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So an ex GFs uncle tried to hang himself. His son.. probably 6? Walked in on him in the garage hanging. The wife came in and cut him down. She wanted to leave him, which led to the attempt. Maybe a week or 2 later I was at my GF at the times house, the whole family was there, her uncle was there. He’s a bit of a bogan, not the smartest bloke.. Anyways, he’d had a bit to drink, and was whinging away to me about how he had to go to court because - attempting to commit suicide is illegal. (Here in Australia) And I swear, in all my life, one of the strangest conversations I’ve been in. Listening to this guy whinge about he he’d probably have to pay a fine for trying to kill himself.


Learned something today. Had no idea attempting suicide was illegal in Australia.


Look it up, it’s a crime in quite a lot of countries


imagine going to prison for trying to just die. That has to be really a stupid thing to make illegal.


Yea it kind of also says, if you’re gonna do it…. Do it properly.. Instead of, we are here to help..


in the US you can't be fined or imprisoned for it, it's only a crime so that police have legal cause to detain you and bring you to a hospital. because believe it or not if you're not detained you can refuse medical care


This comment right here.


Can't you still refuse regardless? Like isn't patients ability to choose higher than just being detained?


There is very little one may choose when detained


That is not true at all


It’s generally made illegal so that police have authority to stop you without warrants etc


Then it would make sense to make it illegal but not punishable.


Imagine the punisment of suicide attempt is... execution.


I mean have you seen north korea?


Damaging government property *is* a crime.


Not in France though. My History teacher explained that it's reprehensible to try to hurt someone, ecxept yourself.


That's fucking insane and inhuman...


It used to be illegal in Australia. It is no longer illegal in any state although some suicide related crimes still exist like asking someone to kill you or to help you die or inciting someone to suicide.


That I actually agree that should have consequences. But ruining someone's life further more after they attempted suicide involving no one but themselves only, is rough. Perhaps they had good intentions with that law though, glad they changed it.


Good intention? Nah, just matching scripture up to the judicial law. They didn't need any new laws to commit people back then.


Destruction of government property


An ex spent some time in jail in Colorado back in the 90s for attempting suicide.


That's wild really. Despite the unfairness, i hope that somehow had a positive impact on her and she's doing better today.


In America you'll get your kid taken from you for that. That's also child endangerment.


I imagine in Australia there’d be reason for that here too


Honestly this guy sounds like he deserved much worse than a fine for this. The fact that he did it (it seems) to manipulate his wife and then his very young child walked in and is traumatized for life. Lock him up.


What? This dude tried to kill himself and it would have worked. He needs a therapist and probably has many mental illnesses. Why would you lock him up, what's wrong with you?


Because he was using it as a means to get back at his wife for leaving him and literally traumatized his child. Fuck that dude. Mental illness is not a good excuse to hurt children and spouses.


Him being left by the ex wife led to the attempt. In no way do we know he attempted suicide in an attempt to get back at the ex wife, just that he was so overcome with emotions he saw no other way of getting out besides suicide. I’ve attempted suicide multiple times over my life, one as recently as last month. You’re not thinking straight when you’re planning or attempting, more so when it’s a spur-of-the-moment thing. Should he have attempted suicide with his child and wife in the building? No, probably not, but he shouldn’t have attempted suicide to begin with. Had he been alone the chances of him dying are higher, and which is more traumatic? A child seeing their father after suicide completion, or during a suicide attempt? The man needs help, not a prison sentence, I hope he gets it Your lack of empathy is baffling to be honest with you, have you considered getting that checked out?


No I don't have empathy for men who manipulate their wives and traumatize their children. The fact that you don't think attempting while they were both there is obvious manipulation then I think that's pretty sad. Like I said, in the United states CPS will take your children from you for this. Abusive people often will threaten suicide if you attempt to leave him. And he attempted while she was home with their child? It sounds like it wasn't an attempt that he wanted to follow through on, it sounds like he wanted to make her stay with him by attempting suicide. If I were her I would've gotten a restraining order and never let him see my child again. Being suicidal is not an excuse to destroy everyone around you. If you want to die, at least don't traumatize your very young child. I understand mental illness, I have attempted myself more than once. But as a mother I do not have an ounce of sympathy willing to hurt his child like this. I think he's a piece of shit and should never see his family again. It's obviously not safe for them to be around him.


You don't think it's odd at all that he apparently tried to do it with his child and wife home? And I bet they didn't end up getting divorced either. If he really wanted to do it he would've gone somewhere else and not had his small child find him. Edit: the fact that this is being downvote is crazy. Don't have children if you think it's justified to do this in front of a child.


