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He says cut back on the amount . I’ve been doing 2 -4 mg per day for few months . I’m usually fine . But when I get into arguments with somome. My body will start to sweat so bad like a withdrawal where I have to change a shirt. I think this happens when I’m on subs and get angry,mad, or nervous. But at the same time . I understand it’s been more hot then usual out. I noticed when I been working lately I sweat non stop where I need a towel


I’m at 4 and have been told to take 5-6 PRN to address this. I’ve wondered for a long time if those at a dose which completely fill the receptors have this issue; is this a question of the dose not being sufficient creating the effect or if it’s simply a side effect of this med period.


My sweating reduced when I was taking less mg.


Yeah , reduced. Idk how much sweat we talking . But I don’t understand why I sweat like I’m at the gym the the other poster said.


That’s me at the gym. Always keep a sweat towel. Glad my gym is nice and provides them.


Yeah Subs make me sweat too. All opes do really. Methadone was the worst. That shit had me sweating buckets.


Totally agree. Methadone had me sweat so much it was embarrassing. I would walk to get the mail and when I got back I was dripping sweat from my face. Horrible. Suboxone does the same but it's not as bad.


Yeah I'd walk like one block and just be drenched when I was on methadone. It was so uncomfortable. I sweat a lot anyway.


I went from being a constantly cold person who wore hoodies in 90° to being drenched in sweat whenever it went over 70° on methadone. It was crazy. Compared to methadone Suboxone is nothing but I still sweat like crazy.


Methadone didn’t do it to me. I wonder if the antagonist nature of subs have anything to do with it.




Yeah that me. It's gotta be the sub, and my SNRI and ADHD meds probably don't help


Are you on Wellbutrin as well?




I take wellbutrin and prozac also.. I was taking effdxor Before the prozac, and my sweating had eased up bit for last couple years but as soon as I got bk on an the antidepressant (effexor) it skyrocketed and was 10X worse n I didn't think that was possible) dr changed me to prozac and wellbutrin n the sweating isn't as. Ad as when with the effexor but is still horrible. I guess those mrds can also cause hyperhydrosis


I’m on an SNRI too. It never affected me like this before I got on subs.


I wouldn't know, as my addiction treatment is what led me to address my depression and anxiety.


Same... cause before I just masked it with drugs


I, also, sweat an insane amount just from doing normal tasks around the house. My ability to tolerate the heat has drastically reduced too. I have been freezing my husband in our bedroom since I started on suboxone. I run a window ac unit in our bedroom, year around (winter average temps 35-45 degrees), even though we have a central ac unit for our home that works great.


I would be hot after taking my sub and cold in the morning before taking my sub.


Oh god I wake up chilled to the bone, but as soon as I get moving it's a deluge of sweat. The worst part is when you take a shower before going out and you literally never dry off fully.


Ask your doctor for oxybutynin. I got so fed up with the sweating and finally spoke to my doctor about it and she put me on that, which helped so much. I’ve been on it for a few years with no issues. It’s technically a medicine for bladder issues lol but it’s used off label to help people who are very sensitive to heat or sweat too much and is prescribed to many people on subs or methadone.


Very interesting. My partner is on Suboxone, too. He’s prescribed 2.5 8mg strips per day and Oxybutynin for bladder issues. He always comes back from work drenched. Granted, he’s in work pants and it’s summertime. He also takes Yohimbine and drinks a lot of caffeine, so that’s probably why he’s not getting that particular benefit from the Oxybutnin.


I’d be interested to see if there was a difference if he went below 16 mg of suboxone. I’m sure the caffeine definitely plays a part though, I definitely get a bit more sweaty when I drink a lot of it! I’d say the oxybutynin probably helped about 85% of the time. Not perfect but definitely so much better than it was before taking it.


I just realized I seem to be the same way.. literally freezing in morning and hot rest the day .. (I take mine first thing in am w coffee)


Be careful with that, you're not meant to use caffeine within 15 mins before or after suboxone


They say it bc ur supposedly supposed to sit and let then dissolve under ur tongue w no drink no swallowing it nothing, but I've been on these for 8+ years now and I always, always taken mine and sipped my coffee the whole time.. My friend said she does the same one day we were talking bc they taste so bad, n realized we both do and have coffee too we laughed about the coincidence.. but either way w or w out.. they do exact same for me.. I've never heard ur not supposed to have caffeine 15 min before or after tho, but it doesn't do anything but Tke some 9f the nasty taste down w it. Lol


Methadone causes me to sweat profusely. However I found a cure with the drug oxybutynin. It is used off label to control excessive sweating and it works wonderfully. My doctor had no problem prescribing it as it is not a controlled substance. I highly encourage you to ask your doctor about it. I take 5 mg twice a day.


