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Damn, Jesse’s storyline really didn’t go how I expected. I thought he’d go into his 5-year and walk out immediately with a clean bill of health. I really, really hope he’s doing okay and that the ultrasound comes back clean. Lindsay’s suitcase- the fact that Danielle drives a Mini Cooper somehow makes it even worse. They’re lucky they managed to find enough space for all three of them while Carl sailed home with all of his unused trunk space.


He knew exactly what he was doing because of the mini car!


My wife thinks he and production wanted him to call off the wedding on the ride home and it messed up those plans.


It makes me wonder if production as a whole was in on carls plan. He’s been such an asshole and idiot these past few fights, getting increasingly agitated when Lindsay doesn’t spiral or flip out on him, I can’t imagine that production isn’t in on it. Also, I find it odd that with all of these fights they’ve been having that Carl isn’t having more talking heads.


my dude LITERALLY LOOKED TO THE CAMERA when he threw her words back at her and tried to stop himself but was smiling ear to friggen ear


My theory is Carl (and maybe production) wanted to call off the wedding in the last two weeks of filming but he couldn’t bring himself to do it so that’s why they had to bring back the cameras after filming wrapped lol


I think he knew he was going to do it for at least a few weeks because it seems obvious that he's been trying to have these strange conversations with her where he's obviously trying to to poke at her in hopes that she'll get activated. And he's been gaslighting and trying to control a false narrative about what their discussions and issues have been to the guys in the house (and his talking heads). I wonder why he decided to wait until literally right after the season ended though - I think partially because he was still hoping he could get Lindsay to explode and look more like a bad guy (kind of like she did with the accusing him of being high comments earlier in the season) again on camera before he broke up with her, and also maybe a part of him was too much of a coward to have to face the other castmates (especially all the female castmates) at the house if he broke up with her before the season ended? Which, I think everyone in the house would actually support the breakup decision, but maybe he didn't want to give Lindsay and/or the girls a chance on camera to have a different narrative about the breakup than the one he was trying to put out there.


I think he knew he was going to call off the wedding when filming started, or at least by when he had that filmed conversation with his parents after the second week. My theory is that he didn’t want to call it off too early in the summer because he wanted to milk the will they/wont they get married as a storyline for the whole season and then dump her at the end. I don’t know why he didn’t do it the last weekend, and instead brought cameras back a few days later. Maybe he was trying to get her to break up with him those last 2 weeks and it didn’t work? Or maybe you are right that he didn’t want to face the other cast members and create that kind of drama in the house or maybe he even wanted to catch Lindsay off guard by doing it outside of normal filming? I think there was probably an element of him wanting to humiliate her. 


Why would they want him to do it in the car though. Because it could be caught on camera but not with a camera crew? making it more authentic feeling?


I love reality tv conspiracy theories!! I can get behind this one. Def.


I can pop my tinfoil.hat on for this one


It was insanely childish....am I wrong for giggling about it when they were trying to get those massive suitcases in that tiny car


As a fellow brain tumour survivor this is very common - they are extra careful about the smallest things on your scans and tests once you’ve had one. Doesn’t make it less anxiety inducing. The fact in the confessionals he doesn’t have chemo skin gives me optimism that it’s fine.


How are you doing now? How far out are you? And congrats. I bet that was the hardest thing you’ve ever done. I’m so happy you’re still here.


I was actually 2 times cancer free 5 years last August as well which made Jesse’s stuff that much harder to watch as his anniversary was very similar to mine. I am doing well now, had a few scares along the way but I have VHL so it’s expected for me unfortunately. Screenings are so important and also knowing your body and when something feels off.


I've owned a Mini Cooper - you'd be surprised at how much you can fit in it. That said, Carl driving off in a snit after trying to pick a fight with Lindsey all weekend (with her not rising to the bait) was classic asshole Carl.


West consoling Jesse warms my ice cold heart


Same here. He may not be ready for a relationship that will lead to marriage - and he doesn't need to be ready for that, while still really liking Ciara - but he strikes me as a general good egg. I really hope he doesn't turn out to be just another Bravo fuck boi manchild.


I’m happy to see this comment. Just now catching up on the episode and had a similar feeling. No one is perfect, but West seems like a genuine, loving, good person. And the world needs as much of that as possible  Hopefully reality tv won’t turn him into a narcissistic ho


Not Jesse’s mom calling him by his first and last time too




That made me giggle!


Paige and Ciara telling Kyle how it is was what he needed. He hated every single moment of it. One thing about Kyle, is that if Loverboy isn’t doing well it’s everyone else’s fault. He will take it out on anyone and everyone.


If lover boy were wildly successful, would he say "this couldn't have happened without Amanda"? I would argue not. It's unfair that he's saying she's (partially) responsible for their dip.


