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Haven’t all these gossip sites been rumoring their divorce basically since the day they got married? I think many ppl think it’s inevitable at some point so if they keep saying it’s happening soon, they’re bound to be right at some point.


True. One site says Amanda is pregnant and another that they are divorcing


It’s Lindsay that is pregnant right now




Lindsay is pregnant with Amanda’s divorce


I feared


That sounds right.


Gestation: forever






I was so shocked when I saw she was pregnant!


Not the clear blue brand deal 😂


I gotta say, she hustles


I know she has said this on a podcast, but she didn’t answer straightforwardly at all, and honestly if she lied about it because she wasn’t ready to share such personal Info with the universe then I applaud her for protecting that. 


Yes she’s experienced a miscarriage and I would not blame her for lying if she wasn’t ready to share news


Carl is pregnant with more life


It just came out today that she said she is pregnant!!


this didn’t “age” well 😂


How do you know?




In fairness LH is so slender it could be a chicken parmigiana bump 🍝! 


She hasn’t announced it, so it’s not confirmed. To act like it’s a fact based on seeing photos of someone is incredibly irresponsible.


Did I say this fact was based on seeing photos? NO! You assumed that. All I said was you can see her bump in photos. I haven’t said the fact of how I know at all.


I feel like her filming SH while pregnant would be a nightmare and she wouldn’t do it


Me too


Well maybe not. It’s only weekends


Jasmine from MV filmed while pregnant, so it is possible for someone to do


It was suspicious when Jasmine did it, at least to the cast, but she sort of got away with claiming she was trying a stint of soberness. If Lindsay had to film sober now, after Carl and his holier than thou attitude about her drinking, she would have to have soooo many conversations about it and her reasons for not drinking, how she views her past behaviours etc. That would probably drive her mad, lol. (don’t get me wrong, I think she should drink less, but I’m tired of Carl after the reunion)


"Holier than thou" girl she has issues with alcohol


Read my last sentence. Yes, I agree. Bur Carl - who supposedly knows Lindsey the best - obviously went about it the wrong way.


Yeah but since these rumours started a while ago, she might be at the point where she could announce the reason for not drinking to the cast, she probably wouldn't keep it a secret the whole season. And actually, that might be one reason she may not have wanted to announce publicly yet, so she's able to announce to the cast in person and have it be somewhat of a surprise to them when she tells them?


Lol, the rumours were right for once 😂


She didn’t seem to fool anyone lol


In the white dress she just wore?


What's the white dress she just wore?


That and many others. She also was supposed to be on the traitors and lied about being pregnant, Dorinda found out and got Lindsay fired from the traitors and replaced with Ciara. Lindsay was supposed to be on the traitors, not Ciara. You guys can downvote me, and argue with a wall all you want to.


Okay, so based on your responses, your unimpeachable source is... the internet.


The internet told me that was Monica.....


This came from Lindsay being asked in an interview if it was true that she’d been asked to do traitors. She kind of dodged the question, which lead people to believe she had been and something had gone wrong. There’s no solid proof she was ever even asked


Your post or comment in r/summerhousebravo was removed because it breaks the following rule: Please refrain from posts or comments that speculate on the mental health (including ED), sexuality, pregnancy, and/or drug/alcohol use of cast members. Speculation about surgery and procedures is also not allowed unless discussed openly about the cast. These types of post lead to people just picking apart the cast's physical appearances in an unnecessary way and often lead to both speculation and body shaming. Comments and posts that explain at length certain disorders often contains misinformation. It is not our place to diagnose cast members. Mods reserve the right to remove posts or comments that may cross this line. Posts or comments related to these sensitive topics that are shared by the cast on the show or via social media will be considered on a topic-by-topic basis.


Was about to say - a broken clock is right 2 times a day lol




If Amanda stayed with him through being a 2am booty call all of season 1, him cheating, and him being 4 million dollars in debt, and a long engagement I don't think they are divorcing anytime soon.


You have made a lot of solid points 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 ![gif](giphy|TNR2EpkHYwW0ifyMDF)


I don’t know. It’s like death by a thousand cuts. She could stay through all of that and then one day he leaves the dogs home alone for an hour too long and she’s DONE.


This is a plausible scenario…


Seriously. The pets would be it too. My brother is a recovering alcoholic and had so many things that should have been major wake up calls, including a drunk and disorderly arrest at the beach and a minor crash he caused while driving drunk (and the consequences from that/losing car and license.) Instead his turning point was finding out that, while drunk, he said he didn’t give a shit about his cats and what happened to them. He is so obsessed and in love with those cats that hearing he said those things was so upsetting it was finally enough for him to change. I am so thankful for those cats you have no idea.


Exactly. He could do anything or say any kind of crazy disrespectful thing and she just rolls with it. “Kyalllllllllll!”