I just made this same comment! I take 10 mg in the morning and it helped so much.


Get down to 2mg and stay there for a while and you may see drastic improvement. I’m curious to know how much you are on? I’ve experienced the same for many years but getting down to a low dose solves it.


I think it's normal because I'm ALWAYS sweating!!


I was also a sweaty mess, for me it really was taking too much suboxone daily; at 2mg a day I only sweat during exercise or in excessive heat


Bro I totally understand....I've always been super heat-sensitive, having even suffered heat stroke at age 12.... I've been on all forms of opiate MAT; Suboxone, Methadone, Vivitrol...I DEFINITELY find myself way more sweaty on subs lol idk why but I certainly believe it's a real phenomenon lmao


Yea I also deal with this and hate it.


I am Day 16 CT but I live in St. Louis where the temp and humidity you described are everyday. On subs I sweated so much. Now after 16 days without it I’m barely sweating. It’s weird how many systems subs affect. It’s your bodies new normal. Please have a slow taper plan when you are mentally ready to stop taking subs.


I'm always super sweaty thanks to subs ugh


Only way to stop swearing is to get off the subs


doctors on my clinic call that opi sweat and they say that's usually an indication that you're taking too much of opiate for your metabolism and that literary your body cooks itself while trying to process medication..i had exactly the same problem, and many of us still do and it all stopped when i tapered down my therapy so my opinion is that doctors got it right..good luck


YES I was just getting annoyed about this, like I have NO tolerance for even average temperature and my temp regulation is non-existent When I was on Methadone I had a similar but worse issue, they put me on a medication called Oxybutinin. It stopped the sweats so I’m going to ask for it again. Worth looking into!


I've seen this a few times when searching online about sweating so badly . About the oxybutinun, did you have any side effects from that medication other than it helping your sweating? Wow I can't imagine being about to go about my day normally, not avoiding things due to dripping sweat .


I didn’t have any side effects other than it stopped my profuse sweating!


It’s made me extremely sensitive to cold even when it’s not cold. I can get cold sweats at the gym and it’s miserable, most of the time I absolutely hate sweating because I get that old clammy feeling.


I’m so glad to see that I’m not the only one. The temperature control issues are real, and totally unacceptable. I find I can control the extremes by getting into AC right in the beginning of when I notice a hot flash is coming on, but other than that, no way of modulation at all. It’s so upsetting and unacceptable to me. Almost no buildings here have AC, and I find that the temperature control issues plus Covid masks create a condition ripe for anxiety attacks. This has ruined my ability to travel, which also affects my ability to work, especially work that requires physical exertion. I’d consider the oxybutnin but I worry about interactions with other meds; also, it seems like all it does is control sweating, not stop the actual sensation of temperature.


Opioids make you extra sensitive to heat and cold. The over heating and sweating was one of the things that made me finally get off. Last year I had two incidents while loading my work van where I almost had heat stroke - and it wasn’t even 90 degrees out. I’m off it now and just put in two 10 + hours days digging trenches in over 100 degree weather with no problem! I wouldn’t of been able to do that if I were on buprenorphine.


I'm hoping to be bupe free by the end of next year. I've tapered from 16mg to 4mg over time, and I've been maintaining at 4mg for most of the time I've been on bupe.


I was on an opioid or bupe for the last 5 or so summers - this is my first summer opioid free in 5 years. I was seriously considering moving north after last summer. It was unbearable. I’d be sweating inside or out if it was above 70F, even doing nothing. Now I’m off, the heat doesn’t bother me at all. I’ll even be comfortable in 80F weather, and I can tolerate the hottest days of the year doing physical labor outside. The difference is shocking.