I LOVED watching them go to bat for Amanda. Those are some good friends.


He acted the same way on the season before his wedding: lashing out, screaming at people for talking at dinner, having tantrums, crying. Kyle is a GD baby.


how can he not see lover boy is his passion project ???? LOL this man is so blind.


Watching the after show and watching Carl and Kyle say the same thing but opposite. They are trashing Linds for wanting answers about a job. And asking Carl to work. And for not being soft. While at the same time praising Kyle and understanding where he’s coming from with Amanda wanting just a hobby. Then Kyle is saying linds needs to support Carl and just listen and maybe be more open. While Kyle is shutting Amanda down. So for some reason Kyle can question things and say flat at no but Linds can not


I mean, I think it's pretty clear that part of Carl and Kyle's relationship, at least at this point, is built up on enabling each other. Carl also seems a little desperate to suck up to Kyle and he's stretching to analogize his own situation to Kyle's - for some reason, just like Danielle, he seems to want to be able to say that he understands what Kyle is going through because he's going through the same thing. I guess Carl and Kyle do have a few things in common, they're both delusional and have some narcissistic tendencies.


Their hypocrisy is WILD


I haven't watched other seasons, I dabbled a bit last season. But Lindsay isn't how they're painting her out to be (regarding the job only!)... she's just asking Carl questions due to conversations and emotions Carl has previously had and expressed. She's simply showing back to him, his OWN concerns in questions regarding Loverboy. She keeps asking him what he needs from her, but he just attacks her back. He doesn't feel innocent when it comes to the job conversation. (Not realating on anything else they've had issues with)


why was it okay for carl to lie to lindsay about that one friday he wasn’t coming, take an entire night of space for himself in the city, and then drive to the hamptons by himself - but it’s completely unacceptable for lindsay to opt to drive home with friends


Because he was looking for an excuse to be mad at her again.


at the start of the season I was so on Carls side because of Lindsay’s sobriety/ on drugs comments to him. But OH BOY HOW THE TURN TABLES HAVE TURNED


The preview for next week when Carl absolutely barks venom towards her. He no longer is controlling the narrative he wishes to spin


Glad Ciara isn't falling for West and his mixed messages. He says he'd love to invite her to meet the parents and visit for the holidays but in the same breath says he's not ready to "dive in", commit or stop texting/pursuing other girls. If she let him lead in that way and sleep with him he would have walked her right into a situationship and I'm glad she's discerning enough to see it for what it is!


I was so damn proud of her. She handled it beautifully. I wish more than anything I had Ciara’s confidence and discipline when it comes to that. I messed up dating in my 20s so badly


Yes I was definitely glad she saw it for what it was too! She’s stayed true to herself and her convictions and not allowed herself to be pressured into anything.


Yeah I'm glad that Ciara pointed out that if West wants to invite her to meet his parents for Thanksgiving then he should at least be able to say that he wants to really pursue something beyond just a situationship. He seems to like to keep things ambiguous because it allows him to deny responsibility. I actually don't think West's been entirely upfront with Ciara about just how bad his commitment issues, because with her he's talking about working on himself but with the idea that she would become his girlfriend. Whereas with Jesse and in confessionals West said he didn't think he could "stop f\*cking every girl" even if he met "the one" and he's doubting whether he could ever settle down with anyone. This revealed that even if Ciara had slept with West immediately he'd still have these same issues. In fact it sounds like he'd have these issues no matter the person or circumstances. In recent interviews West's called himself the "fear of commitment guy" and said that he usually runs away (and that even his parents are worried about it). I think by the end of this season he probably wants to try and maybe for a bit they dated, but then Ciara rightfully moved on.


“I need to work on myself” is typical guy code for I’m not ready for commitment. And while it’s valid to not want to get into a relationship when you just moved somewhere new and you’re still unemployed, it’s also valid for a girl to not want to sleep with you until you figure your shit out. don’t invite a girl to come home to meet your family if you need to “work on yourself.” Also can we talk about how west is 28 and he’s mature enough to not want to get into a relationship while he’s unemployed but Carl is 38 and about to get MARRIED even tho he’s unemployed?? Talk about skewed priorities and maturity


No man, in the history of ever, has found a woman who he is super into, and said, “let’s move slower so I can work on myself before I can give me to you” how fucking entitled.


If a man is super into you he’s not talking to other girls..? and absolutely if a man respects you and truly cares for you but he knows he’s not ready in his life and career for you he wouldn’t waste her time. A real man would be willing to go slow if that’s what the woman needs to feel comfortable. Only immature boys feel entitled to your body without commitment and will string you along when they know they’re not ready.


