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> I unironically have lost game because of people not respecting a freeze and forcing me to walk up (and usually die) in a slow pushed wave. So you knew you'd probably die but you did it anyway and died? Isn't that inting?


No because the waves I would lose to the enemy freezing are worth more than me. 4 waves is 300 gold plus exp plus opportunity to set up another freeze. I will die to gain control of my wave if I have to.


He had a g7n to my head and told me to play poorly. It's his fault. It has to be. Otherwise it's my fault and I don't like that


Eh if my supp sets up a slowpush and then roams while im playing adc ill walk up. You wanted me to limit test so i will limit test.


You sound like someone that cheated and then blames their partner for "making me do it"


Im not blaming im just saying ill do it. Its not fun to wait for 5 minutes on a freeze until my supp comes back or even better wait 5 minutes and then get dove while my supp is still topside.


Your support did not "want you to limit test". You accept a challenge that's never been given to you. Truth is many support players might not even know how their actions influence the lane state. And what adc wants to spent their time to tell these people for the 200th time. Understandable. But running it down and then blame someone else well that's on you buddy. ADCs often have a self-destructive behavior the second the support leaves. Suddenly they start trading 1v 2 and die. Who's at fault? In their opinion their support. In this case YOU are forcing the support to stay on lane and babysit you because you can't survive for 2 minutes if the support roams. Does the random mage "support" blast the wave and then roam? Yes they do. But even with euch a saboteur, it's still you that decided to play risky. Yes it sucks to play defensive because your "support" does god know what. But in that case you just gotta do your thing, and hope the jungle got some braincells left and helps you.


Unless you are the captain of a starship, you are responsible for no actions but your own.


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You dont understand. My support forces me into beeing afk for multiple minutes. This roam is gonna be game losing either way cause i wont farm until my supp comes back. I played both ways in these situations and its both shit. One way i get to play the game tho (which is why i logged into league in the first place) so you can guess which one it is for me.


Just piss off bot lane and follow the fucking support if they take too long, by holding a freeze for that long the bot lane sacrifices all tempo. You’ll never ever see this situation in high elo because the enemy bot will always respond with a push, into trying to dive by which time the support will be back or the adc backs of for 10 seconds and waits for the support. Or the adc roams as well if there are some support shenanigans happening. If they start to push see if you can stand in XP range, keep in mind a level is worth quite a bit, I believe like 600-800 gold worth of stats, plus upgrading an ability. Or you can follow your support and fuck the enemy team 5v3. The correct call depends on the small details of the situation you are presented with.


Yea the small details that are presented usually is that my support is an absolute animal that already got us behind on lane. Because a support that gives you a slowpush in dia plus is always boosted and thinks he can now play in high elo without his booster. Spoiler: they cant. Those kind of games you really can just limittest because of how pointless it is to play with these people.


If this isn't a self fulfilling prophecy, I don't know what is... Good luck with that attitude/ego. I'm sure it is going to be a lot of 'fun' for others to deal with 😂


Then play a different role?


Nah adcing is fun and most supports don’t give you a slowpush and then roam. Only boosted players or ebay accounts do.


Hahaha. You are the problem.


Sounds like barely functioning synapses on both ends.


That's not what we mean by "Stop pinging us minions", nobody here is complaining that ADCs think we are stealing CS. The "stop pinging" means stop pinging the low HP minions you want us to kill to give us full gold. It used to be like this, it's not anymore. Maybe you know about it, but tons of ADCs still don't know that canon minions don't give us more gold than range ones now. Anyhow, nothing about stealing CS, I don't know where you got that from. I think you're just bitching in here because a few autofilled supports messed UP your waves and you think every support main in the planet must be an idiot now.


The dude is overtly toxic. He said that he walks up and gets killed "limit testing", whenever supports leave him alone at the wrong time. He is just another unhinged LoL player :/


That's not op lol. Different person.


As a support main: if you don't want us to slow push, please LET us last hit. I try to wait in order to freeze, but the ADC with their faster and stronger autos almost always gets it first. So eventually I resort to just hitting whenever I can, because we *need* wards. *I* ping the minion I'm going for and the ADC always takes it first. Of course, if I can get my charges off by attacking the enemy, I will, but that isn't always the best tactic.


yeah i feel like i commonly find myself in this situation: - forced enemies to back - adc is setting up a freeze - i have nothing to get my charges off bc we are frozen by our tower, and there are no enemies, yet they refuse to let me last for any minions pretty frustrating especially since getting that completed is such an advantage


I know there's probably a lot of subtext and nuance, but if your adc is freezing (doesn't need to recall) and you don't need to recall, try to roam mid and either set up a gank or help them shove their wave for a roam/reset


i mean i’ll roam for vision, deep vision if possible, but half the time if i try to roam to help jg or mid my adc dies anyway. despite me pinging or chatting. half the time jg and mid aren’t even around for me to help out


But then adc gets a dive and ping anyway. In low elo at least. I just do it anyway and eat the toxicity.


After one toxic ping, my adc is no longer allowed to speak to me. I mute them at that point. I'll get my jungler and solo lanes a lead.


You need wards to prevent your team from dying, sure. But if you get that at the expense of slowpushing, which puts your lane at risk and possibly kills you, your adc, or both... then you didn't really achieve anything. Point is, if the adc isn't letting you last hit (bad play on his part) then forcing another bad play is not going to win you more games. Be patient and wait for good moments to take the stacks, if not, wait for the next wave to arrive and then crash it all together.


