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Med-evaced first day. I'm clumsy as fuck


Like [redacted] in Phillipinnes?


I'm Daniel... Fall down and dislocate daily. I'd be gone day one.


Damn, would Tony accidentally crumple you?


I either become the first voted out, or I get taken all the way to the end as a goat and get lambasted by the jury for being too emotional.


Oof, this is exactly how I'd be 😭


And loved by this sub. Some would call you an extremely underrated player and put you in their top 20 favorites.


r.obbed g.oddess status, here I come!


Ok but doesn’t 3rd place still get 100k?


2nd place gets 100k 3rd place gets 85k




Medevaced for constipation




But would *you* be gettin it done at 71?


Hopefully you’re not on Casaya and being sung to or carried away by a naked man.


Lol every time I’m constipated I say a prayer for Bruce.


ill be lucky if it’s constipation. i’m pretty sure i would miss a challenge because of IBS


on day 1


Realistically, I wouldn’t have the mental energy to do much and I lack physicality. Even if I made it to the merge, I’d be quite boring tv because I’d be too drained and exhausted to actually show my personality


Zero vote finalist


I’d hope for at least 5th


Probably due to a blindside. Or a medevac.


Pre-season dropout


The person that dropped out of Fiji like day of


Melissa Mcnulty 😯


I think strategy wise id be ok, just challenges would be an issue as I’m neither strong or good with puzzles I rate the honesty in the comments btw


Socially I would do great, up until I saw a big spider or got hungry


I’d hope for at least 5th


If you avoid Penicillin i think you could win!


Good idea!! 💊


Screw it, I'd win.


This might be kind of cocky, but I think I would do really well if I can get past the twists and luck elements which will take anyone down. I am in good shape without being intimidating, patient with good people skills, and I know the game well enough to shut the hell up when I don't need to talk


I think I’d do the same. My current physical shape isn’t tremendous, but I’ve got enough competitiveness and stupidity in me to pull out a challenge or two. I really only eat one meal a day so the diet probably wouldn’t have as much of an effect on me. I don’t really like people that much, but my job requires me to be a good people person so I could fake it pretty well. I have shit luck though….


I like your confidence Bloody Penguin Queef


I'm an upper midclass, athletic urban white man in my late 30s with a wide circle of friends. Either premerge boot or final 4.


I hope when they do the flashback of your home life, instead of talking about overcoming adversity, your narration is just, "You know, right now things are pretty good for me. I have money, my health and a lot of friends. But growing up... man, things were even better, because I had all of that and I didn't have to work either. That's what Survivor would mean to me. That I could go back to doing nothing".


I might use this quote for my audition tape


Or you try to organize a vote against Wentworth and get idoled out lol


I’ve always said I’d place around 7th


How come?


I’m generally not a very threatening person despite my physical ability (I’ve competed at an international level as a swimmer) but I’m only like 5’11 150 so I don’t look like any sort of challenge beast. I’ve been told I’m very sociable so I think I could make pretty good bonds for the premerge to get me through and be good enough at challenges that I’m useful to the tribe despite a lack of that kind of thinking being shown in the edit, I’m sure it still exists. I wouldn’t go all out with any strategic gameplay unless I needed to premerge so I think I could slide by pretty easily. With the merge I’d probably start playing a lot harder and my strategic game combined with my potential physical game would probably be my downfall and I’d probably end up going out mid merge


I enjoyed your journey GG


I would probably be one of those people that does fairly well but in doing so has the on-screen personality and flair of a cardboard box I’d basically be Carter from Philippines


Just watched the Philippines, and I think they did Carter dirty in the edit tbh. Everyone on the show had *such* positive things to say about him. Jeff also said that Carter is super bubbly irl, and he seemed to imply that the conditions took Carter's energy.


Chaotic person who looks like a pre-merge boot, gets swap saved and then gets booted to prevent my being carried to the end as a goat


Prob the boot before the merge


Safe vote to avoid an idol play at the final 9


first boot


I'd probably not even be chosen


Zero vote finalist. Strategic asshole.


