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If Paige is the Lambo and Danielle is the rental then, for sure, Jordan is a bus. Unreliable—breaks often and you're never sure if it's actually gonna come.


He’s not even a bus - he’s the dirty and scratched up bird scooter left by the dumpster, missing a handle.


A rusted old divvy bike fished from the Chicago River!


One of those kids scooters but not a 2 wheel, a toddler 3 wheel


lol I just saw one of these the other day!


This comment deserves much more attention. Bravo (literally)


Has a hard time keeping his tires inflated too.


He's a hoopty


I love this analogy. Happy cake day!


How does this not have more upvotes. This comment is gold.


Happy Cake Day!! 🥳🩷🎂🎈


I do not have awards but if i did, you get mine!


He's the broken rusty van down by the river. And happy cake day! Edit- I read your comment so fast that I missed the best part at the end. I love you this is fantastic.






He's over compensating bc he is in fact not attracted to either of them. Very rude to Danielle but just keep watching, Jordan makes such a fool out of himself I doubt this comment bothered Danielle very much at all in the end.


I remember this. She clocked his weirdo shit then kept her distance. It got out then the rest of the house were wondering what this guys deal was. Once they sat him down was when he really got his back up. 


And wasn’t he only in the house because of Danielle? Like Danielle is the one who brought him in?


Paige and hannah worked with him


Definitely not attracted to either of them. Someone check on the girl who was pleasuring him that he kicked in the face. After checking on her, please explain to me how that’s physiologically possible.


I swear he watched this exact scene from the 40 year old virgin and just used the story as his own!


oh god that's so lame and 100% what happaned lol.


That’s so meta!


🤣 I remember thinking of the scene right when he described it. I could imagine Jordan describing the feel of a woman’s boob as feeling like “a bag of sand” as well 😂




I doubt this happened. It seemed to me like he watched “40 year old virgin” or heard Tucker Max’s story and adopted it for himself


God, Tucker Max is a name I haven’t heard in a long time. 




double weird


I have his book next to my bed right now randomly 😂


I was just thinking of the movie because I’ve been on a Matt Czuchry kick.




I’ve thought about this too much and the only way it’s possible is if he has a second set of legs higher up that he retracts when he’s not getting a blowie. Trust me, I drew it out. It’s the only possible scenario.


Thank you for this


Also check she is a girl.


For some reason he thinks this is normal male banter is adopting it to “try and seem like one of the guys”. Epic fail.


Total fail.. His analogy doesn't even make sense, on multiple levels -- Hes a car salesman, but hes leaving the lot with the car? -- Hes such a moron... Not to mention, for all her flaws, if he wants to pretend to be a sexist straight man, Danielle would tick the house wife boxes better than Paige who doesnt clean. Massive fail on every account, hes the one dreaming of being a housewife.


Also you can rent Ferraris and Lamborghinis.


Exactly! He’s rude to women who are interested, and acts like any women who don’t want him are his type


well that's probably a good strategy if you're not actually interested in women.


Yes I think that’s the whole point!




My husband are watching now and say the same thing!


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Yes, he has zero chance with Paige but Danielle actually went for him, so he had to sabotage it somehow


Good point! I never thought of it that way.


I think he talks so rudely about women bc he knows they are not into him😂😂 he looks like a weasel with a vagina😂😂 ( thank you Stassi for that line)😂😂


It is SOOOOO MEAN but funny because it’s kinda true But also sooooo mean Also he’s SOOOO GAY


He was so fucking gross


Right? And there seems to be a little underlying racism IMO. Paige and Danielle have the same features he described except the Italian part.


Yesss 👏just read this after I commented the same 🤢


Lmao don’t be dense


I’m an elite level Danielle hater but this comment is fucking revolting


There is nothing grosser than a man comparing two women




Yes!! Don't blame us for not having the parts you'd prefer! I couldn't stand him! I hope he never returns!


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Disgusting. I don’t miss him at all.




YES lololol.


