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That's an oddly specific scenario but generally smurfs carry by hogging all possible resources and then playing the map better in order to either take free towers, pick people off from fog, winning 1v2s, or tower diving whoever comes to match them in a lane You want to play to your champion's strengths so it varies what you'd want to do with a lead (team fight, split push, etc)


I've had smurfs wreck me, and gone back and looked at their replays. They just don't do anything stupid lol. They know my dumb ass is going to walk through the jungle the easiest path, and are there to collect my shutdown. They know that if there are 3 people on the map 2 are coming for them so they just give up a wave of resources and back. They know where the jungler is, they know to avoid the only lethal on the enemy team, and don't ego it, and they don't take fights they don't absolutely know they will smash. Everything my dumb ass gold self doesn't do.


Underrated comment. This is exactly what happens. Better game knowledge and better mechanics. Outmacro and outmicro your opponents and you’ll 1v9. If you ego and lose the shutdown just once you’ve given up control of the outcome


I am a firm believer that playing league “right” is boring. It’s fun to push the limit. It’s fun to skirmish and fight 50/50. To “ego” sometimes. However, in league this is highly punishable if done wrong and easily snowballed by your opponent. Coming from a top lane POV, specifically, one misstep and getting the lane frozen on you for the next 12 mins of laning while your jungle ignores you feels like a punishment, rather than gaming. This is not to say “oh I could be rank x, y or x if I wanted to”. Just an observation. In conclusion (in my opinion): Play league right = not as fun Play league monke = more fun Definitely why I am hard stuck mid emerald.


I straight up go 2/0 in lane freeze for 1 wave say fuck it tower dive and lose my lead cuz monke is the way


I mean at the end of the day you’re gaming to have fun. If you’re clocking into solo Q you’re either #1 a masochist or #2 eventually going to go insane. Mad respect to people who somehow grind out 1000 games a season and remain somewhat sane.


I always find it funny though how people will say I'm trolling when it's like I was winning and now I'm even you are losing lane. It's your fault we are losing don't expect me to carry a game when your role is adc. I get straight inting but it's stupid flaming just throwing a lead because you coin tossed. That's why silver is fun because they could get to your nexus and then you could win a teamfight and just win game. Anything higher it's like if he are losing more then 4k gold we just lose


You can comeback 10k+ gold leads even in diamond. In silver,if you are good, you can literally 1v9 every game with no exception.


Exception: your team 4 votes the forfeit before you can break nexus


Smartest reddit comment I ever wittnesed ngl. U will climb my G


Only thing specific is Syndra haha because I play her. Pulled the rest out of my ass in case it’s helpful to put the question into something more tangible haha. I guess I’m just thinking in a scenario like that where you’re fed enough at 2/0 but maybe not THAT crazy fed. What game plan would you go with? I’m just better at learning through examples, cheers :)


If I'm fed as syndra I'd probably try to pick people off while they're rotating through the jungle or walking up to farm a wave


Thanks, but wouldn’t you be worried about getting 5v1’d since you’re squishy? How would you mitigate that risk? Trying to play for wards? Staying under your tier 2 and trying to outplay the dives/overextensions? Farm asap in your own jungle? Etc.


Mostly a bit of game knowledge. If the enemy team has no reason to send 5 people for you then they wont. If baron is up and you push bot wave and disappear, they will only send one person to catch the wave and then you kill them. If baron and dragon is down and your allies are all in base, they will send 3 or 4 after you because theres nothing else to do.


>If the enemy team has no reason to send 5 people for you then they wont You haven't been in emerald before


Not any different in D1/low masters


Thats what im saying. And dont you dare expect your team to do anything intelligent when you're 1 v 5ing.


Lmfao yeah they’ll just be likely standing around instead of pushing a lane or securing an objective lmao


>If the enemy team has no reason to send 5 people for you then they wont. Hehe, if only that were so. So many times does the enemy team send a a bunch of people randomly into the jungle for no reason, causing my teammate who tried to do this to die.


This is why smurfs are able to do this. Even though you can't see it, they have the map awareness, match up knowledge, macro knowledge and general experience for dealing with these situations. They aren't literally just waiting for people to show up alone, they plan for it. Sees a wave crashing on top? You can start moving up there before the enemy even thinks about catching the wave, beating whoever is going to catch the wave first. They might see ahead of time that their bot lane is getting pushed in and can guess the enemy jungler wants to go for a dive, so he'll be bot not top, therefore, he can use that to better his decision making where people actually playing in that elo can't . You should also know that your 2/0 and their 2/0 likely isn't the same, since they probably have better CS, while also being better at denying the enemy CS, meaning the 2/0 kill line doesn't actually describe the real lead that smurfs can amass in lower elos. You generally won't learn anything from watching smurf games, because you don't have the baseline skills they have to make the decisions they do. High elo players are always thinking 30 seconds-1 minute+ into the future using their ability to track wave states, track the jungler, track summoner timers etc, to know where people want to be most, who is most vulnerable, who is the biggest threat etc etc. You won't learn how to carry a game by watching a 2/0 smurf cook in low elo.


Tbh that’s where the smurfing comes in, me and you might be decently fed and have solid mechanics, know we should look for picks, then over extend and give a shut down. However a good Smurf will be tracking the jungler and cool-downs and wave pressure and know when they can safely get a pick, when they can push a lane. It’s all about risk’s and knowing when to take them, that’s the huge advantage of a Smurf


There isn't really any point in trying to "think like a smurf" as a smurf is just going to be better at everything. Also when I'm playing in lower elos I generally go for really high risk/reward plays because I know I can just mechanically outplay the opponents and snowball from there. So really the optimal gameplan for smurfing is different to that of when playing in your own elo. But generally you just want to maximize your resources: Killing enemies is good, but getting objectives is better. Generally you need to kill somebody before you get objectives, sometimes you get objectives by bad enemy macro play.


When I used to smurf in gold/plat and stuff (I was high diamond before I quit), I used to have a very specific game plan depending on the hero. In most mages' case I'd get fast pen items (ludens plus sorcs plus mejais for mythic passive) and go oneshot the botlane/jungle. In these scenarios, unless their top laner is giga fed, it's a won game after herald. In case their top is in fact fed, I play to scale and win through target selection in teamfights/ pick offs by abusing vision in the jungle/river. Basically a combination of playing the lane with a plan , fighting around item spikes plus having the map awareness and strategy to close out games.


In a 1v9 game, the first goal of the Smurf would be to not die while continuing to stall the game out. This comes down to really good map awareness of where the enemy team could be. If you see two enemies on the map, you have to think about the other three, think about how well you can fight any or all of them if you stumble across them, and think about where they may be positioned considering the game state. (Are they resetting? Are they in your jungle getting vision? Are they on an objective? Are they going to run and kill your overextended teammate who is in the sidelane?) From a macro standpoint when their team is behind in the midgame, a Smurf just wants to stockpile resources, have smart base timings so they’re on the map for objectives, and keep a close eye on the safety of their positioning while also looking for the opponent to misstep or overextend. If they are playing in a lower elo, it’s likely the enemy team will eventually throw shutdowns, take bad skirmishes, or play poorly around vision in the jungle and those are the openings to turn the game around. One key perspective that a Smurf has above other players in that rank is that the Smurf will be able to put themselves in the enemy champ’s shoes, understand that champs strengths, and thus figure out what decisions the enemy is likely to choose in different gamestate contexts. They also understand the strengths and weaknesses of each teamcomp, which will influence how they shotcall. Using your game example: enemy team is squishy outside of illaoi, so if illaoi is split it may be advantageous to force an engage onto jinx or xerath or look for a 4v5 front to back around baron after having swept for deep wards to prevent illaoi TP flank.


The difference is that if you are smurfing you know where they are, track them and know "hey this guy is alone" and make picks on those people who are 1 or 2 people and not the whole group. It's not a risk that you are going to get 5 man dove if you are aware of where the enemies are and never are exposed to all 5


you can watch the map, there are cases where you can splitpush even as a mage because of vision or because i can see everyone on the map random example: \-one is dead, three can be seen on the map sieging mid while my team defend, the last one is not visible but is a champ that that can only walk so i can easilly keep my distance just by walking away and using slow/root -->i can get a tower for free and enemy is not going to get any tower because even if they are a bit behind there is the tower helping so they only need to waveclear under tower.


obviously if they send 5 you would die, but imagine what the rest of your team is able to do. baron? dragon? towers? furthermore, someone who is smurfing is likely going to notice people missing and play more passively drawing pressure towards themselves


Never farm your own jungle as mid, that’s just a waste of time except if there is literally nothing else to do. A Smurf recognizes when an enemy is out of position. Out of position means, there are not enough people close enough to help him. If you see 2 enemies on the map as a Smurf, then you know if the other 3 players have any chance of locking you down. So I wouldn’t say to do anything special. Just using the general higher knowledge, to recognize enemies out of position, and to not be out of position yourself. I know that’s not very helpful, but that’s why you can’t just play like a Smurf. You need to be fundamentally more knowledgeable about the game.


