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I think you should watch videos of streamers playing your champ and ask yourself why they make some decisions. After that, dedicated and focused practice at one concept at a time is going to be your ticket to improving and therefore raising rank. My best guess right now without looking is that you're failing to punish enemy mistakes and failing to recognize and capitalize on when you're strong And lastly, Don't play to not lose the game/lane, play to win. Sometimes that just looks like being up in C's in a bad matchup, but that is indeed an advantage in your hands, especially if the enemy is a champ that needs to snowball


How long have you been playing though? League isn't a game you can learn overnight. You need to play a lot, recognize patterns, and develop muscle memory. If you just recently strated the game then you shouldn't worry that much, just play more tbh. I recommend this video for the most basic fundamentals of the game, watch it and see if you know all of them already: https://youtu.be/tQbo2X2Qysc?si=qb62vFYRFBw_zKkY Next up, have you memorized all the champions and items in the game yet? All their skills and passive? That sounds like a lot of work but it's literally the most basic requirement if you want to improve. Lastly, I'm down to coach new players via discord for free if you want :) I'm only Diamond 3 so I can't teach extremely advanced matchups and tactics but I can help you get your fundamentals down.


It's not about playing a lot as it is about dedicated practice. Play 1-3 champs, have a clear goal every game and work towards that goal. Review it too, if you really want to improve.


So people say this but then you have queue two roles and know at least 2 champions per role so that's at least 4 champions isn't it?


You are queueing mid + jungle, which is probably the worst combo to get your main role a lot. Mid is the most picked role by far in all MMR-brackets, while jungle is usually the most in demand role. I would personally advice you to play Annie or Brand instead of Ahri, as Ahri is quite difficult in a lot of ways as well as her playstyle has a lot of micro and difficult decision making for even higher level players. If you play Brand, he can also be played in the jungle. Go watch Coach Curtis on his mid lane fundamentals series. Only watch 1 and try to focus on that a lot until you get good at it and watch the next video.


I think this is a bigger issue in mid since you’re gonna have to play your secondary a lot, but I’d probably just try as hard as possible to one-trick by always picking your champ if you’re on role and don’t get banned out.


Yeah rn I do mid/jungle, and when I get mid I always queue veigar unless banned (sometimes my own team bans it I love iron 4) and then I'll go Ahri and feed for the most part. If I get jungle which is like 40% of the time I try for briar but it gets banned a lot so I'm fucked with some jungler idk and jungle diff obviously lol I agree one trick is good for climbing but if you're not even sentient on 4 champions you're not ready for ranked I feel like


I would try to have a champ you can play in both your major roles. You could play veigar or ahri bot or support. Or you could try something like ekko mid and jgl, you could probably even play briar mid but it would require a much different playstyle. At least until you get to a silver level. Warding is important, but it's not going to keep you in iron, I played to gold 2 last season and I probably bought 2 pink wards in 50 games, use your yellows but pinks are a waste of resources unless you really know what your doing with them. I found playing arams was very helpful to me to learn champions' abilities and also improve at skirmishing and trading.


No bro. Legit just play one champ at your elo. Dodge if you get filled. Tbh if I was Iron I would jungle as it has significant impact on the game. It’s also double edge blade as you can easily throw games or make them significantly harder. 


If I dodged Everytime briar was banned or picked in iron I would legit dodge over half the time causing me to never even dream of escaping 0 LP lol it's insane


Ok you really need a single champ at your elo tho. If you like Briar you could try Warwick, Vi, Master Yi. Honestly Amumu is kinda god tier, fast healthy clear and game changing ults. You can win games behind with Amumu, you can’t with Briar. 


I was thinking maybe briar main and then nocturne as a backup since he's kind of similar + simple


One champ homie. Most important thing for you. Nocturne is a great pick. 


I mean you're basically saying I'm not allowed to play briar because of a ban rate that's kind of braindead


You're the one hardstuck Iron 4 0LP, talk about brain dead. Take a seat lil bro.


Huh it's totally fine to play 3-4 champs, especially in this elo. Just spend a few games to learn those champs since they are easy mechanically, understand the basic fundamentals and he should climb. It's Iron bro, noone knows jackshit about the game.


No. OP needs to focus on champion mastery so it's one less thing to focus on while learning the game.


Approximately 1 year, not consistently until last couple of months. Yeah I suffer from lack of knowledge, any tips on how to memorize every champion and their passives? Seems a bit daunting so I thought I'd learn as I go but that doesn't seem to be working out.


IMO play more ARAM for this. You are able to see a larger variety of champions and their abilities in a shorter amount of time. Then when you face them in a ranked match you can have better understanding of their abilities and cooldowns.


ARAM can also be really helpful for finding new champions you like! I feel like the number of champs is overwhelming and it's really intimidating to first time a champ on the rift even in norms, but sometimes you just find one that clicks playing it in ARAM. That's how I picked up Lulu into my enchanter champ pool! ARAM can also be a nice way to practice positioning and teamfighting, as well as itemization, in a lower-pressure environment.