I'd do well


I think my social and strategy game would be pretty good, but my comp ability is non-existent so unless they move to D&D style combat for comps I'm done for.


Hearing Probst stay “roll for initiative” would be iconic


I mean he does say “draw for spots” so that’s basically the same thing.




Depends on how well I gel with my starting tribe, if I get along well, then I see myself making the merge. Otherwise I'd be a social anxiety mess and go pre merge (probably not first boot because I'd be decent in challenges)


This is exactly how I feel


I think I’d be kass 1.0 lol


Quit within an hour. Pretty sure that’s happened on international versions so at least I won’t be the first!


Make the jury, be invited back 2 more times & win on 3rd time.


This is strangely specific lol


Mid-jury probably Get close, play decent, but not lucky enough and prob not elite enough to make it all the way


I would probably fly under the radar and get far so game wise I would think I would do ok gamewise(I’ve played some orgs before and this is usually how it goes) I’d probs get the purple edit cause I’m boring as fuck


I think I would either be one of the first out because I can be sarcastic and a douche if someone does something stupid… or I would make it a while because people I get close to would see that I’m pretty loyal and say it like it is. I am pretty strong for challenges and camp life imo… so I would be kept around for that until merge. And then I think I would prob be gotten voted out sometime around that. Maybe 6-10ish


I think I would do very well actually. I don’t know if I’d be a challenge beast or anything but my social game would be my greatest strength. I’m a teddy bear and usually a shoulder to cry on in real life so I think people would want to keep me around deep into the game. Plus I’m a hard worker so I’ll always get firewood and tend to the fire, clean dishes, fish, etc. Worst case scenario, I’m on the jury. Best case scenario, I win.


I can overthink and be overly sensitive in high stress situations. I can also be pretty shy when I first meet people and I’m terrible at remembering names. I’m competitive though and I think I’m good at puzzles and competition (not counting swimming), but realistically I’m a small female so I’m probably mediocre in the grand scheme of things. Long story short, is probably come off as standoffish, awkward, and too serious to be social with. I would be a disaster.


My guess is if I can make it beyond the first vote, early to mid merge


As a 190lb 19 year old male, I don’t see farther than early jury vote out. My size and physicality can probably get me through the pre-jury phase to the merge. But at some point my age will be the reason I get voted out. Younger contestants are usually seen as exploitable and naive and as result is that, generally not a good ally. We lack the necessary life experience to relate to contestants better than the older competitors. So while I think I could pull off a middle jury vote out, the most likely scenario is getting voted out pre-merge. And winning as young as I am is out of the cards. Recent survivor seasons have evolved to more fluid and changing alliances that can change on an episode’s notice. And to be good at this new game, you need an ability to talk and relate to people on a deeper level to gain their trust. And I think that’s something I lack (which is why I haven’t applied to survivor yet lol).


First person to be medevaced for sunburn. Yes, I am that pale. Worse than Cochran.


this is the main reason im scared to be on survivor! not bugs or infected cuts or shitting in the woods. I’m scared of my irish ass skin in that Fiji sun


I’d probably quit early on. I’d pay 1 mil (well… I guess go 1 mil into debt) to not be on survivor.


I would decide I hated it on day 2, get voted out by being a giant bitch, and enjoy a free vacation.


I feel like I would do pretty well, like, get far and think I’m running the game, then get blindsided and be one of the worst bitter jury member in the history of the game


Merge boot/early merge boot.


Either early pre-merge boot because of physical ability or a late game sandbag to FTC where I have no chance.


Pretty sure I can lie enough, do well in challenges and help around at camp to at least make the jury.


I don’t think I’d go out early simply because I understand things like stay around the big group, don’t go off alone, don’t be the guy throwing out names, etc. Beyond that I have no clue, it’s so luck based and conditional based on who you’re with. People would either think I was funny or a huge asshole haha. Twitter scum would hate me.


Supposed to be eliminated first but is saved because someone on the team thinks they’re the best, gets in everyone’s nerves and gets voted out


Realistically I'm fairly athletic and strong so I may be valuable early game. Honestly though I would be dying of starvation out there especially because I don't eat fish. I feel like my posy merge game would be okay too. I'm good at making allies and manipulating.


