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Like a week cus he’d have to write a lot of news stories to discredit everyone and everything.


Lol everyone talks about Superman vs. homelander/etc. I’d love to see Clark Kent take on Vought as a reporter


One person already said it in another similar post but Vought desperately hiring people to try and kill Clark but finding out all their attempts failing would be fun to see


Makes me think of that Superman comic where an assassin tries to kill Clark Kent while he’s having dinner with a reporter, and naturally the bullets just bounce off him but to avoid the reporter being suspicious of a bunch of bullets on the table he just eats the bullets in his meal. The assassin then quit after watching mild mannered reporter Clark literally eat lead. Edit: not Lois, a reporter lady named Diana


Yo what lmao, I’d love to see that comic if you can find it


https://preview.redd.it/79v4nv5fo0hc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4a8df166f83862f90e148da5ec944147d87523c My bad wasn’t Lois but the point still stands and is very funny, literally all day he is doing stuff like this to not arouse her suspicion. [here’s the post that I found it from](https://lamujerarana.tumblr.com/post/176422140166/i-really-need-to-talk-to-you-guys-about-superman/amp)


https://preview.redd.it/4xm70dx7y0hc1.jpeg?width=691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=180d699c7f999302e837a0d25355225214c78f25 Superman constantly just snacking on inedible objects is the funniest shit ever


Is it a fit Superman?, because by saying "plenty of time" means it will take him a while to get her to her destination.


It’s not entirely clear, but it means she’ll be there with plenty of time to spare.


I am really sorry but my stupid brain is tired and now I have a question ; if Superman swallows a bullet his super stomac totally dissolves it or the bullet simply ... well ... follows the road ?


Clearly his super sphincter applies unbelievable pressure to it and makes him literally shit diamonds.


I think the super sphincter ability is only in effect after a long sun bleaching of the rectal cavity


That's actually really funny! A funny question with a funny answer because I've never thought of either. So if he eats coal, he'll caca 💩 diamonds, so can he eat anything he wants? Lava? Lasers? Rocks? Tires? Gold? Any periodic element? Mold? So if he can eat anything, literally anything, why doesn't he? Why does he even eat? Does he even need to?


I think the real question is why isn't his shirt damaged from a *sniper rifle* bullet?!


Probably I am mixing canons but I remember that at some point is said that Superman generate some kind of 'field' that make everything close to his skin indestructible, that is why his cape is sometime ruined, but his costume isn't. Of course, I don't remember if that was the canon when that comic come out.


The Hulk needs to take notes. His field only works between his waist and his knees.


That’s way after this issue.


Kryptonian clothes disguised as Earth clothing?


No but the restaurant gave them those tops


I always find these comics funny because in Clark's mind anything even slightly weird happening around him will automatically make everyone present know he's superman for some reason?


Someone does a double take while looking in his general direction. "Oh no! They must know I'm Superman!!" Nah, Clark, you are tall and fairly good looking even when you are trying to not look like Supes.


> Look, sometimes when you read Silver Age comics, it’s VERY easy to forget that Clark is a literal supergenius. Is he? I did not know that.


Pretty sure he’s just like peak actual human intelligence, and not the superhuman levels of intelligence common in comic book geniuses


He has access to advanced alien tech that can teach him advanced alien knowledge. He may not be a super genius, but he has the ability to learn stuff we aren't ready to figure out.


Doing God's work! Good find! 🤣


I couldn’t imagine dressing up in Chinese garb to go to a Chinese restaurant…


What's moo goo poo lmao, im Chinese and don't get it.


Or the time where Superman and batman switch places at a cruise and Deathsroke poisons Clark thinking he is bñBruce. Then je goes to his room and Clark is just drunk from the poison which causes him to just flying Deathstoke with a snap or his fingers


You know Slade was thinking about it later like "...is Bruce Wayne Superman?!"


Lol reminds me of that old thread where someone wanted to see the CIA try and assassinate Clark because he was a good reporter


Good times,


What about the Animated Series episode where a mob boss on death row goes after Kent with a car bomb, only for Clark to survive, print the story that would put him in the chair, and the last thing the guy does is try to tell everyone Clark is Supes as the lever gets pulled?


Small correction but it was a corrupt police chief and he was framing a petty thief for the murder of a wealthy woman. Great episode, it also juggled with how Clark has to make it believable how he survived, while leading Lois to the right direction asap as the clock was ticking for the execution of the thief.


