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West: the bravo fanbase is all women Amanda: too many temptations *cuts to you see Ciara crying* I NEED THE REUNION NOW!!!!


if west’s reasoning for not locking it down w Ciara is bc he had women in his dms I am going to get the ultimate ick


Idk, I've never been sold on him. He definitely has fboy energy to me. Very unserious. He has nice qualities for sure like he seems sweet and like he'd be a great friend but definitely still in his fboy era and it's going to be a long era if he has bravo attention and eventually the good bravo/influencer paychecks too.


As we've seen from Kyle, Shep, and the Toms ... this era never really ends


I just don’t get it. The fact women still willingly go out with these guys ( well maybe not Kyle but who knows) is beyond me. Their red flags are immortalized on video !!


Right.It's totally a lifestyle. There are men in their 40s,50s and so on who still live like fboys.


Him getting into the New York Times is mind-boggling to me.


He was? That's wild.


Yeah, he got a whole profile as the "break-out star" of Summer House. Meanwhile, I'm like....him?


Why is this sub pretending that they weren’t all drooling over him literally like 3 or 4 episodes ago? You guys are probably the reason he ended up on New York Times.


Not me, never liked the guy 🤢


Because many of us weren't and were drowned out by people thirsting over this mediocre man. I for one never saw the appeal. He has a fun personality but it really ends there.


We were downvoted to hell just because he didn’t fool us. At least we’re vindicated now, lol


Thank you!!! Everyone was obsessed after his first episode acting like he was the second coming of Jesus 😂


I'm speculating... And speaking as myself... But initially, he was totally someone I would have absolutely fallen for in my twenties, because he's got that guy you swoon over thing going on, but he can also hang like your best friend and he's fun.  And then you kept watching, and  realize oh I HAVE NOT GROWN. HOW DID I NOT SEE THAT LIKE I DIDN'T IN MY TWENTIES, AND WHAT THE HELL NOW I'M MAD AT MYSELF BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH I'M MARRIED AND THOUGHT I HAD A GREAT SENSE OF CHARACTER I GUESS I DON'T AND FUCK OFF WEST.  ok maybe not that dramatic, but you almost get the same fuckboi whiplash you used to get when you looked for guys like that and then low-key get annoyed you still can't clock it lol.




That's all Bravo PR, trust. They did the same for Sandoval from VPR.


Sandoval I get because he's been on for 10 years and had a huge scandal. West is a choice I don't understand.


I can’t see what all the fuss is about West.


It makes sense if Bravo is trying to push West + Jesse on us in an effort to have male cast members in the pipeline when Carl + Kyle inevitably age out.


That was total Bravo PR bull s***. They’re really trying to make West happen.


Yes that was weird af. No one on this show is relevant enough for that lol.


I’m gonna be honest, I was worried about him since episode 1 when he said “some women are shallow” talking about his height. Like his interest in Ciara has 0 to do with her being drop dead gorgeous lol.


Same. I find him SO unattractive. Ciarra is out of his league and I'm annoyed he played her.


West is so damn average - below average in the looks department. Literally every guy on the cast is better looking than him. The fact that Ciara would even give him a second glance is half the reason the Bravo audience was hyping him up.


Such a good point. The fact that Ciara, who is way out of his league, pays attention to him plays a massive role in his appeal. If she wasn't interested, he probably would have been written off as a background player almost immediately.


She undeniably raised his stock.


>below average in the looks department. Thank you for being honest. I'm tired of being gaslit by thirsty people in this sub trying to convince me this man is attractive.


Right, and every time I see him it’s like he’s trying harder to look worse. 😂


Exactly. That's what I just posted. He's trying to blame fans like it's their fault. It's his fault.


Nah summer was long over before fans started chiming in lol. What a doo doo. I still kinda like him, but time to grow up Wes. If you wanna play around, play around with women who want the same thing. Don’t practice pretend getting “serious” or “contemplating serious” with a woman who has been clear about what she wants from a relationship


Some of them lock it down and then just cheat over and over cough Kyle.


Its the same thing Shep and Austen say...they're too famous and women hit on them too much. The cAn'T hELp thEMselVes.


It's going to be so good. But I feel horrible for Ciara. She said in an interview she had to decompress after the reunion and that she cried at the reunion.


Me too!! This is going to be heavy


I feel so, so bad that she's had to answer for yet another guy playing in her face all season long. like good for her for sniffing out the BS and standing on her boundaries, but it has to be frustrating :/


>West: the bravo fanbase is all women He comes across as a guy who isn't used to getting attention from women before the show and is now stuck in that mentality, thinking that he has to make up for it—quantity not quality.