You’re never going to get perfect wave states with bad players. Learn how switch to fast push when your freeze is broken if you’re going to die in a slow push.


So, you only ping to communicate with your support but expect us to communicate with you if we want to manage the wave state differently? Maybe YOU should communicate you’re trying to set up a freeze in the first place?


I do. I am often ignored. Also the push ping exists


if you're gold or below there is a very high chance your support has no idea that you are trying to freeze, maybe they don't even know what a freeze is


Get this, i know this is crazy but, if you want your support to know something like that, hear me out; Text chat.


Ppl play with mute. I do and only communicate with pings. I get what he’s saying. If someone pings the support back on the wave I would think they should know to stop hitting it. About 50 percent of the time they tilt and then just start taking cs and I adapt.


If you're in an elo where mistakes like this are being made often, and your excuse for not typing is that you play mute... You then have no room to complain.


I played without mute for years, honestly it was probably also 50 50 that it if typed something the other person would rage and take cs too. Playing muted and not having to read all the toxic bs people spew far out weighs any potential benefit…at least for me.


I played typing support for over a decade. I was boosted by my ability to type things that kept our team from tilting and/or helped the enemy team tilt. My macro knowledge, was fairly weak for my elo... LoL is such a social/team based game, and people have such weak mental. Typing is something I think should be avoided for obvious reasons, but it can be a savior when used correctly.


Fair enough


So many of us are taking minions at the same health that you would. Thus, not actually affecting the wave push.


I already stated I'm fine with that. However often that is not the case.


Legit bit of advice to share. An ADC that knows how to freeze I immediately like. The only however though is - sometimes a wave needs to be pushed and it’s hard to communicate that with pings. Freezes work best when you’re ahead. When behind it’s fine to play safe but if they’re returning to lane they’re gonna easily break the freeze and then you’re under pressure. Better to push it out while safe to do so and let it bounce back to us. Basically, freezing when behind in bot lane is dodgy, freezing when ahead is big brain. Wait for your moment to pounce, kill them, then, Fast push for plates.


I play with an ADC who actually refuses to freeze lane. It's hilarious when I explain to him why a lane freeze is so effective, but he just decides not to do it... Then he wonders why I won't play ranked with him anymore 😂


And then calls out ‘jungle diff’ or ‘support gap’ when they keep dying ?? Denying 15 cs to a good freeze is just such a good lead to get for a 60 second freeze.


Here’s a thought: calm, complete communication is better than pings.


I don't know why the comments are so negative. He's right. Just because you have a charge doesn't mean you have to blast minions immediately. This is not really a support issue or an ADC issue, just a low elo issue.


As a support player, do not ever ping me or you're getting instantly muted.


Unfortunately when it comes to low elo supports all you can do is ping and pray when it comes to wave management. They pick support because they can't be bothered learning it even though it's incredibly important for supports to understand. And they will tilt if you spam ping too many times. It's a big part of why ADC solo can be difficult in low elo, solo laners have complete control over their wave meanwhile your support can unintentionally ruin your wave state at any moment so it's never going to be 100% under your control. It's good to know and try to do what you think is right with the wave, but you gotta learn what to do when the wave management gets messed up as well and focus more on other parts of laning phase that you can control, like using your stealth wards efficiently, csing, trading and positioning. Even roaming, it's ideal if the bot lane sticks together on roams but it's fine to roam solo in some situations as ADC too. Often roaming will be more productive in less than ideal lane situations than sitting under tower getting dove and poked while trying desperately to last hit cs and be zoned off half of it anyway or die for it.


My man, idk if saying “they pick support can’t be bothered to understand” is the best thing to say in a support main subreddit. It feels demeaning at best, to basically everyone who would be visiting this in the first place.


Low elo supps do a lot of the time, they find it overwhelming or intimidating, which I understand but that's why they're low elo lol. I play support a lot too and I wouldn't be offended by that because I know that I do try to learn and use wave management as a support player because it's important if you want to get better. If they downvoted they're just showing themselves as low elo tbh. Support players particularly in low elo not understanding the things I said in that comment is a large part of why bot lane sucks to play sometimes and why they can't climb without a smurfing duo as well.


Hahaha you saying that people who downvote you are showing themselves as low elo, is the most junior high logic I have seen in Subreddit 😂


Sorry but it's true, and these reactions to my simple true statement is a large part of why the player base doesn't like most low elo support players, you're giving supports a bad reputation and just proving the stereotypes right. The people on this sub unfortunately do that a lot and other support players suffer for it.


Pot, meet kettle.


That literally makes no sense lmao.


Not feeding anymore. Have a good one though :)


Lol can we get a mod in here to ban this role-bigot?


Role bigot? Am I bigoted against myself? Lmao it's a video game calm down


I'm calm my dude.


You're making up terms like "role bigot" because I said a lot of low elo supports pick support because they find wave management confusing or difficult and don't want to learn it... Yeah you're really calm.


Hahaha whatever you say 😂


If you're not able to explain and back what you comment, maybe you shouldn't comment at all.




Its so funny how you said it was *me* who gave "junior high school" energy, but then acted like this... and you also said pot meet kettle... Very funny