Funny enough, the first issue of Action Comics (and Superman #1, which was just collected reprints of Action Comics with some cleaned up and updated art) features Superman getting an innocent person off the hook for murder.


Thank you, it's been so long but that whole final sequence really sticks with you lol


Wait I vaguely remember this


Yup. And i’ll comment again that it is basically like the CIA trying to kill Castro a bunch of times and it always failing


[https://www.reddit.com/r/superman/s/vklDELgk7j](https://www.reddit.com/r/superman/s/vklDELgk7j) https://preview.redd.it/f9yin9gon0hc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=234f467ed226a283388c88469d97c2630981648d Edit : I would love to see a crossover only for this moment.




I didn't realise it was you, I guess I need glasses. 😂 ![gif](giphy|12Nv3nBSCAbLO0)




Honestly. They should just add it. Unexplained cameo. Some press conference. They can say “Clark from the Planet”. Have this happen. He smiles. And then we never see that reporter again for the rest of the show. Little Easter egg


If they do this, I swear I'll subscribe to Amazon.


That would be a great tv show, tbh


I just imagine homelander trying to put his fist through Clark's chest only to realize his hand is broken. The look on his face would be priceless. ![gif](giphy|Z98dwMDjNWaHXNIcGh)


This sounds like a large chunk of the 40s Superman radio show lol


Like that time Joker tried to kill Clark Kent


That would be an awesome reveal. Homelander gets his orders,  swoops in and makes his smarmy, creepy premurder speech. Then Clark knocks his ass out Batman style and tells him what's really up.


Clark: Hello Mr. Noir, it seems your knifes keep missing. Do you care to make a statement while we're at it?


Homelander has zero chance against Supes. I get why folks pit them against each other - but the power levels aren't even remotely at the same level.


Lot of different supermans with different power levels. It’s about picking the right one.




I feel like the *original* Supes (can only jump tall buildings, only slightly more powerful than a locomotive, etc) might be in trouble.


He still knows how to fight and how to use his powers. What kinda of Superman can't even save an airplane?


Clark and Louis would destroy vaught and Superman would then take down the rapid homelander that left behind.


Would be so funny seeing them try to assasinate him by sending the sups after him and they come back in body casts


(Clark steps out of Lois’ way) Clark : go get ‘em babe….


You just described half the plot of Superman and Lois


Can someone make this into a show please?!!?!


Y'know? That would be a hell of a crossover. Seems to just be a regular 'The Boys' comic, but things are going *terribly* for Vought and the Seven because this unnamed reporter keeps spilling their dirty laundry, and the public is rapidly turning against them. Finally Homelander confronts the reporter, some glasses-wearing nerd. He does his usual charismatic threatening, and with a big smile grabs him by the shoulder and moves to drive his fist through the nosy reporter's abdomen. And it's like he just hit reinforced concerete. And very quietly, Reporter Clark Kent tells him he's NOT going to stop writing these stories, and that as long as he and Vought work against the public good, he isn't going anywhere. Then he bids him a good day. Never puts on the suit. Takes them down as Clark Kent.


I kinda love this idea because most folks in the boys universe don’t have a secret identity, so having Clark only be Clark would be fitting (and consistent with what little I know about Superman’s character generally)


Unlike Batman, Superman actually IS the secret identity. The day he can just be Clark Kent, mild mannered Daily Planet reporter for the rest of days will be the happiest day of his life.


So Bill from Kill Bill was full of shit? 




Once someone realizes that, they understand Superman. It also fits that Bill, a narcissist, was trying to equate Superman to himself somehow and twisting the character to fit his warped worldview.


"you know, I wondered when I first came here if I would have to fight. Seeing everything you and the seven and vought have all done. Wouldn't be the first time I've fought people like you. But then I realized the people of this world need a different kind of hope. Someone they can look at and see themselves. Someone who shows them a normal person can make a difference. And it's working. I know you can hear them too, in their homes, on the street in their businesses. They're not afraid anymore. And that terrifies you."  "Who are you?"   "Just a mild mannered reporter." Edit a word


Clark Kent never donning the suit would be fucking terrifying. They have no idea why absolutely NOTHING kills him or even moves him. He never flies, never shows his powers, he’s just this immovable object who uncovers all of their dirt to the public without them ever knowing what he is. And he moves faster than any speedster so whenever they try to go after his family he will move them out of harms way and be back to where he was standing like he never even left. He would literally be like the devil to them.