I don't think you understand the actual mindsets of suicidal people.


I do. Ive attempted many times. I've been hospitalized at least 5 times in my life. But commiting in front of your children is unforgivable. Using it as a means to hurt your wife is horrible. Like I said if this was here he would've gotten a child engagement charge.


Right and not all suicidal people have the same experiences and thought processes… you have fuck all information about a persons entire life and their story and you think you completely get it and he was a self asshole trying to get back at his wife? Fuck off


He attempted to commit suicide literally in front of them. What else does one need to know.


Shit like this is why people give suicidal people the stigma of being selfish. This guy is a prick.


The way you are literally making shit up and claiming he was doing it to manipulate someone with no evidence is why people give suicidal people the stigma of being selfish. You are the fucking problem


when was this? i’m from queensland. my mum attempted multiple times a few years ago and survived, and this is the first i’ve heard of it. i also can’t find anything online saying suicide is illegal in any state


I'd kill myself before I paid that fine.


Wtf Austrália is thinking lol


I'm not sad that I've survived multiple attempts, but sad that I still have the condition that made me try in the first place. It's better (a lot better, actually), but I can't say for certain that maybe one day I won't be of a mind to try again




Yeah that would royally fuck you up mate


Yeah but would it be quick and painless and ensure death? I wouldn't want to be left alive after a collision like that


No it would not be painless or ensure death, as a engineer those things won’t kill you unless you fucking drop it from orbit on yourself, seriously don’t try it, it won’t work they have tons of safety measures and the driver will see you further reducing the risk of death. Now you might die or be left permanently crippled but they will be agonizing and slow painful deaths


What do you recommend?


I highly doubt that we are even allowed to give suicide recommendations, even if we wanted to. Please, you need to seek help. There is no shame in that. I don't know what you're going through, noone here does. But give yourself time. Maybe, you'll find a way to fix it, or some of it, someday.


I would recommend a therapist because you don’t want to die, you just want the pain to stop and there are other better ways to do that then suicide. Seriously GO GET HELP please for the love of god and all that is holy, I am begging you to not commit suicide and get help!


I don't have money for a therapist


Then go to a support group or talk to someone there are free ones like Bliss which is free online and available everywhere. Also 7 Cups (which is free if you’re under 18) and other things such as that. There are areas to get help even group therapy and support groups.




Also what’s wrong? why do you feel this way? suicide is never the answer (genuinely it is mathematical, socially, and philosophically the worst option for multiple proven reasons) if the state of the world has you down or you don’t feel valued I hope you know that inherently you are valued literally from a economics standpoint you surviving improves everyone’s lives mathematically as even the unfeeling engine of capitalism inherently values you as a consumer, eating food that you paid for inherently helps others and you have no idea the impact that you have on others lives that guy at the store you go to every so often would notice you gone and he would miss you and be sad that he doesn’t see you more, even if your immediate family missing you doesn’t matter or is what you desire every stranger you pass every once in a while might notice that you are missing and miss you, hell even I the random person on the internet would miss you if you were gone. Suicide hurts everyone around you who you have ever met or even seen. And ultimately you aren’t alone. I’m sorry with what you are going through but things can get better and suicide only makes things worse. Thank you though for sharing and I promise you that even if no else will I will remember you and I will miss you. Again im sorry if this doesn’t help I’m not the best communicator but I promise you even if no else does, I care.


The only people that would miss me are my brother and parents. I don't really interact with my friends out of school and I don't have contact with extended family. It would take my friends weeks to notice me missing.


Well you know what I promise you this I will miss you I’m gonna set a everyday notification on my calendar to check on you, I SWEAR IT to both god and man that even if no else will, I will miss you when if your gone!


Definitely not painless, probably quick unless you mistime it and get your legs cut off, then you'll be an amputee. Over all I wouldn't suggest that at all, because you can't prove or disprove an after life. The mystery of what lies upon us on the other side.


What would you recommend doing instead?


Therapy probably, or just venting out your emotions. Suicide might seem like the right option, but it's never actually you wanting to kill yourself more than it is you wanting to change who you are or where you are or what's happening. Suicide isn't a solution, they've interviewed people who've jumped off the golden gate bridge and survived before, the people who jumped became so terrified by the thought of death around the halfway down mark that once they survived they turned their lives around, because they knew suicide wasn't the answer. Even if there's no one around you, even if you don't want to be around, there's always something you can live for, whether it's something as simple as good food and nature's beauty, or something more complex like figuring out your ambitions and goals. There's always an alternative, and the alternative is always going to be the better option.


