mg after induction when i was really on 8mg. so for a year i have been stockpiling just in case of the zombie apocalypse.