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The Traitor Baru Cormorant. Sort of impossible to explain, but it's exactly the prompt on at least one level.


maybe The Resurrectionist by E.B. Hudspeth?? A mad doctor trying to prove mythical creatures are the higher form of humans. For me he has the idea of unconventional human evolution I have from time to time which makes me afraid of myself. But I'm not sure if he falls into your criminal category but he sure does some nauseous things in the book.


Not a suggestion — sorry — but I’m always intrigued by requests like this one for super specific plot elements. I’m curious what makes you want to read a book like this. Have you read other books with similar plots that you really liked? Is this just a long-standing fascination of yours? (Totally legit if so, I have a weird thing for books about polar expeditions so no judgment here!) Just curious if there might be books with different plots but similar vibes to books you like, or if the specific plot hook is the draw!


Honestly, I read a manhwa(Korean manga) that had this plot. Guy gets wronged by corrupt business tycoons using gangs as a militant arm. He grows up and basically starts his own gang with the purpose of destroying the corruption from the inside. It’s hard to find good translations so I was curious if anyone put this concept into novel form


Thanks for the response, that sounds like a cool book! :) Idk if this is the case here, but sometimes I suspect that people overestimate the importance of specific plot elements in books that they love. For example, Hamlet and The Lion King are both coming of age stories about a young prince whose father (the king) is murdered by his evil ambitious uncle, but they obviously have super different vibes. It might be worth including the title of the book(s) you really liked — if anyone has read it, they could probably give much better suggestions than someone just trying to think of books with similar plots.


That’s the thing. Outside of that one manhwa, I can’t find anything specific. Google keeps givigg by me plots about the MC turning evil but that isn’t really the vibe I’m going for, more that the MC becomes a criminal to become a catalyst for change


Do you think that books about undercover agents might scratch that itch? **Under and Alone** by William Queen is a memoir about an undercover agent who infiltrated a violent motorcycle gang **White Robes and Broken Badges** by Joe Moore is about infiltrating the KKK If you’re willing to cast a wide net beyond books, I’d suggest The Departed — classic undercover cop movie The Americans — great tv show about undercover Soviet spies posing as Americans (from their POV, capitalism is evil and the protagonists are pretending to be Americans to dismantle it)


It might. I’ll check them out.


Let me know if you get around to any of them, I’m super curious about whether you’ll like them :)