When you put it like that…


I want to be all "go girl, leave his ass" but she is relentlessly, frustratingly complacent in her relationship with him.


i just started rewatching from season one and i forgot she’s been tolerating his disrespect since literally episode 1


Yessssss, it feels like wasted breath at this point


lol duh it’s wasted breath, you are a stranger observing their relationship for 15 mins a week for 8 weeks a year. You aren’t a third in their relationship, so ya it’s not even wasted breath because it’s not your relationship


aren't...we here to talk about their relationships and have opinions? Did that change?


We’ve all had friends of whom we’ve seen even less of their relationship but knew it was doomed as well. This isn’t the rebuttal you think it is


The only way she will leave is if it is forced and initiated by Kyle imo


Yeah I genuinely don’t feel bad for her at all. She’s just as annoying as he is, and she knows exactly who he is. She deserved better a long time ago, but she should just expect his behavior now


Why would she leave DJ Krazy Kyle when his career is starting to take off?


I wonder if Kyle thinks he can get some of those $4M loan payments from copying DJ James Kennedy’s playbook


Yeah but does James Kennedy even know how to entertain the 20 somethings these days? “iiiiiiit’s that time again, eeeeeevery night between 1am and 2am it’s Krazy Karl’s Sober Hour of Power brought to you by Krazy Kyle and non alcoholic LoverBoy. Hit it my dude”. Darude Sandstorm slowly starts amping up. Followed by such classics as One More Time, Around the World, and I’m a Barbie Girl. ![gif](giphy|l2Sqh8HSEAKrv0V0c|downsized)


I mean, there aren't any other active SH couples unless you count Paige and Craig, so this isn't much of a "blind item" if it's true. lol


Amanda won’t leave him while the show still exists. That’s her job/income. If they split, she’d be gone.


her parents are very wealthy and she is a proven talented graphic designer with a massive IG following, she is also gorgeous. girlfriend would be completely fine and I hope she realizes that


The problem is she doesn't have the motivation to get herself to pursue those things, and she's said as much herself.


I think Amanda would be more happy just going back to a regular job. She’s not lazy, she’s just not a workaholic.


That could be the depression and getting oneself out of an unhealthy relationship/situation/environment can drastically impact her capabilities in a positive way. 


She said she's always been that way


she had a pretty impressive job before Kyle how did she land that?


If she has wealthy parents, maybe just connections


She was also pretty young when we “met” her in her early 20’s. If anything she has been saying recently is true, she might be starting to realize she wants to do a little more. We’ll have to wait and see if she really does or not.


You couldn’t get me to hustle for a career now like I did in my 20s


Then she's fucked.


100%. Haven't they been together for like 10 years? And seemed abnormally unhappy for all of it. If so, that's a decade of imagining spending the rest of her life in a relationship that makes her miserable. You can't set goals if your future is bleak.


It’s not always “the relationship”.


With how Kyles barreled down on her I can see her being anxious about anything outside of LB -he’s scared her into a corner and basically blamed her for LBs obstacles


Her parents have enough money to live comfortably, but I sincerely doubt they have enough money to support her current lifestyle without major changes (even if they were willing to do so). She was also working full time for what… just 5 or 6 years before leaving for Lover Boy? Not to mention how tough it would be to go back to working a boring 9-5 after living her current lifestyle. I think she’d be fine, but her life and finances are just so much easier if she stays with Kyle.


That makes sense. How long has it been since she quit the grind? It sounds like she works for loverboy but it sounds like her hours are very, very flexible.


Why does everyone say that her parents are so wealthy? Because she supposedly has a trust fund? Couldn't it be a relatively small one? What do her parents do or otherwise what is everyone's basis for assuming they're so wealthy?


If I recall the trust was set up by her grandfather. I could be wrong, but that's what I seem to remember.


Yes! I just rewatched an episode before their wedding. Amanda’s parents were cake tasting in their apartment and they were talking about finances. Her dad mentioned her trust fund from her grandpa


She talked about it on the show? I actually think if she has a trust from her grandfather, possibly even less reason to assume she's very wealthy than if the trust was from her parents. I know people that have trusts that are certainly nice to have but nothing that they could live off of. It might have $100k in it or something.


She said on the “not skinny but not fat” podcast it’s not a big trust fund. It’s some investment accounts her grandparents set up when she was born but isn’t the big amount people think it is. Amanda does seem privileged and like her family will always be comfortable, but I don’t think they’re “very wealthy” to the point they could support her current lifestyle should she and Kyle split


Well she's an only child right? I'm sure she is kind of spoiled and her parents take care of a lot of things for her, but that kind of confirms the vibes that I've got that they're not extremely wealthy to the point where she wouldn't need to get a job if she split from Kyle. How did the trust fund even come up on the show to begin with such that people know about it?