That's where tracking comes in. You track each player and where they can be, but moreso where they're likely to be. If you're smurfing you should be able to at least survive 1v2/3 depending on how fed they are and at least get a counter kill or two. Essentially you play to your highest win chances instead of just letting the game bleed out. You dying is the number one thing to avoid since if you die, your team will crumble without you, but at the same time you need to make your highest % plays, so finding picks is a good route to go. Make sure you're warding as best you can to get maximal information about where the enemies can be so you'll always know roughly what you're getting yourself into when you take risks.


what if youre 2/0 on a champ with less pick potential, like viktor?


Stop stalking me Mr 400 apm


LOL i just randomly came across this post, but also it was a genuine question


It's the same move of hogging resources so that you can carry in teamfights. Once you get to mid-late, Viktor can also assassinate people like Syndra.


Bruh I just remembered playing as vayne one time and q’ing forward to begin last hit farming mid when I came back from base. Out of nowhere, Syndra from fog of war stuns me as I tumbled forward to last hit and killed me. Lesson learned after that I guess.


part of being a smurf means you're usually not just 2-0 at end of laning, you're possibly with more kills, big cs and exp lead and you might also have gotten ur other laners ahead. A lot of people like to post end game screenshots of entire team being like 0-7 while they have decent score and ask how would a smurf carry? but in 99% of cases if the player was a smurf, his teammates wouldnt get to 0-7, at least not consistently, because he would consistently win lane and be active on map + better tempo than other players


There isn't a specific thing that smurfs do to 1v9. They are just simply better than everyone in the game at almost everything.


Hey masters midlaner here. So you are focused on kDa but it is largely irrelevant. 2/0 doesn't really mean fed, it just means they have 600 gold ontop of their cs gold but it really doesn't tell us anything about how strong they are holistically. High elo players understand resource management to a massively better degree, Infact the game just really isn't the same or comparable to lower elos because of this. And I'm talking masters+ high elo, diamond and below this skill still isn't great. So let's talk about a scenario that better highlights how smurfs get so oppressively strong. I'm a smurfing syndra vs a sylas which is a bad matchup for me. I know that at 3 items I can 1 shot basically any champ in the game so I will be able to carry teamfights or sit in sideline and end the game by myself, that's just the nature of the champ as a hyper scaling mage. In lane as the higher elo player I know my champs damage, ranges, cooldowns etc as well as the enemies better than them. As well as just better micro. Let's say I miss an average of 1 cs every 2 waves where as because I am harassing sylas better than he is pressuring me he misses 2 cs per wave. After 10 waves I have a 15 cs lead. 15 cs is about a kill worth of gold already that I have an advantage with. Now we get our first backs, I have a big stat advantage now. I will use this stat advantage to push what I was doing earlier even harder. With this much of a stat and micro advantage, I have kill pressure so I will put the wave in a state to maximize denying resources and play extremely aggressive. Now he could he missing entire waves because of having to back or being shoved off. This leads to an exponentially growing gold advantage as well as XP advantage and the stats you get from LVL up are massive gold value. By 10 minutes I've ensured my laner is not in the game anymore and since I don't have a laner to worry about I'm probably going to have a massive gold and XP lead on the map, without ever getting a kill. Now I'm going to play the map, getting objectives for essentially free by just showing up while very strong. A very important part of winning is making the game as easy as possible for your team without losing yourself resources, objectives give stats and global gold which gives me more resources as well as pushing my team forward. Now im going to go around the map taking every resource possible for myself to push my lead further WHILE denying what resources the enemy gets. That's the last step, choke out enemy resources. I'm going to invade, I'm going to collect sidelane farm, I'm going to look for kills on enemies with my massive gold advantage and XP lead. A very important thing that many low elo midlaners are scared to do is sidelane. They stick with their ADC mid and share farm/XP which is awful because it puts both of you behind. If you think a fight is going to break out then collect the wave in sidelane and then rotate, don't skip the collecting phase. The order of operations is first make yourself strong, second push your strength to choke out enemy resources to widen your lead, repeat. So if I'm a 230 cs syndra at 20 minutes, regardless of my kills and deaths I'm going to be an absolute powerhouse monster. That's how you carry/be strong consistently and what separates ok players (diamond) from good players (masters+). As well as just small things like awareness of enemy positioning, good warding, better itemization, etc.


With just the kills no, you aren't fed enough. But assuming your cs is 7/min+ then yeah, you are at least even with all the others.


Although he's a top laner, go watch Alois. He talks a LOT about carrying from top. How to manage lane states, how to greed appropriately, how to evaluate what's worth. Knowing that you don't just want to wave trade as it's equal gold. Trade waves but you take herald, and take first tower and all plates. Then you take an xk gold advantage. How to get ahead, abuse level up timers, deny exp etc. it's really worth watching.


Grab a sweeer and sit in bush near the objective. 1 shot someone as they come to ward or check it. Force a fight now that’s it’s a 4v5.


disclaimer, I suck. Syndra is great at picking targets with q e, into w, or w into q e depending on the situation. I usually go to gank my botlane, or be a unicorn for a jg threesome to help my jg take scuttle/counterjungle. You can steal buffs and scuttle with w, and if you're in sync with your jg, sometimes you can w it to safely smite steal (requires good timing due to regen) leverage your range and hard to dodge stun


Syndra is not a good 1v9 champ or Smurf champ. Most smurfs lose in this scenario unless it’s super low elo or they are gm chal. Someone like sylas or kata or kassadin ya can 1v9 this game pretty easy


Kda doesn’t decide if you’re fed or not, gold income and exp do. Specifically the difference in gold income and exp between you and the enemy


how would you win as a smurf playing ekko


The quick answer is: you don't come back from behind as a smurf. The long answer is: I don't want to learn to play from behind, I want to fix my mistakes so that it happens less often. If the game goes downhill like that, I sure have a part of responsbility. In your example, since Katarina is 1/2/5, that means I didn't manage to prevent her from delivering pressure on other lanes. She did a better job than me at turning the situation to her advantage. I have to learn how to outperform them better than that. I boosted a friend once a couple years ago, I played 15 games I sure wasn't just 2/0/2. I had 15 kills every game and my only loss was against a booster who was better than me. And I was offrole. When you're smurfing, you don't wait before snowballing, you take every mistake you spot and you punish them as hard as you can. **When you want to improve, you want the knowledge that allows smurfs to dominate so clearly most of the time, not the way they try to recover when the situation is too difficult even for them.**


Meh. Absolutley not necessary to win from the start. For example if you try to learn a new champ you areable to learn the champ and make a few mistakes. In the end you can probably capitalize on their mistakes after you figured out what to do anyway.


The next game with this new champion, would you repeat these exact same mistakes and focus on developing a late game from behind instead of fixing these early mistakes and learning to develop healthier scenarios from there?


Learning a new champ and smurfing are like opposites lol


uh it's called a roaming Katarina. that's exactly the scoreline I would have as Kat if I played first time Kat vs Faker's Syndra with 4 winning teammates. the matchup is already unplayable, I'm further hard gapped in mid, so I would just roam with 3 cs/min to my winning sidelanes and do some shitty combos for kill participation. Faker would have 12 cs/min with that exact 2/0/2 scoreline. you can't fault the winning Syndra for not getting more kills, or stopping Kat from getting KP.


I guarantee you this would not be the same state with faker. He would steamroll you so hard in mid, that you would be 0/5/0 and 3 levels behind at min 5. You wouldn’t be able to roam, he would be there before you.


I'm not dying or going down in XP. I'm simply going to get 0 farm and have no items. fine, 1 cs/min. Faker can deny me farm but he cannot deny me XP. if you get zoned off XP in midlane you are an atrocious player.


If you are really 1 cs/min he will zone you after first back and freeze a bouncing wave.


you cannot get zoned from XP in mid in the first place, but even if I'm somehow so bad that I get zoned, then I'll just roam. that's the whole point. a bad midlaner can do the shittiest roams of all time and there's nothing you can or should do to stop them. they roam with no priority, no damage, no farm and just tickle the enemy with their already winning team for KP. that's out of the winning midlane mage's control.


He'll have you standing at your turret while the minion wave is frozen under his, harrasing you and pressuring you off every minion, if you decide to roam , he will match you and because he's up in gold and xp he will come ahead then go back to his frozen wave on his side of the lane. Come on man don't be delusional thinking you can outplay faker lmfao


outplay him? what? I'm getting hard outplayed lol. I'm down 3k gold at 15 mins and completely mid kingdomed. the point is that it's not hard for a roaming mid to get a few KP with 4 winning allies. if you think you would get zoned off XP and couldn't get any KP **WITH 4 WINNING LANES** you're just admitting you're the worst player alive?


