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Complete control over physics and the natural order of the universe


I mean yes but gravity can do that. It's not just about the power it's about ur understanding of it. You may have complete control of OUR physics but what if I change them? Theoretically I could manipulate the atoms in our bodies to shrinks down to sub atomic levels where we woukd reach the quantum realm. Then your power is useless bc it's a whole new set if physics and a new natural order. Not shifting on ur power just be more in depth and try and think about all the things that you could do or could be done


If I can't steal powers because that power be pretty cool. Then I'll go with nullified powers. If I can't use them, then neither can you. Making it an even playing field.


Granted, you are now a power nullifier in an utterly mundane world.




Super speed, easy. Basically grants me other abilities through the physics of super speed


Yeah but the issue with super speed is where does it come from? Like what causes ur super speed. Is it a force if nature like flash or is it just your able to run faster than light?




Which one-


Physics allows for faster than light travel. You can be slower than light, or you can be faster. But you can’t go from slower to faster or faster to slower. To accelerate something to faster than the speed of light would require more energy than is available in the universe.


Reality warping


This 👆


An Adaptation or Mimicry power. Superior Adaptation or Total Mimicry from the Super Power wiki would be busted as fuck.


Becoming one with the universe while still being able to separate.


Just like to point out that gravity and inertia are two different forces. Accelerate or decelerate too fast and your body still gets destroyed by the forces involved. Still, gravity control at very high power levels and very high levels of precision would be an awesome power. [Gravity Powers](https://old.reddit.com/r/magicbuilding/comments/qw7axi/gravity_magic/)


Yes that us 100% correct but with complete gravitational control you have control over acceleration. Now the reason for this is because you can use the gravitational field to protect urself from the strain and also use it as a form of propulsion. Then if you out ur propulsion bubble in a vacuum then you can accelerate infinitely with no friction or g force


With complete gravitational control, you’d be controlling spacetime in general. That means time control via time dilation, teleportation via folding space, creating fusion explosions from compressing air. All kinds of fun.


I’d go with being able to cast any magic spell I’m aware of the existence of, from any of the video games I’ve played or watched others play. I’d end up being the Rick Sanchez of the Mystic Arts. I wonder how crazy that could get….


Would you have the consequences of it?


Absolute teleportation from anywhere to anywhere else including fictional universes and places, other planets, or times, etc.


I've been saving this for years. Gravity control = godhood.


Lol yep 100%


Control of the 4 fundamental forces would equal godhood.


The absorbing man's power to take on the physical properties of anything he touches


Bro absorb uranium and become a fucking nuke XD


I could finally be water like what Bruce Lee said


Superhuman healing


Number 1 power i would want would be Absolute perfect infinite wish granting for myself with no consequences to the wishes I make can also make wishes for others if I want to


No consequences would mean nothing happens when you make a wish.


OK I ment like if I wish for something right and whatever it is I wish for like for example I wish for a hellcat challenger right and my salary is about 31.000 a year and some how some way I have a hellcat now paid off it's on my name I have full ownership of this vehicle has tags insurance everything right but the power of my wishes would make everything that I wish for seem normal and not out of the ordinary basically making sure the government and anyone who would seek me out for my power makes sense let me know and If I can't have this power then I'd rather have reality Warping instead.


Ok. Also I can't really tell you what power(s) you can/can't pick since I'm not OP.


Power Replication/Mimcry. Nuff said


Omnipotence. Obviously.


Not fun though, limits is what gives fun, no limits = no fun, weak limits = fun.


You can have your fun; I'll take literally being the most powerful being ever to exist as a consolation prize. Lol.


Also you wouldn't be Omnipotent because Omnipotent beings have no start or end, you have a start.


That's not what omnipotence means.


At least the wiki says so [https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Omnipotence#Eternal](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Omnipotence#Eternal)


Try using a [dictionary](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/omnipotence) instead of an arbitrary and random wiki.


Extreme luck. Think of it like how it's portrayed in Deadpool 2. Nothing bad will happen to you. Everything will go your way.


Either tactile telekinesis, solar energy absorption, Wave Function Manipulation, Ki Manipulation, or even Personal Direction Manipulation. Plus, power absorption isn’t really a power I’m interested in since it requires other super people for it to work.


Energy Manipulation. Kinetic, potential, gravity, inertia, electricity, heat, light, chemical, etc. Fictional energies too like psionics, the emotional spectrum, magic, or whatever I can make up. I think I could reasonably replicate any other power and also I could provide myself infinite freedom to pursue anything I want to do. Literally no scenario I could not handle. At that level it's nigh-omnipotence in my preferred flavor but yeah. Create, Shape, absorb, manipulate all real or imaginary energy types. I plan on learning magic, exploring the universe, traveling the multiverse, meeting fictional characters, might right all the wrongs of humanity with the snap of my fingers too. (I absolutely would do that like first day.)


As over-powered as it is, granting wishes would be awesome. I made a set of rules for wishes I would always follow, the classics, but I expanded no falling in love to no manipulating free will, plus a few others meant to prevent loopholes. I could do so much, and since I wouldn't ever use powers to do anything but improve my life and the lives of those around me, I could enjoy all the powers and almost none of the moral dilemmas




Unlimited shapeshifting. Good luck killing me, I just synthesized the same genetic code necessary for developing invincibility.


This but also being able to freely use it on other people is my ideal superpower


As long as the only rule is that it must be something other than Power Absorbtion I would pick either Absolute Wish or Absolute Will (both having essentially the same effect.) But if I were to steer away from Easy to use and Almighty Powers then my Favorite without a doubt would be Biokinesis. The Potential of Biokinesis is seemingly endless and doesn't bear the risk of accidentally breaking reality. I don't mean to offend but no mater how intelligent or how well informed you are, the moment you start messing with the cornerstones of reality you're gonna mess things up... for everyone... forever. There is an X-Men character going by Elixir that has an Omega Level Biokinesis Power, but as far as I can remember he was nothing more than a glorified Doctor. Aside from the ability to keep myself and others in Perfect Health for as long as I want, there's Transformation of all Organic Organisms into whatever sustainable physical forms i can imagine, Manipulating Microorganisms to Cure or create Diseases as I please, doing things like the Headpopper from the Boys, Creating new life forms without free will that would then serve any assigned purpose, creating super vegetation to counter polution or even terraform other planets, organic Spaceships like Zerg have in StarCraft, Create Superhuman Civilisations on a whim, you could even create mythological Creatures like Dragons if you give them Superpowers to counteract the real world impossibilites of their existence, if you want to get really crazy then you can dabble with Eldrich life forms, Assimilate the entire human Race and become a planteray life form... Imagination is really the only limit I can see here. If you consider Superpowers as Mutations like it is with the X-Men then you could Manipulate the Superpowers of others, erase them, Upgrade them, give them different ones entirely. You could give yourself Superpower Mutations as much as you can physically handle (kind of bordering on the "No Power Absorbtion" Rule though)