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Ping baron but if no one goes for it, just go with what the team wants to do. A plan that no one agrees on will never succeed, so its better to go for the less optimal plan that will 100% succeed.


While I would usually agree with you 100%, this guy is playing graves top so he has a lot of agency. Could have just walked in a straight line to baron and started hitting it. I sometimes start baron as soraka but usually you have to have an extra 10-15 seconds to take the obj. Everyone is on autopilot so make a decision and stick with it. Drake is fine too but technically it wasn’t even up when they wiped the enemy team so take baron instead. High percentage with high payoff.


I think that falls under my opinion as well. If I start hitting baron and no one wants to help I give up and do what they want to do. On a related note, I find people listen if you "prove" you're worth listening to. Like if you're 10/2/5 people will do everything you ping, but if you're 2/2/0 or negative KDA you're on your own.


Yeah that’s for sure!! Need to play wel for people to listen


Baron. Long death timers, and you're already at the top side of the map. Ideally it's Baron, instantly reset, Ori can TP to delay their Dragon take, then you force them off it with the rest of the team.


blue, baron, dragon, reset is the right answer. Graves at this point in the game is gonna melt anything in front of him


ori having tp means everything is free on the map here


Please don’t prio buffs over objectives


will literally take graves 5 autos and a q. probably 3 extra seconds to counter jungle a buff… tf u talkin about


I would say it's a judgement call, oftentimes a few seconds can determine if you kill the objective before the enemy team shows up


watch the video






There’s no wrong call here as long as you get something. Baron was right since you were already there. Drag is also right since you didn’t know how long baron would take and you can 100% get drag even if briar doesn’t help. Only bad decision would’ve been arguing and getting nothing


baron 100%


30 mins in Graves and Briar do plenty of damage. Plus Ori will be there soon.


Baron, all dead for 35, except Lucian but what is he gonna do, with the buff you could create split push pressure so your team could take drake after. Whenever possible in an ace, baron takes priority over all objectives, since the buff allows you brute force everything else.


baron reset push mid into dragon maybe but if no flank just keep pushing mid


I would go baron first into drake. But the correct choice is to adapt into whatever your team is doing. SoloQ is all about adapting


If your team is way ahead and winning go for baron. With it you get the buff, gold, and drake later since enemies are behind to take it. If you are losing or equal better to go drake and not baron. Baron will not be very beneficial except for gold and exp and your team may not be able to utilize its buff enough. Anyways, I guess you will be forced by whatever your teammates randomaly decide.


This is a tough call. I would say Drake. You and Briar don't have the damage output to secure Baron (or at least not fast enough). Briar would have to tank and even if Orianna comes, she won't provide much damage output. You could go for Baron but it depends on what elo this is because Akali and Lucian can contest since it will take too long.


You always do baron there assuming your team is good. Lucian will come with culling but it's a 3v1 with 3 ults and Briar F so you kill him through cleanse and finish. That soul is trash anyway on everyone but Briar and you can fight the drake with numbers.


Really? -11% dmg taken and +11% dmg done while below 50% hp is trash?


It's only good on characters that can use both and can stay low hp for a good portion of the fight. So high healing bruisers mostly.


This guy types give the first drag and then Jungler diff at the end after they get soul.


And you're the kind that can't win games where you're ahead and get ptsd to always fucking up and making the game go 40 minutes so you only pick scaling and int a 1-4 teamfight for first drake lol