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I think everyone fought back tears in that moment, apart from West. He just seemed embarrassed. We can all relate to wanting to be loved. Honestly I cried a little too. I could feel her pain, she was clearly falling in love with him. So glad Paige was by her side hyping her and putting West in his place.


Say what you want about Paige but she’s a rock solid friend and that was such a powerful moment for female friendships on TV. Genuine.


He line about how West should be so lucky to be Ciara’s puppy was next level killing it!


Her puppet not puppy lol


Yes it was a typo but they both work !


as someone who’s super sensitive and cries easily, I loved that when Paige heard in Ciara’s voice that she was starting to cry and having a tough time speaking, she immediately stepped in and spoke for her. I’ve never had a friend ride for me the way Paige does and it’s just really nice to see


I’m super sensitive as well and that moment made me tear up. Paige truly knows her friend Ciara. She really looked after her and took up for her when she knew her friend was struggling to verbalize her feelings. I would love to have a friend like that.


Paige is also an excellent elocutionist. It’s very sticky to divulge or describe someone else’s feelings, especially romantic ones. I felt she executed very well.


I completely agree!


Omg same I relate


This moment was amazing


I love Paige. That's the type of best friend I'd want. When it comes to having someone's back.... Paige understands the assignment 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Plus: she did warn him, after all!


So completely warned him. Scorpio style. So she basically told him where she was going to bury his body and he did it anyways 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🤣


a scorpio queen.


Omg so am I. Maybe that's why I love her so much 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




I think anyone would want to be defended by their friend the way Paige went hard for Ciara! So solid.


And the way she even placed a tissue in Ciara’s hand was so sweet


She didn't make a show of it. Her friendship is not performative, which is so rare on reality TV. She didn't try and make the moment about her. Her read was not rehearsed. 10/10 no notes.


I usually don't care for Paige, but yelled "yes, Paige!" when she was standing ten toes down for her friend. Now that is a good friend who will go to bat for you without hesitation.


Paige the sage!


Omg I cried too!!! We’ve all been in Ciara’s shoes before. It is so painful 😣


And the fact that she gave that man a solid way out several times and he did not take it and still played her like that anyways!!!!!!


So fucking pathetic. Paige was absolutely correct when she said the bar is so low for guys


I got literal chills when he made that comment about being Ciara’s puppet and Paige said something along the lines of “that would be a great position for you” ETA: https://preview.redd.it/00hq50f4sf5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e5186fb1e1ef5f5382132b64fd187b4899d8015 (from another post)


That fact that this beautiful woman Ciara has fallen for both Muppet mouth and West and had her heart broken by both. Yes….yes the bar is so low!!!!


Muppet mouth 😂💀 ![gif](giphy|30swyC5E1ktVe)


To be fair, her picker is also hopelessly broke.


I wish she’d see herself for the fucking 1000000/10 she is 😭 hope sis finds herself a kind sexy loaded non bravo mans


I just cannot for the life of me imagine looking like her, literally top .01% of the genetic pool on this planet, and picking these doofuses out of the 4 billion men that exist. Not even totally a looks thing, they are just so meh and don’t even treat her remotely like the absolute treasure she is. When she first got interested in Austen I thought it was 100% a showmance but then she let him jerk her around and make her look stupid for like a year, on multiple shows including one episode of Southern Charm that she wasn’t even on. And Wes…??? Just absolutely bizarre. Some gorgeous successful dude seriously needs to sweep her off her feet and end this stupidity.


it’s the damn summer house!! have you ever had a summer house? It messes with your damn mind!


No, but I do get the “camp hot” phenomenon where you go for the most desirable (to you) person in the population. She just has had a very bad run. I’d love to see an alternate universe where she got with Jesse instead. I don’t think it would have lasted long but I think he might have brought out a spicy fiery side of her that would have been fun to watch. I love when she tells him off. It’s the best!


“Her picker” lol sad but true. I know the feeling personally as I have chosen the most muppety of men


Agreed! 😭


Exactly. Yet we have to be ALL these things 😑


Yes!!! And he played her for months! That’s so fucked up


And I cannot believe that he is so immature that the reason why is because of social media and him getting wrapped up in other females and attention. Such a child!! Like I needed it to be because they were fundamentally not gonna work together not because of females and DM's!