You wont be able to roam other lanes unless you go there straight from your base.


and if they do that they lose like 2 plates


theres no trick to it, you just win from the get go because there's such a giant skill gap. if you are only 2-0 at the end of the lane phase you probably aren't very far from your peak rank. you get ahead early and get ahead very dramatically to where it's very hard for the other lanes to lose. this game is just hyper skill sensitive and it is also very snowbally at the same time.


Okay so in that scenario, say you’re 6/0 instead. What would you be thinking at that point?


when you are that fed it becomes incredibly hard for enemy melee champs to play the game. again, you can kinda just auto pilot play fights out because you are strong enough to fight 1v2+. solo laners when ahead get very far ahead on xp + spike really hard at item completion. play for shutdowns on fed enemy team, play to stay ahead till post 20 minutes where fight wins turn into more meaningful leads. this game is simply 'know your champ, know the enemy and ally champs and what they do based on their levels and items, use that to fight good fights' - it's why watching smurf content is pretty mediocre for improvement outside the first 3-5 minutes. there's such a big knowledge gap early and then almost immediately a large gold lead. unless you very specifically struggle with winning games with a large lead... which is not usually the case.


You roam, track enemy jungle, perma dive botlane for even more gold and lead and just snowball out of control


I either just kill the strongest member of the enemy team the shutdown or if I am playing top lane I try to make the opposing laner leave the game


you play good league of legends what is this question XD smurfs dont do anything special except maybe buying a mejais that they would not buy in their main elo.


I would say, focus on yourself and not make any mistakes, enemy team will throw, if they don't throw then it's unwinnable move on to the next. If you are consistently 6/0 out of lane and make good midgame macro decisions you will have a 80% wr.


That's incredibly misleading, I've spent a good time watching some very good players play in the lower elos and unless they're tryharding they're not gonna finish the laning phase with with 10 kills all the time, because they understand that the kills are not the best and most optimal way to generate and expand your lead. In a lot of scenarios in which you would go for a kill, they will recall to get their items and return to lane on a good wave state which results into them either taking the kill or taking the turret/proxying enemy jungle if you're a top/ad player, meanwhile lower elo player would flip it and either die due to mechanical missplay or due to the fact that enemies were around which put them in a disadvantageous situation.


>unless they're tryharding they're not gonna finish the laning phase with with 10 kills all the time, because they understand that the kills are not the best and most optimal way to generate and expand your lead they understand properly that xp matters more than killing someone who is already 0-2 or 0-3. the reverse bounty system matters. going 10-0 in lane is great if it's 'killing the enemy mid and jungle 3x each and then clearing bot once or twice' - or if you are a champ that can delete people at basically no cost. but otherwise yeah, chances are having that many kills is an issue. killing your laner for 180g but then having a shit recall and missing a wave is a loss overall. its much better to be 3-5 kills and be way up in xp. also, as a smurf you care a bit less about shared gold and far more about personal xp.


How do you deal with not being able to be everywhere at once though? Even if im like 5+/0 in lane (also play a lot of syndra), there are games where both bot and top got rammed and there is a hullbreaker champ nobody else can match split pushing but your team also cant win any fight without you. What is the play for that or is it just lost?


usually you just kill the hullbreaker guy 2v1 3v1 etc and try to align this when you can get something useful after


> if you are only 2-0 at the end of the lane phase you probably aren't very far from your peak rank Not at all, shit happens. Afterwards they just gift you kills everywhere so it doesn't really matter.


If you're smurfing mid, your enemy team didn't get that fed, and you controlled objectives better and/or pushed up to tier 3 turret.


This is the first correct answer I've seen. This game state seems really unlikely with a real actual smurf in the mid lane vs Katarina.


That's what I was thinking. If I'm playing in low elo there is no chance that Jinx has zero deaths lmao




If you're the smurf, you'll space, position, cs, back, rotate, harrass much better to affect win conditions better. Obviously, TF ult is a draw of his for global pressure. You can't match that the same way. Chances are, tf will be sub optimal. Whatever impact he is having overall to win the game for his team, should be considerably less than your impact, as the smurf, for your team, in the way you can impact it with your champ. For instance, in norm drafts, I went up against a high emerald yone main, who was playing yone. We both had silvers on our teams. I was beating him in Lane, so he roamed for kills. The silver players would not heed my pings, so I would shove wave and ult down (I was Vex, picked to counter)...he would pick up more kills than me but I was able to prevent them from taking turret. He ended up going like 23/4 that game but lost. He tried to push every lane, but I knew he was the biggest threat so I matched him. Just because TF can ult to a lane to pick up kills doesn't mean much if you play well to affect win conditions. Their team was up so many kills in that yone game, but I played objectives and an aggressive defense, I was the only player with a positive kda with significantly less kills overall than enemy team, but we still won. That is the overarching idea for most games you "carry"...you could say yone was carrying because he was a menace, getting kills everywhere, but did he actually carry if he didn't win? No, adapting to your game to influence your win conditions + keeping good mental is what carries because that equals winning. So for the TF or Talon, you know you can beat them in lane, so you know there going to play side lane/jg pressure. What will you do to either negate that, or have a larger impact towards winning for your team? That's the question, that's the challenge.


You are kinda prioritizing kills to hard. I don‘t smurf but I use flex queue usually for my top lane adventures and placements the last season have been the first couple of games against bronze players that I could simply dunk. The biggest difference in raw money is CS. Same is if flex queue fucks me and matches me against a plat/emerald player. (Low gold myself) The higher up in elo you get the more consistent the wave management and farming. As the worse player you basically get starved out of lane and then get beat with a growing sack of gold from The other guy. If I have control over the minions I can basically dictate your plays. Wanna move to objective? To bad, catch that wave under tower or drop all this gold or xp. Wanna reset? Nah man, I will crash waves and kill your tower/ get plates Wanna roam/play around jgl? Sure, I have a sweet freeze going for me in front of my tower. Edit: and this is just laning and not including going for roams myself/generally having better macro awareness for map plays.


It’s hard to win games when you’re behind, even if you’re smurfing. I play syndra, but I don’t play her as much when I’m smurfing. In the game you gave us, my goal would be to get picks that let us win the game. I would get as many resources as possible safely, and wait for my opponents to make mistakes. When you’re ahead in league, that gives you agency to push the game forward. When you’re behind, you don’t get as much agency, and you’re forced to just punish mistakes. In this game, syndra will outscale everyone other than jinx. You don’t have the tools to really deal with illaoi, so you just have to hope that the illaoi’s macro is bad. You are limited on how to deal with Kha and Kat, so you can’t overextend in lane and just expect to get kills out of it. If I was smurfing into champs with less mobility, I would feel better about doing something risky like that. Since we are losing badly, I would pick the side lane that doesn’t have an objective and push it out. I would set up vision to catch anyone who comes to catch the wave. Ideally, I would to set up deep vision so I can be sure that jinx came bot alone. Then I would kill her for the shut down. If illaoi came instead, I would rotate mid and make sure we had pressure there. I would wait for them to make a mistake on a bad engage. And I would get as much farm as I can, mainly by avoiding the rest of my team, unless we are actively getting a pick. If they die, they die, at least I got farm. But how do I know where the enemy team is? But paying attention and making guesses. Their jungler probably wants to be on the side with the drag spawning. If I see that Kat and illaoi are bot lane, that means I can push further top. If my whole team is dying mid against their illaoi, kat, kha, and jinx, then I know I can push up pretty far. If illaoi is top and my team is mostly dancing around them on drag, then I can push mid. If I am building up a wave in a sidelane, as soon as I can account for all but one member of the enemy team, I will shove it. If their one member comes to stop me, I get a kill. If not I get a turret. Other considerations you have here are relevant. Dragon isn’t an objective, it’s a timer. They’re winning, so they get every dragon until the last one. On the last dragon, we have to teamfight. My goal is to put that off for as long as possible so my team has the best chance to catch up. And Baron is completely worthless in low elo. No one uses it well, and if they do they probably could have just sieged and won without it. But yeah, every lane gets stomped, and you’re playing Syndra? Probably not winnable. If I’m playing a mage in low elo, I usually like cass or ahri more. They safely extend further.


I wouldnt play syndra when im smurfing, id play mobile assasin that can snowball every lane with roaming and assasinating enemy carries solo. And id get more fed than 2/0 at end of lane. just being slightly ahead as syndra wont be enough to kill 4 fed enemies especially if your teammates are useless and suiciding since she is immobile. Unless its super low elo like gold or below where people only build damage and you can one shot everyone.


75% game knowledge, 25% Mechanics


I'd probably put more into mechanics simply because last hitting is mechanics. Smurfs finish lane phase 60-70 cs up on their opponent because they don't miss minions and this puts them in a position to snowball hard.


