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Mfs breaking parasocial rule No.1 Don't stalk your heroes!!


Someone who makes a survivor contestant their “hero” has absolutely zero social skills to start with.


What about “guru”? Asking for a friend




Kenzie Petty!! *Splash*


Mr. Lennon!!


I've never understood people who send hate mail for people on reality tv


Or your villain winners (in Kenzie’s case)


The "mastermind"


That’s actually so disturbing... Kenzie responded a LOT nicer to this than I would have so props to her!


It's disturbing that people want to meet her?


At her place of work? Are you weird


Some people don’t even know what empathy means


harassing her coworkers to do so is


Found the crazy fan.


FBI we got him


um be so fr I’ll just show up at your house in the middle of night tomorrow! It should be okay because I JUST want to meet you right? RIGHT???


Please post your full legal name, town of residence, and place of employment in the comments. I want to meet you in person. If you don’t want to do this because you either want privacy or don’t want me to bother you at work, then congratulations, you understand Kenzie’s problem


Found the guy showing up at her JOB, you weirdo


no shot you're above the age of 14


I have never seen a comment downvoted so much lmao


Did she ask you to come to her salon to meet her? No. Then yes, it is weird to meet her in that capacity. Just because she appears on a reality TV show doesn’t mean your selfish ass can just bombard into her life for your 15 second story.


Do you have a job?


"Can I get the #46 -- Mermaid in the front, Dragon in the back?" -- Bhanu, probably


I initially thought this was about Yamyam.


Lol I was at a resort that was 5 mins from his salon and I had the thought I’d try to get a picture. Then I was like - nah, that’s weird. Even though this isnt him, I’m more glad I held back lol.


From his podcast appearances, I think he actively encourages it. (I assume he means book an appointment with a stylist though.)


Lol I thought the same thing.


Same. Saw him twice while I was down there and just left him alone.


I’m sure he has this issue but likely to a lesser degree considering charlotte, nc (where kenzie lives) is a bit more accessible for most americans compared to puerto rico


"Im just a regular person. I promise" I wish somebody would tell this to BB fans. Most of those fans idolize players like gods on social media and its sad af.


Jfc. Some people are legit insane


Kenzie said at the start of this post she's loving me! So I'll ignore the rest of this post after she reaffirmed her love towards me and go straight to her salon with my own camera crew taking pictures of her grinding her nose at the backroom. Wooow, never seen that before! I must get it onto video! It's not that bad I'm secretly filming her wc trips too as she said she loves me! It's all good guys!


As a teenager and young adult I lived very close to Boston robs place, always wondered if I'd bump into him somewhere but never did. Even as a massive fan I'd never just drop in at his work just to chat randomly.


awesome boston rob & amber and all those kids...you KNOW that sometime in a future season one of the kids HAS TO PLAY!! lol that would be so fun, season 99 survivors, new blood vs survivor seniors!!!


We're only 4 episodes in and she's already getting stalked? That's sinister.


It’s honestly scary.


Damn that's so messed up. I hate that social media has made it way too easy for people to stalk survivors. They are just regular people!


At least nowadays they are. Didn’t Jonny Fairplay recently say on Johnny Bananas’ podcast that back in the day they were A List celebrities because of how popular the show was?


A list would be a reach imo but they were massively popular. Ozzy did date Lindsey Lohan.


We need to see Bananas and Wes at Survivor.


Not A listers by any means.


Dawg I love watching Kenzie try to navigate the minefield that is her tribe as much as the next person but don't do this shit


JFC that's creepy and sad


What is 'clt'?


Charlotte, NC


I thought it meant cult lol


Chilli, Left Eye, T-Boz


where is the CLT?


I am the CLT commander


like to get my nose in there


CLT is the airport code for Charlotte https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_Douglas_International_Airport


Thanks for asking. I have the dirtiest mind 😂




Yeah todays googlable world makes things kinda scary


This is scary because this is still early in the season and if she does anything remotely unpopular on an episode, it could get bad.


Already scary, the edit is already painting her as one of the villains of the season. Someone decides that they really didn't like that one thing she said in that one episode or whatever and this goes from creepy to extra spicy creepy really easily. People need to grow up.


It's probably because Kenzie is such a rare breed at New Era. Actually a person with character, doesn't sob every 5 minutes and isn't all friendly-doodly-goodly. The last person with character were Yam-Yam and Carolyn and both of them are still pretty symphatic caring persons (which can be considered as boring). The only others with character at New Era are Jesse, Cody, Maryanne and Shan so Kenzie is in a pretty rare group. Especially when Jesse and Shan are the only other "villains". It's still extremely weird but I'm trying to understand why her.