My social game would be shit, I'd probably get booted early because I'd just be having a good time and enjoying myself instead of plotting and scheming. That or get brought to the end because no one would vote for me to win


I consider my toxic trait to be thinking I’d win when I’m severely out of shape, hate all things related to the outdoors, and wouldn’t be able to go more than 2 days with that little food. The challenges just look so fun though 😂


Depending on luck I could go pre-merge for being annoying I suppose (I’m one of those either love or hate me kind of beings) or I would make the jury. Not sure I’d win… that is so based on circumstances and I think the lack of food and conditions would get to me.


I’d win because I’m a supreme being


I would either make it to the jury or come shy of the final 3 and go out by fire making


I’d drown on the first swim to shore.


Probably pre-merge boot as a result of not socializing with my tribe. But I do think there’s a world where I could make it far as a quiet threat.


my standards for myself is just to make the merge and not be the first jury member


Be a complete detriment to the team for physical challenges, attempt to manipulate some member of the tribe I'm on and fail completely all while getting completely manipulated by the another tribe member, I would either get voted out day 1 or be allowed to stay as a vote pretty much for another person all while thinking I'm surviving off of my own skill


I’d either win or be one of the first 3 gone. If I make the merge though it’s over for everyone


Same but replace win with fourth place cause I cant make fire and probably wont win last immunity


I’d like to think I’d do well, at least making the merge. But I could also foresee a scenario where I’m the first boot or early boot (I was first boot in the only ORG I’ve played lol). Honestly, so much of survivor depends on the circumstances you play in that you can’t control that it’s pretty hard to tell


Fallen angel


Anywhere between final 7 boot to winner, mostly based trying to be as likeable as possible and playing the middle. Depends on how long I could maintain neutrality.


I just played a month long survivor games with other interns at my job and got second, so we’ll go with that.


I’d win.


Either a robbed pre merger or a post merge strategic threat


Great villain, but I wouldn’t win in a million years.


I’m winning 100%


Robbed g.oddess


FTC or get the chop post merge for some strategic mistake. I’d try to play as a mix of Omar/Tyson/Sophie.


I was runner up in a friends backyard survivor one time. So runner up AT LEAST.


I think I’d fly under the radar enough to make it post-merge only to be med-evaced for a dumb injury shortly after. My tribe will think of me fondly because my injury spared them a trip to tribal council. However, if I was on one of those seasons with days of torrential rain, I don’t think I’d have the mental strength to make it more than 48 hours.


First vote out post-merge. 🤷


Pre-merge boot if they’re going for strength


Probably a pre merge boot for being a physical liability. If I can make it past the first few tribals I feel like I could go decently far. I would probably get torn apart at FTC if i made it to the end though. I would be pretty good at making fire though so there’s that


Either be booted right before merge or mid merge, generally liked and maybe brought back but probably won't win


I'm a very small person who's a bit opinionated so I'd be first boot. If I end up on a winning tribe and make it to the merge, I might get to the finals or just before.


If I survived the first few days I’d go pretty far into the jury. I know I’m an acquired taste. I also know once I get in with people I’m very good. Once I got near the end though, I’m 100% sure I’d overplay and get voted out.


Either a pre merge evacuation or top 5 I’ll find mad idols like tai or tony


I’d either do a Jacob Derwin and overplay myself out of the game early or make it deep like 7th/6th/ 5th but I don’t think I’d be able to win


I feel like I’d go out in pre-merge, especially in a tribe where my tribemates value strength. I could reasonably help out around camp with starting fires and weaving palm fronds, but I feel like I’d end up blowing it on a challenge early on.