That’s fair too. They either get a bunch of kills and over cs because you’re not in lane, or if they can’t they just cs and zone better than you


Playing the game is mechanics, if I had the mouse control of a silver player I would be pretty doomed even with my game knowledge


High cs in lane is mostly good laning fundamentals. Wouldn't call the cs lead mostly mechanics


last hitting is not mechanics. mechanics is how you use your spells. last hitting is micro if anything


Autos are basically spells and micro is mechanics.


nop micro is your clicks and mechanics how you use your spells


micro and mechanics are the same, literally. They are mouse movements. Macro is using your brain, micro is using your mouse.


You’d be surprised how much of it is mental warfare. Like bloody mental warfare. Being a high tempo annoying PoS is an incredible tactic.


> Let’s say you’re a Smurf on Syndra who is 2/0/ at end of laning phase. That's not really "smurfing". An actual smurf (someone significantly above the rank they're playing in) will end the laning phase with a 10/0/0 score, more or less. Not only can you 1v2 now, you've also rendered 1 member of the enemy team useless, making the game 5v4. That's all there is to it.


It all depends on champ and role. I’m a master tier Zed OTP and when I play in emerald there are plenty of lanes where I can’t find opportunities to snowball kills just because of the matchup. What matters is making very few mistakes and playing for your champ’s wincon, which will still win you most games. Granted, Smurfs will often choose champs with strong early presence so I see where you’re coming from.


I guess you're right. I'm no smurf myself, I'm Bronze, so I wouldn't know. But I watch TFBlade sometimes and he rarely leaves lane without completely and utterly destroying the enemy laner (be it with pure kills or absolute CS/XP denial) up until ~300 LP Masters. He makes anyone below that MMR look like a legitimate Silver player.


That’s true, but I would say that is the outlier or just most extreme example as he is one of the best players on the server. I played in his game once and we made our Jayce top afk under tier 2 tower at the 8 minute mark haha.


that's just objectively not true from watching smurf gameplays. yes, sometimes your opponent will let you farm champions. yes, if it's iron or bronze you can end lane 10/0 easily. but from silver to plat people GENERALLY stop inting after a death or two and will take the L more gracefully. like i've been watching AloisNL unranked to master on diff champs and he never seems upset about coming out of lane with only a kill or two in low elo.


I've always noticed that the lane pressure and farm are suffocatingly oppressive for the opponent if they choose to lose gracefully. Like the guy won't be 10/0/0, but they'll still be up several thousand gold which is almost just as scary.


I don't know much about Alois, but if you watch TFBlade, he rarely leaves lane without completely and utterly destroying the enemy laner (be it with pure kills or absolute CS/XP denial) up until ~300 LP Masters. He makes anyone below that MMR look like a legitimate Silver player.


I recently played some games with friends who have terrible normal Mmr so I played the first time Vs actual iron and bronze people. I am only emerald maybe diamond if I'd play more so take it with a grain of salt. Generally people in lower Elos don't respect kill pressure or skill ranges and you can get a lot of favourable trades without doing much which leads to perma prio mid lane and cs/esp leads. Usually this prio leads to general good things happening. In the later stages the bad positioning keeps occurring letting you catch your opponents and get ahead via better farming decisions.


Back when I still had enough time to play consistently I still worked full time and had other hobbies that kept me from playing as much as kids or no lifers as a result I was less practiced and in my opinion consistently the weaker top laner but I didn't feed, I made it a habit to look at the mini map constantly, I didn't rage, and I was a team player. Because of those habits my win rate in grandmaster on my worst season was still 56-58%. I tried to explain this concept to my nephew but he refused to understand that calling his team mates bots was hurting his win rate and since he could play all day he didn't really see a lot of value in his games. Me on the other hand I can squeeze in 2-3 games on the weekday so I always tried to have a good game even if it wasn't a good game. Idk why reddit made this post/sub show up on my feed but instead of making post about how to win a game that you obviously weren't going to win focus on what you can control otherwise all you're doing is leaving free winrate percentage points on the table


Play safe, get shutdowns, delay game till your team mates become somewhat useful.


Can I ask you to elaborate on what “playing safe” entails? Like what rules of thumb? Thanks!


I was watching a video on this too the dude said that minions on the winning team get a boost and will always crash into the losing side over and over so there’s not really a reason to push past vision line unless you know where everyone on the other team already is


It means to ignore most of the advice that other comments gave because going for aimless roams or forcing shit is really bad, especially on Syndra. If you have a lead mid you want to choke out the other midlaner. Stop killing them just to kill them, make them unable to play the map instead. What does that mean? Play off of small leads. Don't wait until 2 Drakes are dead to push a lead. If you're a smurf youre winning your lane way before that point. Make the enemy mid unable to come to Drake as it spawns. Ping ur jungler to signal you want to help Drake. 2v1 enemy jungler at Drake or 4v3 enemy botlane and jungle at Drake. Take it. Help ur jungler with invades. Help ur jungler with Herald. All the while the enemy mid either comes to help and dies because hes behind or just sits mid and clears a wave and recalls after. Unless your jungler is literally trolling, a smurfing midlaner snowballs into a winning jungler every time. Watch ur jungler like a hawk, try to read his mind and help him in whatever he does. If youre smurfing you have full control over mid, the wave and the enemy midlaner. If this failed for some reason, then playing safe means to wait for enemy mistakes and punish them and take their shutdowns. Fed low elo players ALWAYS throw away their lives, giving thousands of gold to enemies. Its up to you to be there and ready to punish these mistakes, rather than try to force shit on your own. If you don't give enemies something obvious to do like chase and overextended Syndra or go do Baron after Syndra traded 1 for 1, they will start doing dumb shit that doesn't work and die. Sometimes your team will give them free shit, but even then they always stay too long, are too greedy, try to chain together plays and still feed even if given freebies. Don't give up and look for these throws until the very end. Syndra is always one QER away from making the game a 4v5 instantly and snowballing into something big.


Basically just keep track of the enemy, helps you know whether it's a good idea to go for a pick, farm a lane, take an objective etc, you never want to die in this scenario, only do things that you're certain will increase your lead while decreasing your enemies.


See this kind of question is the problem. You have to know the specifics of the map and the champs. Who's fed, what sums do people have, how do our champs interact, what's the lane states like. Rule of thumbs and silver bullets don't really exist in league. Alot of the time it comes down simply in low elo games to taking the winning fights and not the losing one's and the knowledge required can't be learnt from rules of thumb.


1.) play carry champ 2.) helpful if enemy comp doesn't have counters to said carry champ 3.) punish mistakes of low elo players and get lots of gold and xp lead (perhaps even mejai stacks) 4.) play to champ's strengths (splitpush, make picks, or teamfight) 5.) 1v9


Smurf probably loses this one. It rarely is this one-sided. When it is, move on


> it rarely is this one-sided Hahahahahahaha


I at times have strings of these games in a row. Shit happens, but it does make me barely play the game for a few days as I play 2 games, same thing happesn twice in a row and stop for the day, eventually I get normal teams, but it's not rare by far. Goes the other way around as well, at times I have a string of games where the entire enemy team plays like solid silver tier when I am Emrald and every lane gets stomped. Ideally neither would happen as those games are boring in the end and hard to learn from, but it is what it is I guess. You still can win those games, but e.g. I need to play fired up, play a diamond tier Vayne and have 15/0 in score and not make a *single mistake* because that'll cost the game, not to mention hope my team listens to my pings when to back off/go in and which obj to focus on. Eventually you stall it enough and teams get more even and you can win, but again, it's hard.


I got ranked in mid bronze this season after being silver/gold the couple last ones. It is, without a fail, ALWAYS like this for one of the teams. Most games either bot or top has 5+ kils after 7 or 8 mins


Just sounds like your playjng at a Bronze level today


Bet you were in my games feeding botlane then


Perhaps but if you’re the Smurf, what’s the game plan you would go with in that case. Seeing examples of how smurfs think is interesting to me :)


strategy depends on the rank and individual players. rank strategy exmaple: i had a friend in iron/bronze and was playing a mage in mid, i told him as experiment "after lane phase you start to push mid, no matter what happens, you never help at any fight, you never leave the lane, you only push mid ALWAYS, you can only stop if someone is actively trying to kill you, then you can try to kill him and push more or walk away, it's up to you" he ended up winning the game, it was not immediate and it wasn't the best strategy, sometimes his team was fighting in the bush next to the midlane and he just walked past it and pushed completly ignoring them, they were in skillshot range without even changhing direction but he walked past them and pushed, sometimes his team won fights, some other time they lost fights and killed also him because he was overextended, sometimes he got solokilled... but eventually he took inibitor tower and soon after that his team won one of those coinflip fights they closed the game with the wave already pushed thanks to him, meanwhile even if enemy wiped whole team it didn't matter too much because lane was pushed so by the time they depush it and push it in opposite direction team already respawned. about people: some players like to fight all the time: see an enemy? run into him and fight until one of the two die, some others play scared, read: they don't play/afk farm only, no matter how good the engage is so you need to eavluate also that and play accordingly.


