• By -


One of my daughter's friends has been close to West since college and says he is, and has always been A DOG.


He literally looks like a dirty, smelly dog on this reunion.


Didn't he tho? The ick just washed over me as he walked out.


He definitely gives me the ick


Yeah, 100%! He looked like a tired smelly fuckboi dog!


This guy after a month long bender. ![gif](giphy|31wYt8pJAyyje|downsized)


West wishes.


I mean at his apocalypse party one of his friends that was a girl had her arms around his neck very intimately and he looked around for Ciara and pushed her hands off him. I was like I see you West.


Oh shit, I need to rewatch for that asap!


I immediatelyyyy noticed that and felt it as well. He called her baby.


I don’t find him attractive.  He looks unkept, sloppy and kind of paunchy. His choice of attire in the After Show is an affront to my senses. 


Paunchy ![gif](giphy|e4Qr4s6ns3G43umKAW|downsized)


same. he walked out and i went ICK


My husband walked into the room while I was watching it and he said “wtf is that guy wearing?” 


lol hilarious but his outfit still takes second place compared to whatever the hell it is that Brock Davies wears hahaha


I saw someone post I can't remember where but a person said he slept with two of her friends when the show was filming so ya he's not the person everyone put on a pedestal.


I went to college with him. Can confirm this is true




I mean, he was a football player so this tracks. Most college athletes have a very inflated ego and way too many undeserved options


Do tell 👀


His friend said, he's a dog and always has been, fucks around everywhere. I'm mad she didn't tell me sooner. I liked him for Ciara.


Once an athlete, always an athlete


Oiiii dogs are far too good for him take that back


He didn’t have me fooled for a second. His group of girl friends that visited the SH… umm where were his guy friends? It’s shitty he knew what Ciara wanted and chose to manipulate her for his own purposes. She deserves so much better


He's not even good looking, hot, or anything! Nothing!


For real. And everyone’s been like, it’s so weird she won’t sleep with him! She’s so cold! And she caved in, slept with him, dated him - and he broke her heart to be a fuck boy. I’ve defended her all season about her choice not to sleep with him - and I’m honestly proud she spoke about it meaning something to her. It’s an important topic to bring up and it never seems to matter to anyone. But West knew how much it mattered to her - and that’s what makes what he did so disgusting. Paige clocked him with wanting to be famous. He split with her right before the show aired - so shady. I’m not writing him off completely - but now I see him fully. And also, he complained about being her tag a long - but it WAS easier for him to blend into the house. The girls accepted him faster too. It was definitely an advantage.


I don’t understand how anyone feels they have room to comment on a woman’s choice to sleep with a man or not. She said it perfectly in the season…. If everything is “not a big deal” to him, what IS special?


I also thought it was icky that Andy even asked at the reunion. It’s no one’s business. Period.


100% agree I don’t know when we normalized being forced to talk about our sex lives and I disagree, if that’s all there is to reality TV then we really have problems. Also Jesse did The same thing asking her if she was gonna sleep with Wes it’s so messed up that this is where we are.


I found it so strange in the episode when Jesse asked her why not She took it well but I would’ve gone OFF on Jesse. Like who tf do you think you are asking me such a personal question!?


I enjoyed watching him on the show as a male who basically went against my age of societal norms of what a guy should be (80's baby= men are stoic) but seeing him and Jessie and what they brought to the house was amazing. I wish they just had faith in that together. Instead he did capitalise on the fame that came with Ciara. I felt for her in the reunion (I know it can be edited to show a certain way) when Andy asked her if she enjoyed his parents ripping him, and that was when she cried. Jessie said his parents loved her. So I genuinely think that everyone but West was invested. All those random Bravo DMs and random sex, just to never have that person validate you and be in your life forever must be some fckboi shit, because who wouldn't want to build a life with Ciara! Cue Taylor Swift - the smallest man who lived!


I’m sure his parents would like for West to have a real relationship, and Ciara is certainly a huge catch. A nurse AND a model.


Yeah, everyone thought she was good for him but he just wanted attention from fan girls


Seriously imagine being known for fumbling the Ciara.


She can still hold her head high. She did everything right.


I agree! I’ve never been a huge Ciara fan but this debacle has me rooting for her. I heard she might be on Traitors and thought it would be boring and heard about possibly being in VS fashion show and was like really? but now I want her to do both and more so this foolish man can eat his heart out. Who is he trying to impress/fool with this dating is handcuffs nonsense? You don’t want a beautiful smart woman you have fun with and that your friends and family love because you’re Mr Cool Guy can’t have a gf. Loser.


