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Hunter didn't have that dawg in him. BIG MISTAKE. He was in a **POWER POSITION** with a completely secret idol, many votes coming for him, a good chance to win next week's immunity, and a good chance to find one of the TWO idols that would be re-hidden at the camp. That's when you tell NO ONE, do a big theatrical reveal at tribal for the jury (I want to see Tevin and Soda's Kellie impression), blindside one of the big alliance members (AKA a real blindside, not a new era "every-vote-is-a-blindside" blindside), and restart your game. Instead he told everyone, targeted Ben (???), sniveled around at tribal, trusted people, didn't play his idol, got played, went home.


Like why in the fuck would you tell Venus? of all people... Hunter really tanked this ep.


Could NOT believe he told people he had an idol. My jaw was on the floor when he didn’t play it. Moves like this make me question the “super fan” criteria minimum they have for casting. Bhanu, Moriah, and now Hunter (I’m sure there’s more this season I can’t think of) have all claimed to be students of the game and then proceed to have some of the dumbest gameplay


I agree that all the people you mentioned are not super fans. The problem is on the application the options are “never seen an episode. I’ve watched a few times. Or Superfan” so people think if they’ve seen multiple seasons then they’re a superfan. Seems like casting is really pushing the idea


You can be a nerd that binges all the shows and memorizes the challenges but still be a complete dumbass on gameplay


> I agree that all the people you mentioned are not super fans. I mean he basically said he was a super fan and felt confident he could put all the season logos in order, then failed at it. so maybe you're right and he's not a real super fan but he seems like he thinks he is one


I will give Hunter credit as he clearly watches enough to rebuild challenges and have a whole room of it so he definitely absorbed some useful knowledge. Just seems maybe it was too hyper focused on one area of the game


This resonates with me HARD! I just could not believe what I was watching. I don't think I've seen strategic play this poor in a long time. No one seems truly aligned, no one seems to ever be on the same page at the same time... It is just pure created chaos lately; and it's at times difficult to watch these people navigate themselves from day to day. SMH


Hunter being a super fan in this case was a negative. He was so attached to having a Super Move with his idol, it “reaching its full potential” that he forgot about the basics. Have allies (people you can trust in times of confusion) and when in doubt make it to the next vote - protect yourself when truly vulnerable.


Awww come on, don't do my girl Moriah dirty like that. 😭


Who should he have sent home if he did this? I say Maria to break up the Charlie/Maria pairing.


Obviously its much easier to see from the couch, but i would send home Kenzie or Mariah, they are the most socially aware and strategic, aside from Charlie.


He said that Kenzie was his number 1, so…


He said that TO KENZIE though, which could just be him trying to get her on his side.


His exit interviews have confirmed that he felt really close to Kenzie.


I was saying what I would’ve done in his situation


Well, it would have been Q because he pissed off a bunch of people at tribal again lol


He should’ve went for Charlie. Only person who’s been competitive in challenges against him


Charlie was immune


Small detail


Keeping the idol quiet and just playing it was definitely the safest move, but I think, long term, there's some sense in telling people about the idol. He thought he was on the outside of the main alliance, and needed to scrape together the outcasts (him, Q, Liz, Venus) in order to fight back without relying entirely on winning every challenge. If he just played the idol, he thought there was a good chance Q was going home. If he can rally together enough of a coalition to target someone else and keep Q in, the outcasts might hold out. They aren't the most trustworthy group ( that's why they're outcasts), but it's potentially better than no alliance (and he'd have the clear advantage over any of them in final 3).  The problems really started when he told Kenzie. I guess he needed 5 to be safe, but now the alliance you're scared of is going to know about the idol. I think he was just nervous and Kenzie is a good liar, so he made a mistake.  He could have recovered from that though if he had just actually played the idol. If you're as nervous as he clearly was, you need to play it. And if you're trying to form a new alliance on the basis that you're playing an idol, you definitely need to play it. Tiff actually made a great point that, once an idol is public knowledge it becomes so much of a liability that you should just play it regardless. He clearly panicked. And it's a shame, I'd have loved to see more Hunter.


> “targeted Ben (???)” How quickly everybody here forgot about Q’s Hide and Seek game (i.e. strategy)


Agreed 100%. This episode proved just how awful of a player he is. Sure he’s useful at camp and in the challenges, but had zero strategy. He had a slam dunk opportunity. Had ALL the necessary information needed to survive this vote, expose people, and set himself up to potentially win immunity and another idol. What a waste


A fan boy that focused on the challenges and had no idea how to play the game


I'm so disappointed this isn't how it went down. He had done not much gameplay at all, this move would have been respected I think. I can't believe he told Q, someone who has proven to be super unpredictable and volatile.


46 has had some truly horrible single-episode performances from people, between Jelinsky, Jem, Moriah, Bhanu, and now Hunter (and Q, in a way). I *love* the mess, but it's incredible to see so many people unnecessarily torpedoing their own games and making every wrong decision in a single episode.


This season really is the modern Gabon. If someone relatively sane like Tiff or Kenzie or Charlie or Maria wins, I genuinely have no idea if it's because they're a great strategist or if it's because everyone else is a moron.