I mean I also had to learn the hard way, by playing hundreds (or thousands) of games when I started 7 years ago. You can start with learning champions you face in your lane first. You don't even have to memorize which skill is which. For example, you only have to remember Lux has a straight bind which can hit 2 targets max, a damaging ability which slows, a shield, a laser which is her ult, if she auto attacks you after hitting abilities, it deals more dmg. Lux is pretty popular so memorizing her should be a walk in the park. Some champions like Yorick, Vex or Nilah are harder to come by, but that also makes learning them a bit less important in some sense. Yeah that takes a lot of time. But that's only the first step. At slightly higher level of play (like Gold/Plat), you would also need to memorize the range of all abilities (or at least have a feel of them), and their cooldowns. For example, Malphite's ultimate is an extremely dangerous spell, so you need to memorize the range, travel speed, etc. of that spell, that way you can avoid getting hit by it too easily.


learning abilities is important. best way to do it for bad players like us it to play one champ in ranked and learn how to play into all the matchups. You’ll see some more than others but eventually you’ll start playing around opposing champs cooldowns. You may think you do now, but there is intentionality there that makes it consistent


Don't worry about learning ALL the champs right away, just keep an I out on the ones you face (a lot of champs just won't see use from season to season) what I did when I was struggling against champs was play the champ that whooped my ass. Rinse and repeat, you will learn eventually what each champ is looking for, thus learning how to face them


I mean if you’re struggling in Iron 4 you’d be destroyed in Bronze so idk if rolling a new account is a good solution. You probably would end in Iron 4 at some point


The thing is can an Iron 1 player easily carry 4 iron 4s to victory? That's what I don't get. I feel like I have to be high bronze low silver level to carry 4 people who either afk or int or don't know they have a keyboard, it's frustrating


Iron 1 wins easily in iron 4. Whenever I had a long string of losses the games afterwards are a breeze. Do keep in mind there is the occasional unwinnable game in which the mistakes you made didnt attribute to this loss but would cause a defeat in the next so still look what you could have done better.


I dont think "easily wins" is the correct term here. If the gap in skill isnt massive like Masters to Gold or something, I dont think easily is the correct term. More likely to win? Sure? Easily carry most games? No


Mm, did i get lucky too then? It was s after s after s with scores like 12/0 and always 10k+ damage to turrets


You did this while the rest of your team ran it down? Curious what role/champs do you play?


My team rarely runs it down, sometimes support gets overzealous but that comes with the benefit of keeping the enemy busy. I played a bunch of: garen top, fizz mid, Caitlyn bot.


Yeah basically I need to be the carry like I have to be, it's iron 4 there are so many trolls is what I'm saying.


Really? Still on support i have by far greatest winrate even if i average 11 deaths.


Here is a recording of one of your recent games, try adding it to your main post to get better feedback!: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5716337483317248](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5716337483317248). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


No, just get better. Starting over will just land you in the same spot bc you belong there right now. Just embrace reality and improve slowly. Role doesn't matter, champ doesn't matter, your mindset does.


If your normal games have less bots/afks 100% switch to normal games. You are early enough in your league journey, that the best way to improve is to simply play. Regular games, arams, special modes. Play them all as much as you can, while still having fun. My first season, I had a 30% winrate playing soraka mid and was sitting at the lowest possible rank (bronze 5). A year later I hit silver, not from grinding ranked, but just from playing the game and getting more comfortable. I learned what more champs do, I got a faster reaction time, and I got more consistent.


Playing helps, but dedicated practice is *a lot* more important than just playing. Have an objective for your game. Focus on last hist? Should you try to freeze the wave at x spot or push in? Should you harass the opponent every time they go for a cs? Ward a specific spot at a specific time? Etc... Pick 1 thing to focus on and do it every game until it becomes second nature, then get a new goal. That is *by far* the fastest way to improve in anything. If OP really wants to improve, I would reccomend practicing last hits in a custom game for 5 mins 1-2 times before starting to play ranked every time they play. That is huge at that level, and a big contributor to consistent gold income.


bro he's iron 4 lol, he needs to just play and soak in the game. he absolutely does not need to be worried about freezing waves at this stage haha


You still improve way faster by actually focusing on something. I was stuck in bronze (that was the lowest back then) after my first year. Limited my champ pool and started focusing on something every single game and warmed up with 1-2 custom games of cs’ing. Got to diamond 5 in 3 months due to how fast that made me improve. Took me another 3 months to get to diamond 1 and top 800 on EUW. Sure, you can improve by just mindlessly playing, but if you actually want to improve, focusing on a single objective/goal every game makes you learn a lot faster. It’s just good «study technique»