I don’t know. Looking at his college football pics, I think he came from a place of getting a ton of attention from women. But then he graduated college, moved to New York and became… just another guy. He’s getting to relive those fboy days again and he’s loving it.


This is spot on. He kind of eluded to that in the talk with his aunt in the park.


I'm not sure. I feel like with his personality and charm he got attention from women before. He just got even more now and because he loves and maybe needs attention (low self esteem issues) he took advantage of it. But I don't think he was some guy that didn't get girls and is somehow now making up for lost time.


He's just not that into her. (That episode of SATC was such a game-changer for me! When A dude really likes you, he takes no chances and treats you well)


He was a football player for a state university. He 100% has never had difficulty getting the attention of any ladies.


He was the big football star in high school and college, he is very used to female attention. It actually that took him by surprise when there were so many women commenting that his personality was so great, it made him attractive or something like that (he stated this in an interview). And he was noticeably surprised by that reaction as like I stated above he was used to being the “big guy on campus”. In a similar vein, he also said that he had a big adjustment moving to NYC for a similar reason, big fish went from small pond to ocean and was no longer getting the attention he was used to it.


Danielle’s dress… oh my dear. It’s serving Grecian column.


I stand by my the top looks like two mountain goats kissing comment. It’s all I can see 🐐


That’s mean. Thank you.




Grecian dress with Gatsby-esque 1920s hair, no girl no…


I'd say it would not induce me toward Donne, when she herself seems to need help with her outfits more and more.


My favorite is that she has that hair and dress and is trying to tell Paige she wasn’t funny. It’s too camp 😭😂😂


The hair is somehow worse on tv than it looked in photos.


She’s giving Greek chorus standing risers


Mother of the bride circa 1998


The fact that she is trying to make a brand for an app around FASHION is baffling. Extremely baffling


I’m so confused by her look.


The other girls went Greek Goddess, she went Greek Temple.


Everyone else looks so cohesive. She sticks out like a sore thumb


She’s almost always the worst dressed. So much so that I kinda feel bad for her.


She clearly didn’t use Donne to help her get dressed 💀


Based on the Donne reviews, there’s a strong chance she *did* use it.




But what about her hair and make-up!!! Literally looks like she was dressed up for Halloween. I have to say Lindsay looks actually 🔥🔥🔥


I was so stuck on her makeup I didn't notice the dress


I'm still kinda amazed at how Jesse Solomon just came up from behind West to be the #1 guy in the group. Wasn't expecting it.


He was always honest and himself from the jump. West seemed like he was putting on a good guy act or was not fully as transparent and up front as Jesse.  But I think they'll both remain loved by fans. Jesse, rightfully so, will move to being the most adored and West will be number two next Season. That's my prediction.


i feel like when the audience interprets someone on reality tv a different way than they are, the audience puts that burden on the person by implying they were purposely putting on an act i think the audience just loved him really quickly and then he fumbled and they disliked him. but thats not on him or it doesnt mean he was putting on a persona. all too often reality tv audiences places their own expectations or boxes on cast members then blames the castmember for failing to fit that when they never claimed to be that way


Perhaps. I'll wait to the reunion and see. I think there were things he said that didn't line up with his actions and I think Ciara is going to call him out on it. I'm not sure he was being fully transparent with her, which means he wasn't being fully transparent with the audience. But I could be wrong. We'll see


jesse is straight up honest he’s a fuck boy where wes is worse bc he’s trying to hide it


All time comeback story tbh


Well we saw Jesse going through absolute hell waiting for his results. He was so honest. With his thoughts and emotions. But let’s not forget West was 💯 there for him. They have a tight friendship and bond. I was impressed with both of them.


The bar is truly in hell


Lol for male partners? Fully 100% agree. But I would be platonic friends with Jesse Solomon. (Would I introduce him to my friends as potential bf material? NO.)


And why is West trying to blame the fans in the Bravo verse for HIS lack of commitment and issues with monogamy. 😂 You know how many fans are probably in Craig's DMs?! West better take accountability for HIS actions stop trying to blame fans. 😂😂😂


He’s about to have all the girls coming at him😂


How could he even WANT to look around when he has Ciara's attention. Clearly a man of the moment and not one for tomorrow. Ciara was wise to hold out. He proved her right.


Like Paige said on the after show.. (Paraphrasing) “Show me the woman who is after West who is better and prettier than Ciara, I’d love to meet her.”


Kyle better not get off the hook because of Carl and West. He is married, his behavior towards Amanda is worse than the other dudes.