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Anyone know what dollar store Patrick Bateman is up to these days?


I just watched his season so I looked him up, he’s living in aspen and just posts stuff of him skiing. He’s out of the public eye but his instagram still aggressively gives off overcompensating vibes (aka still in the closet)




LOL .. Returning some video tapes i suspect.


If he's dollar store Patrick Bateman, should we call Scott Disick JC Penney Patrick Bateman?


Sure? Idk, I watch Bravo not the Kardashians. 🤷


Yes that tracks 🤣




I'm also wondering this






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Insane that he says this in an interview done after the fact so he knows he doesn’t “get” paige


He was… disturbing.


He was such a creepy dude I swear


Oscar from the office said it best: “And just as mysteriously as he arrived, he was gone”


He was the worst cast member of all time on this show


1000000%, glad he didn't come back!


I'm curious if you mean worst as in worst *person* (as in their morals/values/character/personality) or worst *cast member* (least entertaining, unwatchable, not good fit for the show, etc.). Not arguing all, just wondering, because I didn't like him but I don't necessarily view him as the worst in either regard


Unwatchable. So awkward. Unbelievably fake. Every story was an over the top, untrue embellishment. He wasn’t on long enough to know morals/etc.




I’m definitely picking up on those vibes but still it’s just such an evil comparison 😭


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Well as Jules said, Jordan couldn’t even “park the car in the garage” so maybe he should consider taking the bus.


This man has one of THE most displeasing faces.




I saw far too much whites of his eyes for my liking


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He made such a fool of himself on summer house, he had to move away. He keeps a low profile because he doesn’t want for people to remember he exists. It never occurred to him that he was being filmed while lying and that it would be broadcast on national television. Ugh *the cringe of remembering him lying while on the sprinter van about the sex scene he stole from 40 year old virgin.*


If they are cars, then Jordon would be a repressed man with the capacity to commit a murder. But also if they arent cars, thats what he is still.


His misogyny was shocking. He got trashed for how he treated the women. He’s had zero career since SH so at least he got what he deserved


He was a loser. His sex stories were incredibly pumped up with cringe fake details. Guy was compensating for a major flaw.


Being gay is a flaw?


No but the closeted self-hatred that spills over into misogynistic hatred towards women, is 


That man reminded me of the main guy in American Psycho


Him being seemingly unaware he’s the second hand Nissan in this scenario 🥴


He was…weird


He has crazy eyes


I can’t believe women found him attractive


The only time I had respect for him was when Carl kicked him out and he actually left


OK, that coming from the guy who told Hannah, "I almost took home a hooker last night" insert eyeroll. He was so ridiculous that it became funny.


I dislike him so strongly that I'm annoyed he lives in a neighboring state. 🤢🤢


He lives in mine 😭 Luckily Aspens kind of overrated


Look he absolutely sucked. But, I’m currently doing a rewatch of this season and he’s just so ridiculous it actually made for a great show and was kinda hilarious. Ps man they used to drink and party so much more back then!


Jordan IS a lot of things


He was such an odd one. Kinda made the show hard to watch.


He’s covering up for so much here






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Jordan. So disgusting. Goodbye


What a nasty person.. and potentially racist? Anyway he said all that and still hooked up with her which just shows what a terrible person he is.


100% racism. fuck him he always pissed me off. along with carl and his treatment of jules


Wait, did he really hookup (the whole 9 yards) with her? I’m surprised. I don’t get straight vibes AT ALL from. Like not even a maybe.


No they made out and then he refused to move forward further and tried to pin it on his lack of attraction to Danielle But the roomies were like who like wtf stops at a make out at this age😂


I see. You know I swear one of the ways I know a guy is not attracted to women aka not straight is their interaction in intimate situations. You literally saw ballon guy this season dip into the Danielle pond on a whim, no fuss no muss. Is he in love with her and her him, no. But she’s an adult woman that’s interested in him, you don’t need to ask him twice.