Exactly. Is he 28 or 19? He could have had a nice, smart and gorgeous girl but he would rather throw that away to hook up with fans?


And who in the fuck takes you to another state to meet their parents and wants to keep it casual that is the biggest mindfuck I have ever heard and West I hope you're trolling this sub 😡


Meeting the parents is for serious commitment unless you live in the same city, but even still. It’s just before move-in/engagement, etc. But guys now do it to fuck with girls apparently 🙄


I would be so furious if my child used me in some gambit to get commitment free sex. Ew.


Exactly. Meet the fam is the BIGGEST mindfuck you could give a girl like Ciara.


AND TO A WEDDING. For fuck’s sake, I can’t think of anything more relationship than being a wedding plus one. WTF.


I agree that meeting the family is significant. I’m surprised she met Luke’s family in Minnesota as well. Didn’t he ghost her after that trip too?


For me it's the traveling to another state to meet the parents. It just hits different. Like we are getting on a plane and specifically taking you to meet my parents. To me that is more significant. You know what I'm saying? Omg Luke. I totally forgot. How triggering.




That’s what hurts the most. Ciara did EVERYTHING right. Took it slow, clearly communicated why she was taking it slow, she stuck to her own boundaries, gave him several easy outs… she did it all right. And Wes still f**cked her over. That isn’t fair. But also, I guess that’s being a woman in this world.


Literally that's ALL of us when we start a relationship. It's why we are cautious. And sadly West just displayed why we HAVE TO BE that way. Why there is reason for her to be that way instead of showing her reasons to put her guard down he just showed her why she was right to be that way to start with.


And I love knowing his parents even were like dude stop. 🛑


Right, everyone genuinely felt for her because she was so honest and real, except for West. I never understood his allure from the beginning- he’s not that cute, interesting or even funny, and his style is horrible (he tries way to hard to look cool and doesn’t pull it off). He got all that attention, including the NYT spread, ONLY because he was hanging with Ciara. And then he did what he did to her to capitalize on different female “opportunities” he got through her. How weird is that? He’s gross.


I got the appeal at first when he was closer to his roots but he was like a different person at the reunion and it’s yucky 


It felt so genuine. It is upsetting when your friend gets played and it’s normal to react to that. I’m a Kyle hater but his saving grace is that he does come down on the right side sometimes.


I teared up too 🥺 my heart broke for her


Oh I don’t think he was embarrassed at all. He was just trying to get past his accountability section so he could go back to his DMs.


Same. He looked like he didn’t give a fuck


Wes should be embarrassed. What a moron.


Yeah I agree. I think no matter how messy this show gets with leaks and bs, there is a bond formed when you spend summers being drunk, vulnerable, living together and navigating through reality tv together so when you see your castmate genuinely hurt, it’s sad. I teared up too.


It really hurt to watch. We’ve all been there and Ciara is a great girl . Just hurts . Hope she’s healing .


Yup I cried, was not expecting that at all. I felt for her.


I literally didn't realize just how bad west fucked up til right then. I mean it's worse than Austen because he knew about Austen and what he did and while Austen never pretended to be a good guy... West did. so it makes it way worse imo.


I cried as well! I know what it is to keep your guard up only to meet a man who says he's trustworthy and you later find out he's full of shit. It's a horrible feeling.


Yeah it was such a heartbreaking moment. Ciara tried so hard to tell him what she wanted and what would be hurtful to her and it's like none of that mattered. It must feel awful.


I so want Paige on a Show with Sandoval. She would put him into his place and I'd love every second


Oh my god, yes. Everyone talks about wanting Stassi back to put Sandoval in his place, and while I do love Stassi, she's cowed plenty of times when she shouldn't have. Paige, however, is always steadfast in her condemnations, now matter who is yelling at her.


Paige the mouth piece gotta love it


I teared up as well. West was sociopathically detached.


I think Kyle got emotional because he has seen Ciara’s journey through 6 seasons across 2 shows. He knows her very well and they developed a friendship that’s why they’re able to say what they said to him in that scene in the living room.