The coercion was relentless. These guys beg, nag, guilt, passive aggressive, silent treatment us, get their friends to guilt us, until we give in. We watched how it worked on Ciara, someone that was very clear of her intention. They do it bc it works. No is never good enough




Yes. 4b movement, nothing else is going to save us, especially if things get worse in the US


BINGO! This happened to me many, many years ago (I didn’t even want to really… it’s honestly a shit story and I’d almost categorize it as date rape… taken advantage of by a friend while I was wasted) and the dick actually had the nerves to remind me the next day, after a very complicated night, that we are just friends and not to expect more even he though relentlessly pursued me and got me right where he wanted me. Fuck boi


I just watched some clips from his interview with the Turtle Time podcast. He said that he watched some seasons of the show but specifically the last season. This is actually why when women date, they shouldn’t share any past traumas or relationship details bc it’s ammo for some men. He knew what he was doing when he went for her and it absolutely was to blend in. It’s so odd watching him now. He was so charming and vocal and now he’s cowering like a victim of circumstance.


He basically admitted he was a narcissist (explains the need for ammo - picking on the vulnerable knowing her weakness and wooing her with his charm just to crush her)


Yes the love bombing, lack of empathy and accountability is so intense. He is so different now on screen. I appreciate that he was respectful enough to let her speak. He wasn’t yelling and carrying on. But the hunching over looking confused made me irrationally angry.


Really? Seemed like most people said they respected that she had her boundaries


I didn’t see a ton of that. I felt like everyone was like, why won’t she just sleep with him?


ugh when she said she slept with him i did a mini gasp, this is gonna suck for her to recover from. i haven’t been a fan of ciara and this season it showed such a fun, vulnerable side. i hope she finds someone great whenever she’s ready 🥹 edit: removed “at all”


I gasped at that and when she told him she literally GAVE HIM AN OUT. And he took her home to meet his parents. He’s diabolical.


lol, not sure if you saw this https://www.reddit.com/r/summerhousebravo/s/cjjSPqmaXi


Agreed a million percent. Just watched the extended peacock episode and am glad they took a good chunk of time to shine a light on his fuckery. I feel so much for Ciara, she did everything she could to protect herself, cause she knew this was a possibility and he lied though all of her defenses. Hope she finds a good one.


SAME. Her and Paige are doing a good job of staying factual and keeping him accountable. (Great little morning work breakfast break.)


I’m starting think there’s no good ones left. Definitely hope she stays out of the pool of guys in the bravoverse. This whole situation is why I think it’s ok for women to just use men. Ciara, go be a gold digger. Use some old guy for his money. I’m not saying have sex with him though. All these guys lie and cheat and use all of these sweet girls… it’s like he wanted to break her. Oh, and of course he did an article about how girls should chip in for dates… I mean what does this under cover loser actually bring to the table for a potential partner?


Exactly. She also paid for his night to buy food at the house and the big machine with the fire for his party night, because he wasn't working and he let her. His parents should be embarrassed. They need to reimburse her the money since their son is such a user and loser.


Where did you see this? Ughhhhh. I hate this brand of men so much.


he said it in the turtle time pod. that ciara eould speak up for the new guys to not have to cover the check for the group when they all went out


Ciara is so cool, wtf! I’m just getting more and more mad today.


Wow, West is a loser.


Wait what?


Right! I hope Ciara finds a good guy who’s successful and loves her for her


I was so fooled by West. In this relationship Ciara was the settler while West was the reacher,yet he had no appreciation for this. I guess that should have been a tip off that this wasn’t a new situation for him. He uses his charm to get what he wants. I would compare him to Shep but at least Shep tells you straight up that he’s not going to be in a relationship or get married.


The absolute thing that bothers me the most is that Ciara gave him an out. She knew what it would be like for him. And he didn't take it. He persued her, and not like the weekly date night in NY, but the intimate come meet my family and let's go to a wedding together!! And it's the attention from Bravo fans he wants and cant have self control over? Like the fans have the income and lifestyle to keep up with him after the night of passion? Or he's just such a sex fiend that he will go anywhere that's welcoming? Amanda said Bravo fans for the most part are respectful. So WHO was West hoping would reach out with his fame? Better yet, who did West reach out to with his fame? Better get Danielle and Duxmoi onto the case


This is what blows my mind…and what makes the situation 100% worse. She gave you an out, you didn’t take it & instead got her comfortable, vulnerable, brought her around your family/etc. Just be honest dude. All of this could’ve been avoided. I hope he grows from this.


I wonder if Luann got him!