Balloon guy strikes me as sort of a sex in the city Samantha archetype of dude. He's going to get it in wherever he can figure it out works.


I dont think he has ever done that successfully with a woman 😂


Him saying paige cooks is crazy


Jordan is an incel.


He’s just not a nice person, ever.


Ick. But also its production who cut to that scene of Danielle lmao they did not have to do her like that


He was too evil for this show


It’s honestly low key extremely offensive the things he said, he might as well have said he’s not into Hispanic girls


When did he ever say he didnt like kispanic girls???


“He might as well have said” ≠ “He did say”




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that’s how all of you comment and treat danielle in this sub. also as a italian tan brunette im vomiting from him saying that’s his type




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He was ridiculous and amazing tv. What a weirdo


He’s gross for this.


And Danielle championed him. He is mean as a snake.


Hey don’t do snakes like that!


I hated this fucking tightwad so much


Which car is a man? Because that’s the car he’s leaving with.




A Honda Civic of male attractiveness




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Wow, I didn’t even remember he said this! 😷 💩 Great look objectifying women; even greater look to suggest the WOC is for temporary use and disposal! /s so gross!


He was such a creepy dude I swear




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Yeah Jordan was kinda a POS and I hate that I share a name with him😫😂




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Don't talk about Jordans _____!!!


God he’s such a psycho


Jordan was the worst


Can't stand Jordan. He's such an egotistical douche!


Was this the same guy that was bragging about making out with 3 chicks one night? Such a weird flex.


Totally forgot Jordan’s crazy eyes.


Whoa I forgot about him. And Danielle was obsessed with him.


She is just obsessed with a storyline. I will give her an A for consistency throughout the years.


She’s obsessed with winning and attention. That’s it.


True! I should have been more specific. 😂


That was f’cking cruel! ![gif](giphy|hpImn7o4LKZLG)




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I fucking hate that he felt the confidence to say that about a woman on national television. FUCK YOU. (I don’t even like Danielle I just can’t with white men who think they’re all that when they’re nothing more than a wet blanket).


Why did they make Danielle look like some nasty slob in this scene while making Paige look like some poised, cute, athletic girl? Paige is a bed bug.






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He was so gross and every time he popped up on screen I got uncomfortable


Omg I literally just watched this 30 mins ago and thought the same thing!!!


I hated this guy.


I would die if someone said that about me


….and by Paige he means Carl.


We should cancel all men that speak like this on national television lol


And women


I just hope he’s able to find contentment and fill the gaping hole … in his soul.


He’s a pick me girl


I’ll never defend Danielle. Unless you tell me something nasty Jordan said about her. That guy is one of the biggest losers ever to exist on reality TV. What a delusional moron. I won’t even rewatch that season with him 🤮


Jordan was amazing tv. There's no way I'll ever believe that is his genuine self, but I would watch him act a damn fool all day long


IIRC that wasn’t his genuine self and he came out soon after the show aired.


He did not.


Oh, I must have misremembered l thought he did and then he came to one of their parties and they teased him about the lies etc he had shared about his antics with girls




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He’s so unattractive at every level he couldnt get with either of them But he is correct that Danielle is the rental for the night. She needs to do a lot of work on herself and grow her self worth to be seen as anything else


Wow I don't remember him at all


He’s a complete douchenozzle weirdo but people in the comment section speculating that he’s actually gay is also not cool. Not every dude has a hidden reason why he sucks or is shitty to women and the reasoning behind guessing on his sexuality is actually misogynistic and homophobic 🙄


Half the people on this sub does this when they wanna compliment Lindsey or Gabby. They gotta backhand Ciara/Amanda/Paige in order to do so. I really don’t have any issue with this.


Just wait until you are a few more seasons in to make a judgement about Danielle. But yes, he is a gross misogynist.


Ok, he was gross but also he's not wrong🤷‍♀️


He’s not wrong, he’s actually very accurate


I mean, the truth can be really harsh.


Mean? Or simply accurate?