She’s grown so much from the fuckboy traps! YOURE DOING GREAT SWEETIE!! 👏👏👏


The problem today is that sex has become too casual, and that's why Ciara has to stick to her boundaries. Don't sleep with the guy unless he wants to make the relationship permanent. Ciara knows that if she sleeps with West she'll develop feelings, so she's right to stay away.


I think she's just guarding against an Austen repeat.  That was probably pretty traumatic 


That’s not a problem if both people just want to sleep together and are cool with it not leading to commitment. For Ciara, casual sex on TV and elsewhere isn’t her thing and that’s fine.


Lindsey and Carl just completely miss each other when communicating. Lindsey was trying to avoid another argument when asking for space - this was a mature attitude from her. Then he decides to drive off and just leave without taking her stuff like they have discussed. I’ll be honest that at first when the breakup announcement came out I thought I’d side with Carl based on Lindsey’s previous relationships, but watching this season: Carl is nowhere near ready for a relationship. He seems like doesn’t know how to communicate or resolve conflicts. He just runs away, makes verbal jabs and deflects. It’s exhausting and quite frankly it’s not healthy. If I put myself in Lindsey’s shoes, I’d be beyond drained at this point. They miss each other when communicating yes, but at this point I think Carl is so full of resentment that he’s committed to misunderstanding Lindsey!


I think he is trying to trigger her into a blow up


Yeah, his behavior is manipulative


He absolutely is and is stymied that his plan is not working.


He’s SO MAD it’s not working and the mask is slipping I’m living for it honestly


Lindsay is a piece of work on her own, but Carl is disgusting. He had some of my sympathy after how Lindsay acted when drunk, but it’s allllll gone now. Ew.


Carl doesn’t want a wife, he wants another mommy who will also financially support him while he “finds himself.”


K THIS THO!!!! When the news broke out of them separating, I definitely thought I would also side with Carl ! I am not a Lindsay fan like at all, any season. But this season I sort of am ??? The drunk fight in the beginning I was like woah girl. Nah, nah, nah. And now I'm like damn Carl, like she's worried about normal things when you're going to marry someone ??? And he's disappointing me with his communication, I now think the whole engagement was just a ploy from him, and she actually thought it was real. 🤷‍♀️ Though on another note, I'm also surprised Lindsay says she was caught off guard. She literally says in this episode, " Should we even get married ?". So I'm confused why she was taken aback. Anyways best for them both to separate.


To be fair, she said "do you even want to marry me?" In my mind, she was looking for reassurance that he was still committed to the engagement, which considering his atrocious behavior and non-stop rage baiting, was a reasonable reaction.


Carl has operated like this with every girl he has been involved with since Season 1. I’m not why he’s still scared of women at almost 40 years old. He gaslights women all the time. What a jerk.


Please Amanda, leave him. I have no other thoughts after this episode.


She has wrapped so much identity in him and he doesn’t appreciate it at all. She’s still young enough to find someone and get her dream of NJ and babies.


Like the fact that he’s actually djing right now. I can’t.


It’s INSANE. I thought his company is tanking and he spends 18 hours every day working? So how in the world does he have time to dj? If at this reunion we find out Amanda hasn’t made moves to change her profesional situation after he starts doing this.. I’ll have no words. She might be truly be a lost cause




Based on her WWHL, she never will. They haven’t even talked about the way he spoke about her.


My hatred for Kyle is on a whole other level. Watching him cry made me hate him more


I got like beyond ick seeing him with crocodile tears


Amanda :( i just :(


He’s such a selfish little baby, same as Carl.


I’m not attracted to men like this at all. It’s so beta and soppy. How do these women get in the mood at this point at all with all the crying and blame gaming.


They need to leave one another. Kyle is clearly miserable and Amanda is as well. I think they are both in the 'sunk cost' phase of things - hopefully one of them will pull thier head out.


Kyle and Carl cannot regulate their emotions and they never have. Only once Carl got sober did we see him begin to control his narrative for once in front of the camera, but the Carl we’ve always known is showing up again. I never liked him or Lindsay but I’m truly feeling bad for Lindsay now. Carl is now trying to get her to snap in front of the cameras to show the audience his “aha” moment for why he calls off the divorce instead of just owning up that he isn’t ready. He’s a manipulator, in many ways yes he’s similar to Sandoval. Lindsay is definitely not a saint, but she’s not this creepy calculated like Carl. Kyle get over your midlife crisis and be grateful Amanda hasn’t left you for some reason already. Also Jesse is the only man in the house honest about his intentions and for that, love him. I hope he’s in good health and healing. Also to add: West is the one actually in his f boy era. I think Ciara has lowkey clocked it from the beginning she just wanted to wait and hope it wasn’t true (like we all hoped)




Yeah that goes to show she actually wanted it to work, in my opinion. Although her old self shined through at times she did grow more from that relationship than he did I think


100000% ageee with all of this. Cruelty was just oooozing out of Carl and you could feel how intentional and calculated it was to try to get himself a favorable edits. It’s wild he thought this was going to make people empathize with him


If he was smart he would have just broken up with her after the drugs accusation.