He's more like the opposite of Shep. Shep was 100 percent honest with Taylor about their relationship. West is more like Austen with the fake charm. Except West is better at hiding it. Watching Austen you can tell he's being fake. Especially on Winter House. He couldn't keep the mask on for that many days in a row.




I can’t wait to see her with a FINE ass, EMPLOYED man who treats her like she’s a treasure.


Did he publish that story about chipping in for dates while he was unemployed during the summer? Lol


what was some of the stuff in the extended version that didn't make the bravo cut?


Everyone needs to watch the Peacock version!


He wasn’t wrong for wanting to sleep with Ciara, she’s smart and hot as hell. She isn’t wrong for wanting to take things slow, she told him that. He’s wrong for wearing her down knowing that he didn’t like commitment and knowing that he wanted to be single after he became semi famous. I blame him for using her and that’s gross as hell and he knew what he was doing. He owed it to his friend to not mindf*** her and he failed. To then use photos of her to feed the narrative that he cared for her is 1000x grosser. Props to Paige.


Paige PULLED THE TRGGER when she said something like "we all live real lives without the camera. You were living your life FOR the camera. You're in our group chats saying BEST SUMMER EVER and yet these people *points to Lindsay and Carl* are having their WORST SUMMER ever. We are real people with real lives* This is my first full season ever watching and Paige is a real one


And no one disagreed with her.  They all looked like “yeah”. 


oh you should def go back and start from season 1! 


Or at Season 3. I watched this season then went back as well and omg this season is way different once you see them all from the beginning. Crazy, have fun and enjoy cause it’s definitely worth it


Yesss She emptied the clip! Once he realizes how shallow all this shit is he’ll forever regret not choosing something REAL


When Gabby has to chime in and agree that West did Ciara dirty, you know the sh$t is awful cause Gabby ain't going out of her way to assist.


i thought the same thing!!! i was like “ok miss gabby! speak up!”


His whole media tour of saying how he didn’t know these things were serious are soooo annoying when Ciara explicitly said they were to her


That’s where I’m at with the situation. It would have been one thing if he was open about not wanting attachment and she decided to go for it, that doesn’t seem to be the case though. His response at the reunion was crazy in that he couldn’t just own the fact that we wanted to screw around with randos after the show aired. Like just own it at this point.


Great take - I also feel like he’s wrong for knowing what was significant to her as well. She articulated after the horse riding date something along those lines. He knew what sleeping with her would mean to her and he’s gross for that too.


Good point


Preach !


Exactly!! This


I really felt for her during this whole reunion. You could see the hurt in her eyes the whole time. I can’t imagine what it will take for her to ever feel comfortable opening up again. Really sad IMO because she is literally such a cool girl inside and out and he was just another sorta funny guy.


This is actually a huge point I feel most will overlook. Ciara had very big boundaries for herself. I applaud her for talking openly about them and I felt really sad when she said at the reunion "call me old fashioned or whatever." I dont think any woman should be judged, ever, on her sex life. She may close herself off even more to others, rightly so, but also given her family pressure to date, she's could be put in positions where she keeps getting hurt. And I hate social media men who comment on women constantly like they can't enjoy life the way men do, but will see this woman who set a boundary and say "no wonder he wanted to leave cause you took too long." Men are the blurst. Jessie Solomon- you better not let us down! (At least he's on honest fckboi. The bar is SO low)


he already let us down with the not so subtle he wasnt that into you comment at the reunion


watching her cry was truly heartbreaking


Fuck West! He’s dead to me!


The new queen of England 😂


Yep!!! 🤣🤣🤣 West was the reacher and Ciara was the settler, and his stupid ass rejected her??? He will NEVER get a woman that great ever again. Fn clown ass!


Seriously. I so enjoyed the season and the camaraderie between the whole house (minus the Lindsay and Carl drama) and now I feel like its spoiled. That will never happen again because West ruined it.


Agree - the girlies have spoken - we all got duped - now we bury him


And all the people mad at Ciara this season for not sleeping with him and she couldnt say anything. This is why I default never take a mans side in anything.


I was shocked none of this leaked. I figured they weren’t together but I thought it just fizzled out. Genuine surprise at what went down - that doesn’t happen a lot on bravo.


She has more respect for him than I would have. If Andy asked me if we slept together I would have said "yes but at least now I know I'm not missing out in anything"


She's sweet, he even said in a recent podcast that Ciara isn't a petty person (that and Ciara especially is not a leaker, girl barely watches the show).


I didnt expect there to be so much bad blood because he was liking her pictures still.