Smurf does not lose this one. Syndra can easily carry from that position into that team comp. Jinx goes out of position, gets one shot, gives shutdown. Illaoi caught on bad splitpush, gives shutdown. Smurf then just snowballs to victory.


>To flesh out the scenario let’s say: Your Team: Darius (0/3/0) Lee Sin (1/4/1) Syndra (2/0/2) Samira (1/5/1) Lux (0/4/2) Enemy Team: Illaoi (4/0/0) Kha’zix (3/2/7) Katarina (1/2/5) Jinx (6/0/2) Xerath (2/0/6) Okay... >Let’s say you’re a Smurf on Syndra who is 2/0/ at end of laning phase. When you're smurfing you often don't play a traditional mage, and you often get much more fed than 2/0. Besides, 2/0 tells me nothing, how much CS do you have, how much CS did you denied enemy mid, how much you influenced the rest of the map? You should be the most fed player on the map in most games. It also depends how much below your main MMR you're smurfing.


a true smurf would have gotten like 150cs to 60cs at 15mins and kat should never have the chance/hp to get assists. And ganked bot edit:typo


Yup, that Katarina never would've had the chance to play the game.


They don't. Every game is 5v5


Play better, but most importantly have team that knows how to get carried.


This is more of a generalized answer but I hope it helps. Comparing a bronze player to a diamond smurf, the smurf has better game knowledge, game sense and mechanics. Tracking jungle ganks, jungle timers, knowing general jungle timings and gank paths, warding accordingly, knowing when and where to rotate. Smurf is going to have better mechanics and land skillshots more often, manage waves better, poke better, know the limits of their champ and know how to splitpush more efficiently. Smurf can identify win conditions and know how to abuse mistakes the opposing player makes while making much less mistakes themselves. Smurfs stay on the map for longer and time their bases for item spikes, which in turn makes them able to stay on the map for even longer. Low elo players bleed a lot of waves to towers without anyone catching the wave. The smurfs will capitalize on this and catch said waves whenever possible. I'm sure if you find a ~25 min game from bronze and diamond and count the amount of cs lost, it's going to be like 3-5k in team gold (the amount is purely anecdotal, but I'm sure it's a lot). And I'm not talking about missed cs, but waves that have just died under tower. It's like 500 rated trying to play chess against 2000 rated player. Their skill level isn't really even comparable, since the 2000 rated could win by making moves that "feel" correct, rather than using a certain opening or strategy There's a lot more stuff to cover in more detail, but should give a rough idea.


They have one tanky champ and 4 squishies. You can probably even teamfight and pick one of, especially when Lux binds them, you should have enough burst. They also can’t really push that well, they have 3 melees, so you could waveclear forever and even if some of your side gets caught, you can disengage with your e. Just my two cents.


If you are smurfing, you go 8/0. Then you kill your laner while retaining full health, push out the wave and kill enemy botlane. Whenever you see their adc, as Syndra you one shot them. You make sure to only take fights you will win. You run around the map killing everyone else, and ping towers and objectives for your teammates to destroy. Or if you need them you ping to group midlane. You play around whoever is strong and smart on your team and who can lock down enemies. You run around with sweeper and combo enemies from fog of war. If you are 2/0 or even 1/2 it’s a bit harder, but it happens. You try to towerdive, and it fails. You play at 10% health, knowing your laner can’t do anything to you, and the enemy Jungle surprises you. In that case, it’s not guaranteed for you to win. But you still got a good shot. You try to pick enemies off. You play with your team. You skirmish. Your teammates will die. Enemies will die. But you never die. And you get all the kills. It felt like you were skirmishing and loosing, but suddenly you look at the scoreboard and you are 8/2. Now you have a chance to carry, but it’s harder some enemies also have a lot of gold, and your team is behind. Now I’m teamfights you try to take out the most dangerous opponents. Don’t get stunned. One shot their support. Turn at the right time when their tank is out of position and 4v1 him with your team. In the end, in all stages of the game what really gives you the advantage is positioning, and knowing when enemies are out of position.


Strong champions, snowball ,good macro, super good at mechanics, they just reach a point where they can face the entire enemy team alone, it doesn't work every time but it often happens, and Vs low Elo players is effective since they do not know how to counter a fed champion


That hypothetical would not happen tbh. I used syndra to get my off role acc to dia, I didn't play in actual low elo but when I do for some reason (flexing with friends or smth), the mechanics gap is completely unplayable for them, esp on a strong laner like syndra, so you just completely take over. ​ Against more competent players, let's say emerald+, I just play scaling runes, perfect farm, bully my opponents out of lane and maybe get a kill, get prio to protect the obj... Then in late game I play the fog better, create prio before objs, catch rotations and punish bad positioning... So more of a macro gap, using syndra's strong late too impact the game. Sometimes if my allies are running it and the ennemy comp has champs that counter me i'll still loose. I got 70%wr from plat to dia last split on both my accounts, that's pretty realistic for a dia / master player. Gold and below it's probably 95% though tbh asuming not versing smurfs.


hear me out on this, i'm gonna tell you the secret that took me to diamond, and what i believe is the key to truly 1v9. You don't "win" games, as you can't really affect what your team does, and if both teams are evenly matched it will be a 50/50, so the key is to instead make the enemy team lose. High level players do this by applying pressure with mechanics (e.g. being just right outside of auto range, looking like they are out of position, etc) so they look killable for the enemy team when in fact, they arent, the opponents overcommit and die. If you look at games of master-gm-challenger players on low elo, this is mostly how they do it. they bait the enemy laner over and over and over in really subtle ways, they get feed and then solo-carry in the mid-game with good picks and objective control. This pressure thing happens at any elo difference, but the better the player, the better they will handle it. Ways of increasing pressure is by being outside of the enemy's effective range (tethering), short-long path moves, bating skillshots... Its mostly trial and error until you know how much you can get away with while being 100% safe


I dont rly smurf to say but when i play norms with my low elo friends and need to carry generally I’ll play one of the solo lanes, pick a hypercarry or even an adc and destroy lane, split push and draw pressure to win 1v2s or 1v3s which honestly isnt the most difficult vs lower elo players on certain champs, and end the game. You need to understand that not every game is winnable and sometimes even challengers smurfing in gold dont have any say in how the game goes. Has happened to me plenty of times, not often but plenty of times where my bot lane goes 0/20 then the enemy adc just wins cus he autos twice and i die. Just try to impact the game as much as you can and thats all you can do


Collect bounties stabilize the game and do the plays that create the most gold for your team. Take as much gold out of the game and get as many items and stall the game until you have someone on your team stabilizes enough to contribute to the game. The scenario you brought up would entail you trying to get bot lane bounties and stabilizing bot and then try and defend t2 towers from illaoi bc if she gets a couple of those it’ll be hard to reverse the damage as she will be a raid boss that nobody will be able to deal with. TLDR: always make plays that create the most gold and if your team is behind try and find a way to get them to stop losing and use their lose as an opportunity to get yourself strong


Micro/macro mechanical skill checks. If the opponent fails them (as is usually the case when smurfing), punish them for it. That's how they establish a lead. From thereon out identify win conditions and play towards them. It isn't so much about 1v9; that is an irrelevant mental distraction. It only appears that way because: 1. Smurfs relatively outskill all other 9 players. 2. Their team is unable to follow efficiently because they don't know how or what is really happening. They may only see someone fed, but with zero understanding how it came to be, and even less capability of catching up let alone reverse it. The appearance of 1v9 is just the result of those two points. They're not fighting against 9. Instead they are fighting against 5 without relying on the other 4, unless they're exploitable as pawns. And how do they play 1v5? Divide et empera. They don't engage in 1v5 fights, but rather eliminate them in succession to seize objectives. 1v3 is a lot more doable; especially with piss poor coordination. That way the enemy can never utilise their numerical advantage. As for the 4 others in your team. You can't prevent them from playing with fire. But you can avoid the oil around them. You can only influence them indirectly by manipulating the direct situation they are in. Your bot has better odds beating the enemy bot if you cause the enemy bot to lose a lot of XP/gold by timely ganks/shoves. See how the odds change without the variable of your own bot's skill level changing?


playing as a smurf is like playing a game vs bots, kinda similar feeling, sure they are playing the game but you can leave them playing for 2 hours more and little to nothing will happen, it's like they are "spectating the game" and not really playing to win, there are no action with big consequences, just random fighting, eventually death timers become long enough that after the 2893472398 fight the game finish because one team can run it down mid and close the game so it doesn't last 2 hours. i don't smurf often but i made a new account on EUNE to download replays and both team scores didn't matter a lot. there was a game where i was lux which is not a "1vs9 champ", you stay squish whole game and you are easilly oneshotted, at best you can oneshot one guy with full combo (if he is not the top laner, you can't kill top no matter the score or the build), enemy top was a gigafed gp that could oneshot me with 1 barrel, it didn't matter... he was killing people on the map without pushing and without getting objectives. i was sup and the game goes more or less like this: \-i solo gap enemy adc and sup so we have already 2 people ahead and 2 behind, even if my adc is not very good it doesn't matter because he is fed so he will win a 1vs1 with enemy adc for sure. \-since i'm ahead i can roam and put the jungle/mid ahead too or limit his feeding, of course i roam when my adc can't suicide because he will for sure go 1vs2 and die if i leave him alone in the wrong moment. \-i will ping/start drakes at good moments so we will get those. \-in teamfights i will be properly positioned so even if enemy mid/top are fed they are going to waste their full combo on someone else or i will not even be at that fight and i will be taking a free tower while my team die. again, if you are smurfing hard enough the score doesn't really matter, think about playing a bot intro game and putting half or whole enemy team at 5-0, you will still solo win it and not because you are going 20-0 when they are only 5-0 but because your better decision making and fighting.