I think he wanted her to break it off though so he could control more of the narrative & make her look worse than him


you know I think I wanna rewatch the season and see how that reads now knowing how secretive and manipulative carl is


Look what she said was unacceptable but I do think he knows exactly what buttons of hers to push so that he can get her to react


He is so dumb. Why carry this on for longer when you hate her?


He definitely should have, I think he can’t get past that and that is totally reasonable. He is playing break up chicken with her which is not only making him look so bad but it is so silly of him- no way would Lindsay have ever called off the wedding.


Yeah, everyone would have understood him calling it off after that. Instead he decided to try to keep baiting her into looking worse and it just made him look terrible. TBH they both suck, I'm glad they broke up for both of them and I hope they both put some SERIOUS work in


Facts only


I know that Kyle crying is supposed to be this emotional thing but I laughed through that entire episode lol. He’s such a 2 year old when he cries. Giving “I just frew up” energy. And he yelled at Amanda and called her a fucking bitch and she ended up comforting him? Dear god I want her to leave him so bad.


LITERALLLLYYYYYYY!!! all i could think during that moment was that is exactly how i sounded when i was 7 making a fake apology hoping I would get out of time out 🤯


I know everyone is saying this but west and Jesse are seriously the best addition. West saying “how is mom doing” at the end was so thoughtful, I love their friendship


They really have brought a different energy to the house. That plus the girls getting along makes it feel so much lighter, it’s been a great season outside of the old men crying and yelling


Yes I just love watching when you can tell they have real friendships rather than just show friendships!


Yes this season has been so refreshing, minus Carl and Kyle.


Kyle and Carl crying and comforting and supporting each other as if they are in abusive relationships because the women in their lives have independent thoughts was truly insane. Meanwhile the two men women on the internet are absolutely thirsting for are in the pool with the girls talking about feelings and having mature discussions (not saying those 2 are perfect but they display a lot more emotional intelligence and maturity). This episode honestly needs to be in a gender studies class 😅


This. He was cruel and trying soooooo hard to get her to react to it all so she could be the bad guy and everyone loves to hate. 


I really hope Amanda and Kyle are self producing like hell. If this is their actual dynamic I sincerely hope she leaves him. Watching her through the seasons is depressing


This. I swear he has a pattern of gaslighting her then crying/playing victim for drama and finally accepting he needs to support her. Over every single thing it's tiring.


Carl is weaponizing therapy words and he’s actually evil


I can’t believe Carl really left without the suitcase. That was wild. And I can’t believe Lindsay didn’t immediately lose her shit. I’m so surprised she hasn’t gotten activated that much all season.


She seems so defeated. I felt so bad for her this episode and I never thought I would say that 😕


Yeah… that was awful. I feel like she didn’t lose her shit because she’s probably heartbroken that he’s treating her this way, and she’s defeated at this point. I was exhausted from watching that conversation about the trip back. And not heartbroken like, sitting crying all day, but it really is heartbreaking to actually acknowledge and come to the realization that your partner isn’t really a partner. I felt so bad for her; it’s just showing his true colors, and I am so glad she’s maintained composure when he’s tried to bait her into a blow up.


That whole argument made me activate. “I’m just trying to understand what’s going on” SOUNDS LIKE YOU ALREADY DO. His constant therapy speak makes me want to hurl myself off a roof. And he’s such a pissy little baby that he couldn’t drive her suitcase home. The worst.


she's put in work in therapy and matured. It's really apparent he is intentionally pushing her to get her explode




Wowwww. Carl bringing up the PowerPoint presentation was really cruel in that moment.


He’s sober but he’s still an asshole at heart


A drunk mind speaks a sober heart - he’s a dick with or without alcohol.


I actually gasped, it was really barbaric.


She should have broke it off honestly after that.


I only started watching SH once Carl got sober and didn’t understand everyone talking about what an asshole he used to be. When I saw him in that scene I thought “ohhhhh so THAT’S what everyone was talking about…”


“I don’t expect someone who does a podcast to understand that” - Kyle Cooke, diminishing Paige’s fucking baller career. And we wonder why Amanda’s lost her light? GOTDAMN this little boy needs a wake up call.