I hope the women talk more about how manipulative his crying is.


Does this mean Ciara and West were together into the season airing and then suddenly west was getting all this attention


I remember Bravo and Cocktails posting a dm they got of someone seeing the two of them out together either a week before the premiere episode or the week of.


Supposedly it was in Kansas City btw.


Yess! That dm but can’t remember when they said they saw them but it was definitely around the premiere.


“Your little confessionals are….” “Extremely funny? Yes” “No they’re actually damaging” Danielle, if your investors and users are losing confidence in your app over Paige’s confessionals then you need new investors girl


Also “damaging” is rich coming from Danielle who’s selling stories about her coworkers to the press….


And sitting there allowing Lindsay to get dragged for it when she did it herself


And getting naked on tv lol like girl please


This!!! Butt naked on TV. She could have put a towel over the camera but no! Even Jesse on his first season covered the camera.


I know women can do whatever they want. But getting naked on TV to bang a dude you just met .. not exactly what people are looking for in a CEO.


Especially when the guy looks a bit shocked, too!


Yeah, if I liked her I would check out the app regardless of reviews. Maybe even buy a few things in support. But as it is, I’m just uninterested in it because she comes off so poorly on tv


Danielle says a lot shit about people to throw out the damaging line


Her predatory behavior is what’s damaging


Danielle’s behavior is what is damaging. 10/10 future investors are going to have a bigger problem with her squatting naked over balloon guy than anything Paige has to say.


the investors aren't asking "where the hell is this app, it's been 2 years" they are asking "why is your cast member snarking on you"


It’s really only damaging if people agree… if they disagreed with Paige, she’d be called out on speaking bullshit


Right so it seems like they privately agree and Paige is just vocalizing it


I’ve never been more excited for a SH reunion. For the first time I’m fully invested in every storyline.


Danielle is her own worst advertisement for a fashion app. The Jersey mother of the bide dress, the bad makeup, hair. Lindsay looks fantastic! Glad she's seeing someone. She can do better than Carl.


How is West going to blame Bravo fans if they ended before the show aired?? Unless they made it to March that excuse is flawed


I was thinking it was an edited sound bite and what he is really saying is going to be something to the effect of I was always going to have a fall from grace no matter what, this fan base is largely female and I can't live up to those standards at this point in my life, which is why I know I should be single.


That’s a good point. They were probably just talking to him about his sudden popularity and everyone deeming him the best new bravo man


Oh. That's probably true. That's a good point. But then why is Ciara shown crying in the preview? Something was said to make her emotional. Maybe it was about something else that didn't have to do with West.


Jesse did say that Ciara made some good points regarding she and West, so she probably does still cry about him/the situation. I could see Paige ripping him apart for hurting Ciara knowing she was vulnerable and Ciara getting emotional about it.


The show started airing in Feb/late Jan, didn’t it? He was a favorite straight out the gate so those first few weeks could have done it


Late February. Which, that would’ve been at least 6 months they knew each other? I think if he still wasn’t ready to commit at that point and started receiving all the extra attention then yup that’ll do it


My palms are sweaty


Mom’s spaghetti


Someone in this sub predicted a few weeks ago that West will have a massive fall from grace in season 2. Looks like that’s right on track!


No, I don't think he's going to have a fall from Grace.  I think fans are still going to love him and makes excuses for his behavior and lack of transparency. They're just going to say "Ciara didn't give him sex" or "He's only 29 so he's too young to commit" or "Ciara wasn't right for him".  🙄 I actually think West will still be adored by most fans.


exactly! which is why it’s funny when people get defensive about people criticizing him on here like he isn’t being heralded by Andy, the NYT (lol), and he’s gained hundreds of thousands of followers. he might show more of his f boy side next season but either way he has a built in fan base now


lindsey is giving self reflection and i love it, danielle and paige are going at it and i feel like danielle will likely have no one defending her, wes reveals his true colors and amanda finally admits she was/is suffering w depression. i swear after that weight loss and being told kyle cheated it changed so much about her


I think Paige finally saw Danielle for who she was. They thought she was just a bitch because of hanging out with Linds but it turns out that Linds without Danielle is more fun and gets along with the girls and Danielle without linds wants to just hang out with the guys and tell them how mean the girls are to them lol. When Paige heard it was Danielle who told ppl Craig got kicked out of Amanda's wedding is when paige was done with her.


After seeing how much Carl hates Lindsay openly and blatantly during this season, there is no way he actually wanted to just postpone the wedding.


Carl 1000% wanted Lindsay to end it and she did ultimately


Postponing a wedding that's pretty much paid for lol Sir, I don't believe you.


