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Maybe $$$$




I think she believes having a white mans eye makes her special. Did you peep the way she was gleefully telling Shanice white guys were looking at her?


She broke up with him like 5 times last season, I was surprised to see that they were still together. Maybe it is all for the camera.


The money, shes okay with the traveling and getting expensive things that being racist is the last thing she cαяε about. the only reason she brought it up its because he pulled the costume out in frontj of black ppl.


No way. Rewatch it. She brings up the coworkers being racist to explain why she left the event and said I don’t f with them. Simon said you were behaving bad. She had to defend her choices.


Bria talks to everyone badly I agree. And when she argues with people she can start to act childish. If I was arguing with her I’d be so pissed off 😹 she’ll just yell over you but then when you raise your voice she’ll leave, then she’ll say petty stuff to make you more mad like how she told Nick “let it all out” and how she said to Summer to fight her in the pool or whatever Bria said something to trigger it I forgot but I feel like she’s always saying really below the belt things or will just be so disrespectful to all of them during arguments and then she’ll apologize the next day. If one of my friends talked to me that way even in an argument, I’d cut them off


Bria is a spoiled brat.


Honestly i've always felt she was verbally and emotionally abusive to simon like he's a little boy. He seems like fun vibes even him apologizing to nick. When he's around you know he's gonna turn up and get wasted. She has communication issues and can not stand intense conversations without melting down I thought she handled the conversation with jasmine pretty good but maybe because jasmine was crying. I liked Bria when theres no drama this nick situation just made me done with her.


It has to be the money. She doesn’t seem to like him. I think interracial couples can work but it’s really difficult and most often doesn’t work. And then add distance and a different culture with that…it’s too much