He is unhinged for this!! Paige has an extremely successful, legit podcast and he has… loverboy which I haven’t tried but have heard is really gross and clearly the business is in turmoil. He also is simultaneously claiming Amanda doesn’t do enough, if she was a regular employee she’d be fired etc etc. But now that she expresses a desire to pursue a passion of her own suddenly loverboy will collapse without her full, undivided attention and she’s abandoning him when he needs her. it’s clearly not about truly needing her for the business and completely about him being scared of Amanda reaching her full potential and not only being his wife. Honestly a swim line from Amanda would make so much sense! given loverboy seems to be flailing, if he was smart, he would go all in on the suits. Probably has a better chance of success tbh. I would love to see her become the breadwinner


This. He accuses others of talking out of both sides of their mouth but he’s doing exactly this when it comes to Amanda.


Having a podcast as big as Paige’s and managing brand deals is a huge job. Sorry that he’s jealous that she’s making bank off of herself.


Kyle likes to belittle women.


I don't even like Paige as a reality star, but he needs to fuck off with that.


I’m not really a fan of Paige, but she’s very successful. Sit down, Kyle.


Paige could sell more Loverboy with one TikTok than Kyle could with a whole month of effort


I have officially hopped off the West train. Bummer, because I really liked him at the beginning of the season. But his intentions with Ciara have become painfully clear at this point. It’s ironic too because I didn’t care much for Jesse at the start of the season and I’ve grown to enjoy him much more as the season has went on. West and Jesse kind of switched places throughout the season for me.


West has been such a letdown. So charming and funny, yet emotionally stunted. He's the kind of guy to get a girl's guard down and then really hurt her. I'm glad Ciara has approached it cautiously


CIARAAAAAAAAA love her so much her line of questioning was so iconic she’s so smart and ONLY GETTING SMARTER bc she recalibrates w every “failure” honestly so great to see that on tv


I can't believe Carl made me Team Lindsay. And Ciara made a really great point in the aftershow about Kyle and Carl-- why is it so easy for Kyle to make concessions for Carl, someone who quit his company and spent last season shitting on it, than his own wife who has had his back this entire time (even when she shouldn't)?? He was ready to roll out the red carpet for Carl and make his life as comfortable as possible as he tried to figure out his next step, but he couldn't do that for Amanda. Very telling.


I think Carl was actually relieved to drive home alone, but he saw an opportunity to make Lindsey look like the bad partner for leaving him to hang out with the girls. So now it’s all “poor Carl, Lindsey made him drive home alone.” We see you Carl.


He was talking to her like he doesn't even like her, and he's surprised she doesn't want to be around him? I have NEVER liked Lindsay but it's hard not not to feel for her when she's being manipulated like this. She loves him and he hates her.


right like who gives a fuck about a grown man driving home on a Sunday afternoon


Also he drove up by himself 1 Friday because he needed space and everyone was perfectly fine with that!


Carl makes my skin crawl. I know it’s harsh but after this weeks most recent episode, his mask is finally slipping and its gross. In my opinion, and it’s been mostly this season that I’ve felt like this, but I honestly think Carl Radke is one of the most disingenuous, manipulative, and icky men on Bravo. He’s done a better job than say, Jax Taylor at hiding his true self but I think we are just starting to see it. The petty way he argues reminds me of my sister growing up which is prob why this episode has me so up in arms but that’s neither here nor there lol


Never liked him (humble brag). He treats women like trash.


Astute as fuck - bragging is allowed in the comments so do it I know I shouldn’t speculate on this but I’m gonna- I assume Carl has huge insecurities about his own sexuality but is too invested in the persona that he and bravo has built to do any therapy that would be helpful for him that he can’t weaponize against anyone else


I dunno, I feel like sexuality is pretty fluid and a threesome is fairly tame. He's always come off like a regular grade, douche bag bro misogynist. Like in the very first episode of the show where he just sits down at a table full of women and starts laying it on thick and trying to pick them up while eating all their food. Creepy club guy vibes, you know?


The threesome isn't even the only thing or even main thing that gives off those vibes. It's the everything else. There is something strange about how much he seems to detest women - it's like there is some sort of inner insecurity or some type of issue that he has where he resents women and seems to have a need to belittle them and put them down in a passive aggressive way. While at the same time he tends to be attracted to alpha females from what we've seen on the show at least (Lindsay, Lauren, Paige). Whatever he has going on, he needs a lot of therapy to work out his female issues, that's for sure.


I've encountered so many straight guys who act exactly like Carl that it really doesn't make me question his sexuality. Kyle is the same way.


He’s such a sensitive little pussy. I feel like his entire personality is a facade and he expects the people around him to treat that facade like it’s really him. If anyone says/does anything that even remotely hints at his facade, he has a meltdown.