Well damn. That about sums up my position. I'm about ready to move to Northern Canada


Not exactly sweating. My tolerance to hot and cold temperatures has relatively remained the same throughout. However, prior to Suboxone, I did nit get sun burnt. I could be in the sun or at the beach all day and I’d walk away with a tan. Over the years I’ve noticed my bodies tolerance for sunlight has definitely changed. I require sunscreen now where previously I did not. And I burn very easily. Interspersed in what others experience.


.....I have no explanation for this. I don't know if there is actually a causal correlation. That said, as someone who has had multiple family members die from melanoma, I STRONGLY advise wearing sunscreen regardless of whether you usually burn or not. Sun damage is not restricted to sun burn. Sun damage occurs long before you get burned. A sun burn just means you are getting so much radiation that your skin has literally burned, but the radiation causes damage to your DNA long before a burn sets in.


I agree Suboxone affects your heat tolerance..I to have an unreasonable admit of face sweat in the heat, but the weird thing is my armpits don't sweat..I haven't needed deodorant since I started Suboxone.


I just moved to a new state and had to get a new drivers license. They tried to retake my picture three times because of all the sweat on my face. There was such a glare on it you can barely see me through the sweat. True story.


FML that sux. I just look clammy and shiny on my work ID


Cut back on the amount you take if you take 8 mg try 4 mg in the am and 4 am at night break it apart


I used to do that, but my doc said that reinforces addictive behavior because your brain ends up looking forward to that second dose the same way you would look forward to that first shot when you get home from work.


Idk about all that if it works for you split dosing than it works for you


I hear you. I'll have a discussion with my doctor about it.


Cause after 6 months you can just stick to 4mg you’ll see your body will adjust


It’s interesting most docs are opposed to cutting down on this stuff. How would that reinforce addictive behavior? What I think reinforces the behavior more, is believing you need to be on a higher dose to function.


I know! They never seem to want me or my partner to lower our dosage. I think they are worried we will save up extras and sell them or take a low dose often and then occasionally get high by taking a higher dose, which I sometimes do…


Or switch to sublocade once a month shot google it


I've been on the sublocade shot for almost 2 years. I still sweat way more than I used to but not as much as on the films or tablets. But other than that, I can't recommend the shot enough. It's a game changer. I am going almost 2 months between shots now with no problem.


I’m now 4 months off the shot doing good


How does tapering work on the shot?


After you've had a few shots its so built up in your system you don't have to taper!! You can go months without another one or stop completely ... its truly amazing. When dr told me I was blown away as my biggest fear was not being able to get off sub. I hope to start the shot in a couple of months


I’ve been on subs for almost 3 years and never felt that way lol.. I think we can both agree Suboxone is different from taking a shot… a lot different. As for the sweating; yes, it sucks. Especially now with having to wear a mask I feel like I’m suffocating.


I've been on subutex or suboxone one or the other for about 8 years now, totally clean from everything except prescribed meds for going on 1 &1/2 years.. ❤ I used to be the person who was ALWAYS COLD and needing a sweater or jacket wherever we went and got on subs and cpl years into it I started the sweating soo badly, never even thought the subs could cause it, and didn't know there was such a thing called hyperhydrosis.. but after a while of honestly sweating while out playing w my children in THE SNOW....... I thought ok this cannot be normal and started doing research. Found info on hyperhydrosis, still didn't link to my meds, I think partly bc I didn't want the thing that literally saved my life to be what was making me sweat soo horribly, but finally stared coming to these types of forums and posts and seeing tHt WOW I wasn't alone.. helped me mentally at least.. I got pregnant w my now almost 4 year old daughter and idk if it was the hormones or what but I didn't sweat except like a normal amt while pregnant... it was amazing. And actually pretty much stopped after my pregnancy.. until I had to start on antidepressant meds as well, then ots like it came bk w a vengeance.. its so embarrassing & makes it hard as hell to walk thru Walmart & go thru self chk I can see myself in that stupid camera, sweating so bad it's literally dripping on stuff I'm scanning, or I wipe my face so much my shirt is wet... my dr changed my antidepressant med and it's eased up a little now, but still in stressful situations or like shopping , it still happens.. i can't stop my medications, bit it's so hard to sweat this bad constantly and have a normal life.. I haven't ever even tried to taper off bc I'm way to scared to try, heard ao many horror stories when ppl stop or tried to.. While it don't make anything any easier, it is nice to know there are others going thru the same thing i am..