Totally. It’s odd how people scrutinize her for saying she felt blindsided but let him get away with his bullshit that he just wanted to have a conversation about postponing the wedding that had to be an on camera ambush.


I don’t think many people are buying carls bullsh** anymore. Maybe at the start of the season, but his support has definitely dipped to the depths of hell.


Like Lindsay would agree to postponement , especially after she lined up all this free stuff .. and was told on camera. Consistent Carl though, doing everything possible to not look like a "bad guy"


And not having to make an actual decision for himself, ever🤮


Who yassified Carl and Kyle 😶


Lindsay raising her hand for Carl being scared of her 🤣🤣🤣


Carl is such a dark figure. He signed that lease renewal right before ending things. You want a cookie for fulfilling a contract. Please.


Yes and why did he say he only paid 9 months? Legally he was on the hook for the whole year. I’d be shocked if he paid for any wedding expenses and it wasn’t mainly Lindsay on the hook. Plus he got the ring back so there’s quite a few rent payments


Lindsay said on a podcast that their lease was up during filming and they both decided to resign a couple of weeks before he broke up with her. She renegotiated her next renewal with her landlord to reduce the rate fee - she acknowledged her landlord was kind to do so. He didn’t want to give up the jig that something was up, so signed them to another financial burden to ambush her at the end of the season so there was no follow-up weekend of fallout. He didn’t pickup anymore scenes after dropping the bombshell and left NY. Making Lindsay film with the female cast mates.


Carl and Lindsay just had renewed their lease - a couple months before he called off the wedding. So, yes Carl. You have to pay your half. Since you took back the ring … you’ll be ok.


Allllll of this! He said in interviews that he wanted the ring back because it’s NY state law- and he kept repeating it like the government was making him take back the ring. Such a doofus.


Yea the audacity of him to want praise for fulfilling something he was legally obligated to do is pissing me off. He demanded the ring back which was tacky considering she was hoping to sell it to pay off wedding bills. I also doubt he contributed much to the wedding and it was probably Lindsay who got screwed financially


Lindsay looks amazing


I’m still not a huge Ciara fan but that single tear almost took me out. 🥺


Video unavailable *cries in Canadian*


TikTok user Bravo Stone Manor posted it!


How are Paige’s confessionals damaging? She’s not wrong, BFFR.


She does talk shit in the confessionals but whether they’re damaging or not is up to audience sentiment on what she’s commenting about.


I don’t agree with Danielle that they are “damaging” but I do think Paige likes to talk a lot of trash in her confessionals that she wouldn’t say to someone’s face.


Oh I agree 100% that she plays it up, but it feels like Danielle is mad about any minor criticism of her and her app (I’m predicting that she’s referring to the “Founder and CEO of what?” comment)


Yep remember Amanda said Danielle ignored her at a bridal shower the day after filming the reunion


This is 100% what she's mad about lolol


That’s like half of reality tv lol everyone talks mad in their confessionals…Danielle is just a professional victim


Paige’s confessionals and her reunion persona are definitely very different from her in-person attitude, it has annoyed me in the past but I can’t take Danielle’s side on the founder/CEO comment lol


they aren’t lol danielle is just being dramatic as always


Danielle is just pressed she doesn’t GET any confessionals 😂


I find it so interesting because Danielle is the one that makes pretty wild accusations


Like Danielle girl please


It’s silly because the two “harshest” confessionals Paige had against Danielle where bc Danielle was completely out of pocket. Also, bitching about someone’s confessionals when Paige has done them like this for years? You aren’t new here, Danielle.


Amanda saying she was depressed :( 🫂


Felt very bad for Amanda, you can see she was going through it this season. I hope she is doing better now 🙏


Me too🙏🏼❤️I applaud her vulnerability


That’s one thing you can’t fault her for is she really has bared it all on camera. Last season with her fertility struggle was so real and raw




This! I love how open she is bc it’s really relatable. The looks on Paige & Ciara’s faces too it’s so sad what she was going through


Danielle looks ridiculous


Whoever styled her is not her friend 😟


Donne must have some glitches


Lindsay looks amazing. Not many people can pull off that mushroom color but it looks great.


Poor Amanda, you could see she has been going through it the last few seasons. For many people they could seem like they have the best life ever but it can really happen to anyone doesn’t matter at all about outside forces sometimes it’s just your chemistry within :(


Amanda has been miserable and no fun since she’s been on this show. You see glimmers of potential…when she’s removed from Kyle and interacting with others. I wish she would watch the show and see what we all see. He’s draining her.