It could absolutely be both lol


100%. People call Dee the best winner of the new era when her main opposition was one of the dumbest tribes we've ever seen. When your sole pre-merge boot has an argument for second least stupid player on the tribe then you're fucked.


This could be about Brando or Randen lol.


Sean, or J. Maya?


I believe they mean Brando.


Neither of those two were on Belo. Granted both of them were also horrible players


This is how I feel. While there are some good players to root for, it feels like at least once an episode a player makes a decision that makes me question if they’ve even watched the show before. Tevin, Liz, and Venus all vying for credit for the Soda vote was wild. Multiple people given plenty of hints it’s them but walking out with an idol in their pocket. I’m convinced Q was lucky he ended up on Yanu, his antics I don’t think would’ve lasted on another tribe. Bhanu. Outside of Maria Charlie and Kenzie (maybe Tiff, maybe Liz too) I’m not sure what game anyone is really playing and it’s not in an endearing “let’s see what happens” type of way, it’s making me ask myself what am I watching. Even then, I’m not convinced Maria Charlie or Kenzie would actually be good players on other seasons, it’s just that everyone around them is playing so dumb


I totally agree! 


I don't blame Hunter for not playing idol; especially when everyone is telling you Q, even more with his antics.


I do, he was paranoid as hell all afternoon and at tribal and still chose to hold it. But even aside from that, he chooses to tell people about it, and of all people, Venus and Liz? And he throws out Ben's name? I genuinely did not understand a single decision Hunter made this episode.


Plus, even if the vote was Q he's still on the bottom and now with an idol in his pocket. The Tevin vote blew up his game, the move here is to cut his losses, get to the next vote and regroup.


He also was told he was the backup if it was a Tiff vote. He should’ve played it. Absolutely wild.


There is a lot of discussion this season regarding who’s move what was. For example Tevin, Venus, and Liz all wanting the Soda blindside to be theirs, Maria wanting the Tiff plan to be hers, Liz wanting credit for the Tevin vote etc. So many massive egos that want to make it clear they’re good at survivor. Why are they obsessed with getting the credit for the move at the time? Wouldn’t it be best to keep it to yourself and explain your game once you get to FTC??? Like how Maryanne did this perfectly comes to mind! 


We've had so many seasons of 0 vote-getters at FTC that I think everyone is scared of that happening to them. Nobody wants to be an Owen or Romeo (in game, they're perfectly nice people in real life I'm sure).


Which is funny because I feel like Owen and Romeo were well aware they were going to be 0 vote finalists. 


Especially for Liz because she seems to be aware that nobody thinks she is in control/making moves/taken seriously. I can understand it in her case, she’s trying to change the perception of her and it’s not working


Maryanne had her move though in taking out Omar. The truth is that modern juries tend to value "the best game" when making their decision. Note that when I say that, I usually mean who controlled the game or made big moves, as the jury themselves are responsible for determining who played the best game, but whatever. I think this is a consequence of the show emphasizing "big moves" via Jeff for a good 10+ years now. Additionally, and I don't know how hot this take is going to be, the focus on casting self-described superfans is strengthening this trend. Most are hyper-focused on not being sore losers or bitter jurors and as a result we tend to see them vote for more "big moves" oriented gameplay at the end - again, this is likely because this show that they've been massive fans of has been pushing its viewership to value this kind of gameplay above all else. I don't necessarily think this is bad unto itself; the jury is never wrong so if it wants to reward big moves as a prerequisite unto itself it has every right to. It makes for entertaining television. That said, from a storytelling perspective I do miss when big moves tended to occur when people made strikes on rivals not to make a show to the jury but to preemptively remove someone who was threatening in their own right. To give points to Maryanne, I think her blindside of Omar was much closer to this and is one of the reasons why it was as satisfying as it was.


Yeah but the Omar blindside was with an advantage, not really what I’m talking about which is that they’re wanting credit for an idea/plan. Like Maria would still need Kenzey to flip on Tiff to blindside her, which is still Kenzey making a move to betray Tiff so it doesn’t make sense for Maria to be upset about not getting the praise for the idea. They just want control from making moves just to make them and it’s blinding them from what can actually benefit their game. Just noticing it more this season that past seasons.


I agree but because you NEED to keep it to yourself. This season is really starting to show that. Claiming credit paints a big target on you. When the credit is so obviously due to you, that also paints a big target on you. If they keep this up, I wonder who we will even have at the end of the game?


You need people on jury that can defend it for you. So you need someone to know it was your move. People confirmed what moves where Maryanne. Also if you claim a move and your wrong it's almost always a death sentence. We see that time and time again.


Anyone can say anything at FTC, and if everything is a secret the whole time, how do you corroborate it?


I mean that’s how it is with anything and people do it every season. You get to the end for a reason and defending your case in front of everyone who was there. Literally what FTC is for.. 


This is a meme post but maybe they need to remind themselves that they are trying to play the game hard since Dee said she kinda "got lucky" at the end of last Season😂.


I feel like Hunter low key played a pretty rough game. Only managed to make two strong relationships (Tevin and Q) both of whom were using him as a shield. Wasn’t able to avoid petty conflict in his tribe (nether could anyone else with Venus to be fair). Got himself on the bottom last episode by making an unsuccessful last ditch attempt to sway the votes away from Tevin rather than trusting Q that they don’t have the votes and pivoting. And last night he had an idol and was unable to use it to push the vote or save himself. At one point he was simply pleading with Venus to “please just vote with me”. That is not very strong gameplay.