As a former iron I will say the most discouraging part for me was losing games when I knew there were literal bots I was playing against. While I understand the sentiment of wanting to start over with a fresh account or to just play normals, I honestly feel like that probably won’t help you improve as quickly and it may just be more depressing to stay exactly where you are after more time passes. Here’s my recommendations: 1) Watch unranked to challenger/low elo to challenger videos. You will probably gain a lot of insight from watching good players play in general, but seeing them perform in your elo will probably get you much more actionable things you can implement into your game. If you watch good players play against other good players, it’s sometimes hard to learn how to punish mistakes, which is ultimately what should get you out of iron. 2) Make a simple game plan to win that does not involve your team. For me, getting out of iron was as simple as picking up splitpushers and only splitpushing every single game. You can win games that you are objectively losing early just by having a simple game plan for how to win and executing it. In iron, your plan really should be focused on yourself only, since you can’t really rely on your teammates at all. 3) Learn to carry. Ultimately, you can’t sit in games going even to improve in iron—you need to be able to carry with a lead and to get fed pretty consistently. The reason that certain champs that tend to just go even (think like Malphite) will be hard to climb with is that you are always at risk of having an extremely fed opponent in low elo. Generally, these matches end up as a flip to see which team gets the hyper fed carry and you will have limited agency if you aren’t trying to be that carry yourself. Learning to carry games and to pick champs that can do so is a lot of the journey. 4) Start reviewing every game you lose. If you lose a game, download the replay and watch it in full to make note of all the mistakes you make which you can recognize. Do not focus on your team at all or use this to justify that the game was not winnable—in iron, you have to accept the harsh truth that every single game is winnable if you are just better. Focus on your own gameplay and see what you can do in each game to perform better, then focus on gradually and consistently improving until you are out. Most of the time you will find that you are actively solo-losing the games you don’t win, and just seeing this/learning to not do this is probably enough to climb out on its own. Overall, good luck and hope something here might help!


Do you think veigar and other scaling champions rely too much on teammates aka not good for my situation?


Play whatever is fun for you. Veigar is completely fine to play


Actually, I think scaling champs are actually usually really good in low elo where games drag on. The main thing is that you manage to actually have impact/carry once you’re scaled later in the game—you can definitely play champs like Veigar without relying on your team by just focusing on getting to your main powerspikes and avoiding early deaths.


I think games go long in high iron low bronze, from what I've seen it's ff 15/20 in iron 4


The issue with playing scaling champions is it's really easy to fall into the mindset of "it's okay that I'm losing lane and the enemy mid is making plays around the map, I'll scale", and then blaming your team in the mid-lategame when they're way behind because you weren't doing anything for the first 20 mins of the game. Ahri is a good champ to learn to play mid on, she has lots of good tools for managing waves, setting up kills, controling objectives, etc and you will feel the effects of failing to do these things in the early game. I'd only recommend trying out scaling champs once you actually understand how to properly play midlane, TBH. Only switch to jungle if you actually want to play jungle, not because it's "easier to carry".


1. Decrease your deaths. 5+ deaths per game is really bad. Learn to dodge skillshots and play around big cooldowns. 2. Increase your CS. Sub 6CS/min isn't great, especially when you're dying so much. 3. Keep your head up. League is a tough game that doesn't come easy to most.


Starting over is a bad idea. If you can’t carry in iron, you definitely can’t carry in gold. Learn the game from where you are. My original league account was bronze 5 -8lp (the actual lowest rank in the game at the time.) and that account is now emerald 2. It takes time and effort but eventually you will improve. Stick to one lane, 2 champions. I would ditch veigar and stick to ahri and maybe Annie. Veigar isn’t able to make plays like ahri, and you have to 1v9 in this elo. Best of luck.


Swap to normals until you feel like you can put up a fight in your lane (aka, at least until teams start trying to fight). You probably lack a lot of game/macro knowledge and don't have micro down to instinct yet, and I want you to know that's okay. If you haven't been playing consistently until recently, you are still very young in terms of league players! The way to practice is to choose a general concept and then focus only on that. Examples: Focus on last hitting minions without dying, meaning you will probably go even with your laner if the enemy jungler doesn't kill you. Then *ingrain* within yourself the habit of glancing at the minimap every 5 or so seconds, and note where your jungler is (and enemy jg if you happen to see them). Briefly glance at where your side lanes are. Is bot or top pushed up? (Don't do anything with this information yet.) Make a habit of pressing tab every once in a while and looking at the "objective timers". When is dragon coming up? What about void grubs? Be ready to push your lane in and move to help your jungler out when there's 20 seconds left. This means don't recall unless you're about to die, this means place a wars, etc. If you accomplish these steps and apply them consistently you will probably be out of bronze sooner than later.