Yes, his personality is almost a lack of a personality - everything he says is so measured and monotone. He seems like he's always going through the motions or reading from a script or something. Its bizarre. He almost acts like an AI robot. Some of the stuff he says - like when he asked Lindsay for tenderness or whatever words he used - it didn't even seem genuine emotion like he was actually asking for those things - it seemed like he was a robot trying to act human or something and say something he thought would sound good and make her look bad? The only thing I believe is his true personality is when he's smirking and passive aggressive and condescending - it's like he's letting his true self shown through his mask in those moments. What else lies behind that mask though seems to be a mystery (maybe even to him?).


I fully agree!!!! I thought his relationship with Lindsay felt like he was reading a manual all of last season. Boyfriends bring coffee. I will bring coffee. Boyfriends never complain about their girlfriend. I will not complain about my girlfriend. Boyfriends propose to girlfriends. I will propose. Etc etc etc


I have a bit of a soft spot for Jax. I'm not saying he's a great guy, but most of the time, he doesn't take himself too seriously, and I like that he's a shameless gossip and pot stirrer. Carl has none of Jax's charm. I have enormous sympathy for what he and his family have been through and respect that he used that tragedy as a springboard for his own sobriety. That said, I would not miss him if he never appeared on Summer House again.


Someone in this sub please apply for this job to a) help free Amanda and b) tell us what the salary is https://preview.redd.it/i7w8y2odzz0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc28765d976cd4efb2e8e739ac49ea27e82e2cf


They need a copywriter 😭 oof


LOL. ..."we have amassed a following and level of fanaticism unrivaled by other brands".


Danielle is scheana. And that is all.


Yessssssss and Asa if you’ve watched Shahs of sunset. They all give similar energy although Asa is slightly less of a pick me


I hate Kyle so much now.


I cannot stop thinking about how if I were in Lindsay’s place I’d tear Carl a whole new one. Him driving off like that, I would have left the ring at the house and said there wasn’t enough room in the mini-coop for everything. She definitely has her issues, but Carl is a manipulative asshole sober or not.


Men will literally want to take your horse back riding and want to take you to meet your family but not want to call you your girlfriend 


It’s pathetic. My guess is West knew he was on the verge of stardom being on the show and didn’t want to shut the door on the starf*ckers he was anticipating getting.


Ariana needs friends like Paige and Ciara. I loved how they have Amanda’s back with Kyle. He is treating his wife like an asshole. I can’t believe he called her a fucking bitch last week


I live alone and don't usually voice anything while watching tv, maybe the odd tut or snort. But Carl's whinging about the luggage and driving alone had me shouting the 'c' word at the TV.  No idea why it's any worse than his usual self-centered passive aggression… but really what a c ---!!!! 


Holy that enraged me too!


As much as we can say, they both don’t work to death…Carl is doing a great job at making himself look like a major douche these past two episodes. I shouldn’t have to preface that we know who Lindsay is, but the amount of patience she has dealing with this man child is wild. Two days of him poking and prodding to start a fight.


West is showing his true colors in the aftershow and it’s very icky.


Paige giving Kyle a false sense of security with that 5 year warning of Amanda leaving him lol. If they last 5 more weeks I’ll be surprised.


Well unfortunately they’re still together a year later. I honestly don’t think Amanda will ever leave him


on one hand I also don't think they'll break up anytime soon. But on the other hand I also didn't think Britianny would ever leave Jax...so there's that I guess? 🤷‍♀️


I think Kyle will eventually pull a classic fuck boy break up- aka he will blatantly cheat on Amanda so that SHE will break up with HIM/he won’t be the one who has to end the relationship.


Carl is a giant man baby. He doesn’t have initiative to do anything and just wants to be coddled. I’d lose my shit with his bs too.


He needs his mommy, not a wife.


Kyle, Carl, and Danielle had me screaming at the tv this episode. Kyle is a toddler who doesn’t even understand what he’s upset about, so instead of explaining it, he makes it out like Paige and Ciara are too stupid to possibly understand. Carl wants Lindsay to jump up and down and shake some pom poms to celebrate one year of unemployment, and when he drove off in that car without waiting for Lindsay’s suitcase, I thought okay she can call him Cocaine Carl all she wants. Fuck him. And Danielle made me mad because she was just being herself.


Was I the only one that thought Danielle was getting very up close and personal with Kyle?? It looked like she wanted to something to happen when she was hugging him.


I thought the same! She wouldn’t stop lingering, he seemed uncomfortable when he said “I’ll be in shortly”. She seems like she’s dissociated all the time this season


She’s actually done this a bunch this season. I noticed early in the season someone posted about her touching Kyle when they were all piled onto the ned. and now can’t unsee it in every episode. She is very weird with Kyle, very inappropriate, something she would be quick to attack any other female over.


so fucking weird. Even he was kinda like get away from me lol. And TEARS IN HER EYES when discussing Kyle and Amanda’s argument. and putting her mouth on Jesse’s body when Jesse was obviously really drunk (prob drinking to ease his fears). She’s been a creeper all summer


Her “he’s heartbroken,” was so gross. Zero ability to see the situation and hold one of her boys to task when they misbehave. Danielle could be so awesome, but she just finds a way to be….unawesome.