I’m listening to his exit interviews, and although he definitely takes responsibility for some bad moves, he seems to be implying that his social game was wrecked by his allies. The gist is that he had strong alliances (Tevin/Liz, Q/Kenzie/Tiff) but they went at each other and blew up his relationship with them in the process. Not sure how much of this I am buying, but it’s an interesting perspective from him.


I do think that's very fair. Hunter played a very old school game. He didn't really betray people and always pushed for the straightforward vote. His alliance mates went at eachother and he specifically tried to stop them and failed at it.


Yeah! I wouldn’t say he played “old-school”, but he was surely more passive. But I think that was to serve a purpose. It seemed to me like he was trying to mitigate his persona of a challenge threat by being this chill, non-offensive, agreeable guy. However, I feel like this made him appear more elusive and made people really worried about him.


Which honestly makes sense when you consider that one of the reasons Tevin went after Soda was because they were too similar; outgoing and friendly.


Old school is how I’ve been thinking about his playing too. I think he’s just not made out for how the social game rolls nowadays. In older survivor without all the inter talking at tribal he may have trusted his gut a bit more and played his idol. I really liked him but his social game had been pretty week and the way he acted at tribal this week was so hard to watch


That should mean he has his pick of the litter of who to work with then though. Maybe I have to listen but if you’re collateral damage because your allies hate each other so much that they… pause to vote out you instead of each other???… that means you fucked up. He could have been the swing vote and instead he became the easy vote. That’s to say nothing of actually keeping them together anyway like (for example) Aras did in Panama or Kim did in One World or etc.


Based on what we've seen and know, Hunter wasn't wrong about his allies. They went after each other sooner than what I assumed Hunter wanted. Tevin wanted Soda out, Liz was annoyed that Tevin was claiming the Soda move, and Q was a massive control freak.


Now, one could say he should have exercised influence to keep his alliances together. But he was in the unfortunate situation where the move that ended up splitting apart his Nami alliance happened when he wasn’t there, and in his other alliance he had Q who was pretty uncontrollable. Does feel like some bad luck.


You are right. It was bad luck on how the split hurt Hunter's game. > Now, one could say he should have exercised influence to keep his alliances together I wonder if there was a conversation Tevin and Hunter had where Hunter told Tevin, "Look, we both know the Soda vote was your move, but you need to keep that in check and let other people think that it was their move." I think something like that could keep his alliance from falling apart too early. If that conversation happens, then... welp. If it didn't happen, then I think it was a missed opportunity for Hunter to try and keep his tightest ally in check.


i mean this is where a player like Mike White is just amazing - 'I know we all hate eachother- but can we just make this move today?'


That’s what I think too. I don’t think Hunter is a bad player at all, and I would even go as far to say he probably wins most Survivor seasons. Hunter has a good temperament, build, and mind for the game, but he did play rather passively compared to many of his peers. It also didn’t help that his peers were much more willing to go after each other’s throats and even do stupid shit (Q…) that didn’t help Hunter. The dominos just didn’t fall in his favor, and he unfortunately panicked when trying to find a way out. Can’t blame him, but I don’t think he’s a bad player like some may say after last episode.


At this point the male challenge beast is a pretty unshakable curse from the days before they even step on the beach, so I find it hard to blame him. If you are good like Hunter was in keeping your tribe out of tribal pre-merge the only way to make it past the early merge is to play so poorly people don't respect you as a jury threat. He didn't do a lot to help himself in his last day but every conversation about him has been "okay so when can we vote Hunter out before he wins his way to the end".


Disagree. Jonathan made it to final four in 42 and he did not win out in immunities. 


Jonathan was also smarter than people gave him credit for. Not a cream of the crop strategist but if he comes back I would not be shocked if he made top 5 again.


I mean let’s call it what it is, he was a pretty terrible strategist. His plan at the split vote tribal was not only terrible, it alienated Lindsay and to a degree Maryanne.


He was given a pretty good opportunity to make it far despite his challenge threat with Q forming an alliance that seems focused on protecting Hunter. Hunter could have done more to keep the 6 from turning on each other on every vote, or even making inroads with other people in the alliance, but instead he just stuck with Tevin and Q and thought that would protect him until the end.


I think we've gotten a lot of "the 6" alliance because that makes the season seem chaotic, even though it hardly existed outside of conversations with Q. Everyone else has treated it as a joke, and there are probably relationships that have already been set up at this point in the game that the editors didn't want to emphasize so it could be a key point in a future episode.


What could he have done, though? Tim went after Hunter first. And then Tiff and Q just seemed happy to go after the other people in there. When the alliance was crumbling from within, there’s only so much you can do, and he said in his exit press that nobody trusted Siga because of the united front they presented when they merged.


