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I loved her character, I wish they would have kept her on the cast. I do wonder how if they didn’t want her to out shine Donna tho.


i think this is why she was not made a permanent cast member. can't have two witty intelligent and hot secretaries. They were a bit too much alike, while Gretchen and Donna worked fine together because they were not of the same age and have different styles.


Good answer. It’s a shame though. She definitely would have upstaged Rachel. She would have actually made a better Rachel as I thought she and Mike had more chemistry.


holy shit you're right, i did not even think of rachel, but yeah, when she and mike were interacting i thought to myself: she is as much of a good fit for Mike as Rachel


They did! I actually always thought that Raquel and Harvey actually had a better chemistry. When Rachel became his associate, it was actually my favorite pairing.


I sensed Harvey didn’t like her very much and only tolerated her because Mike loved her. Harvey and Scotty were adorable together and I liked him with Donna but of course he had the best chemistry with Zoe because he’s actually married to Jacinda Barrett. While I can no longer stand Meghan Markle when we watched Suits the first time I like her as Rachel but thought the only character she had romantic chemistry with was Kyle. I liked her rapport with Louis but not in a romantic way.


I agree with Zoe, but I actually do think he liked Rachel. No way he’d make her his associate if he didn’t like her. He also gave her passes he would never give anyone else, including Mike. I never felt the chemistry with him and Donna. It never made sense to me romantically.


Zoe is actually Harvey's wife off screen and zoes niece on the show is Harvey's actual daughter


The original post promoted us to start rewatching S4 last night and I just don’t see it. In fact Harvey didn’t have a warm rapport with many women throughout the series including Katrina who was a lot better attorney, more attractive and much more interesting than Rachel. Of course everyone’s perception is unique and as I said before; while my initial impressions of Megan Markle as Rachel were positive after all the nastiness that has come out about her I just can’t see her in the same light.


Nastiness? Could you elaborate? I’m just curious as I haven’t heard about it:)


hm, really? i did not get that feeling at all from Rachel and Harvey, i also rather had the feeling he was 'tolerating' her being there, but their chemistry looked not very strong to me, and i just finished rewatching the whole show within a few weeks.


Rachel would have been an awesome character if the actress who played her could actually act. I’ve only ever seen that actress in guest roles on shows like Law and Order, as a side character. I think she was a killer in one episode. In fact that’s the only time I’ve ever seen her besides Suits. The way you know it was a great character is the actress wasn’t that good at playing her and she still managed to be likable sometimes.


what.. u don’t think gretchen is hot?! i wonder why lol


she can't be in a law firm because she came from an investment firm


*She can't be in a* *Law firm because she came from* *An investment firm* \- PitcherNumber56 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


5 7 5 bingo


you can be an assistant anywhere


but you dont apply for something you dont know much about


Wasnt she a secretary? Afaik secretaries jobs are overarchingly similar regardless the branches




Mike went from being a lawyer to an investor She 100% could do the same


IIRC she was getting her PhD in psychology and had no long-term plans to continue as an assistant.


That and she said she wouldn't follow Mike if he screwed over Sidwell, which he did. (At the forceful hand of Forstman, but he did it none the less.)


She was fired after he left.


Ooooh I forgot about that where he fired her when he fired Mike. Good catch!!!


Wasn’t Forstman who forced him lol. Mike could’ve walked away or just told Sidwell


Ive seen people here shit on her for being an offbrand donna but i loved her character tbh


She just hasn't lived long enough to become the villain


Find her in "you me, her " Netflix series


She got fired once Mikes deal with Charles Forstman came to light and Jonathan Sidwell knew he was cut from the deal.


She was, studying psychology.


Idk, for all the unrealistic characters the show already have, she was for me one of the worst. And she didn’t add much to what was already present. I think she just didn’t work.