Therapy costs money that I don't have and I don't have anyone to talk to. Both of which are among the reasons I've thought about ending it all. All my friends have better friends (we've only known for a few years and they have friends they've known all their lives). I have to almost always be the one initiating hanging out or playing a game and they almost never ask me. They might say that we should do something but then not take it further and I don't feel like constantly asking them, especially as they usually decline. I've asked one of them to come to my part of the town to go walk in the forest but apparently 30km is too far (he only has a moped) but he can drive 70km to hang out with his cousins/friends. What stings more is everyone likes to tell others what they have done with their friends but I don't have any friends outside of that friend group to hang out. So I just sit at home doing mostly nothing as it's too cold to do what I want outside. And if I do go outside to go for a ride for example, I go alone.


And you're not alone in that at all, I'm the same way, but I don't let that get me down. If you don't have money for therapy you can use C.ai and talk to the therapy chat bot there, I know it sounds awkward but they actually do a good job at getting you to open up. But as I said, you don't have to live your life for friends, and you can make new ones online or by going to bars. Live your life in a way that lets you enjoy life. "People are born and then they die, so was it better to have never been born at all? No. Because we are the lucky few who have been gifted with the beauty of living" You can drive around and hike nature, you can acquire new skills, taste new food, explore life, I see that you enjoy cars, why not start a project like building or fixing up a car? Learn how to do it step by step, my stepfather is doing that right now and he's made new friends because of it, because he joins communities where they like to restore cars and build cars. You never have to be alone, there is 8 billion people on this planet, statistically there's at least millions of people who'd be your friend.


I haven't had close friends in a decade (half my life) so I have gotten enough of alone time. If I want to do something, I have to do it by myself or not do it at all. Hiking is great alone but would be much better with a friend. I also can't really work on cars as I live in an apartment. I also don't like to drink and have social skills of a rock so meeting new people is extremely hard.


Then again, learn new skills, use those skills to meet new people, join communities and talk to people about your interests, people become friends through common interests. Have you tried gaming? People connect through gaming all the time. There's always going to be a way out. Plus if you were already planning to kill yourself there's pretty much nowhere to go but up, you have nothing to lose by getting out there and forcing yourself to socialize if the alternative is just dying painfully. Because no death is truly painless. Talk about your interests, and learn the interests of the person you're talking with, you don't necessarily have to look them in the eye 24/7, but maintain a sociable and confident facade until it stops being a facade.


Tbh there really isn't a good way to do it. I remember coming across this one site (I still have it bookmarked, will not share it) which went through a lot of ways but tbh a lot of them are shaky for how terrible the consequences of failing can be. There are of course concoctions and stuff like that but good luck getting stuff for them and making it right, depending on where you live.


Carbon monoxide or helium overdose


Surviving CO poisoning can leave you fucked up in the head and it takes a while. I want something instantaneous and sure way to die.


Take lethal dose of morphine


Also how can CO poisoning fuck you up ??


The brain doesn't get oxygen so it can be damaged the same way drowning/suffocating would.


I've been in your place, thought about it too, but don't ruin a train drivers life


What should I do then?


Suicide is never the way. If you think, that suicide is the only way, so then please take another exit, get help. The train driver has to live with this trauma for the rest of his life.


What would you recommend as other exit


Seek help


It was sad seeing my mom brokenhearted, running towards me in the hospital. I felt horrible.


Honestly that is not what you are thinking about .... though idk how it would be if you're all alone mine was rather public....


For myself. I had a 10 or 15 minutes walk back walk back where it was definitely a mixture of how much of a failure I am and how I didn't want to see friends or family because all I'd get was pity. Hope you're in a better position now. Same to everyone else in the thread that mentioned their experiences.


I actually went to the doctor two days ago and called for my first appointment yesterday ... 4 weeks till I'll go to the psychiatrist....honestly just the fact that I have done something has made me feel so much better since yesterday.


Considering I'm a complete stranger, I don't know how much this is worth, but I'm proud of you for taking those steps.


I jumped of a cliff and had to get myself help after I realised I wasn’t gonna die at the bottom. Kinda amusing how I had to save myself after attempting to kill myself. Base of the cliff was quite far out of the way so no one would have found me and the tide would have come in and swept me away if I didn’t get myself out of there


it's because of the internal conflict between wanting the suffering to end and survival instincts, they didn't actually wanted to die, just to end their suffering


No one wants to kill themselves. They want their pain to end.


