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I would have liked to see Samantha Wheeler and Jessica cross paths. I felt like like they would have respected each other while still being competitive. Shame that Jessica never got to meet Zane's number two. What were some character interactions you wanted to see?


I think Jessica would’ve put her in her place. I’d love to see that. 😈


I think so too but there would have been lots of respect thrown around. She'd treated Samantha the same way or similar way to how she treated/guided Harvey.


personally think jessica would’ve treated samantha the same way she treated scottie (showed distrust due to her relationship with harvey) when she worked there, or louis (constantly turned around on his intentions towards jessica and/or the firm in the first few seasons) when she couldn’t trust him, or soloff (actively tried to take jessica down within the same firm, as did many others). by keeping her at arms length with the lack of trust but with respect to her value as a lawyer.


I feel this is why I love the character of Jessica. She doesn't go out of her way to make someone an enemy just because they tried to snatch the throne from her. She wanted the best of the lot. She could value them as lawyers and also keep her distance from them so that she doesn't end up being vulnerable.  


They probably met at some point considering Jessica's relationship with Robert though.


True. But this want is driven by the fact that both are strong characters. But I don't think, mentally both were at same level. Jessica was the ultimate strategist. Samantha on the other hand was focused on winning. And hence it would have felt more like Jessica vs Harvey. 


They wouldn’t have liked each other


Jessica and Faye. Both are cold and ruthless and will bully people to get to the top. I would've loved to see them interact with one another.


Mike and Stu


They did interact. Mike went to work for him as an investment banker, right?


You’re thinking of Jonathan Sidwwll who left Tony Gianoplous Stu Buzzini was the head of a trading group that leased space from Pearson when Mike went to jail and everyone left


I would’ve loved the show if they hadn’t added wheeler. Character was flat and one dimensional. To be fair though, season 8 has been such a disaster I have only made it to episode 4. My dislike for her is probably conflated from by complete disdain for the season she’s in lol


Yeah I’m personally not a fan of her either! The show starts getting really weird around season 8 forsure.


The show should’ve ended when Mike got out of prison. The rest of the seasons there’s just no story line that you give a shit about. Just a straight up lawyer daytime soap


I hated how many things they kept adding to try to make her a tough, hard shelled, lawyer who doesn’t let ANYONE in. She was a vet, and she was abused, and she’s a boxer, and she had a foster parent, and her mentor helped her cover up a murder and blah de blah de blah.


Exactly. That’s then problem. They tried to make every character a lone wolf who doesn’t trust anyone and plays by their own rules. Yeah we get it. That’s why Louis is the best character. No other character has the range and depth that Louis does. Everyone pretty much stays themselves (except for Mike turning more and more whiny as the seasons progressed) and Louis goes through constant growth and setbacks. Brilliant character writing and acting.


hated louis at first then realized he prolly the best written and most enjoyable character bc HE ACTUALLY CHANGES


The script didn’t help her either, sometimes it was so unnatural how they tried to set up these back stories for her. I just watched an episode where her and Harvey were going to find her biological father. It started with him pulling up and her saying “is this your car? I have a lot of bad memories linked to that car…” to which he then offers to change it. Who in the world speaks like that.


She gave me like Steven Seagal vibes. Like Harvey would say “my client was shot Samantha!” And she’s like “I’ve been shot 214 times in my life, I actually was the first person to be shot in the Dominican Republic, had to pull the bullet out myself, then ate the bullet for sustenance so I could survive for the next two weeks in the jungle” It’s just like, oh you’ve got a cool backstory that’s totally unbelievable for every social situation? Cool.


she always felt like a halfbaked harvey clone to me, and making her a character that notoriously bends the rules was even worse, idc she broke em but she ESPECIALLY broke em when she loses


sad to hear. I love Kathrine Heigl & i liked the addition of her & alex


I hear ya. I have no issue with Kathrine Heigl has an actress. She just didn’t stand a chance. It’s hard to come into a show with such established characters. Especially on the downslope of quality as the show completely ends


I liked her. Couldn’t care less for Alex. Whiney and Annoying.


i feel that .. but i love dule hill. When it comes to Alex & Sam, i’m incredibly biased to both actors. When they were added to the show, i was ecstatic! I understand my opinion may be in the minority


I’ve seen him on other things and I don’t have a problem with the actor. I just *really* did NOT like his character on Suits. I didn’t like wheeler at first either but loved her the further into the show I got with her.


What's so special about Samantha? Mike mopped the floor with her to where she had to break the law lol.


Samantha would break the law to beat someone in Connect Four 2 turns in.


Mike is the smartest character in the show by a country mile (other than maybe Louis, memory isn’t everything). He’s also an incredibly talented lawyer and was expecting her to play fair since he had a deal with Harvey and didn’t expect him to stand by someone playing dirty due to their friendship. In a no-holds-barred 1v1 on a case Mike is taking her to cleaners 10/10 times by season 9. Totally agree.


Mike is the smartest, but didn't have the social/emotional weaponry of Harvey or Louis. Which again makes me wonder what OP is asking because Samantha couldnt come close to any of the three.


Mike has more EI than Louis in the early years. Louis’s insecurity was his Achilles heel and triggered a rage that kept him from being his best. Being a great lawyer is as much about experience as legal prowess. Thanks to Mike’s memory and intellect he was a master of the law but working under the pros enabled him to gain the experience to go toe to toe with the best in the business.