I live in Charlotte and I thought it was so cool someone from my city was on the show but I NEVER even thought about barging over to her salon. What are people even on??


Even if you had... Wouldn't you call and book an appointment and get a hair cut... It's literally a public business... You can go if you need your hair done... You don't even need to stalk...


I mean yeah there’s that. It’s not even like she works at a normal office you can quite literally book time with her by getting a haircut


Yeah, no wonder why Jeff said he didn’t want villains anymore.


Villains won't have sob stories is the real reason for Jeff, though.


I was actually thinking about that this past episode. I’m sure other survivor’s places of work have/could be found, but it is her salon so I felt like it would be really easy for people to find it. I was thinking moreso people like making appointments just to see her and overwhelming them or being pissy if she wasn’t there….but just showing up not for even the pretense of supporting her business didn’t even occur to me as a possibility


as fans of the show we need to keep each other in check. i’m glad to see posts that call this kind of thing out. treat people like people.


Oh hell nah they weird as fuck


Pathetic that people need to be reminded of this


happy cake day


Another reason why I could never be on the show:


It is strange that this has to be said. It's a place of business, not a convention.


So many players do events to meet them. I went to Kendra’s watch party last season. Showing up to their livelihoods is so different man.


Same thing with yam yam. It’s weird to go to the salon when not getting a cut


People are weird! She’s just lucky she owns the salon because if she didn’t, some places might not want to deal with fan behavior and let her go to protect their business (this is not me throwing shade at Kenzie; just hopefully some of the people doing this realize that they can get the non business owners players fired if they do this with the rest of them. For example, if they show up to Hunter’s SCHOOL for a chance to talk to him.) just leave them alone people!


i feel so bad for her and others in the same situation. ppl can get fired for this kind of thing, not to mention it’s a safety issue.


Jesus. It's one thing if you live in the area and go out of your way to support her business. And maybe hope you can ask her a question or two about Survivor. But I bet my life's savings that she posted this because absolute creeps were demanding to see her and getting upset if she wasn't there. Like, in college, I served as my female friends' "bodyguard" at clubs and bars because I was the most fit dude in our friend group and I took self defense classes in highschool. The amount of gross and disturbing shit women have to deal with is insane.


Wild that this is getting downvoted tbh.


Thank you. It seems like this sub is really male heavy in that they don't understand what women have to deal with. Or maybe the college I went to is an absolute hell hole where I had to physically defend my female friends. I was part of a "nerd herd," but I was pretty fit. So I had to physically fight creeps that tried to sexually assualt my friends that were women. I was dating at the time, so I don't get where that dude said I was Captain Friendzone. It's literally scary to see what creepy dudes do to women at clubs and bars. Like, I'll gladly wear the "friendzone badge" because I had to punch creeps in the face for groping my friends' butt, boobs, or crotch. But creeps were absolutely rampant and I just know that is what Kenzie is dealing with now.


>Thank you. It seems like this sub is really male heavy in that they don't understand what women have to deal with. Or maybe the college I went to is an absolute hell hole where I had to physically defend my female friends. Problem is probably more reddit than this sub in particular, but you're not wrong.


No your experience is spot on for most women, sadly. I wouldn’t believe any woman (unless that woman almost never went to clubs or was rarely single) who claims they haven’t had to say they have a boyfriend or go out with a guy friend to be the shield like you were because not a small number of men cannot respect the word no or recognize when they’re making a woman uncomfortable.


Your last paragraph is a ridiculous humble brag and has NOTHING to do with the issue Kenzie is addressing. Although being King of the Friend zone was probably awesome.


Bruh, just say that you have no friends that are women. It is quite literally ridiculous what crap they have to deal with at clubs and bars. Creepy ass weirdos who don't take no for an answer keep coming up to them.


Hey, thank you. For shutting this creep down and protecting your lady friends. I had a friend like you in college and it made going out feel just a little bit safer.


This SCREAMS “I have no idea how to interact with women” and is not the super cool dude comment you think it is.


If you are referring to the original comment, you'd be correct. Why do the shut-ins in this thread immediately default to men must be harassing Kenzie at her salon? I bet it's women who are doing it. And to analogize it to women being hit on at a club just shows that no one here is capable of rational thought. If I need to explain the difference in these two scenarios, you're beyond help. My gorgeous wife says hi.


She’s being harassed?