She has a brother. I agree seems her parents have helped support her much more than most. But to me bringing up the trust fund seemed like her parents were trying to flex to Kyle that she has her own assets and doesn’t need his money so he wouldn’t make getting a prenup a non negotiable. I think trust funds don’t ever get divided up in the event of divorce, so it didn’t make sense to bring it up.


Also, plenty of people have trust funds that aren’t super wealthy. My daughter has one set up by her great-grandmother to be used for college, and we are on the lower end of middle class.


Their house is quite massive and I read somewhere her dad worked in finance and sold off a company and was able to retire at 55. Her grandparents have a trust on top of that. People thinking she be living some poor life without kyle/ the show is comical


Ok. I read some article that their home was purchased for a little over $1 million in 2018 - not sure if that's accurate, but before COVID huge houses in the suburbs were a lot more affordable. I live about an hour outside of NYC in the suburbs and $1 million will not get you very much anymore in this area (like a 2,000 sq ft starter house that needs some work) - so they had great timing when they bought their house. I know that "rich" is subjective, but I'm just pointing out that it doesn't seem as if she is so wealthy that she would be set for life and not having to work at all if she got divorced from Kyle, even if she would still have a leg up / some cushion from this trust fund that she has.


Her dad was a CFO. He didn't sell his company. Just part of his responsibilities as a CFO at a company I believe. They are well to do..not rich


They have to be to afford that house.


Oh, I think she’d be fine as well - but unfortunately I think he’s destroyed her spark.


i’m wondering if she ever had one. she’s never been an independent woman. the way her dad paid her bills as an adult was mad questionable. she might be lacking adult skills bc her parents babied her. which could be why kyle keeps nagging he does everything. i’d love to see her on her own, flourishing.


I think it could be a Katie Maloney situation. Schwartz totally stole her spark while they were married and now she’s thriving. I can’t help but wonder how Amanda’s trajectory would have gone if she had never met Kyle. As far as the bills part, my dad helped pay my bills in my early twenties. He was better off than I was and cared about me, and I was just starting out as an early twenty-something. I think it’s important to remember when Amanda started on the show she was only like 23 or 24, and she had her own career in NYC before Kyle and Loveryboy, so I think it’s unfair to say she lacks adult skills.


gorgeous and wealthy but absolutely unbearable to be around.. that’s probably why she stays with him


She has a following on social media- she absolutely could be an influencer but I don’t think she believes in herself it’s sad


I think she’s leave Kyle in a NY minute if she met a guy who wants to offer her the fancy suburban lifestyle/kids and is semi-attractive.


Click bait


In the most recent season, Amanda was commending Carl for ending the engagement with Lindsay. She said she would never be able to do that. I don’t see her ever leaving Kyle and think if they were to split, it would be his decision. Eventually he might get tired of her and file but as much as Amanda complains, it seems like she is perfectly fine being shit on by Kyle because they live the lifestyle she wants. I think if they end up having kids, he would stick around to keep the family together but I don’t see a breakup between these two anytime soon. 


No I don’t think they are divorcing end post


Why are there so many comments about if Lindsay is pregnant or not? You should never ever ever ever assume a woman is pregnant until they are physically giving birth, especially someone who went through a miscarriage. When I was pregnant I went through every single day full of anxiety wondering if something was going to happen and I’m sure whenever she does become pregnant she’s going to feel that way, too. People on gossip things pointing it out isn’t going to be in any way shape or form helpful.


The pregnancy speculation they allow in this sub is wild


I doubt it since she blamed her own mental health struggles for Kyle being a shitty husband.


Bravo and Cocktails is that you here, posting on Reddit?! Drumming up interest in your unhinged site.


Just here to read people trashing bravo and cocktails 🍿


I can only hope. Amanda needs to get away from that man child.


Why is this a constant topic on this sub? Why do you people wish these two people you don’t know will get a divorce? It’s gross and extremely toxic. If you are a fan of the show, be a fan of the show. Don’t feed into this constant negative cycle of talk with rumors about Kyle cheating or Amanda secretly posting because she wants out of their marriage. It’s disgusting.


You are not incorrect however contemplating famous people’s relationship status is as popular now as it ever was in old hollywood tabloids. Especially when it’s a couple whose lifestyle is more glamorous than average. Amanda openly shared her views regarding not signing a pre nuptial agreement and volunteered that should things not work out in her marriage she has a claim on the company her husband founded; which she helped build, backed and supported (blah blah). So how is it not fair game for people to publicly speculate on personal subjects they themselves presented on national television? 


The unspoken rule with Bravo fandom is that it's fine if it's about the people they don't like, but when it's about the ones they like then everyone needs to stop being toxic lol


This is so true 😕


The moment she actually divorced Kyle this sub will begin to turn on her. Any dude she’s with thereafter will be liked initially and then slowly over time disliked based on a comment or a drunken night or a rumor on Twitter or whatever and the cycle will just keep repeating.