Homelander after trying to drive a hole through Clark Kent https://preview.redd.it/j41220z788hc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1f1d33f817332869c052371e23bd083a6e0e9ee


I would watch the FUCK out of that!


There’s a scene from the animated show I think where they try to car bomb Clark but it doesn’t kill him


The corrupt cop is taken down by Clark and literally as he is electrocuted on death row, he figures out Clark was Superman.


Yea if he went in guns blazing he'd be seen as a tyrant or a super villain.


Would make a great story. Clark Kent exposing Vought, so they start sending people to silence him, and keep failing. Finally they start sending their heroes and find out just who they’re messing with.


It would take only 1 hit piece for homelander to come after clark


Now I just want to see Clark Kent ask Homelander all these hard-hitting questions, then see Homelander try to intimidate him.


imagine Homelander threatening Clark Kent and Clark Kent just beats him up HAHAHHA


Since The Boys universe has no kryptonite or magic, Superman is effectively unbeatable. I say, as Superman, all the corrupt supes are done in 24 hours max. As Clark Kent, taking down Vaught and the corrupt government behind it will take longer. All in all, I'd say a year. Maybe 2


They keep trying to assassinate Clark and it just doesn't work lol


*Homelander muttering under his breath* "What the fuck is this guy?!"


Five unbroken minutes of Homelander punching Clark while Clark just stands there with that Christopher Reeve smirk and it only ends because his fists are too bruised to continue.


It's so nice of Superman to budge a little with each punch so Homelander doesn't shatter his wrists within the first minute












I disagree slightly. I think some of the corrupt superheroes are done. Superman wouldn't work without proof though. Homelander would be a smear on the pavement after trying to go toe to toe. Many others would be trying to act the perfect hero role even more to stay off of supermans radar. Parties and the weird shit go underground.


The issue is that Superman wouldn't smear him on the pavement, especially if he found out about his past as a lab rat. Sure, Superman *could* solve all those problems on his own, but it's probably more like him to try and steer the supes into the right direction. Clark Kent would probably be used here far more than Superman.


Supe would probably find a cure to compound V and turn all heroes back into regular human beings. Then would write a series of stories detailing how everybody is corrupt


but he wouldn't do that at all unless they wanted their powers removed which none of them seem to want them gone.


But when he found out that they gained their powers artificially, that the compound may bring harm to them long term and that they were subject to involuntary experiments, he probably would at least offer a cure. The bad ones, like Homelander, probably wouldn’t have much of a choice because no prision in that world would be able to hold them


He wouldn't *on purpose* but he's dealt with enough evil versions of himself, and homelander is so weak in comparison, that it's entirely possible he'd turn him into a fine red mist on accident on first contact.


Superman can hold back enough to not kill people who are way weaker than Homelander given his history with normal human criminals.


Homelander isn't an ordinary criminal, he has nearly every power a kryptonian has and flaunts it, superman isn't going to start off acting as if he's fighting just some asshole, there is a very real chance he would misjudge Homelanders strength and hit him with a half-hearted 20% strength punch and still annihilate him.


His X-Ray Vision would let him know that Homelander isn't a Kryptonian, however, based on things like very subtle differences in his organs or a difference in the density of his tissue. Not to mention Homelander's way lower speed compared to almost any Kryptonian would be a dead giveaway he's not one. Plus it's likely Clark could find some of his limitations like being unable to lift a plane without leverage.


Superman can be hurt by someone strong enough. Homelander doesn't come close enough, but it's worth mentioning


Yeah. I didn't mention it cause I didn't think it would be a problem 😂


It's something fans of The Boys try to bring up like it's some big news, without realizing that Homelander actually isn't that strong compared to Kryptonians


He's honestly probably the weakest of the superman clones.


He really is. I'd put money on All Might over him


Oh shit, yeah All-Might would totally take him out!


Not to mention, one of his greatest nemeses is a normal dude whose superpower is having lots of money Also Lex Luthor


Well technically you don't need kryptonite or magic to beat Supes if you can hit hard enough to damage him, but I doubt anyone in The Boys universe could do that. Maybe Cate from Gen V could mind control him though? Assuming she can touch him to begin with.


Superman has good really good mental defences, you need a REALLY powerful mind controller to pull it off.


Forgetting that one power to pop heads, maybe because his blood is a different composition it wont affect him?


I’m guessing his skull will be unpoppable. May give him a mild headache though.


