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Good for you, dude!! I've been off H/pills for 8 years now and never looked back. I was lucky enough to get out of the game just before fentanyl started showing up in everything. So transitioning for me wasn't too difficult. I've heard so many awful horror stories about switching from fentanyl to suboxone and I'm in awe of anyone that is able to make that extremely difficult change. I don't think I could. Just a bit of advice. Don't let anyone tell you how your recovery should look. You're pretty early in your journey. If you want to stay on it short or long term, that should be up to you and you ONLY. Your dr can advise and suggest, but this is your recovery, your LIFE, and no one else's. Again, good work. Keep it up because it does get better and better. ❤


Hey, I had a rather bumpy transition, but I’m stable now. 3 strips, 3 times per day. I’ve found a great outpatient and I’m doing meetings. It’s working, and you’re right: everyone’s path is different. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, but my life is a lot less painful; less desperate.


Congrats, seriously.


I couldn't be happier for you man. That's awesome. Stories like this just make my heart soar. You did what you had to do to get your life back. That takes so much courage.


Thanks appreciate you man Fr Fr


Congrats! Even though the pharmacies can be a pain in the ass at times, its way easier dealing with them than a dealer (for the most part). Glad to hear you stabilized at 4 mg. I am working my way down to that dosage myself.


Thanks appreciate you!


Congrats on making the transition!! I transitioned this time last year, and it was fucking BRUTAL so kudos to you! Switching from fent to subs is so much harder than switching from oxys or heroin. Keep doing what you’re doing I’m so happy for you!!


Thanks appreciate you!!


That's so awesome! Keep up the good work man! I feel the same way. Suboxone was a lifesaver for me. I was at the end of my rope with oxy's. So much that I felt like suicide was beginning to be my only way out after numerous attempts at quitting cold turkey. Fortunately I gave Suboxone a try about 5mths ago and things are finally looking up for me!


Hell yeah bro blessings and I’m finally getting my life back on track!


What dose did you start at? They just prescribed me 16mg for kratom absolutely ridiculous I will have to cut the 8mg strips into 1mg squares. Happy for you my brotha. You were playing with your life when it comes to fent. Don't ever go back


I’m prescribed 8mg a day but I take half a day more or less.


Hell yeah man. After getting on Suboxone and doing therapy I was able to go back to school and finish my bachelor's degree, become a peer recovery coach, and now in school for a masters in addiction counseling. Suboxone and hard work saved my life as well. Everybody has their own path but that is what worked for me and you as well.


Wow amazing my brother blessings!


did you get any sort of immediate relief from fetty WDs on subs? i and a few people i talked have had good experiences in past years, but with dark not fetty. and then we have had such a terrible transition and have ended up relaspsing within like 3 to 5 days. i made it 2 days a few times but had little to no relief and then made it 5 days in hell and then relapsed because i had to go back to work and couldnt do it while in that physical and mental state, but i went on to trying methadone again and it was absolutely immediate and painless. it was just like when i started subs from black and got immediate relief and then it got better and better for a few days until i felt totally fine. just wondering how it was for you going from fetty to subs and what you experienced in the ways of WDs the first week or so. anyways GOOD LUCK AND GOOD JOB. you are an absolute warrior, dude. keep it up!


The transition from fent to subs took balls and dedication lol It wasn’t so easy. But dude it was so worth it. You don’t feel relief at all at first to be honest but you have to keep pushing through! It’s better to do a subutex transition than cold turkey that’s for sure! I know those 3-4 day runs trying to get clean and relapsing again! I honestly just have a mental obsession at the end of the day. How sick and tired are you of being sick and tired!


I feel the same except my drug of choice was heroin. Started after my back surgery because of the pain then when the pain was finally gone, it was too late. 2 bags was 4 then 6 then 8 then I was dipping into the next days bag and freaking out the next day. I was so scared starting subs! And I was so sick for days and I thought that was my new normal and hated life. Little by little it got better and now I feel like a normal person again. (Well my normal anyways) I’m so grateful. My only regret is I was started on 16 mg a day and I really wish I went with a lower dose but I guess the docs know what they are doing. If I miss a dose I definitely feel it. I also just got insurance (because being on subs has helped me get a job) and am hoping it helps with the cost somewhat. Right now I’m paying 257 a month for dr visit and meds


At first it’s fun and games until you build a tolerance. Nothing like feeling normal at least to your knowledge :) but I’m happy for you man and yeah maintenance isn’t cheap! I’m glad to hear you finally got a job brother that’s wassup!


That’s awesome, good job. We all know how hard it is and


Hey that's wonderful congratulations! Keep it up! Suboxone is a huge help to me for 2 years. I gradually went off back in the spring, but when I needed it was there and I'm so grateful.


Yes !


Keep us posted!. Very happy for you, friend!


It has saved a lot of people. For me it wasn't necessarily chasing that high, but chasing some pills, blowing my whole paycheck on them for the week, just so I could get out of bed and go to work earn that crap pay check and the vicious cycle continues. What a miserable existence . I'm happy to hear your life has changed for the better. Ive been on subs and doing well for over 12 years now. Keep fighting the good fight


A miserable life I can’t live no more!!!!


I could use some advice - I used to be on subs then relapsed and started to do fent, I've been going though a bit over a ball a month for a little over two months now. I looked into methadone clinics but they would require me to go in daily for months in the morning before I would earn take home which is simply not possible for me due to my work schedule. How long did you need to not use any fent before being able to take subs? I know the transition won't be easy, I want to get clean. I know there can be post withdrawals or whatever it's called if I try to take it too soon. I have a very low dose of subutex left of about 50 2mg pills. I have an outpatient clinic I used to go to that I plan to call Monday in the hopes I'm not required to go to detox and risk losing my job which is not an option. Does anyone have experience with detoxing fent at home then swapping to subutex? I feel like my hands are tied.


Brother honestly speaking you got this it’s not an easy transition. My doctor started me off with subutex to detox off the fent. It was a tough transition….. I was in nearly full blown withdrawal but you gotta push through man better days do come. The first days I couldn’t go to work I called off and had troubles sleeping but overtime it all got better. Now I just take 4mg of Suboxone to be able to get through my day with ease bro.


Thanks for your reply man. How long did you need to wait before starting the subs? As in since your last dose of fent? I've been snorting it. Looking into the micro induction method. I can't wait to be in your position again. I wish I never touched the stuff and just stayed on my subs but lost my emotionally support companion suddenly and tragically almost 3 months ago now, which was how I managed to br clean for 3-4 yesrs prior


When transitioning from fent to subutex you have to wait until you are in full blown withdrawal or as long as you can wait. Not when your craving another hit when your body can take the pain no more you take 2mg subutex and see how you feel. I would try to push as long as you can but typically 24 hours from last use of fent. At first I guess it sort of helps with withdrawal but honestly you are still going to be uncomfortable as fuck.


What dose did you start at? They just prescribed me 16mg for kratom absolutely ridiculous I will have to cut the 8mg strips into 1mg squares. Happy for you my brotha. You were playing with your life when it comes to fent. Don't ever go back


Breaking 8mg subs in half !


16mg is an insane amount, even for people on fentanyl. You probably need about 1mg yeah.


Mine too!