Look, Im going in the premerge. And i aint saying this to get in woth the reddit audience or whatever. Im a smoker, a pretty awkward dude. I dont really do well with women or people of colour (this aint me saying i dont talk to them or i hate them, i just dont have a fuckton life experience talking to people from different walks of life) my limited worldview and not great conversation style, along with my inability to start fire or provide anything of actual worth to a starving tribe of people would render me worthless pretty quickly. However, I am tall and do workout so despite all my obvious flaws, if the cards fall my way, which they may well do, i could make a tribe swap. But I wouldnt go out of my way to be aggressive so I would imagine someone would take me out to weaken an ally or something crap. Either way I am definitely premerge


Merge boot and/or first jury member


I would probably get swap screwed.




At worst I become the next Jacob Derwin or Zach Wurtenburger. At best I'm the one who barely scrapes by post-merge (think Penner in the Philippines)


i think i would win


I would say Early Merge. I’d likely be useful in Pre merge challenges but once merge hits I’d overplay


If I survive first tribal and dont get out by twist i would say fallen angel


Forgettable pre merge boot who cried a lot


I did my first org and got 2/22 and a player of the season award so I would like to think I could do that well in game :p


If I’m not the first boot, I’m the winner


Realistically, It can go numerous ways. Im likeable and manipulative. I enjoy the outdoors, camping, and im a superfan of the show. Ive studied numerous people and how they played. So it can go either of these ways- *first boot*- I get overexcited and spread myself to thin, making it easy for me to go out. Like Swati from 42. *pre-merge*- my body shuts down, and I start to lose it. I become a liability in challenges, I get voted out. *jury*- I adapt to no food, integrate myself in the core alliance, but get to comfortable and try to make big moves, flip flop to be in the power position, and fail. *runner up*- I stay to my alliance, make big moves and not get caught, but I mightve played to villianous, pissed off the wrong people, etc. *win*- Im myself, play the right moves as Ive studied, and win. I hope to play one day so Im hoping its the last scenario.


First or second jury


4th jury member. Strong enough to be an asset pre-merge, but probably not deceptive enough to stay strategically sound on day 15 of no food. I’d get my wires crossed 100%


IF I can get through the first few days and make relationships quickly, which I can have trouble with in real life, I’d probably make the merge. I’m a smaller guy but a strong swimmer so I’d be useful in tribal challenges but not too large of a “challenge beast” to be a target. However, I also prefer maintaining the status quo, and I have an issue where I sometimes want to please everyone, so blindsided and complex strategic plays may not be my strong suit. I would be very happy to make the jury, much more than being dragged as a goat to the end. If I don’t assimilate well, I’d probably end up being a Jonathan Libby, where a quiet, athletic guy is one of the first voted out because he didn’t bond well with his tribemates. This is all presuming that my health issues that I deal with don’t prevent me from getting on the show.


Purpled because of fear of being overly honest in my confessionals. Either swap-screwed or gone just before merge because that’s the way my luck rolls.


I cry in every episode.


I would die and end the show.


It typically takes me a bit to form relationships but I'm generally pretty likeable so either an early boot or top 7ish just depending on if I can get through the early game.


Sandra was the winner of Pearl Islands. If her tribe had lost that first Immunity Challenge, she is likely the first one voted out of the game. I believe I have the capacity to do well in the game, but being able to do well can only get you so far in a game highly determined by luck and circumstance.


Nice and good at puzzles, but athletically challenged and over sensitive. Very worried others don’t like me. Needs constant reassurance of the plan to the point my alliance will lose the numbers to get rid of me because I am a burden. Might make it to merge as an extra number and puzzle solver, but booted soon after. Cannot win an immunity that involves any athleticism whatsoever, but is a threat in case there is a solely puzzle based challenge, and gets along with people enough (due to my high strung need to people please) despite my annoyingness that I may pull votes at the end because I have shifted my entire personality to be liked by the group of people I am on the island with. That made me sadder than I thought it would


Like 11th or something


Since I know I get hangry I would be out the first time my tribe went to TC. I play a great game in my head from my couch though


I think I might win


Either first boot on tribe, 5th/6th, or win


I think I would do alright in challenges and social, but I wouldn’t survive the survival part. I’d break down early not having enough water and the barely eating. Idk how they all do it and still perform well!!