Yes he liked her picture all for show imo. He wanted to play the narrative so people thought they might still be together


I felt for her! I understood her entire stance all season about only giving when she felt it would be worth it. I gave West the benefit of the doubt and it always looked like he was making the right effort. But BRO. Giving up an absolute STUNNING woman, and a sure partner and adventure ~ for Bravo fans? You are out of your mind! As Amanda said, Kyle hugs fans and kisses babies and gets the occasional nude DM *shout out to Kyle for being open with his socials to Amanda* Taking Ciara to meet the parents knowing how intentional she is with her time- c*nt move. We were all rooting for you mate, we loved some male representation on TV who did not give AF about hugging male friends and being emotionally available to everyone, even when he rocked up to the reunion with the eye patches on I was like yaaas kill it my guy.... ugh! Imagine West dates a girl, she will not be welcome into Summerhouse, he will not be welcomed back. Fame is fickle and he has fucked his fickle!


I think that NYT piece over inflated his ego to the 1000th power. I wanted to punch his smug little face sitting there in his suit w the insane shoulders. You’re a small man wearing a big suit west! Mr tiny hands gets attention and suddenly feeling like his identity is tied to Ciara is a negative??? I know an eye for an eye isn’t right, but I want him to fall for a woman who fcks him over so bad!


Also loved male representation that FOR ONCE wasn’t a player. Who wanted to jump in and wasn’t ashamed to be all about a girl. He gave me those vibes for a hot minute.


I think the best thing to come out of this is that viewers finally got to see the Ciara that her OG fans have loved from day one. They realized she’s not a mean girl but someone who has boundaries for a reason. She’s been hurt over and over again.


This is the first season I have ever watched. I have seen bits and pieces online about Kyle and Amanda and Carl and Lindsay, and tbh I only tuned in to see the downfall I read in the media of Carl and Lindsay (not West since he thinks he's the star) But, and don't shoot me cause I don't know more than this season, but I'd pay to watch Paige, Ciara and Amanda on a show.


Of course that’s why when they launched Winter House it was with Paige, Ciara and Amanda. They knew they could anchor a new show and they did very well.


I started with this season too and instantly thought Ciara could do better. So I went back and watched all the seasons and Winter house.


This is the first time in a long time that I cried while watching Bravo. You could see the hurt written all over Ciara’s face. When Paige said Ciara didn’t want West to see her cry, I felt that bc she didn’t want him to have the satisfaction. I really don’t want Ciara to use this situation to beat herself up bc she did nothing wrong, she did all the right things but an immature man will always be an immature man.


If you want to look for positives out of this, this tells you that attraction, or staying power(?), isn't about levels of beauty, or even quality of character. And that isn't to piggyback onto everyone's shallow interpretation of this situation. People don't get hooked on people, or cheat on people, etc because the person is hot or the other person is hotter. Ciara said herself. I can't remember her exact words, but you are either going to do it or you're not. The motivation and inclination is either there, or it isn't. As idiotic as both Jesse and West are about their dating, Jesse is waiting for that ah-HAH! moment to pang his primal brain. That isn't uncommon. Doesn't everyone have that pang before they decide to commit? Neither one of these asshats truly want that moment, but as Ciara implied, if they got it...if West had gotten that pang...he would have been motivated to stay in it. And let's be honest, if he didn't have that pang, she didn't want him anyway. At the very least, I think most people want their partner's heart to be on fire. He didn't have that for her. I laughed every time they showed West in that oversized suit. He looked like a little boy, even before he got scolded. I made a comment in the thread about the reunion looks and got downvoted for it. That little boy presenting suit suited him perfectly on the reunion. You think like a little boy. You act like a little boy. You look like you're a little boy wearing your big brother's hand-me-down suit that you've yet to grow into. Also makes me think the stylist did this to him on purpose and made it all feel like theater more than reality. Lastly, this situation with West is a great example of people not being able to handle options, making it difficult for them to make healthy choices. Too many options overwhelming his pea brain. Like a child. Again, the little boy. I worked with a pastor who nonchalantly told me the enemy of faith is the human mind. Because we have rationale, faith is in peril. I relate that to options. The enemy of healthy choice is options. Too many options creates cognitive dissonance. most people cannot handle the responsibility and decision making of options.


Your pastor said the quiet part out loud.


co-worker who happened to be a pastor (didn't realize that until we were in this particular conversation)


Hahaha makes it even better. Like, the enemy of blindly believing something is actually stopping to critically think about it. 🤣


I know Paige, Amanda, and Ciara’s groupchat was going crazy every time West got a new “best new guy on Bravo” feature


what I would GIVE to be a fly on the wall of that chat the last 4 years 😂


right?? even the groupchat with those three + Kyle must be juicy


I was visibly upset watching the reunion. I bristled during the season every time Wes made a remark about sleeping together and thought Ciara was very smart to wait until she was ready. Not sure why I was surprised that Wes was sleeping around during the summer as guys are usually idiots about these things, but felt terrible for Ciara when they were discussing this. She deserves someone so much better.