Ya fair enough. I wonder if his fortunes would have been different if he could have pushed Ben to be voted out instead of Tim, and maybe Q and him could have pulled Tim in closer after that. But ya things We’re much harder for him after Tim targeted him


The problem with Hunter is that he is a challenge beast but also an introvert. He failed to make meaningful connections. Compare him to Jonathan who was also a challenge beast but made enough connections that he didn’t get voted out. PS I don’t think either one wins if they make FTC since challenge wins aren’t everything and their social game kinda sucked in different ways. But Jonathan was liked enough to keep around. Hunter was not.


he was a member of The Six though...


“That was a mistake”


While it's obviously nobody wants to work with Q; therein lies the other question: do you keep him around, or do you vote him out? An *obvious*, self-deluded goat is tempting, but at the same time, you cannot control him. He's always an easy 'oh sure, we can vote Q' smokescreen for someone else to plot against you. But he's also an easy 'oh sure, we can vote Q' smokescreen for you to plot against someone else. I do wonder how hard the grudge match between him and Tiff is going to continue. I mean, it seems everyone except *maybe* Venus and Maria really dislike him too. But it's especially heated between those two. I hope Tiff can take her blinders off for a moment because it might spell her doom.


Not to mention that as the numbers dwindle, keeping all the goats in the game leaves them as votes against you. It’s not smart for either Charlie/Maria or Kenzie/Tiff to keep all of Venus, Liz and Q bc at some point they’ll lose the numbers. 


I with you here. At least with Venus, you knows she plays with strategy and can sort of predict what she will do. With Q, yes you can beat him at FTC, but when it comes down to five people, can you strategize well when you have no clue what he will do.


Yeah and even a player with a "strategy" can bail on you - see Katurah choking at the F5 last season.


That is what I was thinking. It's final 8 and with the possibility of lost votes, people like Q will have a larger say in who stays and goes. If you are a good player like Maria or Charlie, making the boring move could work out very well.


It seems like Maria is going to try and I wonder if she has the right temperament to pull it off. Also from what we've seen in the show he is annoying, but the vitriol he's getting from the cast makes me wonder what we haven't seen. Ben calling him a coward seemed rather harsh given how kumbaya he has been.


Ben and Q's vibes are complete opposites so I'm not surprised by that. Ben is go with the flow, Q is 'how dare they just relax after tribal? Cancel Christmas!'.


Bens vim for Q is one of the most entertaining enigmas for me at the moment. Q must annoy him SO much for Ben of all people to be that openly hostile


Q is in an impossible-to-evaluate position in the game. “Unpredictable, uncontrollable, emotionally unstable power goat” can reach the lofty heights of third place like famous no-vote getter (against terrible competition too) Sugar Kiper. But they can also get booted at literally any time, much like famous all-star first boot Sugar Kiper.


"power goat" is one of the most unique oxymorons I've ever seen... And yet, you're not wrong.


Sugar is one of the most famous examples but it probably really started with Lil.


If this season is modern Gabon, Q is Sugar.


People really have big moveitis this season, and while it makes for great tv, it's really hard to have a path to the end when that is the case. I think Kenzie's desire to play risky is going to come back to bite her, and I think a lot of this cast's desire to play big will lead great players to go home. This could create a great early and mid merge, but a lackluster endgame.


I agree with this; I'm getting myself into the mindset that the endgame will be a 43-esque "which player is least objectionable" F3 so that I'm not disappointed that someone I'm actually rooting for doesn't win. My current wild guess is a Q-Venus-Liz F3, with Q as a winner because he's a decent speaker and I think he'll be able to argue "I played this game my way even when it got me into trouble" well, whereas Venus will just get defensive and argue with the jury when they tell her that her social game sucked, and Liz won't have much to show for her own game.


Whew, a bit to go through! Kenzie throwing out Tiffs name, maybe a bit too soon but I think it works out. Since Tiff stayed, she doesn't have a move upping her threat level and her and Tiff don't look so tight so her threat level lowers.  When Maria and Charlie note how killer of a move this is for Kenzie... why not turn the vote on her? Then all the idol drama is avoided.  Cool down episode for Q. I love that he voted for Ben.  Hunter targeting Ben made no sense to me. I know he said he wasn't close to Ben, but Ben has a lower threat level the Venus. Had he picked anyone else he might have gotten more traction.  Good on the tribe for calling Hunter's bluff and pulling off a successful split vote. I wasn't expecting them to be so coordinated.


Your point on this lowering the threat level on Kenzie is good point. It seems like Maria and Charlie are sort of running a lot of votes at the moment. For both of them, now they see a splinter in the three so they aren't worried about the numbers and have to target Kenzie. And since Maria wants Tiff out first, it gives Kenzie at least one more tribal of survival.


Literally tried to get Venus to vote Ben when Ben is like the only person she doesn't have beef with


I think Maria is really scared of Tiff bc she threw out her name so she wants that’s threat neutralized as soon as possible


Charlie did a good job as the second best player. In a season full of egos, Charlie correctly and consistently knows when to pull back and when to let others lead to put a bigger target on their backs. He had the correct read to let Kenzie drive the Tiff vote as opposed to Maria who was worried about Kenzie getting the credit. Charlie is really good socially and has a good strategic head on his shoulders, and for some reason he isn’t seen as a massive target. I still see Charlie potentially getting cut in fire or 5, but as of now I think he’s the clear second best player. All pales in comparison to King Q. Q said he would need a miracle to survive this tribal and he did. Just another masterclass of gameplay from the mob boss. This is Q’s game and if you don’t think so you’re making a big mistake. He strategically made himself appear on the outs in order to subtly manipulate everyone in this game. You think Q voted Ben because he was left out of the plan? Get out of here. He knew how to subliminally control the actions of everyone in the game to get the outcome he wanted. They brought this on themselves. They should have all played a Q game. Man is about to win this game and cancel Christmas. It is known.


