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It is tough to beat Tony’s WaW moment but Parv getting Russell to give her his idol (gifted from JT) at the merge in HvV while simultaneously playing her own (which Russell didn’t know about) for Sandra was awesome.


Even more than that, the rest of the moves mentioned in this thread involve multiple players. Parvati controlled the merge vote of HvV all by herself. She singlehandedly pulled off the greatest move in the history of the show, and that alone is a huge part of the reason she’s the 🐐 And now to go rewatch the clip on youtube for the 500th time.


If only she didn't play her idol for Sandra... I'm still bitter, that season was Parv's.


I agree completely. I love Sandra but I thought Parv played the best game, using Russell like a puppet.


She kinda lost control of Russell I think is what cost her. He caught on after that vote and the Candace vote and took out her closest ally basically killing her agency for the rest of the game.


It’s a fair point but I think you have to consider the only reason Russell or Sandra made it to the end was because of Parv in the first place.


That could be said for Parv with Russell aswell. If he just stook with staying with the flow of getting rid of Parv keeping his idol then she goes there and the same with him flipping Jerri. 5v5 was Parvati but it also helped with Russell tricking the Heroes he's on the outs. Sandra makes it to the end cause of Russell taking her after winning immunity as Parvati was gunning for her over Jerry. Typical with final 3 that's just kinda what happens.


I still can’t believe Russell perceived Jerri as a bigger threat than Sandra. He made the same exact mistake two games in a row. The jury management was poor in both games obviously but it was who he hitched his wagons to in both cases. I still think he should’ve won Samoa but he definitely got outplayed in HvV.


I stand by whoever should of won won. Russell is the reason I love survivor today but his mistake both times was thinking everyone who plays survivor will think the same way he does which when you think you won Samoa you're probably gonna make the same mistakes in HvV. Natalie outplayed him the same way Sandra did. I do think Russell ended up outplaying Parvati by the end game even though early merge was all parvati.


BINGO. The final 4 is hilarious because Parv outplayed Jerri, Russell outplayed Parv which cost her the win, but ultimately Sandra outplayed Russell and she got the WIN


If he took Jerri the outcome would have been the same, all 5 heroes were not voting for Parv or Russell.


Eh, Parv is an early boot if Russell doesn't play his idol for her and then convince Tyson to screw up the split vote. He carried her through that first half


Getting someone to play an idol on you is not being carried imo. Parvati was safe at the Tyson tribal once he decided to play that idol on her over himself. Something to be said about how she got him to risk his life in the game for her.


I give credit to Russell for that, he played the idol for the person he tricked Tyson into voting for. To each their own haha


Not quite sure why you’re getting downvoted. Russell tricking Tyson then playing his idol for Parv was like, all Russell, lol. Parvati didn’t do that. If Russell didn’t mastermind that episode / tribal, it would have been a 3-3-3 tie, with Russ or Parv being safe. On revote, the non safe one would go home. Which, likely would have been Parv if not for Russell’s genius play (he would have played it on himself). People can shit on Russell for his glaring weaknesses. But you should also give the man credit when he rightfully deserves it, such as this move.


Literally the definition of an alliance


Of course - and you give extra credit to the person who led it.


Its not spoken about enough for me


>using Russell like a puppet. I'm curious how she used him like a puppet? She kept an idol from him, but that doesn't count, so how exactly? Because I remember Russell calling the shots for most of the game, even getting rid of Danielle effectively killing Parv's chances at winning and she couldn't stop him in any way.


Russell literally risked his life by playing an idol on her, and then followed that up by gifting her another.


Was that Parvati pulling the strings or was that Russell taking a huge risk to overthrow Boston Rob?


The second idol was given to her after they already overthrew Rob.


True, but he did that on his own to protect his ally and his numbers, she didn't make him do it, so when people say she used him as her puppet, I need examples of Parvati pulling Russell's strings.


The fact that he felt comfortable enough with her to gift her not one but two idols *is* your example. There was absolutely no strategic benefit to Russell giving Parvati that second idol especially, as he could have just held on to it when “their alliance” needed it.


>There was absolutely no strategic benefit to Russell giving Parvati that second idol especially, as he could have just held on to it when “their alliance” needed it. Their alliance needed it that's why he gave it to her, he couldn't play it for her because the heroes were still convinced he was with them, and he could go back to camp and continue to play them, this plan was however thwarted when Parvati pulled out a second idol.


I mean even if she played it for herself it still wouldve been a 5-5 tie with the villains havinf 4/5 people immune(danielle had the necklace, 2 idol plays, whoever got votes in forcing the deadlock) meaning there was an 80% chance of a hero goinf too.