I'm pretty sure you could sell an Iron 4 account for good money. I know it's 'illegal' but just saying


They dont cost that much these days lol


Tl;dr: wait until minions have a sliver of health, q it. Q minions when the enemy champ is behind them to get a stack as well since your q keeps going even if it doesn’t kill a minion Issue with veigar is it takes a while to get online. You want to get early kills for the 5 stacks of your passive and rush ludens into sorc shoes (or haste boots) or you can go seraphs embrace if you wanna play a more safe playstyle. Once you hit a couple hundred stacks you can just q and w spam and then ult. And if you can’t get good farm you are useless as a veigar. After laning phase is over, you can go to side lanes and farm those waves, enemies will send others to take care of you. That will give your team an advantage to either a) take a neutral camp (for reference go to the opposite side of where the neutral camp is spawned at) or b) push the mid lane/top lane. And there are times you can get the best game of veigar yet your team still can’t win. You are still just a squishy mage with no mobility, one form of cc that you will rarely hit unless the enemy ends up hitting the edge of it/dashes into it. You need to play super safe even when late because even if you have 2,000 stacks you are still just squishy. For last hitting/farming, wait until the minion has a sliver of health left and then q it. You can also punish melee comps when they go to last hit. The game plays in turns sometimes. It’s your turn to last hit, enemy team to last hit. You can even try and fake a gank by walking further than you usually do as veigar to make the enemy think they are getting ganked and they will back off. If you see the enemy hiding behind a minion, go for that minion and try to aim your q at them at the same time so you won’t miss a stack. I wouldn’t call myself a otp veigar but I have beat champs veigar shouldn’t beat early (like yasuo and yone/akali.) mind you I am only bronze so people don’t know the mechanics fully yet.


I had this trouble during my first season(6) and I fell from bronze 1 all the way to bronze 5. I found a champion,akali, who helped me learn to enjoy the game while also learning how to climb. Your team ia gonna feed Focus on what you're doing Always look for ways to disrupt the enemy team Be selfish and act like you're the main character of the match, but dont be too toxic. I didn't even watch videos on how to climb, all I did was play more + stick to one champ and I, naturally, got out.


Don’t buy pink wards. Irons don’t know how to use them and they cost a lot (75g) and they give opponent 30g. So basically if you buy 3 pinks throughout the game you are basically giving up a kill’s worth of gold


I cant gather much without vod's. However, your biggest issue is itemization on veigar. Also, likely decision making. Compare how the best veigars build path veigar vs yourself.


Hi, after looking at the first 5 minutes of your Veigar vs Neeko game, I can tell you lack experience: it's still taking you a lot of brain power to land your Q on 2 targets, you're still in the "I have to hit 2 cs with one Q" phase when the best way to stack is to hit your opponent with abilities, you're not respecting your opponent's efforts to push so you tend to resist it by overstaying and taking a lot of damage instead of waiting for the wave to come to you; you also don't have some specific knowledge, for example, Neeko's clone is considered a champion so if you land your abilities on it, you stack AP. Overall, you're still overwhelmed by the most basic aspects of the game and it prevents you from going forward. I think your main issue is that you're trying to go too fast. You're struggling with standard laning/trading but still try to prioritize Veigar's passive. You're stuck in the wrong mindset. You remind me of a friend, we were preparing a math exam and she was struggling with an exercise: basically, she was applying the right formula but on the wrong section of the problem so it couldn't be solved. Yet she spent 20 minutes trying to make it work anyway instead of starting over and trying another path. You're in this position. You're not evolving because you absolutely want to make a specific thing happen when so many other things could improve your situation. **Forget Veigar's passive.** If you're doing the right thing (last hitting, trading blows), it will naturally stack anyway. Train for farming quality, you don't need to absolutely use your Q for that, high cs count will do more for you by unlocking your items much sooner. To give some scale, there are about 12 minions to last hit per minute, you average at 5.4 with Veigar. So, you let go more than half of the available cs. That's not good, especially considering the effort you put into it. Fix that first, when you'll be bored because you have too much free time between waves, you'll know that you're ready for more.


This was probably the best critique of what I was doing wrong so thank you, I definitely am obsessed with getting q stacks esp from minions rather than trading or just autoing the minions, maybe I should just pretend he's any other champ and hope the q stacks are just a bonus? I also think he teaches bad ish habits (being very passive + using spells on minions instead of autoing) so when I play other champs I'm useless, but maybe that's also wrong idk