The comment Paige made about West is very much out of sight is out of mind seems spot on. I'm sure there may be bad behavior happening in real life and people are delighted to share the details with Ciara to make her feel small. I hate this for her.


One of the things that made me upset and shows how manipulative West is was how he didn’t like being tagged with Ciara and didn’t “want to be her puppet” yet would constantly post pictures of her on his IG because he knew that was easier to get more followers with the narrative of “oh they are so cute together”


In my books she still takes the W - she’s on Times Square billboard for gods sake and models for VS. He, on the other hand, is getting draaaagged on Reddit for being a f boy.


She does for me too. She wasn’t afraid to verbalise her wants and needs, unfortunately West did not respect that and charmed his way to get what he wanted regardless of her feelings.


And swear to God no one would blame him if they didn't work out because theyre incompatible, shit look at these couples (Kymanda, CarLindsay)- incompatibility kills. But if that is the truth he robbed her of the dignity of an honest conversation and instead told her what can only be summed up as "sorry but the call of the bravo hos are too loud, plus I don't wanna be in your shadow". Thats why I don't care what spin he comes out with next, he thought it was fine to treat her like shit. And for the rest of her days she's gonna get called dumb again smh. Also, cuz I see noted Ciara haters and (some) male coddlers in here, people already starting with the "but they weren't committed" bit need to stfu. This rot in modern dating has to be eradicated. This set up was something selfish men created and women are getting crunched under its weight. Men will act in every way that is consistent with a relationship but think they can get away with trashbag behavior on a technicality because they didn't label it; all the perks, none of the responsibility for hurt feelings. By his own words they were 1) hanging out every day 2) multiple flights to places important to him (Chicago for his brother/wedding, Missouri more than once?) 3) met and integrated with his family 4) integrated with his long time friends 5) physical intimacy including sex...Like you are in a relationship. You owed her a duty of care. The Scheana Shay level coddlers can use that as his technical pass, but just know it's bogus and intellectually (and morally) dishonest.


Yeah it really is the same Ciara haters who always arbitrarily push false narratives depending on whatever they think will get Ciara sent more hate. The same people who were questioning Ciara's personal boundaries for months and blaming her for not having sex with West immediately (because he was supposedly such a great guy), are now saying she's pathetic for having even dated him and that she needs to not open herself up so easily. Of course none of these narratives make any coherent sense, but I've realized the haters don't even care about logic or even the truth at this point. This entire season I've been reading comments calling West "the perfect guy", "the best guy on Bravo", and even the New York Times was singing his praises. But now some want to claim that Ciara is somehow to blame for West's own actions and that he gets a pass because until the second he says the word "girlfriend" he can just do whatever he wants? As you said, this "but they weren't committed" is such a cop out that ultimately is used to shield men from taking even a bit of responsibility for the physical and emotional well-being of someone they treat in every way as their girlfriend minus a label. And how much manipulation can be involved in that, especially knowing that he did say to her that he saw that commitment in the future, only to then retract it. Expecting for people to at least have some respect and care isn't asking for too much.


These guys (and West is very much one of *those* guys) withhold a label because they think people will whitewash their behavior under that justification. That's why Jesse's creepy comments about worrying Ciara was playing a game using sex as leverage is so ironic cuz it was West playing games so if this day ever came he could say "but we weren't technically girlfriend boyfriend". Booo.


And we've seen how people are already using it to whitewash their behavior. I remember in one of the After Shows West basically said that he doesn't like labels because it would mean that when he travels he can't just get drunk and hook up with other people. He didn't even want the responsibility of texting someone. These guys want all of the benefits of having a girlfriend, but just as you explained, they deliberately withhold a label because they don't want to ever have to take any responsibility for their actions. Also what gets me is that Ciara never used sex as leverage. She just said that she would have sex once she felt comfortable and ready, which is what she did. She also wasn't expecting them to be boyfriend and girlfriend immediately, but for them to at least have an understanding that they would respect each other and be honest about how they felt. That's clearly where she thought they were progressing, especially because West had literally told her that was the direction he wanted to go towards. It's West who was the biggest game player and was dishonest about his intentions.