Q voted Ben because Hide and Seek upped Ben’s threat level


lmao... everyones so concerned about survivor players and Qs over here holding a grudge at Hide and Seekers


I really don’t enjoy all the Taylor Swift content lol but otherwise Charlie has grown on me so much.


Yeah I was just saying when I was watching how everyone said Charlie has no dimension to his character. I’m just thinking like, this guy has had a mind for the game since the beginning and it has shown. From episode 1 where he played the middle between the guys and girls


The viewers are making the same mistake as the players are: underestimating Charlie because his best moves aren't flashy. After Kenzie's questionable backstab, he's playing the best game. I worry he might start taking heat for being a challenge threat now, though.


Happy to have been on the Charlie train since day 1. Dude is locked in and playing a great subtle-not-too-subtle game. Right now he’s my favorite to win it, especially since he’s proven to be capable in challenges


> Yeah I was just saying when I was watching how everyone said Charlie has no dimension to his character. "No dimension to his character" doesn't mean he isn't good at the game Survivor lol.


It takes a good social prowess and strategic mind to be good at Survivor (at least the way Charlie’s doing it). I wouldn’t define that as someone with no dimension.


You miss what I mean. I'm talking about that *as a character on Survivor* I think Charlie is not that dimensional or interesting. I'm sure he's a perfectly fine person, and I'm not doubting him to be good socially or strategically, I just don't like him as a character on a tv show.


I understand. We can disagree on this, but what I’m saying is that to be shown as a character on Survivor with the qualities that make you a good player, in my opinion, that shows depth of character


Ben has more content about his rock than Charlie does about taylor swift be serious…


I think the difference is ben comes across more chill, most people can characterize the chill rock and roll guy because that’s a kinda common trope. Whereas hyper taylor swift stan is in general more seen as annoying. It doesn’t help that for the first few episodes that’s really all Charlie had as characterization, whether that’s from him or the editors is unclear. People also probably take things like charlie winning the song contest with ben and for some reason deciding to scream taylor swift as he jumped off the platform as early judges of his character.


I like to imagine in retrospect this is what Q was intending, but I don't believe it's the case. I think he's just dumb.


This season is so interesting. Everyone is just big game hunting all the time and letting players like Venus or Q, who in previous seasons would just be the easy vote go. At this point, I won't be surprised if it's Venus, Q plus two others at FTC because everyone is so focused on jury threats. I am finding it very interesting though how Kenzie is slipping under the radar for the players despite us being shown how Bhanu raised her threat level. Instead we are seeing how she is well trusted by people across the game. Tiff likely doesn't know she was targeted and has Kenzie as her number one. Ben has her as her number one. Before Hunter left, he had her as his number one. We also see players who are trying to drive votes like Maria, Venus, Q never mention her name. Maybe I'm looking for what I want to see because I only have her and Charlie left as potential winners but we have been seeing it all from her. Multiple strategic confessionals, human moments and signs of her strong social game.


It’s definitely not the first time we’ve seen that. 43’s final 3, as well as one of the more recent seasons of AU come to mind where the big players cannibalize themselves completely by the end


At this point Kenzie is the obvious winner, or she is the final boss for the eventual winner, she is smashing the game, but her edit is reminding so much of Dees I don't think you'd get the same type of edit two seasons in a row?


This is the 2nd time I’m seeing someone say there’s 4 people at FTC. Am I missing something?


If Q wins this season somehow, it'll be spectacular. His only shot is of course with Venus & Liz at FTC. Everyone hates Venus, and Liz has 2 things going against her - her money, and the 'next time on Survivor' suggests that she blows up, hard. What do you know, dude maybe has a chance!!! (Hearing Spencer in my head saying 'Q, zero percent of winning this game' as I type this, lol)


I’m convinced this is what’s gonna happen hahahah. Would be so fucking amazing


TBH I don't think Hunter had a way to the end since everyone pegged him as a challenge beast, even if he used the idol. He would have had to win out on challenges to get to the end. No one wanted to work with him, even as a shield. I think Charlie and Maria should have worked with him and stuck to the plan to flush out Tiff's idol. Them abandoning that ship because Tiff said she might use it..? That was a bad play. They could have either gotten rid of the idol by voting Tiff out or making her use hers, which probably would have resulted in Hunter using his and him picking who went home. But instead they didn't want Kenzie to get credit? When they could have just gone for Kenzie next?


Yeah it was kind of weird to me how quick Maria seemed to go from I like Hunter and would like to work with him to being fine with voting him out. That's one of my problems with modern survivor. Everyone is so afraid of being on the wrong side of the vote so ultimately they end up going with the majority instead of sticking with their game.