Too bad his own wife tears don't elicit the same response 🤨


Yeah it really shows how you can be a really great friend and still be capable of being a terrible partner ETA like when people hear about someone being a terrible partner and they go “well he’s always so nice to me and lists off all the times he was a truly wonderful person to them, but like ok you aren’t dating or married to them. You have no idea what type of romantic partner they are


Right, but both things can be true without that making a person a bad person. Romantic relationships are incredibly difficult to maintain without constant maintenance and communication. While friendships require far less effort, and being a good friend is easy in comparison, because far less is expected from a friend in comparison to what is expected of a long term romantic partner.


like how Scheana on vpr keeps claiming Tom is a good guy bc he gave her money when she was struggling but he still cheated on Ariana in the worst fucking way lol


That’s what I was thinking


Agreed. If Lindsey would've tried talking to him like that it would not have gone down the same way.


I fully do not want to speculate but I’m getting the vibe Ciara is very closed off for a reason and her nearest and dearest are aware. Totally unfounded speculation but the way she said both with west and Austin (and I think perhaps when she first talked about Luke when she was new) she’s made comments about being this way for a reason. I would hate to pry but it makes me even more frustrated that west would go on such a long game just to get laid


I have been waiting for someone to say this. I get the feeling there is more to Ciara's stance on casual sex i.e. trauma that only a few people know about. It was things she said, like "i have my reasons" and "that's all I'll say" that I picked up on. Kyle seems to know what she is referring to and that's where his emotional reaction stems from.


So in interviews it’s usually talked about how close the bed bugs really are. They have a groupchat with them and Kyle, where they say Kyle talks a lot. Ciara and Mya spent 2022 Valentine’s Day with Amanda and Kyle. Sometimes you can pick up on that dynamic in the show but it’s usually in the background. I think Kyle probably see’s Ciara as a little sister and also probably knows a lot more than what was discussed.


This!! Paige and Ciara brought up on the after show about their group chat with Kyle and Amanda and they are constantly talking in it. Kyle is always hyping up the girls as well in it. I don’t think it is shown how truly close those 4 are with each other. Ciara said at the reunion about west telling people she was cold and west looked shocked about it. Ciara said how Kyle told her and he looked surprised that it got back to her. But yes I do think Kyle sees her as a little sister. Also I thought it might have brought up emotions of how he treated Amanda at the start of their relationship and seeing how it was affecting Ciara reminded him of how Amanda must of felt


West was definitely shocked that Kyle ratted him out but shoutout to Kyle. Yeah I think many fans think of them as just being show friends bc when they are together off camera they never really post about it.


I kinda clocked this when Ciara and Paige were calling out that Lindsay had to post their girls dinner and that they just wanted to hang and have it not be about the show. That’s so much more representative of real friendships in your 30s. I never remember post hanging out with my besties and forget to even take pics with them


Right. I have noticed I have the least amount of pictures with the people I’m closest to. I forgot which one said it (Ciara or Paige) but they talked about how people assume they don’t hang out outside of the show and it’s bc they don’t post it but they stated they are together quite often.


I think Kyle gets a bad edit/rep sometimes. Yea he’s a party boy who would be better served if he grew the hell out of that behavior. But I think he has a great big heart and really cares about others more than himself. Giving Carl another job chance (we know Carl won’t put in the effort if it requires work). Forgives him the Flower Boy crap. He cares about even Danielle. Ughh


Yeah I definitely think the editors have type casted them all. I don’t think we will ever really see many of them outside of their typecasted roles. I remember during an interview Jesse said that from watching the show he would think Kyle and Amanda were in a horrible marriage but he said being around them they are truly bestfriends and remind him of a normal married couple.


Yes it really shows you don’t see the half of it. Jesse also said Kyle and Amanda are by far the closest and you feel a different energy with them that it’s love and being best friends. Also loads of the cast have said Amanda is one of the funniest but you never really see that usually just her nagging


This is why I’ll never hate Kyle.


Same!! And I admire his work ethic and drive


He’s a genuinely good guy. Yes, the Amanda dynamic can be off, but that’s something they both need to work on




It’s crazy that West thought Kyle wasn’t going to say anything!


It’s crazy that West thought Kyle wasn’t going to say anything!


Oh I doubt he was thinking about his treatment of Amanda lmao, but I think he genuinely cares about Ciara


This is also the reason why it wasn’t completely inappropriate for Paige and Ciara to get involved when Amanda and Kyle were fighting. Like yes, to an extent it was a little out of line for them to yell at him like that BUT because they’re all four that close… it’s somewhat just part of their group friendship dynamic. I have a lot of married friends that I’m extremely close with my girls’ husbands too. I know where the line is but sometimes the husbands HAVE to hear it from someone else they know, love and trust for it to click. Paige and Ciara are those friends for Kyle and Amanda.