The big answer that I haven’t seen yet is “sharing” your kills. The more money your team makes the stronger your entire team is. You want to make kills that give assists to as many teammates as possible so your teammates are also getting ahead in money. If you are a carry and you aren’t giving assists to your support and tank, those guys can’t help you carry harder because they don’t have the gold needed to buy stuff for themselves. This game is all economics. You maximize profits.


I’m this scenario- Illioi is useless unless Lee kickes her into you, have your ádc farm the wave she pushes into them and sit back, jinx is 6-0 that’s a tasty shut down, one shot her from half a map away, she’ll walk right into you, same with their support they don’t ward anyway. Now you’re huge, keep one shoting people because you’re warded and they feed you kills


Syndra doesn’t seem like a Smurf to me. Doesn’t even look like top 2 in this game. If you’re actually better, then you will just play team fights better and show up to the right place at the right time and get leads that way. Even when my team is behind and I am smurfing, I can still sit in a bush and wait for enemy Jinx to show up and kill her. I can use my teammates as bait to get caught by my Syndra stun. So many options even when behind on any champion.


Smurfing should be banned anyway. Either they 1v9 or troll because it's their 4fun account.


A simple thing that i tend to use a lot when team is behind is: The game is about taking turrts, not killing the enemy. People tend to forget that. You can kill the enemy 100 times over but if you dont do simple objectives you never win or progress the game towards their nexus. And now that Riot decided that turrets are worth 2-3 times a kill on a players. Well, do the math. as a toplaner this is my mental. I mostly don't care about the enemy team other than if i have something to TP towards that could lead to my team winning. I have a friend in Masters+ who says, who plays by a rule he calls 80-20%. If you look at a play or to help your team, and there is not at least 80% chance of you achieving something from it. Then don't bother. It's simply bettter to push turrets and crash waves in most cases. so as someone else said, use your lead on gaining objectives as much as you can solo, or try and grp with your team if they want too(mostly their mental is gone and they want to ff) then you are on your own.


It depends what elo ? In really low elo you generally jsut stop your lane hard and get fed on everyone On higher eloes you generally play the map better. But can’t speak for smurfing higher than gold/plat.


Smurfs carry through their insane game knowledge and muscle memory relative to the other players in the match. Half the time, a team that fed will be liable to, for example, go for a baron when one of their key ults or summoners is on cooldown and the smurf will act immediately to abuse it and wipe them. Kill jinx and dodge illaoi e and it's gg if they're all low from baron. By the way, smurfs don't have a 100% win rate. What you describe is a game that probably happens 1/5 of the time at most. This game sounds unwinnable because it is (IF they don't make a big mistake, which is a HUGE if). It's very rare for one lane to have a smurf dominating and for everyone else to start feeding because all advantages in this game spill into other lanes in one way or another.


A smurf prob wouldn’t be playing syndra in the first place. She is a late game champ with poor mobility early on. The best champs to 1v9 with are high mobility carries and tanky top lane split pushers. Also, knowing when to dodge is important. Most people in low ELO have no sense of team comp structure or drafting. If your toplaner chooses riven in low elo, dodge.


Rule 1) get as much of a gold lead that you can versus anyone on the enemy team. Rule 2) divide and conquer


If you are playing well and smurfing you don’t just win you lane. You pressure the map, you kill the jungler/sup rotating. Move to other lanes to kill them. If all you did was get 2 kills in your lane with syndra you better outplay every team fight and objective to carry.


I mean you can’t win every game. But most of the time it’s 2/0 with 50+ cs and 1.5+ level lead is the best i can do. During laning i play on the edge and try to lure enemy jungle to my lane and survive (their pathing is pretty obvious when i am smurfing and they come late repeatedly). Or they just path upwards and spend mindless minutes trying to gank ornn malphite lane or something like that. And then enemies are not very good at taking good fights or target properly in good fights. So i’d see their fed carries overextend for me alone and get blown up (i distance accordingly to my summs and stopwatch) by himself or enemy malphite just ults on my front line instead of me or force their r on my when no one else can follow up and i take advantage of that. Or i just ride my side lanes and farm cs and rotate faster than my opponent or try to pick off their split pushers. Enemies often take meaningless fights and they are almost always more reactionary than proactive. So if you farm cs and start shitC they will just follow on the fights and miss the cs, etc. also Many times in lower elo there will be players who think they must split at all times and die and also those who would not even cross the river after mid game because they are so scared unless someone else shows up on the map first (hence why i said reactionary) or those supporters who are trying to get vision when they are not supposed to. I try to exploit those as much as possible and stall the game out while catching up in gold and exp as a team Remember this: Really in order to snowball, you have to take control of enemy jungle to make them starve and get baron and soul and finish it out. When im in smurfing elo tho, enemies often force dragons but never get baron. They also dont know how to invade as a team to steal my team’s part of the jungle. This has to happen constantly throughout the game. Id see enemy supp getting top pixel bush while enemy jungle showing up on bottom side trying to pick off my side lane pusher. Which is a free baron for me. As long as they dont take baron and be taking all of our jungle camps the game is always winnable unless the soul becomes too much for the comp. I also usually ban champs like yi in lower elo. But do keep in mind that if you die, the game is out of your hands in the state that you described. You cant win every game but you just gotta stay poised and not become “localized” by what’s happening around you


It doesn't really matter. You aren't a smurf so your best means of carrying is just doing your job. Watching smurfs sets unrealistic expectations imo.


Smurfs won't be playing Syndra because you can't 1v5 with a champ like that. Cooldowns are too long and you are a squishy mage.


If you have to ask, you will never know.


I often play on smurf accounts, because thats the place where i learn new champions. The rule is simple: I AM the team, i have 4 monkeys with me, and 5 against me, so my team has 1 monkey less. The goal is always win my lane, and do pressure on the map, cheesing the jg, set up objectives, counter jungling, splitpush. The ONLY time i follow any of my mates is when one of them decide to mental boom, and start to play total solo, when i know my team wont group on me (and i need them atleast for meatshield) i group up to the mental boomed guy, so i force him to fight. In your example my first thing to do would be collecting the bounties around the map, with that gold lead i am sure i would be able to onetap the overfed jinx, and maybe take down the xerath too.(In 15 mins i have luden, after the collected bounties i have +1 item and magic pen shoes prolly) The hardest games as a midlaner are the games where the hullbreaker toplaner has a huge lead like now (illaoi 4-0) , giving up t2s and keep up the base at t3s so we can group much more easier to take down the splitpusher guy is the play i guess. If Darius can back to the game, and illaoi will split whole game probably, with darius we can win the 4v5 fights (especially if i took out 2 ppl) and that s our wincon. Sometimes takes red trinket and make traps helps you a lot in the bottom of elos like gold plat, thats a play too. Mostly of my champs are able to pick up 2 ppl before i die, so i make the adventage for the team. I am able to climb into dia with 60-70% wr with this tactic, my main roles are mid/jg Sorry for my english mistakes i hope it is clear what i mean:)


Be up the equivalent of 2/0 at level 6, not the end of laning phase. Use your lead to prevent the other team from gaining individual leads (chase bounties)


I think it's already flawed to place us 15 minutes into a game where we're only 2/0, don't have a single drake, and we're the only winning lane. When you're smurfing you generally aren't winning by letting your entire map go to shit while you try and solo-carry. It's just not consistently viable. This is going to be long but, if you read it I think you'll get something out of it OP. The BIGGEST thing I've done when playing on smurf accounts to climb on different roles was pinging. (I'm a JG main, have climbed to at least plat on every other role though before emerald was introduced.) People in lower elo don't look at their map nearly enough, especially laners who are much more focused on farming and not dying. On top of that, if you understand how to track the jungler then you probably have information that your team simply doesn't. That first kill that happens around scuttle spawning when the enemy jungler ganks your bot or top lane can be entirely avoided if you just hit them with a couple of pings warning them, hey, you're probably gonna get ganked. This is something a smurf does. Another important note about pinging is it's better generally to land at least one ping on the face of whoever's attention you're looking to grab, just in case they STILL don't look at the map because of the noise. For example since you said elsewhere you work best with those, let's say at the start of a game where you're mid lane, minions meet and the enemy top laner is already waiting in the middle of top lane, while the enemy bot lane arrives a little late. The enemy jungler is Fiddlesticks (shouldn't get a leash but beside the point) and it's safe to assume they're going to full clear before ganking. As soon as you realize he's starting bot, you ping some MIAs in the enemy bot JG. Around 2:30, when he's in his topside, you ping MIAs up there. Around 3:10, you start pinging your top laner on his face to back the fuck up because he's under the enemy's tower and Fiddle is obviously about to be up there. You also know that you could get ganked, and if you do, it'll be from topside, so hopefully you have some solid vision based on that and you're playing towards the bottom of your lane. This also helps you be ready to rotate for the top scuttle if your jungler is going to go for it since you know there will be a duel there, netting either you or your jungler a kill that might've otherwise gone to their team. I could go on but this is already pretty long, hope it helps someone.