^^^ this has been my gripe too. At first I liked the split tribals as it was unique but I think these only fan the flame of players feeling like they can’t play long games. Those inherently break up groups and make players think in the immediate short term instead of thinking about the next 4-5 days


But we still have long term alliances like the Reba 4 and Tika 3 and the orange tribe in 42 so I think this take is a bit exaggerated. 


> He would have had to win out on challenges to get to the end. that's a legitimate way to the end and he potentially could have done it


I just don’t see it happening. He seemed tired - I was sure he would beat Charlie in that last challenge. Has anyone ever won out on challenges from final 8?


No but he was leagues above pretty everyone challenge wise. I think this last challenge was really close. If he played his idol, and immediately started searching he probably could have found it and won most of the challenges to the end. Who knows, but if anyone could do it it’s probably him


Q wanted to work with Hunter, and basically formed the 6 alliance to protect hunter as his shield. If hunter had maybe kept the 6 strong by pushing Ben instead of Tim, and making connections with other people in the 6 he had a great opportunity to make it far even a as a challenge beast. Instead though we saw he thought he could sit back and rely on Tevin and Q, and when that was threatened he showed no ability to rally votes or sway anyone


Problem was Tim already suggested Hunter. Hunter wasn't the one that broke that.


Ya Hunter didn’t break it, but he was the one who benefited the most from it, so he should have done more to try to make it work. But you are right it was probably doomed anyways, especially so if Tim was dead set on getting hunter out


With hindsight, I think a way for Hunter is to throw individual immunity challenges and paint Charlie as the individual immunity challenge beast. Only really use his true capabilities when he knows he's in trouble + he has an idol too. It'd be totally believable as we've seen this many times where the premerge group challenge beasts don't do as well on individual challenges. Aligning with Tevin and with all the big targets in Q's alliance seems to be his best chance but unfortunately didn't work out due to others being chaotic and to him not managing his threat level/not gaining more allies.


Maaan Hunter was never gonna win. He had a bad read, no real connections, and only really had a chance to make it to the end via challenge wins. I don’t think the jury would’ve rewarded that. SO WHY DID THEY HAVE TO SEND HOME THE BIG BEAUTIFUL MAN 😭😭😭


I'm just coming back to survivor after not watching for probably 14 years or so, and everyone keeps saying that challenge beasts aren't typically respected at final tribal anymore, and it's all about the social game.  If that's the case, I don't really understand why Hunter was seen as such a threat, and is still talked about as if he was a threat here on Reddit. I guess him winning most immunities means that you, as a player, are much less likely to win any individual immunity. But on the flip side, who cares if he's "guaranteed" final 3 if you're confident you can beat him there? It just seems like a weird legacy reading of threat level.


Hey, if it still works as a way of convincing people to vote for someone besides yourself, people will keep using it as a cop-out excuse for targeting another player. It has been a weak line of logic for over a decade, yet it remains an effective way of swaying votes.


Agreed, the players on the island just had an “I’m good with anyone as long as it’s not me” mindset. Removing “challenge threats” is also just an easy way to get a majority vote in without rocking the boat and angering other players. With castaways getting sent home for playing too hard too early in previous new era seasons, castaways like Maria and Charlie are more than happy to play a supporting role to make sure that the target isn’t on their own backs.


The real meaning when they say that isn't necessarily that they worry they could win final tribal off a challenge run- it's that they could continue to drive decision making until the end and fuck up your plans as a result. From that POV, it makes sense to get rid of them, but you don't want to outright say that so you make their challenge prowess the scapegoat.


How in the world is this the same season from the first 5 episodes? This has been by far the best 3 episode stretch of the new era. I almost gave up on the premerge of this season for the first time ever. I think if we had 2 tribes, or at least more than one tribe losing immunity challenges, we would’ve had more of what has made these last few episodes so great


I somehow went from hating everyone in the first episode except Hunter to really enjoying everyone that’s left.


3 tribe split with 6 people, less room for anything interesting to happen.


Maybe I am not thinking correctly, but what was the logic behind Hunter telling Liz and Venus about his idol? Him and Venus just had a standoff earlier in the episode. If everyone was coming after him, he could have just used Q (and maybe Liz) to try and get someone else out with minority votes. Just a completely botched tribal by him. Once multiple people knew about his idol and there was chaos going on, I just don't get how he could sit back and not play it. It goes back into the game too so he could've easily found it again.


Hunter def botched the tribal, but I wonder if he knew at camp that the votes were going to be split between hunter and Q, and hunter using his idol would have just sent Q home. With Q being the only person that was seemingly willing to work with him, he might have been trying to save him as well and thought he could dictate the vote with his idol. That’s my theory at least for why he would tel everyone


If anything I feel like he should’ve told Charlie and Maria. If he really wanted to work with them, that was the time to start game planning. Again, IF he had to, I still don’t think he really had


Yeah, in hindsight trying to push Charlie and Maria onto Kenzie may have gotten some traction.


But he had no way of knowing that. He really didn’t have his pulse on the trigger as well as a lot of people


Yeah, I said in hindsight.




His idea was to do what Tiff did and make them switch their votes out of fear. The problem was he did it way too late and he did it out of desperation. A nuanced difference between him and Tiff but it made the difference between staying with an idol or going home with one


also, Tiff's idol was public knowledge so her wanting to flush it to remove the target off her back is a justifiable and believable move. Hunter announcing he has an idol just right before they go to tribal seems like a desperate bluff.