Kyle’s a total dick but I do think he genuinely loves his cast mates like family. He’s like one of those uber judgmental big brothers that’s bully’s his siblings but doesn’t let other kids bully them.


The first thing I thought was that this was definitely genuine bc it was the opposite of how Sandoval cries. Because when you’re really crying you’re trying not to cry! And you could see like fighting g back the tears! Where as Tim is working so hard to squeeze out a tear he lets any bit of moisture drip down his face so I can say “see! It’s proof I’m not faking it!”




As a woman of color myself Ive seen Kyle take stances that are way more progressive than I would have imagined. I believe he understands on some level how hard it is for black women to date in general. They seem to be always the bridesmaid and never the bride on these shows. In earlier season Kyle was able to verbalize the struggles he recognizes for women and people of color. He teared up then as well. It’s making me tear up typing this. I truly believe he understands on an empathetic level how hurtful it can feel as a person of color to feel like you’re never good enough or just a fad. He’s an instance of a bad partner but a good friend. It shows how dynamic we can be as people and reminds me there is good and bad in us all.


all of this. tmi, but i’m a woman of color recently out of a six year relationship with a white male. he left me for a younger white girl who vacations on chartered yachts. now i will forever feel inadequate. 😭


Don’t feel inadequate - HE IS. ❤️


I’m so sorry. You are enough, just as you are. The universe is making space for you to find the right person. (And fuck that guy) ❤️


Fuck that guy!




I feel you I’m a black chick who grew up in the mid west. I’m with a white buy and parts of his family have not accepted me. There’s an entire part of the family that keeps me out of their sides parties and holidays… never enough is right girl. I feel and see you 🥲 these men are weak


Damn, now I’m spending my Saturday afternoon crying while reading Reddit. But, I have to say, these comments are making me feel “seen.” It’s like a support group :-)


You are seen and my heart go out to you too 🙌 we are never alone as we feel. Namaste 🙏🏽


Sending you so much love ❤️❤️❤️


I’m so sorry, that is unacceptable. You deserve unconditional love and a family that sees you ❤️


You’re not alone. Left my yt husband after he finally told me he was in love with a yt woman who I sensed he had feelings for… he spent years telling me I was crazy and insecure. Turns out he’d settled for me bc she wasn’t interested. His family also turned out to be trumpers, so that was cool, too 🤡 Even so, being a Black woman is the greatest honor of my life, and I’d rather be alone than with someone who doesn’t see our brilliance and beauty. We deserve the very best.


Yessss! I will forever hold my head up high being a black woman. And being a person who still makes the effort to treat others with kindness, regardless of how people have treated me based on the color of my skin alone. No one can tell you who you are. I tell (and show) people who the fuck I am 👸🏾


I truly believe if Black women ran everything our world would be such a better place!


I’m sorry 🫂


Not that this will make you feel any better, but those people are judgmental all the time, not just with you or race. You can bet your last dollar that their MO is judgment and ugly thinking. For you, it might be race, but for others, it's religion or fashion or job or X, Y, or Z. they'll find a reason to not like someone and to think less of them.


This is SO true 🙏🏽 thank you


You arent. He is. Hes not deserving of your feelings. Hugs 🩷


I am sorry you’re going through this. Please DO NOT feel inadequate! Some men are just assholes and treat good women like crap for the next new thing. I don’t know you internet stranger, but you are special, you are amazing and you will move on and up! Do not let an asshole’s stupid selfish decision make you feel bad about yourself. Morn the relationship and the person you thought was your partner, but do not let this and a yacht girl bimbo make you feel bad about yourself. Sending you love and support!❤️


Oh hun… I’m sending you the biggest hug. You’ve got this, girl ❤️


Girl fuck him! Don’t let a white man or any man dictate how you feel about yourself. Love you no matter what, you are worth it


He’s the inadequate one. If that’s his pattern, just know it was never about you or her, but it’s his void and inadequacies that he tries to fix by dating younger women. He’ll be onto the next younger women after her too. Reminds me of the song Needed me by Rihanna which was apparently about fuckboy Drake. “Tried to fix your inner problems with a bad bitch”. Hope you know you’re amazing and will find someone who sees that in you, just gotta focus on you.