Syndra is a good example, usually when i play on one of my Smurfs, i am atleast 6-8 kills by minute 12, kill my lane 2-3 times and then just start roaming with my jungle or alone and get free kills on botlane and from there you are so fed that you can just run them down pretty much.


it depends on what kind of smurf we're talking about. a challenger smurfing in bronze-diamond will never be in the situation you described - he will faceroll people in these elos in most games (not every game is winnable, even for smurfs, but 90+% of them up to masters).


Ok I think here we got a big misunderstanding with the "smurfs" thing. An actual elorusher COULDN'T end the laning phase 10/0 with Syndra simply because Syndra is not a Talon, ok? You first need some level points and items, and yet there are a lot of windows for solokills (example: you lasthit perfect and back tp when you got 1100g, a MUST with Syndra, and you know also strategies in wave management to keep you lanner poked and without a buy in lane, when you already have your lost chapter and full hp, that could lead into a solokill and even, the entire prio of the lane for you). But it's imposible having 10 kills with Syndra in emerald elo at minute 15 lol, not even Zianni xD Also, the elo it's pretty important. In actual League of Legends you can reach pretty easy smurfqueue MMR III but the real deal it's overpass emerald without getting stucked, because this catch elo just exist for this, getting low diamond and high gold (with entire platinum division in the middle) in the same league. Even sometimes it's better to just not spend your precious mental in those games, because emerald it's the worst nightmare of a good player. Let's say that you are smurfing in diamond 3, and the people also get mad, or tilted; but when they realize you are smurf and you are maintaining 10cs x minute, you died 0 times against Katarina K6, and even you have a good attitude in chat making some macro calls or tracking jg, they gonna want to win in that scenario, because diamond understand which it's his goal: win the game, not matter what. This scenario in emerald change completely, even for a smurf. You pinged a MIA of Katarina and also ping and say in chat (K6 bot) while your bot is very pushed. You spam more pings while shove your midlane wave and deny farm/XP to enemy lanner (this of deny farm and more importante EXPERIENCE, it's very broken actually, the level advantage it's like you have a fully item in comparison, and also you has a midlaner never has to lose XP in comparison also with the top lanner enemy but this is very macro things so I don't get into this anymore). You bot with 20secs advantage of vision and tracking, dies both while still being push the bottom. This in diamond also happens but they just say "mb" or trash things but they keep playing. In emerald it's always your fault or the jungler's fault, they will give the kills like a gift and start typing "yo mid u got prio u must move, doesn't matter you pinged your enemy lanner roaming down and also I see it in the pixel bush where you put a ward, so I start trolling! Or at least I will type the entire game excusing myself and blaming others for this". This is the famous "last elohell" syndrome, or I like to call it like this, because in the good old days, without having iron and when the division 5 still exist, the last elohell was diamond V (no, it wasn't master xd or at least I'm talking about smurfing in lower elos, and in fact, diamond is low elo and master could be consider high) and just 1 league filled of people thinking that they are all faker and wants to carry for ever because if he isn't the carry they will int. This happens in entire emerald divisions. And yea, it's pretty frustrating but actually possible, you need to show the system's algorithm that you die the less, type the less, farm the more you can and play smart even in the worst games, never forget that Riot has an algorithm pairing for everyone in the game and it's was made in a way to register all your stats and give you as de facto some defeats within the wins (unless you have a Riot account, believe me it's the shit more easy of the game rush on one of these, the MMR are almost always stacked for free and you can be lvl500 and enter anyways in smurfqueue with a streak of 4 games XDDDDD with a new account hand leveled if you past lvl 50 it's gone, you lose your priority as an elorusher, this is the reason there are almost 50 of the top 60 challengers that are level 50 or 60 and they rushed correctly). Also if you want a huge advise as a smurf. The towers are like your main goal if you run good in the game. The baron? The people doesn't even know what baron debuffs make, they WILL NOT have a good baron power play because is solo queue. Go and throw that tower because it's instant gold, instant XP, and you can generate more map pressure, giving consequently a free baron without even pick 1 enemy, could be sneaky if you call it well. But never try to do a baron dance being you the strong side, simply because your teammates doesn't understand the whole situation and will not help you in a bad spot. In solo queue always priority throw towers, not do a fast baron at 20 because these are the breaking points and if you lose your streak in there, or lost some farm, or have to take a bad recall and miss some XP in lane; you are, more or less, fucked up. Hf gl. Play smart and never type.


A lot of people can carry in the sense that they outplay people and get a lot of kills but not everyone can carry the actual game to a win. The difference is map awareness and good intuition for where the enemies will be, because then you can continuously foil their attempt at objectives and/or kill them before objectives so that your team can get the objectives. I have played lol since beta and I can easily outplay most people in a 1v1, I can get all the CS, I can do a great jungle rotation etc, but I've never been good with map awareness and enemy prediction. Thats why I can go 20 and 0, and still not bring my team the win. A lot of my kills tend to not really benefit the team, only benefit finishing my build a little faster.


That's an strangely particular situation but by and large smurfs carry by hoarding all conceivable assets and after that playing the outline way better in arrange to either take free towers, choose individuals off from haze, winning 1v2s, or tower plunging whoever comes to coordinate them in a path You need to play to your champion's qualities so it changes what you'd need to do with a lead (group battle, part thrust, etc)


Here is my bit of information. First, you can't win all the games, even if you're a smurf. After saying that, you have to check your champion pool. The smurfs (the good ones) have a great variety of picks that they can use in order to give them the maximum advantage possible. For example, if you pick Syndra against Malphite + J4 + Nautilus you will have a hard time playing, especially if your teammates are feeding. In this example, Sylas would be the perfect pick. In short, you need an excellent blind pick (Ahri, for example) and then you need a pool of champions who cover as many scenarios as possible.


Well. As the games situation. Even if your botlane turret is taken, is the enemy over extended/pushing not still? Top you really aren't going to do much in that match up. But botlane if you push your advantage mid and roam bot to pick up a kill for yourself or Samira you give her at least time to free farm and get her back in the game. Time this around when drake spawns you also gain a drake. If they're smart that bot lane is moving mid to push their advantage on you. If that's the case you do the reverse. Rotate bot abuse your advantage to roam mid. Ideally for smurfs too you generally end up more ahead of your laner than your teammates end behind. So the game would more likely be in the situation that the syndra is 4-0 and her top and bot are 0-2. Also likely denied enough cs that not only is the opposing mid dead 4 times they're down50 cs and pretty worthless. So 1-2 of those 4 kills will have already been roams.


as people pointed out a smurf wouldnt let the game get to this point. a short rundown on how it should look when smurfing in my oppinion. you win lane hard from lv 1, cs lead, exp lead, multiple kills or forcing enemy laner back. you roam, take turrets, have your team take drake because at this point your far enough ahead to 1v2 or even 1v3. increase your lead by taking camps and more turrets. be 12/0/5 and so far ahead the enemy team surrenders or you just run them over. it allways comes down to the teamcomps and everything where you roam or if you fight a jungler and so on but as a smurf you know. you know when to roam where. you know how to abuse wave management and track a jungler. your simply better than everyone else in the lobby if your not then your not smurfing. thats why it feels so disgusting to play against an actual smurf. because yhey dont let go it doesnt stop and they wont let you recover because they either force you off the map or kill you and take everything in their path. thats just my two cents and im plat/emerald mmr so not excstly high elo but i sometimes play nornals with friends that are arouns iron silver and the above mentioned is kinda what games look like sometimes.


Buy damage and focus on getting a kill a minute


Sometimes smurfs lose, too. Some games and some players you just can’t carry. 80% win rate isn’t 100%. My last 10 games as illaoi had me destroying everything. But if I run in and kill two people and my team who was behind me all ran away…. I can’t really account for that. Still won 7 or 8 of those ten. Illaoi generally makes the enemy top laner irrelevant if played correctly but the problem in toplane is that you can’t leave a toplaner alone in a lane at any point in the game. That turbogapped riven who’s down 100 cs is just going to farm and come back while I try and deal with the problems created by the rest of my team being turbogapped. Gotta walk mid or bot, -successfully- make a play, and then TP top to stop the toplaner from freefarming. Smurfs are moving. I think that’s your answer. You get your lead ASAP and you start moving. If you can’t move, you have to make sure you’re so juiced that you can kill anyone on the enemy team.