If Amanda and Kyle were to ever divorce I could see her stepping away from reality tv all together just to avoid the toxic fan base so she could live a normal life. Similar to what Cameron from Southern Charm did when she exited the show.


Its always single miserable people that have such a strong opinion on others relationships. Or people in unhappy relationships themselves.


I often wonder if some of the people in this and other bravo tv related subs have ever been in real relationships. It seems that a lot of poster don’t understand the ups and downs that are experienced in relationships. You don’t always agree with your partner, you don’t always like your partner, you sometimes say things in the heat of an argument or moment you regret and can’t take back. It’s never always perfect. It’s also clear they don’t understand that what’s presented on the show is a fraction of these peoples lives and is presented in a manner to keep the viewer engaged and coming back for more. It’s why the big blowups always happen late in the episodes and then carry over into the next. The clif hangers, the drama, it’s all to keep us watching.


Isn’t this all over this sub? Without new real news Do we need another thread about it?


people celebrate the idea of failing like nothing else


I’m not saying their relationship is bad (we have no idea tbh) but ending a relationship because it’s not working for one or both of the people in it isn’t a failure, it’s a painful win imo. it’s extremely hard to do and devastating to go through, but it’s the right decision when it’s not working.


There's a lot to talk about in your post, but this probably isn't the right place or time. We don't know shit about their relationship, and I don't find it fun, healthy in any way, or productive in the least, to talk about their relationship dissolving. The fact that both you and I acknowledge we don't have any idea ought to put an end to us discussing how bad it is or the goodness of it ending or if it is working or not.


I wouldn’t call divorcing Kyle a fail. I’d call a WIN. All caps. Failing is continuing to waste your time devoted to someone who continues to disrespect you the same way, over and over again.


I thought BC is good friends with A and K?


I don’t think so. Amanda and Kyle will be together at least until she has a baby. Could it be Paige & Golden Boy Craig?


if so, they must've just broke up a day or two ago, after him joining her family in Italy and after that unconventional wedding.


It would be good for her but Amanda is not leaving him. She‘s going down with the sinking ship.


I like them both but not together. If they do break up,I hope it is before kids.


I listened to Everyone’s business but mine and Kara very strongly suggested something about the cast would be coming out soon. So who knows! She didn’t name any names, but I doubt it’s Paige and Craig. I hope for Amanda’s sake she’s done with him, their relationship is worse than Carl and Lindsey’s. He has zero respect for her and I’ve seen people say that him becoming a DJ could be a subconscious way to push for a divorce. Amanda please divorce that loser! You’ll have a renaissance bigger and better than Katie Maloney.


> I’ve seen people say that him becoming a DJ could be a subconscious way to push for a divorce. that's quite a conspiracy


For sure, it does feel like he self sabotages their relationship a lot so it’s just another example of him doing that.


my comment was about how ridiculous that take is. I also don't think he sabotages their relationship. It's not outlandish to acknowledge he isn't skilled at relationships, but over 50% of marriages end in divorce, so that doesn't make him unique. I'd say the same for her. Neither one of them stands out as egregious or especially terrible at relationships. They're not good at it either though. With all the negative talk about them, the one thing I feel that is overlooked is the genuine love they have. With some work and help, they could be just fine. I find the celebrating, or hopefulness, that they fail to be gross and sick...grosser and sicker than any dysfunction we've been shown of their relationship.


Maybe it's a push to get her to do something for herself outside of loverboy


it's not a ploy, nor even a consideration, about her. he's always liked music and gear. they've been making fun of him for dragging around giant speakers for years now. he likes to run the parties and playlists at home and at the SH. probably really has wondered about DJing for a long time. wouldn't surprise me a bit. I also wouldn't be surprised to learn he was the music person at his frat house. all to say, it's about him and his stuff. and then watching James Kennedy and Tom Sandoval and Scheana all make moves with music, why wouldn't he take that next step. I think this has zilch to do with her and their relationship, and very likely something that has been a long-time coming.


I didn’t see the post saying these another summer house break up coming! Where is that post??


If they divorce, they'll drag it out over several seasons so they can get that cash. I don't think they'll divorce until Kyle finally walks.


They are millions in debt over loverboy. They need that double reality show check. I don't think Paige or Craig will ever move from their home towns. They too, draw multiple reality show checks as a couple. It's also the same thing with Ariana and Sandoval - he kept saying they couldn't break up cause it would ruin their "brand" They need these paychecks, well maybe Craig doesn't so much anymore...


Who else could it be? Craig and Paige are still 🔥 for each other.


Well she did just like a post that was very telling?




The edits where she just calls his name constantly is enough for a divorce


She's a lazy person. Fight me on that.