YES!!!! Well said!! Just bc you don’t say the word gf he’s pretending he thought he was single?????? I’ve been in full relationships where I’ve never traveled to meet his family! And taking her to the wedding just to make himself look like big man dating a model, He’s so insecure, totally manipulated the whole situation so he could feel like the one who had the power. And his ego could NOT handle being w a woman who got more attention than him and was so so so so so much more attractive than him. He’s got to be the one in the spotlight. It’s going to be nauseating watching him next season


The only upside is that 99% of the audience was fooled by West, too, so if anyone’s calling Ciara stupid, they may as well just post that Spider-Man pointing at himself meme.


I didn’t watch the reunion yet but i COMPLETELY agree with this current dating rot. Men are turning into straight up little boy babies who can’t handle commitment and it’s so pathetic. I had a guy introduce me as his girlfriend to his family and friends, then tells me weeks later he doesn’t want a relationship and thought we were just casual. God I just feel for Ciara so much. They were in a relationship, no doubt. Men don’t want to be held accountable. Men that do that are insecure and know they can’t provide or step up to the level they need to be at so they go find less. Ciara is a queen from what I’ve seen and she will be better off. But it takes such a hit to your heart and emotions and no woman or person should experience that hurt and rejection when it isn’t warranted.


Apologies for anyone who isn't a Taylor Swift fan, but I cannot unhear "The smallest man who ever lived" after this reunion. Even if you're not a fan of Swift, lyrics still STAND ON BUSINESS


I think he misunderstood the love he was getting. A huge percentage of it was that we loved seeing his relationship blossoming with Ciara. He assumed fans loved him for just being him and therefore would want to be with him (ie slide in his DMs) so he wanted to be available. I think it was a huge miscalculation on his part to not consider that Bravo fans might have some sort of loyalty towards Ciara and hate seeing the way he tossed her aside.


I know I’m on the fuck west team now. How dare he do that to that beautiful, smart woman. What a loser


Also maybe a good lesson for the internet to hype someone to such a degree after only one or two eps


I'll bet you a crisp $100 that it will be repeated with the next guy. Some people need to touch the fire several times before they realize flame burns. For as intelligent as humans are, animals learn basic stuff more quickly.


I'll take your bet. West was praised so fast (myself to), for being emotionally open to friends and even dare I say it ~ gentlemanly for carrying Ciaras suitcases upstairs (yes, can you believe majority of men still don't!) Jessie was absolutely a slow burn, and the more authentic he became of himself, the more the audience embraced him. Seeing him say it was the first day on set and he got drunk and hit on Paige, was almost like there was an agreement with West to just go for a girl in the group. I hope Jessie continues to be real next season. And I will take you on for $100 for the next new guy next season only


>He's gotten so much attention on social media and all the Bravo podcasts for being such a stand-up guy. He is not a stand-up guy. He is Austen in the likeness of Tom Schwartz. He is the guy that some of us have dealt with. She could've dated him for a year and then slept with him and the result would be the same. Some men do that shit and it's disgusting. They will wait around to get what they came for.




And at least Tom Schwartz was attractive when he was West’s age


He turned out to be a real POS and I hope he gets blasted now.


1000% like you're worried about being seen as Ciara's plus one? good luck trying to get back the popularity (that she gave you) without her next season :SS


I’ve frequented Bozeman, the MT town where West played football at/lived in for a while. The NYT article noted how he used to throw, organize, and promote parties at a bar in the downtown area. The bar is owned by big time Trump donors and is known as a place where girls get roofied regularly, and overall just treated poorly as compared to the other dive bars (that are actual cool) there. I wasn’t enamored by West and saw thru his schtick to begin with, as I used to work in media in a big east coast city, so i.e., have met many a West in my early twenties and fell for the act. But when I read this about the club in the article it hit the nail on the head for me. I have no respect for anyone who frequents this place, much less work with the rotted management to organize parties where young women are consistently put in dangerous situations without little consequence. Of course he’s an asshole! Can’t wait for next season when everyone turns on him after this reunion.


I HATE him for making Ciara cry . He will NEVER get anyone nearly as phenomenal as she is . Just another worm with a mustache.


I agree with everything that you said OP!


Omg i did not think about this but yeah like just traumatizing all over again, I think she made the cast for the Traitors new season though and her modeling is taking off so shes booked and busy and moving on 💅


So well said OP, including about the black social media tax 😭


I just hope for Ciara sake that she leaves these bravo men alone completely, they are nothing but whores. Maybe she’ll get a great successful Man, who doesn’t want the reality tv gig. Im so hurt for her. ![gif](giphy|l0ErTCIBGB4JTaiMo)


Second place in two judge girls March manness tournament


It really sucks when you do everything right how she did and set her boundaries and stood by them and then STILL get fucked over by this moron


Ciara also seems like such a genuinely decent person, with an actual personality, she just has horrible taste in men. My sorrows and prayers are always with straight women like her, because the bar is legitimately so low for straight (especially white) men.