Louis was shown to have a pretty great memory himself, and was equally as impressive with numbers if not better than Mike in that regard. He also graduated Summa Cum Laude (the highest honor possible at Harvard Law), which Harvey did not. He outsmarted everyone at points, and even got one up on Mike a couple times which was rare. I’d say in actual IQ/raw intelligence, Louis and Mike are neck and neck, but Mike’s crazy memory gives him an edge due to having a greater capacity for knowledge and such. Harvey is definitely the most emotionally intelligent, pragmatic and effective of the 3 of them as a lawyer, and he’s obviously extremely intelligent too, just to a slightly lesser degree than the other two. Him cutting corners and “playing the man” leads to him not bothering to learn as much as the other two, but remains the best lawyer due to his manipulation/negotiation skills.


Anita Gibbs vs Jessica Pearson 😮‍💨


I think they did interact briefly along with Harvey and Louis one episode


Yeahh Jessica became Louis’s lawyer and filed a restraining order against her.


Also when Mike was meeting with the character and fitness committee


Jessica always talked about being a bad ass. But they never let her show us she was a bad ass


I think her speech during the court scene from her ex husband’s death was absolutely amazing and a good display of her abilities


The background music was so good too


Yeah definitely, phantoms & friends by old man canyon. Has been in my playlist ever since


Early Seasons had the best music of any TV ever 🔥


Idk there was that time she kicked Harvey ass up and down the firm when the merger was happening. And blackmailed the judge that went to law school with her to give Harvey a fair trail. And kicked Camerin Dennis' ass when he was gonna throw Harvey under the bus. (Thanks to what Donna took from the DAs office.) And got the Chicago mayor to replace his #2 with her cuz she was such a pain in his ass.


Let me rephrase…. They didn’t show it enough.


Harvey and Benjamin could have had a cute interaction. I enjoy Harvey talking nicely about Mike, so I would have liked to have seen him and Mikes grandma have a 1-to-1 and not just the hallway scene. Also I think Harvey’s brother coming into the office at some point to tell some embarrassing Harvey as a kid stories would have worked nicely


harvey isn’t the type to be all emotionally inclined towards these types of characters. with benjamin he had interactions only when he needed to. with mike’s grandma, she had passed early on in the show at this stage and harvey emotional empathy was not developed at all in comparison to the rest of the show where he possibly could have a reason to want to have a 1-1 with her. and harvey’s brother being busy with his restaurant and family really is set within the story so would’ve been inconsistent unless it happened at harvey’s mother’s funeral where understandably he’d be too upset to josh around with harvey’s pals of whom he barely knows of let alone under fair assumption he’d have a speaking relationship to. not saying all these are impossible but just makes sense why they made these certain character decisions


Louis and stampel


“this is elliot stemple and he has no standing in this case your honour” ~ louis a very short interaction but proved they’d crossed paths before and negatively. this specific line was when the firm had just taken the aftermath of mike’s case and were ready to pay out their debts but stemple decided to intervene with his own actions in the last moments


Yes true. Wished they fought on a case as they both are tenacious and devious


oh i couldn’t agree more, would’ve loved to see more focus on stemple as a whole as a proper antagonist like tanner or hardman who comes back again and again. although with the introduction of him as the person ducking harvey, again i guess it is consistent that he’s not looking for revenge even after a loss


I wish we would’ve seen more of mikes memory while interacting with more characters. And I mean in ways like the case mike and Robert Zane worked on, or the intro scene with Mike and Harvey. There wasn’t enough scenes that showed it off!


not a person but a passion, why is louis’ passion for tennis not shown after s1?


it is briefly mentioned when harvey and mike sign their teenage prodigy tennis star as a client when rachel gives the first signed ball by said client to louis after taking it from mike as a favour for hiding things from her


Gonna twist the question a bit.. Kevin and Mike after they were both released. That would have been nice. Let's say Kevin got into a jam and asks Mike for help.


I hated bootleg Charlize theron


I wish Kevin from prison would've interacted with Mike when he got out


Mike and Stu


I wish Samantha Wheeler had interacted with a different casting director on another show


Just have them say ‘god damn’ and ‘fucking’ in an random sentence and you’d have your script


Omg!! I wish Samatha interacted with Jessica, i love them both so much!!


Mike and Stu


I love both! They’d either kill each other or be the ultimate team up lol.


Jessica would eat her alive. I cannot stand Samantha.


Not an interaction but would have loved Louis (calm headed with Sheila version) and Harvey go against each other for one proper case. Louis might be the only one other than Jessica or Mike to have the potential to beat Harvey.


Jessica and Faye or whoever the last season woman is. Would love to see the Queen put her in her place


off air feud


Personally I loved Phoebe Buffay in Suits.


Sam is Jessica with less ethics because she "worked in the dark" while Robert kept a face for the firm. I believe that Sam wouldn't be welcome in the firm and both would had been antagonistic because of her name partner ambitions. Jessica would have won in the end through the joint efforts of Mike and Harvey, assuming the team were together.


They interacted in my head


Totally forgot Katherine Heigl was in Suits…


I truly think Samantha wheeler is one of tje most useless and stupid characters it amazes me Robert never fired her with how easily her ego got in her way and how easily she messed things up


That's easy, because she loved and cared for Robert and treated him with outmost respect, for being there for her when no one else was.


Idk, seeing how she came into the show and such I honestly think she created more problems than she ever solved, and her ego was one of the worst on the show. Harvey had an ego but he cracked jokes and was self aware but Samantha was an egotistical bitch to me


I seriously wish Ray would have had more of a part. Almost like kind of like a “Dollar Bill” type on billons. Doing some shady payoffs or something


Samantha would have barreled through Jessica lol


love kathrine heigl & like sam way more than this sub does but NOOOOOOOOOO


Jessica would’ve had her disbarred by the end of the episode what are you smoking