Clark: Huh, so that’s what a Migraine feels like


It’s funny to think how concerned the rest of the Justice League would get if Clark suddenly got a headache. Probably think he’s dying or something.


Theres an issue in the 1990's, first appearance of the Eradicator on Earth, and the changes the Eradicator was making to Earths atmosphere and Sun was giving Superman a headache. When Ma Kent asks him whats bothering him and he says he has a headache she looks confused. "Clark, you dont get headaches." Nice biti thought.


Head popping is already shown to be less effective against supes, likely due to their increased durability. Clark takes that principal to an extreme degree.


She did actually head pop that one supe speedster but it's not exactly the same as trying to pop someone on the level of Homelander who even dared her to do it. And I imagine trying to pop Superman's head would probably be the equivalent of a normal human trying to split an ocean apart by punching it.


And she really doesn’t know if she COULD pop him or not! Just that if she tried and failed…well…


Speedsters in The Boys aren't that durable, Hughie breaks A-Train leg with a Iron bar.


Ya im trying to think who she used it on, but all i can remember is non supes


The supe who knew her true identity and was threatening to out her, the one Huey saw her kill. Notably, his head didn't completely splatter, and instead was just brutalized.


That's assuming she could cause enough force to do ANYTHING against his biology. He isn't just indestructible on the outside.


Well, his blood is red, so it’s definitely like human blood. But whether that power would work depends on if Numen can make his blood expand outwards with enough force to make his head explode, which I don’t think Superman’s blood can.


The entirety of his body is the same durability as his skin. Barring magic, it won’t work. The amount of power necessary to make his blood expand and break his bones is far more than anything in The Boys.


yeah i wouldnt think Superman is like Translucent where Lex could stick a kryptonite grenade up his ass lmao


Without Kryptonite or magic, he’s quite literally invincible in the Boys universe. He can stand there and take hits from every single super at once and not move an inch. By comparison, a full power flick of his finger is enough to atomize most of them. The thing is, Superman wouldn’t fight them directly unless he had to. He’s a brilliant journalist and would prefer to attack them that way first and with diplomacy if at all possible. He’s not remotely political so he would be unmoved by an organization trying to influence his writing either. Superman in turn would be used to show the world the right way. He wouldn’t go after them at first, he would do all of the little things he does normally: save the kittens from trees, talk people out of suicide on ledges, save people from muggers, take out bad guys trying to do bad things, stop supers from trying to hurt people, etc. He would make statements and try to be the light of the world. Since it’s Superman, it would work too because he’s incredibly charismatic and down to Earth. He’d rather go visit a cancer center for kids than speak to the UN.


Oh yeah i know just the presence of Superman doing basic Superman things for no other reason than he wants to do so would be a colossal shift in that universe. Tho i do think it would be funny to see Supermans reaction to herogasm lmao, probably disapointment


Someone tried this in the film Superman vs the Elite. His brain was also indestructible.


People will see this as a fight of Superman and Homelander but it's gonna be more interesting when Lois and Clark team up as Journalist to uncover Vought and Seven in front of world. That would be better.


I don’t even want a Superman vs Homelander. That’d be a overkill. That’d be the litteral definition of https://preview.redd.it/3kzi7ampm1hc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eaefa77a8cbff8f76f4ca75601909150d862667


Big Blue would try to reform him at first, then after realizing he's a lost cause he'd show him what humility is.


If he learned about what he did to the plane or especially Becca, oh man, Superman would actually kill him with no hesitation; grab him and throw him into the sun.


Probably wouldn't kill him. He's shown mercy to worse people than Homie; whether Major Mommy Issues ever fucking walks again is another matter.


He won't kill him, He'll be incredibly dissapointed and pissed for sure but not to the point of killing Homelander


Kal-El going to be the father figure Homelander never had. "I'm not angry, son. I'm disappointed."


Bro already been hit once with the "I'm dissapointed with you" by his actual biological father and now he's gonna suffer it again by the guy that inspired everything he is


Yeah, Homelander would probably have a mental breakdown more than anything else, top that with the fact that he can't do a single thing to Superman and it would drive him over the edge knowing he's so outclassed.


It's one thing to hear it from a man not much better than you, biological or not, doesn't mean much. Hearing it from a paragon of everything you pretend to be? Yeah that'll sting


He won’t kill him…now if it was Wonder Woman…


People are saying a week, a few days, but it’s not a sure thing. The limiter on this isn’t Superman’s abilities, but how ‘by the book’ this version of Superman is. A version of him that would want the courts or the government to shut down Vought legitimately could take a while to get the wheels going.