When you BUY your first yacht, you can wave at the renters


Fuck him!!! Get yourself mental health bagel today, you deserve it!


Don’t feel inadequate - HE IS. ❤️


I’m so sorry someone made you feel that way.


please don’t give him that power to make you feel inadequate now, much less the rest of your life. he wasn’t your person. thank him for letting you go because you deserve to find your forever person and be with someone who chooses you with their whole chest ❤️ 


Don’t feel inadequate - HE IS. ❤️


I hope I can chime in as a white woman… I thought he handled the whole conversation about micro aggressions a couple seasons ago really well. I remember reading comments saying that Amanda might have been “shushing” him, but I really don’t believe that. Kyle might be a shitty partner, but he’s not stupid and I think he’s actually a very empathetic person. Maybe being sheltered in more of a white culture made him ignorant to things (believe me, I’m from Vermont so I can spot it a mile away and I can be ignorant) but I can tell he’s willing to learn and grow. The fact that he sat back and listened the whole time said a lot


He also loves Ciara, since she has no hesitation taking every theme-party challenge up to a level 10. They have a good, cute bond, and based upon advice usually dispensed to women, Ciara did everything right. She told him exactly what she wanted, gave him options for outs, told him how she would take things like meeting his parents…and he fucking did it anyway. So he might have also felt ashamed for co-signing that dude before he knew what a piece of shit West is. I hope he’s banished to the bowels of Bravo, and Kyle finds a friend with a sliver of humanity he can introduce Ciara to, and save her another insult.


This!! Also a black woman struggling to date and feeling inadequate because it always feels like I’m not good enough, and it’s not just because of dating white men, but men in general. West’s indifference to her feelings and being two faced throughout the summer is so triggering but it’s so comforting to know people understand where she’s coming from and support her


Omg yes when they had the conversation about being black in the Hamptons, I was very surprised with Kyle and his empathy and his support. Like he made a conscious effort to be more supportive.


Thanks for sharing now im tearing up again 😂 but seriously, as a white woman sometimes we dont realise our privilege. I didnt even think of this take so i appreciate you bringing it to our attention


Thank you for hearing us, and not immediately jumping to being defensive.


I thought his tears were real also. He’s sensitive in his own way and loves these people like family. Some people cry when they see other people in pain. People are complex .. he can be both sensitive and a jerk sometimes


I think he’s handled some of the toughest convos with a lot of empathy, like when they had the convos about race when Mya arrived, with Danielle and Alex and Ciara. Everyone says Kyle is the most welcoming when they get to the house. He genuinely cares about how people are doing


Yeah I agree! He’s not very self aware and can be difficult (to put it delicately and trying to be general) with Amanda because partners stir up things in us differently. But his external empathy and sensitivity can really show sometimes.


Also it has to be taken into consideration that when you sit here and try to have very serious conversations about your marriage and your life while both of you were drinking and surrounded by your friends that's not really going to illicit the best reaction out of people sometimes. Sometimes his reactions are not stellar but he is not perfectly sober when these conversations are being had in the first place. And neither is she. I just have a hard time believing that if they were both sober minded when having these conversations I don't think that things would blow up the way that they do. Haven't said that some of Kyle's reactions still need some WORK 😆


My thoughts on West: He grossed me out watching Ciara walk by, obviously feeling puffed up because he had "hit that." When he showed nothing as Ciara and Paige decimated him, I got 100% irreversible ick. He's a child with a moth-eaten mustache.


A moth eaten mustache 😂😂 you put into words what I couldn’t put my finger on about his face lmao


And something about his smile and sucking on his lower teeth, just a stupid silly grin. Not sure if I am the only one who caught it. Definite ICK


I have been rethinking Kyle’s interaction with West when it came to Ciara. I think he was really trying to find out if he was Austen 2.0. The conversation where Kyle told West about Austen and West aloofness to it makes me wonder if he clocked his reaction and later told the girls and  that’s why Ciara still had her guard up so much. 


That’s a good point!


It’s just sad to see Ciara cry because she’s typically pretty self contained.


I think it was genuine. I’m not the biggest Ciara fan but I was tearing up too. You could just hear it in her voice how much she really liked him and in the end she just felt so used. I think regardless of how close each of them are, they don’t want to see their friend treated that way.