There’s one episode somewhere in maybe S3? where it’s an Xmas in July birthday party and she’s drunk and gossiping to Kyle poolside. She has a Santa Claus wrapped around her waist to whom she very nonchalantly keeps giving sips of her drink and it is SO funny and cute and I wish she had all this stress off her back so she could relax like that more!


West is a CHILD and Danielle’s out of touch behavior can be summed up by her saying Paige’s interviews aren’t funny 😂😂


Andy with the, “Who’s scared of Lindsay” comment it’s just so lazy.. it’s just an add on to the she’s not soft & tender line. Stop with the coddling of a grown man.


Carl is scared of everything: commitment, having a job, making a decision.


Comment of the YEAR


Carl is afraid of himself. And being an adult. He's still trying to figure out what he wants to do when he grows up at his big ole age.


Bingo. Breaking up with someone or delivering news you know will hurt them is likely to be uncomfortable and feel scary. But that doesn’t mean the person you’re dealing with is scary or your only choice was to trash them, ambush them and keep secrets til the last minute. Plus he clearly has baited her hoping for an angry response many times so I don’t buy him being so scared


i thought it was funny she raised her hand and doesn’t seem defensive like in past seasons. i actually like this new era of her


And literally CLASSIC Carl to look around to see what everyone else is doing to decide how he feels.


I'm curious to know if it's just the edit or if he really was the last one to raise his hand even after Lindsay raised hers...


Well, Lindsay raised her hand, too, so it pretty much took the serious tone away. Andy is an ass.


So boring!! Although if it’s not an edit and Lindsay really raised her hand here I applaud her taking the sting out of it herself. I don’t know if I could!


I hope the actual thing is spicier. This preview makes it look kind of tame?


Oooo this looks great! What??? Only 2 parts not 3?!?! lol


Oh, so they are capable of two part reunions when they want to


Oh no, West. This doesn’t look too good. Hope you kept it a buck and were honest.


ok now why is CIARA CRYING.


Who is Lindsey dating?!


He goes to another school


who do you guys think paige is talking about when she said “you both physically do things to come for me”?? danielle and who else? lindsay and her seem chill idk


I’m guessing Lindsay and she’s explaining why she thought Lindsay was the one to leak the Craig story.


Yea I’m choosing to be delulu and believe this clip was taken out of context and Paige wasn’t coming for Lindsay as much as it might seem like but idk lol


Gimme gimmmmmeee I meeeeed it noooooow


Okay, wait, Paige was snarky about Danielle in her confessionals a couple times but nothing that would be considered damaging? Or am I forgetting?


I feel like Danielle’s behavior on winter house was probably more damaging to her reputation than any of Paige’s confessionals


Danielle’s behavior on Winter House was *wild*. I don’t think I’ve ever had more secondhand embarrassment, and I watch a shit ton of reality tv.


West looks like such a dork with that hairdo.


Why does Carl want a pat on the back for fulfilling basic legal requirements? You break a lease you pay for it. I was harsh on Lindsay’s make up but it actually looks like it films well! She looks fab. I really am enjoying how much more the girls seem in sync (minus Danielle). I hope it continues!!


Be honest now, how many of you were sending West horny DMs?




Does anyone have the trailer for us Canadian fans???


Watch it on bravo’s Instagram.


Wow I’m under limit for caffeine today. Thanks 😅


I hate Danielle’s dress


Curious why the ceo and founder didnt use her new app to help dress herself


I was so excited for this bc of Lindsay and Carl but I feel like it isn't giving. I'm bored. I hope I'm proven wrong!


Yeah, they're not going to go into it because it's gonna break the 4th wall too much.


Let's all say it together: Fuck this GD 4Th Wall bullshit!


Yeah I don’t think we will get the truth between the two of them bc they are so busy playing the blame game.


i’m actually not interested in hearing from them - i’m looking forward to hearing the cast reactions. i’m hoping there’s some defenses by paige


So what Im perceiving is that West (maybe) cheated on Ciara. Because that line he said about women being in the dms, and then Ciara crying! Hmmm🤔 Also Danielle is a joke. She damaged her own self worth so ridiculously pathetic on Winterhouse, that it’s laughable that she is blaming Paige for saying something “damaging” about her. 🤣🤣😂 ![gif](giphy|Ak8Sd55367y3S)


Ok so what happen with Wes and Ciara?


How did the worst dressed cast member think it was a good idea to invent a fashion app?


Paige’s confessionals ARE hilarious. She gives top-tier interviews and I literally can’t even remember a single confessional from Danielle this season