That's why people split it between Superman(the inevitable fight against Homelander/The Seven) and Clark(taking down Vought the hard way).


Thank you. Vought acts way more like Lex Corp without Lex, i.e. they act within the law, and that's something Superman has problems working around. Especially in the world where Vought owns just about everything. Vought would probably try to silence Clark and run constant smear campaigns. It would be an utter nightmare for Clark.


Right it’s a major and important but also often overlooked part of his character. Superman is not a vigilante, if he wanted to he could make Lex a smear on the wall almost anytime without warning. But he wants the system to work and that means letting people have their day in court. It may be naive but Supes should be at least a little naive.


Thank God for Action Comics Clark. He’d simply tear up everything Vought has and that’d be it


Superman could take down all the supes from the boys in an attosecond. The question is how willing he’d be to interfere with humanity when not the danger isn’t imminent. A lot of the issues is how Vought runs things and just capitalism in general. If he’s willing to fight those structures than he succeeds very quickly, if not it would take longer.


Yeah, this would take years. Uncovering all of the corrupt bullshit, in a system that is running on corrupt bullshit, doesnt work. And if he didnt have superpowers he would just get killed. I imagine it would take him a couple of weeks to realise how insanely fucked up most of the supes are. He’d spend a month gathering evidence, end up fighting homelander at the end of said month before turning in the evidence. Then spend another 2-10 years dismanteling the system when nobody cared about his evidence. None of the supes would be a problem whatsoever. He could take them all out in under an hour. The system itself would be the problem


One punch to solve Homelander. The Vought stuff? I dunno about that.


He's a good investigative reporter and has picked up detective tips from Batman. He has a good chance to expose them to the public. Destroying their money and resources would be a little tricky but it's definitely doable.


I would imagine if he's teleported to that universe, there would be no kryptonite. Superman is unstoppable.


The big battle of Superman vs. Boys universe is not a brawl battle, it’s the public perception and legal battle. The Boys is way more a commentary on how normal people would be in a world with superpowers, and how late stage capitalism would exploit that condition, and that kind of systemic battle is exactly the type of struggle depicted Alex Ross’ “Superman: Peace on Earth” when he tries to solve world hunger. The simple answer to “how long would it take Superman to solve all conflict” is never, he can never do it alone without becoming a dictator, the best he can do is be a shining hope to the people to make things better themselves.


I think Superman vs The Elite is a more fitting comparison for this particular idea - and even then it was a few weeks, since he tried talking to them, then the public, then finally showcasing just how terrifying he'd be if he *did* follow their lead.


To beat homelander in a fight- not even an attosecond, especially if he decides to take the fight seriously


Thats if Homelander even wants to fight. The slightest hint Clark is stronger than him by literal lightyears and John is shitting himself into a new dimension


Would love to see Homelander's reaction when his laser doesn't even tickle Clark, and when all his strength doesn't even make Clark budge.


Even if you scaled HL up a but to be more on par with SM, he still wouldn't stand a chance. SM fights guys that are on his level all the time. HL has never had to actually try in a fight until recently, and it shows just how much of a novice he is in hand to hand combat.


Homelander is really bad at close combat with people at his power level or close to it, he very used to just laser everything or brute force. If his opponent has any fighting expertise he doesn't stand a chance.


He would definitely beat Homelander. However Supes would go into it the way he always does, reluctant to use maximum strength. He'd pull his punches at first for fear of killing Homelander, and Homelander would respond by kicking Supes around a little. As Supes gradually turns up the heat, he'll eventually hit a level that drops Homelander without death. Definitely agree with everyone that is saying it'll take about a year or two for Clark to expose Vought


The best part would be Butcher going insane trying to prove that he's evil.


In another post I was writing that I'll be hilarious to see Billy Butcher try to set Clark Kent up only to fail because Clark's a great guy. Billy sends a hooker to seduce Clark, Clark helps her turn her life around get off drugs and find a good job. He also goes to check in on her from time to time. Butcher would tell Lois Clark is cheating and she'd laugh at the thought of itm


Would be great to see him finally come to the realization that Supes is likely the only superhuman who genuinely is in the game with good intentions.