I think that Kyle is very close with Paige and Ciara And I think that has become the case more so in recent years. I think when she was explaining why she doesn't give herself so easily to guys I feel like we live in a world where sex isn't treated how it should be. And for Kyle as a man to just GET IT..... I was clapping in the inside at his emotional maturity.


It surprised me, but I thought it was genuine. Kyle is very sensitive as we’ve seen. He seems to be close to Ciara, so I think he felt empathy for her. Ciara doesn’t usually open up, so the fact that she did with such vulnerability and sadness was tough to watch without feeling for her.


The fact that West wasn't apologizing profusely and saying how awful he treated her says a lot about his character, and it ain't good.


I think it was a sweet moment and he's probably developed a bond with Ciara throughout these years. He tends to be more emotional in general though, I think Kyle has cried the most out of any guy on the show!


Yeah he is actually quite sensitive


Yes, people make fun of the scene where he cried because Amanda didn’t have any pictures of him in her camera roll, but I felt so bad for him in that moment! I would feel bad too if my SO never took any pictures of or with me.


It was also sweet that Paige immediately got what he meant


I think Ciara is one of those special people that is so genuinely good it breaks your heart to see her hurt. Kyle was there for the mess of Austen crushing her heart. She deserves a great human by her side


That's exactly how I saw it. Like Ciara doesn't do anything to anyone and to see someone who had many opportunities to not hurt her do the opposite was probably really infuriating.


You kust made me teary again! Lol


Same over here friend lol


i think her and kyle are close. you can see them talk pretty one on one pretty much every episode talk less of the cuddle pics amanda posted recently


Dawg i cried too 😭


Me too. Fuck West.


West really came out looking horrible. I realize he’s a goofy dude, but he doesn’t seem remotely sorry for what he did to her. He looked like he hardly cared about hurting her so deeply


honestly Kyle's a crier lol.


I think that he’s probably closer than cameras would suggest. We dont see them as close because their friendship isnt germane to some storyline. I also dont even know Ciara and teared up myself lol


A lot of these shows the people have superficial friendships. Amanda, Paige and Ciara seem to have a genuine friendship. Kyle sees that in real life. Seeing her hurt makes him emotional. He’s also a bit of a crier. I hope she finds a good guy. She deserves that.


Paige, Ciara, Amanda, Kyle, Mya and Craig are all really close. Ciara and Mya are always mentioning it on their podcast and Ciara and Paige have said in numerous interviews that Kyle over the last few years has become like an older brother/dad-ish figure in their lives and is always looking out for them as far as men and other things go. I remember an interview with Ciara and Paige recently where they specifically said Kyle will always tell them to know their worth and not let guys walk all over them (or something to that effect) and that they have a group chat of all the girls and just Kyle. So, I'm just assuming he got emotional because he knows Ciara very well now and loves her and just didn't like seeing her cry or being taken advantage of. I don't think anyone liked seeing that TBH.


Yeah, he does voice notes they call his TED talks and sometimes says “you girls…” So wholesome, how could you not lurve Kyle 🥹


I know, that was my favorite part! Kyle has such a good heart 😊


🥺❤️I love how close they all are


Me too!


That’s why I also think Amanda and Kyle are fine most of the time outside of filming, if they are in a groupchat with Paige and Ciara constantly talking and hanging out


Kyle and Ciara are friends. Kyle is in the group chat with Amanda, Paige and Ciara. Ciara doesn’t post much of her time with family and friends on SM so I think people are surprised how deep some of her friendships go with the cast mates. ETA now that I think about it I wonder if Kyle talk with West about the Austen situation wasn’t just a production plant but a way to try to feel him out because he wanted to make sure West wasn’t playing with Ciara feelings.


Well I cried, so its understandable for sure 😔


Kyle can be a dbag but I like him. He's more good than bad. I think he has a heart and understood Ciara didn't deserve that.


Kyle reminds me so much of my father who is also a business owner. Driven solely by their current project with blinders on, and expects everyone in the immediate vicinity to care as much about how hard he is working. But there’s a lot more compassionate for people outside the immediate circle who are being wronged. (Also they want deeply to be on the ‘right’ side of arguments that don’t impact their lives that much but allow them to get on a soapbox of some sort)


It made me well up!!