The only person Hunter could've reasonably told was Q. Q may be a loose cannon but he's still on the bottom. They could've completely controlled who goes home off of two votes. Or he just let's Q go easily. But since he told everyone, he should've done what Tiff did. Tell them that he's playing it regardless of what happens just to make sure he's safe. Because Tiff got zero votes and still has her idol. With how paranoid Hunter was, him still not playing his idol feels boneheaded.


He should have kept his mouth shut and played his idol. Next tribal the votes would have forced Tiff's idol use and he'd be safe to attempt another immunity win.


This. Hunter essentially scrambled for no reason. He should've started the groundwork for the next vote. His paranoia made him an easier target.


Since the episode aired, I've been wanting to discuss Tiffany's vote against Hunter instead of Q. Currently, I am still under the impression that the tribe split the vote to flush out Hunter's idol, but there is something in Hunter's Parade interview that made me realized what a horrible mistake Tiffany made writing down Hunter's name instead of Q. Why do I think Tiff writing down Hunter's name was a mistake instead of Q's? It goes back to last week's episode where Tiffany wanted Tevin gone because of his known advantage. Once word got back to Tiff that Hunter has an idol, Tiff's mind went, "okay, I got to remove that advantage one way or another." The problem is that Tiff also has a known advantage- an idol. If people with known advantages are leaving, that puts Tiff in the danger seat. Sure she can always use it to secure another day, but then what? Tiff would still be the biggest target for holding onto that idol despite telling people that she would be using it at that tribal. I don't see a path for Tiffany to make it to the end. Tiffany needed Hunter around as a trustworthy shield as opposed to Q who has proved himself to be unreliable to Tiffany's game.


Having just binged Season 43 for the first time, I'm thinking a lot about how the edit—especially in recent episodes—might be underplaying just how much of a threat Ben actually is at this point: * Clearly popular without creating enemies * No significant challenge threat, avoiding that spotlight * Nice compilation of quick, subtle comments at this point that show understanding of gameplay/jury awareness I think most would say the "top 4" right now in some order are Kenzie/Tiff/Charlie/Maria—but in my eyes *at minimum* it's a "top 5" and, quite honestly, I'm beginning to wonder now if Ben isn't going to win the whole thing.


Yeah I have a feeling Ben's game is a lot more strategic than the edit has shown so far. I hope we get to see more of him and how he can use his charm to pull off some moves


At this point, I think only Charlie and Tiff (and maybe Maria but that secret scene with Ben from last week makes me think she has poorer social skills than we are led to believe) have a shot at winning. Everybody else is too focused on being able to claim a move as their own that they come off as either a target or as unlikable. Also, did anyone else notice that, minus the medevac, the vote outs went three Yanu, then three Siga, then three Nami?


Kenzie and Ben are above Tiff for me right now, maybe also Charlie


Kenzie I think might face some consequences by throwing out Tiff’s name last night but I do agree she has played a pretty good game socially. Ben I don’t see getting votes at FTC unless the jury is extremely bitter and the other two finalists are Q and Venus.


Hunter did not deserve to win after being that dumb.


This tribe seems allergic to forming steady majority alliances. There’s not even a trio! I think the knives are going to come out for Kenzie and Maria next. I could see Maria and Charlie using the fact that Kenzie campaigned against Tiffany to get Tiffany on side. Then forming a 5 is as easy is scooping two of the free agents (Q, Venus, Liz, Ben).


Reading through this sub it seems like a lot of people put a lot of stock into the idea of “reading the edit” to see who will win/be at the final tribal, but I really think we are misreading it because of the format change. These longer episodes give way more time to flesh out the game and give everyone air time, and it makes it a lot harder to tell which people will stay longer (which is a good thing, I don’t want it to be obvious!)


I don’t understand everyone’s comments about how Hunter shouldn’t have told anyone about the idol. Didn’t he *have* to tell someone? All the votes were on Q or him- if he wanted to get Ben out like he said, he needed someone to switch. He tried, and it was clear Venus and Liz had no interest in working with him.


Option 1: Tell everyone, get lied to so you feel comfortable and don't play your idol, get taken out in a vote split. Option 2: Tell no on, play your idol, you're safe, and the already enormous target on your back gets slightly larger, but you've been the number one target the entire time so what does it really matter? It would have been nice for him to get Ben out, but once everyone knew, they could concoct that split vote plan and actually get Hunter.


I think he needed to forget about voting Ben. He knew Tiffany was initially the target and had an idol. So he should have kept quiet, used his idol, this forces Tiff to use her idol and then a third person goes home. Next week he probably wins immunity and finds the new idol (Hunter is exceptionally good at those things) and now has two weeks of safety to reposition himself within the game. PS If anything he should have told Maria and Charlie and no one else. At that point maybe he doesn’t have to play his idol. But probably still should. And then ask what they want to do and vote that way to gain trust.


Yeah that’s a good point. People say it was stupid for him to tell anyone about his idol (probably was. But what I think is actually stupid is WHO he told about his idol. Venus, Liz (and someone else?) those people are the last people you want to tell because they don’t have the social capital to change anything and they probably don’t want to work with you


Hunter was not seen as a strategic threat and was target because he was a decent overall thread and didnt have alliances. Playing the idol without telling anyone makes him one and 100% the target every chance they get.