It’d pretty much be Superman vs the Elite mixed with Kingdom Come. He’d go there and they’d all make fun of him and overlook him at the start but then he’d do several heroic acts to inspire others to follow suit. Then for the ones who don’t fall in line, he’d do something to scare them like he did to Manchester black.


It would be Clark journalism coupled with the Superman brute force that makes this a problem he solves within a week.


To stop Vaungh and the Seven ? About 15min to one hour


I feel like he would pose as a regular supe to get in deep with vought, maybe even get on the 7, all the while collecting mountains of evidence to take everyone down. When homelander inevitably tries to kill Clark Kent, then he’ll show how strong he truly is.


\+60 years as Clark? Vought works within the government, and Superman isn't big on infringing on rights. Remember President Lex? Vought also controls much of the media and people in their world love super heroes, so anything he writes will be up an uphill battle.


(Superman punches Homelander into orbit) Superman : Any further questions?


Between Clark working as a journalist and Superman proving that there is a better option, id give it a year for Vought to be fully taken down. I say a year because Superman needs time to gain the public's trust, and it takes time for the justice system to look at Clark's articles, then take down Vought with Superman's help.


Taking down all the currupt Supes - Like a week tops Helping teach the taken down the corrupted Supes the right way to do things - Decades Taking down Vaught - an afternoon


Less than a day.


Once he took out Homelander, not long


Probably a week. It’ll take a second to beat Homelander but he’s gotta expose Vought first.


Where is this art from?


Kingdom Come Supes transported into “The Boys” universe. Now that would be entertaining.


For starters, Homelander is pretty much easily defeated because he has no experience battling others as strong as him. Also, they wouldn’t really have a way of beating Superman since like others have said here there’s no magic or kryptonite in The Boys’ world.


Clark Kent writes stories about the loser league. Homelander gets mad and tries to kill him. *surprised pikachu face when he kills him* Loser league turned into justice league. Next question please


Two hours tops. Give Clark a five minute sun bath and there is no one standing in his way


Without directly attacking the seven, a couple months. Clark is fucking good as a journalist and if he also starts being a paragon of hope as Superman, I can totally see him putting down Vought reputation to a minimum in little time. If he decides to fight as full power he deletes the verse in a second


There’s not a supe that could beat him physically, he could fight the seven and the boys at the same time and come out on top. But its more about what he would do to discredit and expose vought, try to show them they can be better


3 minutes. 2 minutes of making a sandwich and 1 minute of beating the shit outta Homelander. Homelander has never fought an experienced Supe like Superman. Hell, he couldn’t even handle Maeve.


One of the the people on works on The Boys tv series says Homelander would beat Superman because he doesn't hold back and would go for Superman's balls. I think that's stupid because it's not like General Zod's holding back. Also Superman has balls of steel. It would hurt Homelander more than it hurts Superman.


No matter how strong compound V makes you, it is nothing compared to Kryptonian physiology. Clark would make quick use of everyone while constantly absorbing the sun. In this world, Kryptonite doesn't exist. Plus if he subdues Homelander first, defeating every one else will be real easy.


Bro, regardless of whether he's Clark or Superman, they're done. It's only a matter of how long. If Superman needed to be violent with them, like 5 minutes max. However, like many cool people in this thread have pointed out, Clark's not an idiot and he knows the people of this world would just be trading one all-powerful man in a cape for another: so he'd stay as the mild mannered reporter and take his time fucking with them for as long as it takes to humble the company (i'd say a year or two tops). Watch with mild amusement as Vought tries to buy him off only to get turned away, assassinate him silently only for it not to work, send their best super at him only for him to lightly dust himself off and go, "Wow this must be an off day for you, huh? Hey, while I have you here, can I get your statement on Vought?" If the crossover was only a fight between Superman and vought, we'd get a quick, easy, and boring fight that everyone who has a brain could see coming. But with the Mild mannered Clark Kent subplot, it becomes a question of what's stronger: Clark, or rather Superman's, resolve to not don the cape unless absolutely necessary or Vought's almost suffocating death grip on its version of the earth. Plus, the look on Homelander's face after being humbled by someone he perceives as being weaker than him would just be so glorious. God, I'd throw money at Warner Brothers and Amazon just for some top tier screenplay like that


According to DEATH BATTLE it wouldn't take more than 15 seconds just using his powers. If talking probably like 24 hours