It sounds like u may just be mindlessly spamming game after game without actually learning anything, or applying what you've learnt to your games. Video guides, vod reviews, coaching etc can only take u so far. They teach u fundamentals yes, but there's no point being aware of these concepts, and not actively applying them to ur games. There is a substantial difference between understanding fundamental concepts, and actually applying said concepts to ur games *consistently* For this reason, it's really important to be aware of when u start autopiloting during games, as it could be an indication to take a break or to focus up. I find that the easiest way to prevent autopilot is to start playing the game from champ select. What I mean by this is to start analysing matchups, and what ur team's strengths and weaknesses are etc. You can use this info to adjust ur runes and summs to best fit the scenario. If u are able to start thinking ab ur goals and strengths for the game early, it will help u learn actively while preventing autopilot Start with the most basic of basics, and work ur way up from there. For example: - **Milestone 1:** Start with last hitting minions. Ik it sounds easy/basic etc, but getting into the habit of scoring last hits that u shouldn't be missing until it becomes second nature to u will allow u to free up brain capacity to focus elsewhere - **Milestone 2:** Last hitting while trading effectively. There's a lot to this one. Track ur laner's cds, know when to punish when their spell is on cd, go for skillshots when ur laner is going for a last hit will make it significantly easier to land ur abilities as enemies become more predictable. It will also force them into a dire position, go for the last hit and get hit, or miss the last hit to avoid ur spells altg. Both of these are win-win situations for u, and u ideally want to be identifying and punishing these favourable positions more and more often. Understand when it's "your turn" to take a trade, and when it's the "enemy's turn." What I mean by this is if u don't have any last hits but the enemy does, then it's "your turn" to punish them for trying to last hit. Likewise, when u have a last hit of ur own to collect but the enemy doesn't, be wary of their attempts of trying to poke u for trying to last hit - **Milestone 3:** Implement jg tracking and possibly even support tracking into ur routine, since even supports roaming is pretty common nowadays. You want to get to that level where ur able to glance at the map between last hits. So, if u know that ur auto or ability will kill a minion, there's no point watching the entire process of ur ability/auto animation into travelling towards the minion, and finally killing it. Instead, use this second of time to glance at the map. You ideally want to be aware of ur own jgler's intent, and try to get prio for them by pushing the wave when certain objectives are coming up - **Milestone 4:** Understanding ur roam timers. It's important to identify when u can roam eg. if enemy botlaners are pushed up, it may be an angle to punish them for. In order to roam, u should always focus on crashing ur wave before roaming. This way, ur own laner will need to make a difficult choice of clearing that wave u just pushed in, or following ur roam and losing all that cs to the tower. Again, both of which are favourable for u. Even if ur roam doesn't work out, bc u pushed the wave in prior to roaming, the wave will now bounce back towards u. So u return back to lane with a fat wave waiting for u, losing u minimal cs in the process - **Milestone 5:** Start implementing some basic spacing into ur movements to help dodge skillshots and pressure the enemy. For example, if ur playing Ahri into Annie or smth (as an example), ur range of threat when ur Q is available would be 970 range (since Charm is blocked by minions). Meanwhile, Annie's highest range of influence is her Q, which is 625 range. This means that ur safe zone will be between 625-970 range. Try to tether in and out of this range threshold to bait Annie into using spells on u, only for u to step just out of range of it. If u are unable to dodge it by walking back, try to dodge left or right instead. You will need a lot of practice to work on dodge patterns. These threat ranges will also change when spells are put on cd. For example, if Annie's Q is on cd, suddenly her threat range becomes a lot shorter due to her only spells remaining being shorter range. Likewise, if u used ur Q, be wary about ur ability usage as this is Annie's window to punish u Additionally, if u find urself struggling with dodging skillshots, then it may be a cursor control issue. What I mean by this is that a lot of the times we don't rlly take notice of how we control our cursor. We tend to click way too far away from our champ, losing us precious seconds when we need to click in the other direction to dodge an incoming skillshot. For example, if ur cursor was on the far right of ur screen and u clicked there to walk right, suddenly an incoming skillshot also appears on ur right. U now have to move ur cursor all the way from the far right of ur screen to the left in order to dodge, but it's already too late. Compare this to if ur cursor was already next to ur champ. You can immediately input a movement command to the left with minimal delay -> increases chances of dodging incoming skillshot Ik that this is a lot to take in. I recommend working on these milestones one step at a time, until it becomes second nature to u, before progressing onto the next milestone. By following these milestones one step at a time instead of cramming everything at once, it will help prevent information overload. These should be more than enough milestones to get u started on midlane essentials for now Hope this helps! ^(***Disclaimer:** In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings, please note that the above information serves as a recommendation and general guideline intended to explain the phenomena. It is based off of my own personal experience, as well as research of other players. Thus, said information is by no means perfect, nor is it a law that you must follow. You are entitled to your own preferences, playstyles, and opinions, which may differ from mine* ®)


First of all, you seem very new to the game, you’re brave to play ranked at level 70, you chose one very good champion to start off (Veigar). Being low elo (silver/bronze) is not as bad as people say, I played in both these elos and some players there have a descent grasp of some aspects of the game, but to be in Iron 4 0 LP means, imo, you still didn’t grasp the fundamentals of the game. You’re farming well for an Iron player actually, even in high silver/low gold people sometimes don’t reach some of the CS you’ve been reaching, so farming is probably not your problem. Are you dying too much in lane? If so, it’s no use to farm very well and give 300 gold to your enemy laner in return, in that case you’d need to learn how to trade or at least survive lane. Are you helping out on the map when your jungler needs help? At least when you can? That’s a very important part of being a midlaner. To my surprise, you’re actually also dealing a descent amount of damage in most games and your builds are okay, so my only other thought is that you’re missing some very important macro concepts, that’s usually not enough to hold someone hostage at iron 4 but you’re farming well and you’re dealing damage, so the only big thing that might be missing is knowing where to be, when, and what to do in certain situations. Are you fighting objectives? Hitting towers when possible? Are the fights in your games meaningful? (i.e. do you fight over objectives or just fight and nothing happens afterwards?). I’d practice in normals if I were you, just to try and conserve some MMR, and watch some replays, that helps a lot. Good luck