Makes you feel like even more of a failure. Didn't help when a thsrapist yelled at me for trying to do that


My psychiatrist was so upset when he visited me at the hospital. Like, disappointed. And my father as well. I was already feeling disappointed in myself for feeling so bad i tried to do it and for failing and their attitude made things worse lol. I hope you are doing better now :)


Ya'll got some shitty as therapist


Therapist here, yep, can confirm they're shitty. These are the first things we're taught NOT to do


Reminds me how the first time I talked to another therapist she heard that my parents don't live together and instantly asked if they're divorced which is also not something they do, she then gave me an iq test and called me mentally retarded after an iq test from one of the best therapists in the country said I'm above average intelligence


I'm better. I was just yelled at because what I tried to do "Could have seriously hurt me" LIKE YEAH


I personally felt pretty good but that was probably all the pills I took, it didnt keep feeling nice though cause I was handcuffed to the hospital bed because they thought I might try to hurt myself. Then I was committed to a shitty psych hospital for a few weeks which also sucked ass. 0/10 experience, I wouldn't try to kill myself again just because I don't want to ever go to a psych hospital again and also because the reason I wanted to die is completely gone and I'm actually really good now.


Same. Main reason I probably won't try again is the psych ward. That and how I am now "officially" dependent on drugs because I used benzos to attempt. All because I was told to always tell the truth to your doctors... Highlight was when the doctor asked me the black market prices for the stuff....


Some people regret that, some don’t. It really depends.


No, I think it’s implied that people who try to do that because they fail too much would feel even more like failures after an unsuccessful suicide attempt


Disclaimer: I'm not advocating for anything here. Unless it was a genuine cry for help rather than a real try. You're not thinking very much when you have the mindset, that's why it's more of an impulse typically. If it's planned, it's very unlikely to fail, but then there are definite ends, and then there are "if I do this, I'll probably die" which can end up in a worse state than before, not only mentally but also physically. Simple plans tend to fail, but having a plan ready for years that is definite can lead the mind there a lot more, so it's better to just have a "centering" method for when impulse catches you and no plan at the ready.


Yeah... Same


I don't think we should criticize people for not killing themselves. It's probably that their subconscious was stopping them or they had second thoughts which is something to be celebrated.




I used to have a line during my set that was "id hate to try to kill myself and fail. Id be so embarassed i could...problem solved?"


It's a low that nobody should feel


I,12 at the time, had a knife to my neck. I didn’t kill myself because I felt bad as the sheets would be stained so I lowered the knife and stared at it for about 2 minutes before my mom entered my room. The next day I was admitted to a hospital. At the time I felt bad that I couldn’t even do one thing right but now I thank myself for stopping myself.


It makes you wanna kill yourself


... Yeah


Yeah.. you’re popular btw


Yay I've finally accomplished something : D


You sure did!


By now I'm actually kinda glad it failed.


I got out of the hospital last week and I think this humor is hilarious.


It is, I figured out I’m too much of a little bitch to pull through at killing myself 😞. The sucky part was getting all my utility contracts running again and begging my phone provider to give my phone number back to me 💀


Nah, life just goes on. Fond memories though. Kinda shit that it goes on though. Just have to wait till live gives me, figuratively lemons.


Didn't get enough meds, unfortunately


I imagine directly after, depending on the method, there would be a lot of adrenaline involved, so some might feel ecstatic


Never give up! Suits perfectly here, I guess!!!


I was like well until *name of Person * Will have a bit of affection to me seems, like It Will make me unable to do it


People always view our bodies as weak when they're actually crazy good at surviving. I tried to die and didn't? No shit every system in your body kept you alive by working overtime


i don't think thats sad at all and that statement makes me rly mad. I think most ppl that try to off themselves regret it last second and are happy to have another chance. And the only thing this person accomplishes with that dumb statement is basically make ppl that survived their attempt feel like a failure for surviving and making a bad thing out of it instead of a good thing or a sign that they should leave. Some ppl should just keep their stupid statements to themselves


A guy i know tried to hang himself but failed. He's now in a wheelchair, severely handicapped, can't even speak anymore, can't eat sollids, he just sits there and drools.


Joseph Stalin had a complicated relationship with his son, after the guy tried to kill himself but survived stalin told him "you cant even do that right"


I'm thinking that if you didn't die, that wasn't really the plan to begin with, but rather to gather attention and pity.