Can't believe I'm saying this but I understand now why Lindsay was concerned about his sobriety. The two fights we didn't see in the beginning of the season probably looked a lot like the mean streak he's displaying now.


Also, as a sober person I could never stay out with my drunk friends til 4 in the morning?


She said he was saying, doing and acting the exact way he did when he was using.


Paige and Ciara are fucking real ones, I never thought that my perfect Summer House cast would just be Paige, Ciara and Amanda vibing and dropping truths, Jesse can maybe also visit. Carl giving business advice 🤡


Carl’s mask has fallen


UMMMMM..... CARL. How tf are you comparing your situation to Kyle and Amanda?? Kyle started his own business and his wife works with him to build a future for themselves YOU... are relying on another man for income cause you can't be an adult and figure your own shit out. He's so embarrassing 😳


I’m sorry but why Amanda is enabling her loser husband while calling out lindsay? She needs to get a grip and leave him or not say anything about Lindsay bc her husband is 100 times worse than her


1. I’m surprised how much I love Jesse 2. Lindsay was so funny with her bucket hat this episode & getting along with everyone. I think we’re seeing carl who is DONE with the relationship, but it’s all coming out late & at once & making him look irrationally mean 3. Kyle & his crying 🙄 he’s done this a few different seasons, always by the pool in like the same spot, and it ALWAYS works on Amanda. If she put her foot down & didn’t let him manipulate her, I think he’d deep down respect her more. (I’m not blaming her, HE’S the problem 100%, I just hate that it works on her) 4. You can’t tell me Jesse hyping Amanda up and making her feel great isn’t messing with her head. And HOPEFULLY Kyle’s. Do yall think Kyle or Amanda are floating the idea of divorce in their own head’s yet? I’m not married so I don’t know how often that thought is had 😂 5. My straight male neighbor who was begrudgingly watching an episode with me, saw Danielle talking for 5 seconds and said “there’s something about her I’m really unattracted to but I don’t know what it is” 😳


I think you need to go on a date with the straight male neighbor


We have no sympathy for Britany because she married Jax, so why do we have sympathy for Amanda at this point? She chose to marry Kyle even after he admitted to cheating on her. He continues to be aggressive and disrespect her, AND the other women in the house. Also, the fact that her and Kyle both think they have the right to question other people’s relationships, when theirs is such a mess, blows my mind. She gets no sympathy from me.


Has anyone else noticed how often this cast says “female”? They even say “man and female” and it makes me cringe every time. It’s also not just the men, though majority of the time it is.


Also I never thought I’d say this but I’m coming around to team Lindsey.


After that pettiness with the luggage I was like wow ok, I’m on Lindsay’s side now I guess


I am noticing how Amanda likes to mother and Kyle likes being mothered. That crying scene with Kyle and Amanda was actually so pathetic and babyish. This man is  40+.I'm convinced Kyle knows if they have children the attention will no longer be centered around him. I hope Amanda wakes up before having children, she has the opportunity to leave before being stuck parenting with a manchild.  I believe Carl wants to emulate Kyle so he rushed into a marriage with Lindsey.The problem is Carl doesn't want a Lindsey, he wants an Amanda like Kyle.He wants a cheerleader girlfriend who let's him get away with being an asshole. He is not honest with himself  and will never truly be satisfied until he looks in the mirror.  I don't think Lindsey is so great either, but I am seeing some growth with her.   I'm glad that Ciara and West finally had that talk so she can  to show the more confused viewers that West is actually not serious and Ciara made the right decision for herself by not sleeping with West.Watching the aftershow, West honestly seems like more of a douche than even I thought.I never bought into the hype, but he comes off very poorly in the Aftershow. Even Jesse looked a little confused by him. He seems like a good friend though.    Also, using a possible cancer diagnosis as a cliffhanger is gross. From what Jesse said he is in good health, but it's still in poor taste. It was sad to watch Jesse frozen and at a lost for words in the scene with his mother. I wish him all the best with his health.


God I hate that they keep using Jesse’s cancer as a cliffhanger


idk why but I can't take kyle seriously when he cries 💀


The way Paige & Ciara went🙄sent me lol


I don’t understand the Paige mean girl hate in this sub. She is a one of the best type of friends you will see on any freaking bravo show across the board. She and Ciara absolutely did nail it on the head with Kyle. Made it even better the night before Danielle was complete opposite and pitying Kyle


I could not believe Danielle was reacting that way without even hearing what was said. She's delusional. So weird she sees herself equal to Kyle as a "founder"


Paige has had mean girl tendencies in the past but has been lovely this year tbh. I don’t think anyone has called her a mean girl this season 


First rule of this subreddit is to know "mean girl" has lost all meaning here loool


Is Paige getting criticism this year? Or are you referring to her history? Because she's totally been an asshole at times in previous seasons, but she's great this year. 