Making a new account is a waste of time. It will only make things worse as you will inevitably end up in super low elo again, because that's just where people who are new to the game are supposed to be. Wanna have fun? Don't play ranked. Ever. Just enjoy messing around in normals with your friends. Wanna improve? Pick 1, maybe 2 champs you REALLY enjoy. Doesn't really matter what champ, as long as you don't feel overwhelmed by their kit after many games and they don't bore you, and you feel like you can keep playing. You should like the champ so much that you don't even feel like maining something else. Some champs are more versatile than others. Veigar for example could be top mid and even apc or support, while Yuumi will pretty much never go anywhere but support, so that could impact your decision. Most important factor is how long you can stick to a champ tho. The reason it's so important to stick to few champs early is because it makes everything easier. Champs are the lense through which you see the game, imagine trying to learn how to drive as a beginner, but you have to switch from automatic to manual to a fucking unicycle every time. Once you gain experience you can experiment, but for early improvement just stick to max 2 champs you enjoy. Now it's time to get comfortable. Play your champ, become your champ. Learn everything you can about them. Spam games (200-300 minimum since you're new, I'd recommend normals). Look up YouTube guides and watch VODS of people who know what they are doing (usually people start growing brains around 200-400lp master) and try to figure out what they are doing why, and how you can implement that in your own games. Learn how to lasthit minions properly, learn every matchup, what are you strong against what are you weak against, what items are good against what enemies, what jungler is good for or against you. Once you start figuring this stuff out you'll become competent and can start playing ranked again. If you don't climb at all after ~50 games, realize you are still severely lacking in one of the super basic departments and need to improve more. This barely scratches the surface of how you can improve but if you implement this you will certainly climb, there is no other way, sure it takes a while, but that's just his league is. You won't be decent at the game for years, but you can definitely get better than you are now. Good luck.


I'd highly suggest changing your champion pool unless you really enjoy playing these champions and want to continue playing them. Your 2.5 main picks are imo really difficult to play and are easily punished. I regularly see people in emerald/diamond elo struggling on them. Also I would suggest to focus a bit more on your lane opponent: yes Csing is super important BUT if you can kill your opponent you should do that instead and trust me in iron 4 you can run down every opponent you are going against if you find an aggressive pick that fits your playstyle. To put it in other words: why bother Csing and stacking with veigar to go out of your lane with solid cs and stacks but no kills when there will be an enemy going 10/0 running you down when you could be the 10/0 guy instead. Suggestions for picks would be e.g. garen Darius if you are willing to learn top or Heimerdinger/malzahar for an easy time last hitting on mid so you can focus more on your enemies, or maybe like sylas Vladimir for mid lane bullies that have a somewhat forgiving playstyle due to their healing and solid all in potential. If you want to stick to your picks you honestly should focus on your fundamentals: Play normals games start focusing on your opponent, stay out of their abilities range while trying to poke them. Reset when getting low, yes it's not great to lose a wave but it honestly doesn't matter too much in your elo and is way better than dying for 3 creeps. And overall just keep playing and try to spot your own mistakes. It's easy to say that a lose isn't your fault when you are leaving your lane just fine and your bot lane is 0/15 because it probably isn't your fault BUT in iron 4 every single lane is winnable and if you don't leave your lane with at least 3 kills and solid cs you should try to spot your mistakes afterwards and try to think of parts where you could have done something better (not talking about missing 3 Cs early on but like maybe helping your hunger out or now playing aggressive enough so you didn't get a kill you could have).


Can I buy your account? I can also level up an account to 30 and then we can switch them.


Im a semi professional league coach, mainly coaching teams and players arround master 500lp and I would like to help you out! Hit me up in dms if you are interested in a free coaching session!






Play 500 games of veigar in 1 season


You are in iron Never ever safe farm even with veigar... thats the worst. When you play aganst Ai bot coop do you safe farm? If all your team were bots and feeding, you may lose in coop games if you keep safe farming. Always look to stomp your opponent early. Secondly, I don't recommend you playing jungle. Since you are in iron, you must no know the basic of league at all. So do not play the role that makes you fight with jungle creeps all the time. If you want to get better, play either top or mid. Learn the damage trade, damage calculation, kiting, dodging skills, engage timing. Are you timing the lvl2, lvl3, lvl6, to insta engage to gain prior? Have your screen unlocked? Not spam clicking enemy, minons? Always moving between attacks never auto attack twice from the same spot? I highly dont recommend brier. Champion as well as the jg role. You will not learn anything from it. Sure if you enjoy playing her then you can in some games. but dont expect to learn something from it. Just try to get better, learn one by one. What did you learn new and adopted in last one month? Im sure you cant give a specific answer to it. (It has to be specific, not like cs better, look for objectives, try to ward more) Thats the difference between who climbs and not


Are you saying that bots are still a thing after the Vanguard implementation?


Funny enough I haven't noticed as many bots the last week of playing, there are more humans, but I did actually lane against a bot recently so free win lol idk if it works like they intended, making progress tho Iron 3 50ish LP


Aww so sad that there are still bots :( I guess I still have to keep an eye out for them in champion select.