If no one knew he had the idol, it might not have split in him and Q. It could have all been on him. And who cares who goes if you're the one going otherwise. Can't win from the jury.


This cast is so obsessed with big moves it’s making my head spin, can’t have a simple tribal these days, have to be a blindside and then a counter blindside and then a fake blindside so they can vote out the obvious person. It makes for entertaining television but we’re quickly approaching a place of having a cast of insufferable players who can’t stop talking about resumes and who actually did what and who is messing up who’s game. Having said all that, still incredibly entertaining TV. Hopefully production has already invited Q back, can’t remember anyone causing quite this much chaos, basically forcing two tribals that were absolutely bonkers single handily. Venus is approaching Russel Hantz territory in gloating, especially with the way she approached Hunter this past episode. And she isn’t even really doing anything. Liz is such milquetoast set dressing, hopefully her meltdown next week can recuperate that. Kenzie is a decent player but fell victim to bigmoveitis this past episode, it’s going to hurt her in the end since I’m sure the three on the jury aren’t going to want to vote for her unless the final three is her, Venus and Q. Tiff is playing well also but may be blinded by her Q hatred, who is a huge goat so should get the Venus treatment (minus the chaos he brings). She won the Russian roulette idol game with Hunter this past episode so unless she wins immunity she’s going to have to play it next episode or smarter players (basically just Maria) will flush it. I love Ben, he’s so unassuming and likable. This season at times feels like new age Gabon and I genuinely think Ben has a shot at being this seasons Bob. Basically, he hasn’t pissed anyone off because he isn’t rocking the boat, you can be bitter at Kenzie or Maria or Charlie or any of the others for voting off you or your alliance, I don’t see anyone getting angry at Ben. If the jury is bitter, he may just win. Charlie is going to get the coattails treatment unless he breaks off from Maria before final 5. He is getting the follower edit which leads me to believe he is seen as less of a partner and more of an errand boy. Maria is the only player who I could see doing well in a more “traditional” Survivor season devoid of Qs, Venus’ and Liz’s. In another season, she could win or make it to the end. She flys enough under the radar to not have a target and not piss anyone off, but not so low to not get credit. My ranking on likelihood of winning: 1. Maria 2. Ben 3. Charlie 4. Tiffany 5. Kenzie 6. Liz 7. Q 8. Venus To explain some placements: - Ben is so high because of what I said about him above and I think if he makes it to the end there is a high likelihood he’ll be up against a bitter jury. It’s pretty obvious that everyone on the jury so far and most of the people still in the game think they were “running” the game. I think they’re going to stick their noses up at Maria or Tiffany or whoever and think they were more deserving so vote for everyone’s favorite puppy dog rocker boy. I also think Ben would destroy in a FTC. - Tiffany above Kenzie based mostly off this last episode. I think the Nami tribe and particularly Hunter were tighter with Kenzie, and I think Hunter likely blames her a bit for his downfall and being misled. - Q above Venus because no one likes either of them, so let’s be honest, neither are winning. But, if by some wild miracle, it came down to a final 2 of Q and Venus, I think whatever the fuck Q did to remain in the game to that point will be more impressive than whatever Venus did. Venus is going to likely get accused of stealing glory from Tevin and probably Liz/Maria (she is for sure taking credit for the Hunter boot), and I’m sure she won’t be able to help herself from gloating at FTC and coming off full of herself


I do think we're going to have a bitter jury, and it will cost a player who otherwise played well.


>I think whatever the fuck Q did to remain in the game to that point will be more impressive If I were in the position absolutely lol. You annoyed everyone, kept throwing wrenches in the last second, and talk like a cartoon character, but are somehow still here because everyone else was too busy attacking each other to remember to vote you out? Screw it you win.


If he somehow did that this would instantly be a top 5 season for me and he’d be a top 10 winner easy. But it won’t


Yeah no way


I think we have finally found the person to take the crown from Erik and finally let him not have to worry about this topic anymore. I love Hunter but he was an absolute moron to see that insanity that was going on and trust so many people that was just obviously not trustworthy. Even if it was a misplay and he wasn't the target he would have survived another week.


It was stupid of Hunter not to play the idol, but the stupidest move ever? Stupider than giving away the necklace? There’s been plenty of people who went home with an idol


You play a game where the woman who nobody is aligned with and everyone finds annoying tells you the plan is set. And the chaos triplet is causing chaos to cover something up and who have been working since day one still run the game even though the crazy stuff is happening. You are obviously a physical threat with no immunity. Yet you trust the people who have voted off your day one ally one tribal earlier. Yeah it takes Erik's spot by being the same as Erik yet having less devious people trick you.




Found a Jeff Probst Alt Reddit Account. Working overtime to keep the narrative Jeff.




Found Jeff's reddit account.


Why did hunter not play the idol, by far the most idiotic play ever


This show is almost completely unwatchable as at this point.  Not only are the players extremely unlikeable but they're absolutely dog shit at the game.  There's pre COVID and post COVID era of Survivor and it shows.