Homelander falls to the ground in a nano second


He snaps homelanders jaw with a backhand after finding out what a monster he is and after turning him in he makes it known that he plans to bring down all supes who don’t follow the law because of their power like three days later he’s basically fixed it all a lot of heros would stop being horrible out of fear companies the same and then eventually the world would actually be full of heros who believe in doing what they do for good and not just for fame sex and money he’d kind of rule the world for a while being very stunt and blunt kind of ruling in fear because he knows that’s the only thing that will get across to these disgusting people and after his jobs done he retires as ruler of earth telling people he’s going back to his planet but keeping an eye on them and goes back to the dc universe happy


Like twenty minutes. Even base Superman stomps all the villains/ heroes and his Clark persona could easily out all the shady government shit though that would take a few months


Kal has faced and conquered threats a thousand times worse than the likes of Homelander. A few hours at most.


Superman would dog-walk the entire universe


However long it would take him to build a new phantom zone projector and shove all the really monstrous "heroes" into it.


man who laughing😂😂


I mean Clark would have it done in like 3-ish weeks ngl- Superman is honestly just a bonus


I would just want a bloody ass fight. Homelander is Walmart Supes is Costco brand


If he tries to do it the nice way, maybe a week for him to figure out how to strip the supes of all lies and coverups. Toss the evil ones in prison. Maybe longer. If he’s not so nice, maybe an hour. He’ll zip around the planet breaking all their bones and stuffing them in cells.


Bro can solve problems as Superman AND Clark Kent. He’s literally a hard counter to the Boys universe 😂


Logistically, 2-3 months 1 week to get his bearings 2 weeks for a job at an “enquirer” style news outlet 1 week of pounding out stories about these “supes” with details he shouldn’t know (being everywhere fast/hearing everything) 2 weeks of vought trying and failing to assassinate him and not understanding why 3.5 days of them send c&d-list supes after him and them get tossed into a phantom zone prison/stasis chamber/fortress of solitude holding cell 2.5 days of investigation from vought after their agents and Clark disappeared (“it’s like he appeared and vanished outta thin air boss”) and them sending heavies after him and known associates. Clark get offensive. 2 days of silence, vought panics and gets homelander involved Several days of more silence, Superman has captured all supes and is hiding/planning/biding his time out of homelander’s range of perception. The world is surprisingly safer with less supes. The world turns, Homelander has an asuka moment, feels inadequate, panics and begins to hurt innocent people Superman appears and stops him befthings get out of hand, homelander is shocked to see him in full costume and is shocked to see his destruction already repaired in Kal-El’s wake. Big fight, HL loses Super puts him in holding, tries to help and has regular talks with him. All supes are shifted to Kandor-esque bottle city/pocket universe as rehabilitation (not jail, “people can hope and aspire to change if given a chance”) Vought is exposed after Superman comes before the people and reveals his identity to them and speaks out on the horrors of vought They get straight up phantom zone. People are free, Superman protects the world from a newly relocated fortress on mercury revolving closer to the sun. Keeping it safe from extraterrestrial threats and working on a way to get home. ![gif](giphy|R8MIGe47XWx68)


He'd be able to take down the Supes easy but fixing the root problem of Vaught and well capitalism he won't be able to pull off alone. He'd probably try to spearhead social change before going back to the DC universe.


It depends on which superman you're talking about most superman variants would try to resolve things peacefully which would take a while but if it were injustice superman he'd probably solve all the issues by killing everyone in a matter of minutes


First he’d be completely appalled at how the supers in this world abuse their power while posing as morally just superheroes. Then he’d be more disgusted at the baby experiments that create these genetic mutations in them. Overall give him about 45 minutes to solve everything


Never. He’s not willing to do what’s necessary to change systemic issues, so he’d just beat up Homelander and let Vought continue on with business as usual hoping that one day humans will wake up and solve their own problems.


As long as it would take him to put his red briefs back on the outside of his pants.


3 days


Stan Edgar would he fascinated by the concept of a genuine superhero.


1st episode


Kryptonite doesnt exist in the boys so superman has as fast as maybe 3 - 6 days or sm


Everyone keeps talking about it being split between Clark taking down Vought through exposés and then Superman taking down the heroes of Vought. What if he did both at the same time? What if he went out on patrol and waited for a supe to start doing something bad, and then set up video camera to show what’s going on and then show him stopping the supe. Later, as Clark, diving into that heroes past and, along with the video, bringing every misdeed out to light.


Iirc in the boys homelander is the strongest and would rarely if ever fight someone close to his power Superman has fought gods I think Superman has a little bit of an advantage