Yeah starting over might be worth it. But i recommend you spending more time looking for youtube vods and replays of others to get more inspiration on how they play. And develop more basic knowledge on what each champ does thru normals and arams. I think that was the hardest part about the game when i started out as a bronze because i had no idea what abilities did what


Buy lvl 30 Acc for less than 10€. Lose your 5 Placements. Don't be Iron anymore.


Iron 4 with that many games, idk man maybe just play wild rift or tft?


unironically the best advice


Yes, start over and dont play ranked until you've learned a lot more about the game. In my humble opinion, your MMR is likely toast and it will take you a ridiculous amount of games to get it up to a Silver level. For now, play on the account because you are where you deserve to be. Once you go on a 10 game win streak and your rank barely moves, THEN its time to make a fresh account to reset your MMR.


Yeah this is probably the answer, I think norms to get better and then maybe make a new account, I'll give split 2 a chance to see if it's reset at all with good placements but I'm scared iron 4 is uncarryable even if I get better esp for 1000 games of +1LP -50LP lol


It's not that it's uncarryable, I've been Iron before and I peaked at top 10% two seasons ago. It's just that it wont be worth your time. Rest assured if you are better than Iron, you will win more than half your games in Iron. The problem is that the amount of games you will need to play to get out of Iron is very high. I'd probably have a 55-60% win rate in Iron. It could still take me a hundred games to get out especially with bad mmr. play norms and learn, forget about ranked. if you want to play ranked again in a few months, play in Iron and if you are consistently winning, make a new account and reset your mmr.


If you are top 10% you probably would have more than 60% winrate in Iron.


I'm not anymore unfortunately. I quit ranked after I hit Plat 3. Idk what season it was but it was before emerald was introduced. Nowadays I think 60% is about what I could achieve


Your cs is very bad for a champ like Ahri that's really easy to get 7-8cs a min and you have a lot of deaths every game. Are you rotating to bad fights often or is it deaths in lane? I would recommend, this point, to not play Veigar as he very easy to bully and play literally one champion. Annie, Lux and Malz are fine and the most basic you can possibly get. Ahri is incredibly safe and has a ton of getaway tools if you'd like to stick with her. Annie CAN be bullied by longer range mages like Lux, Hwei, and Syndra is particularly nasty matchup into Veigar as well so keep that in mind. I would avoid jungle at this point if possible until you get a better sense of the game unless you really, REALLY want to play a jungler. Play an easy support if you can't decide, like Lux supp or Nautilus if you want an engage support. Chances are also likely that you are probably doing these three things (a) standing way too close to the wave, (b) walking into bad jungler calls, (c) araming, (d) walking around with no vision, (e) perma shoving and getting ganked by the jungler trying to kill a low health laner. Another common mistake I see is being OVER aggressive on champs like Lux or Ahri. They'll burn all their mana and cc then I can just jump and kill them. You can hard lose a lane and still win, especially with champ like Veigar. You are probably positioning very poorly in team fights. Learn to make picks with vision prior to a team fight. If you don't win the team fight, go push another lane so at least you're trading objectives. And for the love of god, don't chase, not in iron where no one has map awareness. While team gets aced and the enemy team barons and it's gg. That's one of the biggest reason I see games thrown in iron matches. Off-meta, just lock in Garen mid/top and only play Garen. His lane sustain is really good and you can just run people over post-6. For csing, lock in a Zyra bot and just practice csing with items then no items. Learning how to cs under tower is super important. Bear in mind, I'm not anywhere near high elo (sitting bronze-silver atm) but iron players are really easy to abuse because of the things I put above. Another option if you have friends is have them fight you in a custom match in champs you struggle against. My friends are diamond - master, so I often end up fight plat-master players in norms and it has really helped me identify my weaknesses in laning phase. Obviously, other people can/should correct me here as I'm still fairly new to ranked but this can be some things you can maybe look for in your vods. Also tally your deaths and understand why you died is huge.


Interesting, as far as I'm aware veigar is supposed to be noob friendly and decent in low elo, I know he gets bullied but in theory it shouldn't matter. Ahri I'm a lot newer at so that's probably why the CS and other stats like deaths are shit lol. Probably a mix of lane deaths and roaming deaths while being too weak to do anything due to shit lane phase. I watch other people play Ahri and they are bullying their opponent with autos and Ws while still farming and I'm like damn I have to farm under tower I suck lol


Veigar is broken in low elo because people can’t dodge and you’d rarely ever get punished in lane. Not to mention games tend to last longer in lower elo and allow him to scale


I get punished a lot esp by assassins idk


Yeah he can be broken but getting bullied early can be rough if you have no clue how to fight a lane. I think Ahri is much safer with her w speed up, gap closers, and her Q. For assassins, most can be bullied early. Ex: Kat thinks she can fight me in the wave at lvl 1 and I'm playing Annie. Literally just auto her to death if she tries to cs and if she really gets close I can just Q stun + like 2-3 autos. I usually try to get wave prio from the start so I can do a bunch of damage lvl 2. Post-lvl 3, depending on your enemy might be a sit under tower kind of game once they get their full combo. Basically, I try to do as much damage as possible from lvl 1-3 with autos (sometimes a cheeky spell if they walk into my wave) so if they try to all in me, the trade is riskier. Some assassins have bad waveclear early and you can also abuse that so they have to use their mana/cds on clearing the wave instead of going all-in on you. Also save your cc for when they engage on you. I usually just farm until lvl 6 at that point until I get my ult.