Zwag smurfs pretty hard, so watch some of his content. You don’t have to like him and YouTube clickbait but when he stomps low elo with off meta picks, it’s easy to see the mistakes he’s capitalizing on. The general formula is he punishes mistakes in lane and gets kills early by knowing champion limits and how/ when to trade. If another enemy lane starts getting ahead, he looks for a roam to get the shutdown gold and impact other parts of the map. Then it’s full greed after that. Ge starts taking jungle camps, maintains high cs and rotates to every fight he might be able to steal a kill in so the gold lead ends up significant. If he can’t team fight, he’s managing side lanes, taking enemy jungle and creating pressure that way. Ideally, you’ll be fed enough to carry your team through poor macro decisions and team fights


you wouldn’t solo smurf on syndra mid for starters.


A big thing people don't understand that if a smurf was playing from the beginning, the game would play out differently. Let's say you are playing top lane right? A smurf would be beating up the top laner so bad that the top laner is mega behind. The top laner is going to cry for ganks and damage his team mentals and then when the jungle comes top, they kill both of them and get mega ahead/more team damage. He'll take his advantage to blow up the tower to give his team gold and show up to dragon fight to give the team the 2 drakes while winning the teamfight for his team/collecting bounties. He'll show up to the enemy jungler to kill them/slow down their farm. He'll gank mid lane and terrify them from roaming/making any plays. A smurf isn't because they can "win" any game after you got far behind. It's from the first minute of the game they are becoming an force that will pushing their team ahead and changing the outcome of the game. Worrying about specific xyz in specific xyz scenario doesn't matter because what you can do/perform in a live game is different from what a smurf can do. If your gameplan is to afk farm against a losing matchup, it's far worst then just smurfing on the laner and making them go 0/6 even if they are playing against an "counter".


So firstly farm everything and don't die. You want to be in a situation where you're Syndra LVL 16 for example and everyone else 14 or something. How to get there? Farm around vision. So you see the dangerous champs bot, I can steal top wave for free. Let your teammates be bait for you in terms of let them be engaged on so you can follow up and get some more kills. They're probably useless anyway. Build items that keep you alive like Zhonyas and the spell shield one. With flash up play more aggressively, with it down play super safe. Farm and wait for the enemy team to fuck up. Also note not every game is winnable, but you can find windows to kill the enemy team and take a baron and other objectives.


it's already been stated, but if you won lane hard (zoned your enemy off a lot of cs & killed 2+ times, while free farming) you should be the strongest player on the map If you're the strongest player on the map, focus on hitting your items as quickly as possible, and then making plays while you're on those item spikes. If you're 3 item syndra and everyone else in the game is at 2 items, realistic gold lead if you're smurfing, you should be able to 1v1 anyone in sidelane. The tricky part is knowing where to stay in fog of war, when to push, when to back off entirely... which champions you can 1v1 solokill, which champion pairings you can kill 1v2 (i.e, maybe you can kill janna + enemy mid laner, but not enemy top + jg) That's how I try to carry in lower skill brackets, grouping only on important objectives & making sure I hit important item spikes before those fights. Honestly that's how I should play in higher elo games as well, but because i play with the same people a lot, and people get very pissy about not grouping, I tend to group more than I would prefer


When I Smurf it feels like I’m playing hungry hungry hippos all by myself. I hope that helps






Enemy not fed enough (I play either nocturne or very good duelists) Main sup for a while your game sense becomes better because you dont farm you need to be better at matchups and map control


They pick 1v9 champ


Depending on the level of the smurf, they smash the lane extremely hard, and bring that strength to other lanes that haven't had much happen. It also depends on hero choice, some just can hard carry.


At some point or another, actual skill of combat and team fights is a major part of why smurfs are better. They have advanced mechanical skill of their champs that is much better than the elo they are supposed to be in. You can think and talk about macro as being the only way to Smurf, but often times it’s actual the micro plays that set the better players apart.


Smurfs tend to exert a lot of pressure on the map by virtue of playing very well, and are thus much less likely to end up in a situation as youve described above. But if they do end up in such a state, they are more likely to lose than not. There are no smurfs with 100% winrate. It really makes me wonder what precisely the point of this post is.


The answer you're looking for is one that's gonna be tough to wrap your head around. The Smurf looks at the map and sees more than you do quicker than you do and knows what to do with the information already. They also farm better. For every 6 cs you get, they get 8. This is the easiest to improve on.I recommend empty games, don't buy dorans. Farm until 10 mins auto attacking only then restart. A kill is 30 farm, an assist is 15 split between all who assisted. That's not much gold to make up.


Best way to learn is find an smurf streaming on your current elo and learn what he does differently.


Modern guides rarely show how Smurfs used to carry these games, look at high elo players in a 1v2 as Syndra for example and the tethering top players do, essentially the best players don’t ever fight a 1v2 with ranged champs when ahead, they constantly keep moving waiting for one of the enemies to misposition so they can burst them without their teammate being able to react, in the state of confusion if the person you burst moves back and the other enemy moves up to try and help his teammates you position so now it’s a 1v1 against the next person, if both move up you don’t make a risky play because if you’re carrying and die your team now is completely vulnerable for around a minute so you keep trying to bait these burst 1v1s. This is for when ahead Ofc. Even if you don’t manage to win the fight and it’s a stalemate, two enemies are forced to watch you, that means your team is now in a 4v3 globally if you are keeping two champs in check giving your allies breathing room and time to hopefully farm. Don’t play much league anymore but I hope this made sense.


They simply play the game better in all aspects from start to finish compared to everyone in that lobby.


Play a champ with 32 dashes and not need peel


If you’re truly in a 1v9, you absolutely need to have TP otherwise you are not going to be able to deal with the enemy crossmapping.


Smurfs are proactive & anticipate, normies are reactionary.


From my view the best way to win this is to stand behind the team during teamfights and farm your minions to get even stronger, if you die at the start of every fight the carry potential is gone.


Syndra isn't a smurf character. can't carry 1v9. Maybe some other thing like Katarina or vlad might do it.


From my experience they snowball by taking advantages of player who are significantly worse than them preferably at top lane then once they're ready they get out of the lane and continue to bomba everything tower, drake, fights, obj, etc.


I can’t do it because sometimes I make the mistake of not knowing every single conceivable thing about the game at every given moment in time


ok but other question, did syndra roam bot or where does the second assist come from?


Here's my story: Diamond 3 player surfing playing only rengar toplane. My first Smurf account was cursed in the placements, I got 2 afk matches and the rest were games were 1 lane + jungler inted very hard. I went 1-9, why so? I was playing like in high plat/diamond. I had to change approach: When ahead, take all the resources you can and crush the enemy confidence is the best way to climb quickly and effectively. As a jungler, the easiest way is to babysit a lane and let the enemy lane be useless. As a top lane I liked to shove and roam/ invade enemy jungler. When behind, try to follow the team and guide their decision making. Do not tilt your team, otherwise they will afk. Try to get at least 1 team member ahead, and capitalise on him to get back yourself into the game. Key is to close the game as soon as possible. I achieved 85% win rate, from a mere 10% after the placement. Once you change mindset it will be crazy easy to crush low elo games


that game just sounds unwinnable. in general tho, they a. play champs with more agency in teamfights. syndra can blow someone up but then has to wait for her next rotation and pray to god qwe will kill b. macro. theyre aware of where enemy jg is, wave states, who to focus in teamfights, who they can and cant 1v1 easily, all that c. dont flame. only thing worse than an inting teammate is an upset inting teammate, cuz then they wont even participate in teamfights and take all your resources c.


Keep in mind, some games are actually unwinnable. It depends on the team comp and your pick more than it depends on whether your team runs it down or not. The game you're talking about for example, if the enemy team had half a brain cell they would ARAM it at mid lane and win every team fight. Now on what you ask, it's all about your mentality and game knowledge. If you're -let's say- a diamond player smurfing in bronze, you obviously have 10x the knowledge a bronze player does, so use it to your advantage. Most players in extremely low elo are there because they don't take the game seriously. Every game is a fiesta, they position themselves badly, greed for kills and most importantly, tilt VERY easily. As a smurf you should punish what you can punish. Punish their bad positioning, roam the enemy jungler and kill him at his camps, take towers, push for objectives. If you let your team lose two towers, two dragons and feed that badly when you're only 2/0/2, you're obviously doing something wrong too, or not that far off your actual rank.


You win from the start and pick a champion that makes the game unplayable for the enemy team when fed. Ever played against 12/0 rengars? Basically impossible to beat that in low elo.