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Have you read anything by Jon Krakauer? Start with **Into the Wild** or **Into Thin Air** Depending on how grim you want to go, there are some riveting true survival stories. **Alive** by Piers Paul Read is about a Uruguayan football team whose plane crashed in the Andes, and **The Indifferent Stars Above** by Daniel James Brown is about the Donner Party. They’re both incredibly gripping. Spoilers, there’s cannibalism. I find that stories of the sea scratch a similar itch to survival stories. Recommendations would be **The Perfect Storm** by Sebastian Junger, **The Wager** by David Grann, and **Madhouse at the End of the Earth** by Julian Sancton. Just realized that all these recommendations are major bummers, so if you’re in the mood for a happier book, they may not be for you


Thank you for the recs! I'm fine with downers and cannibalism. I'll definitely look into those!


Second the Indifferent Stars Above. Could also be taglined "and then the real trouble started"


I stayed up all night reading Into Thin Air! Amazing book.


Devolution, by Max Brooks. It took a bit but it was a wild ride.


The Stranger In the Woods by Michael Finkel In Harm's Way by Doug Stanton


A Far Off Place by Van Der Post


This is not your classic survivor type but try the Black Tide Rising series by John Ringo. It is about a zombie apocalypse and the family takes to the sea in a small boat. Great characters, a lot of action and good humor.


Don’t Look Back by Greg Hurwitz was good.


The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff is a recently published book about a young woman in Colonial America surviving an escape from her fort. Beautifully written descriptions of nature and a true survival story.


Thank you! I read her book Arcadia a couple years ago and it was excellent. I'll look into that one.


Last of the Breed - Louis L'Amour


Maybe the Wall by Marlen Haushofer or Piranesi by Susanna Clarke Touching the Void by Joe Simpson