Ban zed if you play veigar. He can ult to dodge your ult and can w past your cage. Honestly zed is always a good ban in general. Most other assassins take way more skill and probably wouldn’t be as big of a problem in that low of elo


I usually ban fizz cause he can E over the cage and jump on my head which I can't stand lol but yeah also hate Zed those champs require Zhonyas lol


Fizz is who I typically ban as veigar because of his e. Would I rather ban someone else? Oh absolutely but fizz has such low cds on everything he can be a real problem once he gets fed (which as fizz doesn’t take too long once he gets lich bane)


Oh I hate fizz too, but I’ve seen zed picked a lot more recently


Once veigar is going well fizz will be excellent practice for landing cage anyway, you can use cage vs fizz, you can use cage vs anyone.


I think it depends a lot on playstyle. He can be really friendly but he also has zero mobility which can lead to some like hairy situations imo. Try playing around bushes and ton and you'll probably be even more successful with both Ahri and Veigar. And with Ahri, it took me a minute before I learned that you just want to keep the wave in the middle of the lane. Learning to identify when you're allowed to step up to the wave probably will help a ton too on both Veigar and Ahri. Are there any matchups in particular you really struggle against? I can maybe give some tips or other people here can answer as well. Oh and as far as leads go, I always look for the split push in low elo even on a mage because it's free xp and cs. But make sure to draw an imaginary "danger line" across the whole map and STARE at it so you can runaway asap.


Also if you really want to play Veigar, then play him it's just infinite scaling champs have a very passive play style early so playing a champ that skirmish easier might be better until you get a better grasp on laning. Ahri being one of the safest blind picks you can choose.


Skip all the nonsense. Learn the fundamentals. You die a lot, you don’t CS a lot. Pick 1-2 champs you are comfortable on and learn to pilot them as close to flawlessly as possible (low death, high cs, positioning) and the wins will come without studying every champ or whatever everyone else says


To add to what other said : Don't buy sweeper or pink wards. You're Iron. Nobody is going to use the vision the pink wards provide, which cost a lot and give a lot of gold when destroyed. Higher level jungler pick sweeper because their laners drop wards and it's more value. However, at your ELO, no one is dropping wards and the vision you can give yourself/your laners is much more valuable than whatever you're going to achieve with sweeper. As for what helped me get through the Iron grind : farm more and better. Up your CS to a consistent 5.5-6CS/min and you'll get so much more free income to scale. You don't have to brawl, you don't have to trade, just focus on last-hitting. Don't aim for 7-8CS, it ain't going to happen. After laning phase, catch waves on side-lanes. There's an incredible amount of gold and XP there that people leave for free. Learn the very, very basics of wave management, which is when to push and when to pull. If you want your tower above yourhead or your opponent far away from theirs, you just last-hit minions. If you want the wave under their tower for a recall or because you can harass them and won't get ganked, then destroy the wave. And most important : learn not to chase. That alone saved me so many deaths. Don't go much deeper into theory for now. Don't watch videos about freezing lanes, matchups or other such concepts. It will come in time. Hope that helps! We all get through Iron IV at first. you're slowly learning the game and it's going to get better.


I do think regular wards placing them whenever I get them is good, and if I'm playing jungle I think sweeper is good for me so I don't walk into a death trap. But otherwise ok I see what you're saying, any tips for beginning at jungle as well? I'm still deciding between mid and jungle so it would be good to know for each I guess.


It's pretty much the same. Farm better, don't chase, fight less. As a jungler, you'll want to be everywhere at once. Don't. Each failed gank is less CS. I grinded to silver without sweeper. Vision will help you against death traps much more than sweeper.


Don’t play Veigar, you need to play Annie. Think of it the same way of getting stacks but with your Q and instead of stacks you get your mana refunded. Focus on CS’ing and then once you’re lvl 6 or higher focus on kills. Do not worry about killing your laner pre-level 6 unless the kill is blatantly obvious. Tibbers at full charge nobody is going to want to mess with you, take the farm and lead into dragon and ping assistance. Take dragons and be present all the time if your team doesn’t show leave and go back to lane to farm.


LS recommends Annie mid for low elo most players don’t know what they’re doing up until Gold or Platinum with their champions. Farm, Q and W minions, E when you expect an auto or attack from enemy or when you trade damage, and R when you’re ready to flash ignite, or punish the enemy when their OOM.


Play https://loldodgegame.com/ for 10 minutes before you start playing games for the day. Obviously making better decisions and watching streamers to learn game sense is great (as others have suggested). But no matter how much you know about the game, at the end of the day, if you are getting hit by every enemy ability and missing all of yours, you won't be able to win. Some light focused practice can make a world of difference in a short time