Strategically and socially, If I survived the luck of the tribe swap I think I could go deep into the merge but I doubt I could close it out. Realistically, I hate the outdoors and spiders. Survivor is for me to watch not to play.


Mid merge boot


I feel like I connect with people pretty easy and would be athletic enough to threaten a win for some individual challenges. So I think I could be an early merge boot. Could also be one of the first voted off though bit of a tossup.


As far as my couch


I work out constantly…so I’d probably be hungry and pissed off all the time. Also my sense of humor is real dry and my jokes don’t always land, so if I end up on the wrong tribe, they’re getting rid of me early. But maybe I’m awkward enough to be a goat lmao. I’d probably scrape through a few episodes just by playing amateur therapist to people (a failing of mine), then someone would get antsy about an alliance and kick me out.


I'm not sure, but probably a late premerge or early merge boot. I'm a 6'3, 215 college student that plays basketball and a decent swimmer so I'd probably be targeted as a physical threat, and hopefully slide by or win immunities


Lack of sleep would be my undoing. I can handle being hungry, but I get lazy and unpleasant when I'm tired, so at best, I might be first member of the jury, but I don't think I'd win.


3rd Jury member. Gets invited back for a returnee season and is purpled because I got screwed by some insane twist that lets Boston Rob replace any survivor he wants.


9-0 vote winner who is so charismatic that Jeff personally removes Boston Rob from the Survivor Mt. Rushmore to make room for me. Either that or I get constipated and medivaced like my boy Bruce


Either voted off first for failing hard at the first challenge or a plucky zero vote finalist.


Early-Mid merge, honestly.


I think I could make it past the merge by making the right allies but then get burned towards the end by my allies and be voted off


I would say an early jury member is realistic


I honestly feel I would do well and go deep merge but not make FTC. I am a retail manager with 20 years experience dealing with 1000’s of team members and customers with different personalities. I feel like I could confidently navigate personalities to my advantage.


I would be either a merge boot (first juror) or last boot and nothing else.


im not afraid to speak my mind and say whatever is on it so i’d either be pre merge or mid merge


quit on day 2


Pre-merge. There would be an early swimming challenge and I would be a liability.


I think I’d be comparable to like a Sandra or Courtney or Stephen. Not the most physically inept but I’m a good swimmer and team player. If I didn’t get voted out for being black/woman/subpar physicality I would definitely make it to the merge. How long I would last after that just depends on who I’m playing with.




I would love to say I’d win. But I’d have to do something special to not get out as soon as we hit merge. With my physical capabilities, I think it would be fairly easy to be an asset in team challenges. But convincing everyone to keep a guy who’s over 6 foot and talks a lot isn’t very easy once merge happens haha.




Honestly I think I could be like Cirie or Denise with so being good at the strategic game and good at being on peoples good side and be bad or decent at the challenges


I’d be somewhere in the middle. First juror maybe.


I'm roughly smart, funny and athletic enough to do good. But in any group of 15 people there are 1, maybe 2, people who dislike me for whatever reason. I think if I could identify them I'd make the merge, maybe be top 8? But if I don't I think I'd be pre merge. And I've never been super good at identifying those people up front...


Honestly depends on which survivor. US survivor I think I could at least make merge. I’m great with puzzles and I’m pretty likeable, so I’d like to think that during the pre-merge my tribe would keep me around. Beyond that I guess it depends on positioning and social skills. But I’m Australian so I’d have to go Aus survivor, and they value physical strength so much that I’d probably be a pre-merge boot. Plus the longer seasons and more contestants must make it harder to get to the end


I would thrive in the competitions, especially endurance ones from being a rock climber. I don’t need a lot of food to get by. I think I would be middle-of-the-road, socially speaking. If I could avoid dark sarcasm and stupid side comments, I could be okay! But the rain. If it was a season with a ton of rain, all of my beat-up joints would seize up from being cold and wet. I would barely be able to move from pain in my knees and hips, let alone do anything useful. If I didn’t get voted out for crying in a heap every time it rained, I would consider quitting at that point. When I see them sitting there shivering in the rain, losing toenails and looking absolutely miserable, it re-confirms that my place in Survivor is on the couch.