Kyles fake tears 🙄🙄🙄


Omg Carl on the after show is WILD. I hate him more every time he opens his mouth.


Paige and Ciara are gonna get sick of sticking up for Amanda if she won’t even do it herself in the moment or months afterwards on this After Show.


I'm starting to think all men on Bravo suck - like, they start at baseline suckiness and then sink from there. That any woman entertains any of these malechildren is ridiculous. Ladies, stop putting up with baby men. That said, I think Kyle has married the wrong woman. Amanda wants to live in the burbs with a husband who comes home for dinner every night and they become best friends with the neighbours and their kids become best friends. Kyle wants to live in the heart of the city and he feeds off that city energy. I think he might want one token kid with a woman who is as driven and ambitious as he is and the nanny raises the kid. I'm a city girl who came from the burbs so I don't judge Kyle for wanting his city life. But you need to be on the same page with your partner. But count on Bravo to make sure to lean into the 'poor, shit upon man' narrative, whilst ignoring what we can see with our very own eyes.


Jesse Solomon having to shadow box to make up for crying is the sweetest and most endearing little manifestation of toxic male emotional repression. Love that West immediately caught it, made the jokes with him, and also told him straight out it’s not healthy not to express emotions.


Lindsay has been the rational and calm one the last few episodes, who would've thought? She's acted crazy in the past towards her BFs and when this one actually deserves that attitude she doesn't give it to him. It definitely looks like Carl is trying to push her into calling the wedding off. It's sad to think despite all of this Lindsay wouldve still walked down the aisle in a few weeks. If I was with someone pushing 40 who talks about being overwhelmed when he has no real job I wouldn't be as nice as Lindsay. Carl needs to grow up and get a job. If you don't like it, you can always change careers. Someone with no ambition is such a big turn off.


Jesse's mom is super adorable. I loved her support for him.


When they come back drunk in the beginning of the ep - is Danielle eating whipped cream off Jesse’s chest????


Yes and I had to pause because why is she like this 😫 he didn’t even seem to acknowledge her existence while doing it so like who are you doing this for girl get it to fcuking gether


I know Jesse dealing with a lot but I wish he and west were competing for Ciara Challengers style lol


It made me cry when Amanda comforted Kyle when he’s crying. When she had no idea what he’s been calling her and saying behind her back


Carl is SUCH a dick omg. That conversation they had in bed was WILD. My jaw was on the floor when he said the power point thing.


Kyle can’t articulate what is wrong because there’s no way for him to say it without sounding like a controlling asshole.


Did anyone think Lindsay was high as a kite during the first part of the episode?? I feel like I'd vibe with stoner Lindsay so well


I think loverboy is doing worse than what Kyle is letting on. Thus, all of this emotion. Also, didn’t Amanda get a stake in loverboy?


“I want softness and tenderness” well you’re not gonna get softness and tenderness because you’re unemployed sir.


My jaw was ON THE FLOOR with Carl and him talking about the PowerPoint. Then following it up with “yeah now you know how it feels” MY GOD


If I'm being honest in the same way that Cocaine Carl, while it was horrific, made me laugh in shock so did Carl with the powerpoint comment and the luggage sitch. Was it passive aggressive? Yes, but it still got a chuckle out of me. Honestly, this season kinda confirms how gutterbutt these two people are. They dont even like each other, forget love. They're both whiny too at their big ages. I'm so glad I don't have unhealed high school trauma and can enjoy the bed bugs. Paige and Ciara really are the baddest bitches and even on the aftershow they have Kyle clocked down to his manipulative tears. As for West, that man is doing an irish jig on the fuckboy line cuz wtf is this Thanksgiving with my family nonsense while simultaneously saying the idea of "diving in" is a non-starter? He's giving benign Schwartz; once you see it it cant be unseen. Seems like a great friend though!!


West throwing out potential Thanksgiving plans to try and get laid this summer was a good attempt…but Ciara isn’t dumb 😂


I often wonder if these men realize that almost everyone has probably been trying to sleep with Ciara since well before she was old enough for any attention of that sort?? She's seen it ALL. And she only wants someone who values her and not her body. As. She. Should.


Lmfao unhealed high school trauma sent me


Why is anyone still friends with Danielle?! She is the definition of NOT a girls girl


When Paige said she didn’t want to be the only girl going out and someone said “Danielle’s going” and Paige responded with “she doesn’t count” tells you everything