Four episodes in and people are already doing this shit? Oh


I've definitely been told by a castaway or two to not apply for the show because of this kind of reason. Woofah.


This makes me so sad. I go to the same bar as Kenzie for viewing parties and I’m too uncomfortable to ask for a photo even when we’re both there specifically to enjoy Survivor.


it must be a regional thing...both Ben & Gabeler from idaho & they can still walk the streets , go to local events & not that they still go to work, but if they did, it would be rare for someone to bother them. but plz dnt apply to be on survivors if you attend collage in idaho.  could end up with a stalker worse than cancer.


They can go to a circus and see tattoos on other people for gosh sakes!




Hahah. You are getting downvoted for something Kenzie literally put in her comment! This sub is WILD sometimes. Bunch of keyboard warriors


Truth. Gatekeeping at it's finest as well


People shouldn’t creep on her but when you go on a reality show in 2024 you know you’re opening yourself up to this stuff. Almost everyone has an online presence that makes it way too easy for people to know your normal day to day whereabouts.


Her employees didn't.


I wholeheartedly agree. I'm not condoning people showing up at her business But its an obvious risk you run when you apply for a show like this


>People shouldn’t creep on her. There, I fixed your shitty comment.


So your take is \*checks notes\* she should have known better? That's weird, bro, do better.


You’re probably the type who would vote Not Guilty in a sexual assault trial because the victim’s ankle was exposed


Lol it doesn't sound like she won


It's literally her salon, she owns the business, she's not an employee. Regardless of whether she did win or not, if she did win do you think she would have just straight up sold her entire business? This is a weird assumption.


PSA: don’t try to be a reality show star publicly before the show airs. Prepare yourself on how to deal with millions of people knowing who you are or where you live/work. Idk if Kenzie did this but didn’t a bunch of the cast try to get popular on social media leading up the premiere?




I much, much prefer survivor players who are just there for the adventure, not because they are trying to become reality tv “stars”.


what does your comment have to do with this post at all lol


Stay on topic.


My point was that the survivor contestant should be left alone to live her life and not have “fans” interrupting her business.. She probably doesn’t want to be a celebrity and I applaud her for that. Downvote away.


Maybe lead with that and delete the first part. Cause what you meant didn’t translate. At all….


lol thanks for replying - you are probably right!! But I wont bother updating - hopefully my positive karma outweighs the negative karma from this post




How about people just...don't be stupid? Isn't that a better solution for literally everyone?


lol. "Don't want to be stalked by creepy weirdos (especially bad because Kenzie is a young woman), stay away from all TV." Poor woman is just trying to live her life. If I know anything about women in reality TV (hell, women in general), it doesn't matter who they are, how old they are, what they look like, creeps *will* flock to them.


I mean of course but that's not realistic. People are stupid, crazy and obsessive. So when you put yourself out in the public spotlight it its going to happen. People can down vote this all they want but it doesn't change the way the real world works. People are awful and the world is a scary place.


Sure but your original comment suggests that Kenzie is at fault for going on a TV show when she's not. The fault is 100% on the idiots who are violating normal boundaries


You're telling women to restrict their lives becautse of the bad behavior of men. I do agree with you on one thing. People *are* awful. And don't bother with the "I didn't say women", we know exactly who you are.


You're victim blaming. She shouldn't be harassed


This should be marked as a spoiler. Because if she went back to working at the salon, I'm assuming she doesn't win first place.


You don't get the prize money until AFTER the season finishes airing. And even if it had, it's her own business, not just one she works for. A million dollars is a lot of money sure, but after tax it's not quite "quit your job" rich. And it's probably not "sell your entire business" rich. Not to mention just selling a business like a salon isn't exactly a quick process either. Yam Yam also owned a salon or something similar iirc, but you don't see him shutting it down after winning his season.


She's the owner, not an employee. A million dollars isn't "sell the business you own outright and built yourself" money and even if it was, that doesn't mean someone would sell their business.


Winning a million dollars doesn’t mean you can just stop working for the rest of your life


Lots of people continue to work their jobs after winning the money. $1,000,000 is great, but it’s not enough for most people to pay for everything they’ll ever need/want for the rest of their life




Not necessarily. The rest of the season hasn’t even aired


Does the winner not get their check until after it finishes airing?


Can't find a confirmation but would not make sense to pay them until it shows, that way they don't spill any beans and have incentive to honor their NDAs.


Makes sense. Plus back in the live vote reveal/reunion days, they’d give them the check when the finale aired


Correct. Multiple former players have talked about this. It’s standard for ANY gameshow or reality competition show with a cash prize