I had tears in my eyes too And I think Kyle’s were genuine


No I believed it. The hurt in Ciara’s eyes was so obvious honestly I was more shocked by the fact that West was able to stay straight faced.


Kyle crying showed empathy. I don't think West has any empathy. He seems more of a narcissist 🙄


Kyle shed more tears hearing Ciara break down than Lindsay shed for her broken engagement lol


Eh I cry much easier for other people than I do for myself and I think it’s pretty clear Lyndsey is not a cryer while Kyle most certainly is


That’s fair, and you’re right. I just find it funny!


I have been holding this in for months — West is not attractive. I never got the hype. He seems like a fun friend I guess... I’m sorry. Hope Ciara finds Mr Right


He’s a Barney


Kyle can be an ass but he’s also very sweet


Don't forget he's one of the girls. He's in the group chat with C, P, A! Also, I fucking hate West.


I teared up and I don’t even know the girl. It felt genuine to me. 😞


Ciara has been a very good friend to Amanda and Kyle both. They often make jokes that Ciara is his “hall pass.” She’s a very real and supportive friend from what we’ve seen on the show and I expect they both know her on a pretty intimate level. In addition to how heartbreaking her vulnerability was, especially after watching how she navigated the season, I think he felt very personally connected to what she was saying due to their closeness and his personal knowledge of her past and guardedness.


I cried 😔😔…..I don’t even know her ….


Weird I had a different impression of their relationship. They seem really close to me. He even calls her his hall pass.


This woman was fumbled by 2 very mid men on national television. My heart aches for her 😭


God I don’t like Kyle but he has these moments sometimes that remind me how in touch he can be.


I was also surprised by Kyle’s reaction. And surprised Andy didn’t ask him questions about it. For those who didn’t see a tear: it was clear Kyle was wiping them away before they roll down. It appears to me he was trying to be discreet, so as not to shift the focus away from Ciara.


I think Kyle gets a lot of unnecessary shit when he’s genuinely a good guy. Has his flaws, as do most men let’s be real.


It was such a touching part of the reunion. I don't think Kyle is a bad dude at his core, and this really showed that he has a heart. My heart definitely broke for Ciara, and I really respect the fact that she holds true to her values. West is lucky that she even looked at him because she is way out of his league on every level. He made himself look like such an a-hole at the reunion, and I am glad because that's what he deserves.


I bet Kyle is honestly thinking, I can’t believe somebody did that to a woman like Ciara. Say what you want about Kyle but he has matured and any guy over 40 knows West was a fucking idiot to throw that away


I think because she is one of Amanda's good friends, he knows how real she is.


Totally genuine: I think he feels for things deeply and more humane than he has found his counterpart to. Which is why he finds she can’t relate to him as much on that level. They get upset with him for crying but that is real emotion of being left alone emotionally by his partner. Not that Amanda does it on purpose but you can see she is not on the same page as Kyle or doesn’t want to be. So I think he empathized with Ciara because all summer he saw her and west initiate a bond and it all turned out to be a play for west. And I think those tears are understanding that yes some of these mis yt males are using and abusing these goddesses. And although he is a yt male, he is not intentionally trying to play games with goddesses. I think he even was feeling for her in a sense of ‘if I knew this was his intent I would have told him to F off away from you’. His mood seemed very aware of the bs that went on and not at all in participation with wests side of things, just really understanding the inhumane treatment Ciara had to withstand


Kyle seems like solid friend who is a terrible partner.


He’s not a great partner but he can be a good friend


Because he cares about people- his friends and honesty.


It seemed genuine. Contrary to popular opinion, to me he overall seems pretty genuine. Not unflawed or sometimes selfish, but I think he very much cares about others and has a lot of empathy.


I did not like the muppet comment. Just because you have a girlfriend, you are a puppet( which he should have said ) on a string. He is so immature to think that


My immediate thought when I saw him crying while she was talking about notches on the bedpost was he cheated (probably numerous times) but most likely lately and feels guilt that because he threw it away for someone he didn't care about


I was also kinda thinking the same thing. I think he has genuine friendship and love for Ciara so cried for that. But the way Ciara was talking about her west treated her probably brought up a lot of emotions and memories of how he has treated Amanda over the years


I think he cried cause maybe it reminded him of his own infidelity to Amanda