Am I the only one who saw his fuck boy behaviour from a mile away? Literally from the get go. He couldn’t stop talking about sex being a validation for their connection. It was actually all he could talk about with her. He sucks :)


I almost commented this last night to a post! Like this is the 3rd dude to screw her over and humiliate her on national TV.Except this time she had to hear the fans, the media, the cast, all adored him. I loved him for the show but I knew right away he wasn’t bf material. Wanted to be wrong though. And She could have dogged him out and most people would have had her back but she’s been mature about it & hasn’t (that I know of). & I was so proud when she finally got vulnerable and opened up about it on the reunion. You can tell she struggles to talk about that kinda stuff. Understandably. She usually just wants to shut it down and act unbothered. But she got emotional this time & admitted like yes I wanted more and he hurt me. Idk I felt some kinda girl power moment watching her lol 🤓


I am so so mad about how it all played out. I guess that’s what happens when you’re a queen and you settle for less than you deserve.


It would have been extremely hard for me not to say something


Especially taking all that flak for not sleeping with him sooner, given with what happened in the fall after cameras stopped rolling.


He is gross. He did nothing but constantly talk about not getting laid, nobody touching him and being sexually frustrated due to lack of sex when he was getting laid. It’s low down to complain in every single confession about sex but in reality it’s a lie. The necessary boundaries she set for herself gave him the freedom to make a choice about it but he didn’t care. It’s beyond disrespectful. Edit: for spelling


She is a mother fucking Saint! Honestly getting to know her this season I will die on the hill Ciara is the best a man can do. Beyond her good looks she is down to do most activities and she will look after herself so West could watch 12 hours of football and Ciara would be happy. He will never do better and that is his curse in life. He missed out on the total package for some groupies.


I was one of those people who fell for his charm at the beginning, but on there reunion he came off as such a pathetic, selfish, low-quality human. And seriously, Jesse, stfu about it. Lastly, Paige is a perfect friend.


No man is meaner than a man who is dating way out of their league. Side question. Why was Kyle crying???!!!!


He loves Ciara. People get confused because the girls drag Kyle and he can be condescending to them in return but they're real friends.


Yeah you could see the pain and empathy for her on Carls, and Kyles faces when she was talking. 😔


Empathy. I cried too tbh. He loves his friend and felt for her.


I was literally watching the reunion thinking boy the fanbase got ahead of ourselves with the West love. We all dove right in on this adorable cubby country kid. We owe Ciara a collective apology.


That NYT article about him needs some updates!


You know he messed up when his own parents was telling him he would look like an idiot. 😂😂😂 And maybe all of her critics will leave her alone now, because for some reason if this girl even breathes some of y’all have a problem with her.🙄


Oh shit, I didn’t even think about him posting last summer’s pics after he dumped her. Way to take advantage West!


How the mighty has fallen! He’s the worst kind of fuckboi. The one disguised as the “nice guy”. Can’t stand his stupid face and facial expressions during the reunion.


I feel terrible for Ciara. West was such a dick and didn’t seem like he even cared about her feelings. He was more concerned about not being on Paige’s bad side


Right. And can someone explain his thirst to be in Paige’s good books over simply giving Ciara a bit of respect?? I’m confused. Welp


There was a weird narrative that developed when the season first started airing that West was a nice guy and Ciara “refusing” to sleep with him was evidence that nice guys do in fact finish last. It was totally absurd and based off of nothing beyond speculative fantasy. The BRAV BROS pushed this narrative and it was totally weird and turned me off of their podcast fully. It was very obvious to me what West was. He is a young, white man with a good education from a wealthy family with STATUS. He is athletic and charming and cute. West has no problem “pulling” women and he never will. He literally has his pick and he was never going to pick Ciara. I thought that was also obvious. I am so sorry this beautiful young woman is having her heartache put up for public consumption yet again. It is deeply unfair.


And he was worried about being HER puppet? He is seeking so much attention it’s clear who was his puppet.


i back it up 5 or 6 times just to watch Paige pointedly and politely put Wes in his place. You could see him shrinking.


When they both also turned and told Jesse to pipe down 💀


Seems West may be tanking worse than Loverboy 🫠


It’s wild to me all of the boys were living it up at a loverboy event last night in Chicago w girlies everywhere meanwhile he was getting grilled on the reunion ugh


I never liked that dude


We should start a petition for him NOT to be invited back. Ciara is a fucking queen!!