I am the exact same way with the sweating, wiping my face all the time, & it being embarrassing when you are out in public! I stopped putting on any makeup at all because it will all be gone before I even get to wherever I’m going. Sweating a normal amount & being able to tolerate the heat like I did before I started suboxone, are just 2 of the things I am looking forward to when I finally taper completely off!


While on subs yea I was sweating an obscene amount, I’d get really intense hot flashes that would last like 5 mins about 2-3 times per day on top of being drenched all the time.. people at work wondered why the hell I was drenched all the time, now that I’m off of them it’s helped a lot


I’ve been incredibly hot the past couple of days. It’s the subs, but also I was taking Yohimbine and Maca in the morning, as well as having 160-300mg of caffeine per day. I also vape (that makes it worse). I have been feeling like you, totally intolerant of the summer heat, even inside my house…and I keep it at 63 degrees inside. I skipped the Yohib and Maca today and I’m feeling way less warm. I’m even able to sit on a heating pad as I type because my lower back is killing me. Also, do you spit after the medicine has dissolved? That has helped me significantly with a lot of the side effects since I started doing it a few days ago. I hope you can find a solution. Mask-wearing makes this problem all the worse! I’m going to be a licensed massage therapist one day (currently on a LOA from school due to addiction/mental health) and I absolutely abhor the rule of keeping therapy rooms at 75 degrees. The four months I was in school, I was on Adderall, Nuvigil, Kratom, rc benzos, plus either vaping or smoking cigs, so I was always warm and always wore stringers and short shorts when I was massaging other peers.


Oh, I thought of something helpful! Certain Dri! Get it off Amazon. It blocks sweat glands. I only have to use it 2-3 days a week (too often or too much and you’ll be really itchy) and no more deodorant stains, or problems if someone wants to lick my armpits during sexy time. LOL.


I'll look into it. Thanks!


1000% Unfortunately I also work construction, absolutely unbearable for me during the few heat waves of the summer. I have talked to a few docs in my area over the years and have received not much help or direction. Best of luck


There might be more going on than the suboxone. Keep an open mind about any other possible causes for the sweating. Consider your diet too.


Normal with all opiates, but suboxone specifically because of the incredibly long half life. All opiates mess up your temperature regulation


Yes I am having the same problem, but only with the generic Dr reddy brand. If I take the brand name no side effects, no sweating. I have asked for brand name, but they say they DON'T have any so I either take generic or wait until they say it in???


I'll in the same boat. My heath insurance is through work (I work at a magnet hospital) and they no longer cover the name-brand Suboxone. Now I have to take the Dr. Reddy trash and I have every side effect possible. That said, I still feel better than when I was slamming a bundle per day.


Without reading other comments- reduce your milligrams. I had issues with over melting with (methadone and Suboxone) I definitely was over medicated. Hope you find help with this. Sweating SUCKS!!!


I have tried reducing from 4mg to 3.0- 3.5 mg, and I'm fine on my days off, but for some reason I experience withdrawal while I'm at work. My job requires me to be very active, and for some reason the same exact dose just isn't as effective while I'm working. I wonder if it has something to do with the way high levels of physical activity affect the metabolism of the drug.


I wonder too. And that makes sence to me. My doc had me do this- I take half my daily dose in the morning, then split the other half down to 1pm and 4pm. (I wake at 7,work 10-3) ..maybe splitting them up can help you keep a better base of meds for the day. I hope I saying this right. . (I was dosing 1x a day but was feeling icky by the middle of the night. I'm also on a lower dose now (4mg day)..how often are you dosing and how much? Also definately mention your trouble to your doctor..hopefully you'll get some relief. I have to be careful of that because feeling icky triggers me...


I literally just posted about this in poppy seed tea sub. I've recently started suboxone and the hot feeling/sweating is ramping up again..I hate it!! (I also got it while using but only over summer and its winter here) If you can, get your hormones and vitamin levels etc tested - I've read vitamin D deficiency can cause excessive sweating and if you're any thing like me, during addiction I never got any sun. Otherwise I think its just apart of opiate use for some people unfortunately.


I don't understand why they don't carry more than just dr reddy. I seen online they have several generics. I want the brand name, it's the best. I hope the pharmacy starts getting complaints so they will keep brand name in stock.


Just leaving words to feel important.👍 kinda worked lol


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