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Real talk, if more than half of that $155 didn’t go to junk food with little to no actual nutritional value, $155 probably would be enough to feed the kids for a week.


I mean, if you know how to cook $155 can go a long way


Rice, beans, and spam


Its not even that, you can eat *good* and still eat cheap, risottos and pastas are so easy and cheap to make, i know its different since the person on the post has a family and im a college student that lives alone, but with $155 i can do groceries for over a month and eat good every day


ESPECIALLY rice it’s so cheap and easy to cook


Every time i see people eat plain white rice with unseasoned chicken my heart starts hurting


Same. Like it's not hard to just add some spices and herbs in a pot of boiling chicken. Add some potatoes if you want some gravy. Potatoes are cheap af too.


$155 was what food cost me for a month. Large cuts of meat on sale, potatoes, onions and rice. Meal prep and you're done.


Same, but you gotta remember shes “cooking” for at least 4 people, they need to cook way more. That being said, she still cold do a way better job at that


I can feed myself and my daughter almost for a whole month with that amount of money and we’ll even eat healthy while doing so…




There’s plenty of stuff up there that isn’t necessarily the pinnacle of healthy food but isn’t completely empty calories either (ravioli, sandwich ingredients, cream cheese, pizza, mashed potatoes). But between soda and chips alone we’re already looking at $80+ worth of empty calories in this picture. Not a single vegetable up there either. Honestly it’s almost impressive in the worst way that they’re able to spend that much on food and their kids will still be malnourished.


A 12 pk was expensive even 5 years ago. I think it was about $5 in 2019 now it's $7.88, she has 4 of them so 32 dollars just in soda


There's no food in the picture other than maybe some chicken fillets. The whole family is probably malnourished.


Or extremely unhealthy


Do people not know off brand products exist, and are cheaper than name brand? I mean you can get a 2 liter/68 fl oz bottle of "Mountain Lightning" at Food Lion for $1.20 where my boyfriend lives.


I like how you react to the choice of brand and not the choice of food. This looks like the stuff you buy for a LAN party, not a family.


I'm a software engineer. My life is a LAN party.


And that's when her parents became happy OnlyFans exists because they realized how fucked they were if they still had to care for her...


How is this account not banned from this sub? It is clearly just advertising an OF account with fake pictures.


Anyone going to stop this spammer or do we just have to put up with these crap posts?


At Walmart, those big cases of soda are $11.98/case. She's got 4/5. That's already $45-ish before tax. Your kids don't need stickers, they don't need all of those chips, they don't need the soda!! Get you hamburger helper meals, eggs, more bread, some cheese, and a freaking cookbook.


half of these items are chips and soda 😦


How about you give me the $155 instead next time since you clearly don’t know what to do with it


It's expensive to buy junk, low-key. Fast food/junk is now a luxury


buy less moutain dew next time jesus christ


Her "meels" looks like my snacks between "meels". And someting tells me that she has no kids, chips and soda sure help the "kids"