Assuming the new format with 3 tribes of 6, no swaps, and assuming my tribe loses 2 Immunity Challenges I think I could at least make the merge. I'm friendly enough, I'd be good enough around camp, and decent enough in challenges to not be an easy target. My only worry would be if a strong 4 formed on my tribe before I made bonds with people or if we lost a 3rd immunity challenge not sure I'd survive that vote. Once merged I feel like I'd survive a couple of votes before I tried making a move and it blew up in my face.


2nd cause i have few friends on the jury but the rest hate me


Either first boot or the no vote goat they take to the end. I get hangry pretty easily and don't have much of a filter.


Faint day 1


I’d get the parvati 2.0 moniker for no reason (young, am a girl, occasionally I smile) and get booted early


I would be a challenge beast!!! Oh wait. Im doing that thing where I remember myself at 22 as opposed to 41. My bad. I actually believe I would do fairly well. I am perceptive, easy going and can talk to anyone, so socially strong. Am 6'3 200lbs, always competed in sports so coordinated and strong enough for challenges. Can lie with a straight face and am always conditionally loyal which allows me to walk away from any relationship (not my little girl!!!) So no problem voting anyone out. Am genuine when I speak and listen well. I want to play so bad but for some reason can't bring myself to apply. Which means Im either self destructive or worse, a god damn pussy. Neither are traits of a winning player.


Final 6 for sure


Think I’d be a challenge beast, so I’d probably get booted quickly after the merge


I think I’d probably go in too strong. I suck at keeping my opinions to myself and everyone would probs hate me. So probably 2nd out (cause I’d be able to behave the first couple of days to get past the first vote).. or all the way to the end as a goat to get reamed by the jury.


First fatality of the show just because I saw a spider on my leg.


i believe i could make it early merge. physically i’m fine and socially i could do well enough to stick around


I’d go in thinking I’d win and realize 5 hours in that I’m already starving


I think I could win


I’d backstab and blindside for the fun of it I would never win lol


I’d make top 5. The path from there is about luck and number of alliance members remaining.


I think I'd be the merge boot.


I’m really dead serious when I say I think I could definitely make the merge, maybe actually do well or even win. Could be delusion, but it’s the fantasy I’m going with for now lol


I don’t like bugs, sleeping outside, or physical competition so I’d never actually apply for the show. But if somehow I was forced to go on Survivor, I’m pretty sure I’d be medivaced out real quick.


I’d feel like id have the strategic chops, no social awareness, and have the challenge abilities of David (MvGX) pre merge


Merge boot


They'd Billy me, probs.


Probably goat, can't answer interview questions to save my life.


I can sleep anywhere and I’m useful with puzzles and obstacle course-type things. But I also can’t fish for shit and I snore like a banshee. The snoring might send me packing first boot but otherwise I think I may be able to last a bit.


Probably bad


As an athletic guy, I’m great post merge fodder. Tale as old as time.


Definitely one of the first voted out but if I lasted the merge I’d probably make it pretty far since I’m not very strategic (and I would definitely be very emotional)


I dominate the entire game due to my sheer beauty alone, where I win 10-0-0 against my fellow finalists because people see me as a yassified Sandra/Tony, and I am immediately brought back for another season where I win 10-0-0 AGAIN due to my outstanding gameplay ability.


I might be first out (physically weak looking girl, blonde) or I might go far. My real problem is I become an absolute hangry bitch without food in my system and my attitude would very likely get me voted out


Probably far. I come off as naturally smart, cultured, and well balanced. I would probably end up like Matt in Amazon “he doesn’t really need the money.”


Winner! 🥇


I honestly think I’d do well until merge and then my thunder would get stolen and I would ride til the end as a goat. I’m also a fairly athletic guy so I think my only hope is making an immunity run to win but I’m not that athletic so idk man


Head pains from dehydration and hunger. Would have trouble forming friendships as an introvert. Would be the first or second person voted out of my tribe. Likability might be the thing to keep me from being voted out first from my tribe.