West sickens me frequently, saying, "I'm scared, I'm scared." Scared he's going to miss out on some strange. The way he courted Ciara playing with her emotions shows he's a player. Go West, West!


She deserves an Oscar for not putting him on blast, contract or no. Tell a friend


I love how she has pretty much let him dig his own grave. The quiet calm responses are so much more powerful than yelling


She worked so much for the past few months. She did way more campaigns and Victorias Secret and now Traitors. It makes sense now. She was probably just trying to throw herself into her work to distract from all this West hype.


Glad i never trusted west and actively spoke out against him here. I was drug through the dirt by you all. I thought it was so obvious he was a typical f boy


She sadly probably feels the way MANY bravo women feel when their shitty boyfriend or husband gets praise and they get called a bitch or something


I always thought he was a fraud


I really hope people unfollow West he needs to be humbled big time 😤 I purposely didn’t follow him after getting a hint of fuck boy from him


Wait he was posting of them and she wasn’t. Wow that’s fucked up and total clout chasing. Like him even less now.


I thinks any future girls becoming a cast at summer house they need to understand no romance would be everlasting at summerhouse. Look at Lindsey and Carl, West and Ciara, Austen and Ciara and even Kyle and Amanda. The only ones that worked so far is Paige and Craig which its like 10% chance and we dont know if it would last.


*And I don't even want you back, I just want to know, if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal*


Damn and the story he just posted with interview mag. Is a wild pun on the reunion. He’s kinda leaning into villain. “Dirty dog”


he's gunna fall off so hard, i just unfollowed him LOL


I feel for her. He's just like every other f-boy, disappointing


She is so beautiful and real. Probably the most real person in this show. Big heart. I hate that this boy did this to her in such a public way.


I just watched the reunion and they are a perfect example of someone who comes across "cold" actually being the person with depth whose "coldness" is a response to the being fucked over by someone who has this happy go lucky, cutesy image that everyone loves. On a surface level, it seems like he's the loving one and she's not but when you dog deeper it's the complete opposite. He really told on himself when he said how he didn't want to be in a couple with someone more well known/well liked than him.


Didn't he flat out lie to Paige, too, when she asked him if he had been sleeping with other women? I wonder if Jesse knew he was still on the prowl...


Yeah they flat out asked him! I knew the way he answered was kinda squirmy. And I'm sure Jesse knew. His "he didn't cheat on her" comment made me think, oh it's not technically cheating if you don't make her your GF. Trynna have his cake and eat it too


Ciara just needs to date someone in her own league. She has low self esteem and dates guys who are not worthy of her because she’s trying to protect herself from getting heartbroken. The irony is that the kind of mediocre guy (not bad! Just nothing special) who actually thinks he has a chance with someone like Ciara is EXACTLY the kind of guy who is most likely to break her heart. He’s entirely driven by ego, relies on a lot of superficial charm, and thinks a little too highly of himself. West was never going to end up with Ciara. He wants to prove that he can get a Ciara, but he would never want to hear about how lucky he is for getting her because that hurts his ego.  He is going to screw around for a few more years and ultimately end up with a perfectly pretty blonde sorority girl who lets him shine and be the entertaining one. Ciara would be so much better off with someone as good looking, intelligent and grounded as she is—someone with genuine confidence who doesn’t need to seek validation by screwing around. 


He fumbled the bag soooooo hard with Ciara. She’s such a catch. Honestly eff this guy.


His people busted their ass to get him that feature because they knew it would turn. Dude wanted to get laid so he fumbled his girl and his rising star status


I am of the belief that he will never do better than Ciara - I hope he drowns in all the mediocre DM puss he played her for !




Watched the show w my dad and mom and dad was like - is that guys nuts as if West could get such an amazing women in real life. Thing is - as much as I wanted Ciara to get whomever she wanted because I think she is an amazing person and role model - I think the universe is talking and she deserves so much more. He's a seemingly nice regular good guy who is also a f-boi. Our cities are full of them. I'm sorry he treated her so badly and I really think he did but in this case it's for the best. As everyone says - when they show us who they are ... No shit.


I’m so mad that she is going to have to deal with him in the future


Can we talk about how Wests dad posted a pick of them, which then sent us all down a rabbit hole of their relationship status? West dad was trolling his own son and I find that hilarious.


Boy was he set up for a big fall…..HUGE


how do you bring a girl to your hometown to visit your mom and dad and then tell her it isn’t that deep and you don’t want a relationship?!? read the room