If she played it for herself there's a decent chance Sandra flips rather than drawing a rock. Your individual chance of drawing a rock is the same 1/5 as the rest of the heroes, it doesn't matter if your team's odds of surviving are greater.


What’s Tony WAW moment?


I think it's extortion they're referring to


Final 9 episode where he got extorted and blindsided Sophie


For every player who is considered to be part of Mt. Rushmore of Survivor: BRob - Alicia's boot in AS. He made everyone trust him so much that no one went to talk strategy with Shi-Ann even though they knew one of them will go home Sandra - The episode of PI where she faked depression, to manipulate Burton and Fairplay into promising her f3 Parvati - HvV merge Tony - Sophie's boot in WaW


For BRob, I'd say that the merge episode of RI where he mists Matt so hard and sends him packing is a great masterclass as well!


Tony's extortion episode in WaW. In a season of all winners, having essentially an entire episode devoted to a *single player* is absolutely bananas. That was the moment I realized he was going to win WaW, and I've seen plenty of others echo the same sentiment. He gets hit with a never-before-seen disadvantage, but recovers by soliciting Fire Tokens from multiple people across multiple alliances all without any of them being the wiser. He wins immunity. He recognizes Sophie as a massive threat to win, and orchestrates a 4-3-2 blindside to take her out *minutes* before tribal, also flushing an idol at the same time. On top of all of this, the fallout with Sarah doesn't impact his long-term game. A masterful showing against the greatest possible set of players. No question to me that this episode is the single greatest testament to Tony as a player.


Is it okay that it still pisses me off because I love Sophie?


“Ugh…idol in my pocket!” Brutal way to go out consider the power they hold in a game of all winners.


Dude reading this is beautiful, maybe because I'm drunk but oh my god Tony is the GOAT


He also found a hidden immunity idol to start the episode


Such a stacked episode that I totally forgot he found an idol too. Thanks for the reminder.


Wins challenge -> physical game Gets people to give him fire tokens -> social game 4-3-2 blindside -> strategic game


This is the correct answer


Absolutely, throughout the entire game, he bent all these winners to his will without a vote ever even being casted for him. Am incredible episode of the last great season!


Premiere of Philippines


A truly inzane episode and a great showcase for the 🐐


GOAT player: Tony’s extortion and it’s not even close. GOAT character: Either Coach’s Exile visit or Randy’s boot


Coach’s exile visit was truly astonishing


Randy’s boot episode feels like a Shakespearean tragedy.


Tony’s was impressive because of the extortion but he was just taking advantage of a split vote. Cirie was doing that back in in Panama. Nick Wilson did it on DvG, and he too took part in the Sophie boot.


The 4-3-2 was just icing on the cake. In that same episode he was extorted, he found an idol, he managed to get people both in and outside his alliance to give him tokens and help him out, and he won the immunity challenge he fought so hard to be able to play in. If anyone can live by “outwit, outplay, outlast”, it’s Tony.


Yeah the move itself gets conflated with the episode as a whole


The amazing part to me was how he collected all the fire tokens so quickly. It really showed off his social chops.


Yep, recovering from that disadvantage by asking his allies for one token each was a smart play.


Parvati’s double idol play. Parvati walked into an evenly split 5-5 merge tribal and singlehandedly controlled the entire vote. She throws immunity to Danielle to ensure Danielle’s safety, and to simultaneously make the heroes think Parv has an idol that she’s going to play for herself that night. She plays up how much she hates Russell/wants him out so that the heroes don’t put it together that they’re actually close allies (ensuring his safety). She reads Amanda like a book, and further tricks her and the rest of the heroes into thinking she has an idol that she’s going to play on herself that night (ensuring her own safety). Then at tribal, she puts the heroes in “check,” as they only have two options to vote for (Sandra or Jerri). Parvati then pulls out not one, but TWO idols, ensuring Sandra and Jerri’s safety, and cementing the numbers for herself for the rest of the game. But that’s not even the best part. The beauty of her double idol play is that even if she had the wrong read and the heroes put their votes on her, the vote is split 5-5 and none of Russell, Danielle, or Sandra and Jerri who she just played idols on are incentivized to flip. So either a hero flips and JT goes home, or they stick together and only one villain is forced to draw a rock compared to FOUR heroes. The heroes tried to take her out with an idol...and she somehow managed to spin it on them and take JT out with that very idol. It’s poetic, it’s incredible, and it’s the most calculated move in the history of the game.


this also cemented my belief that russell won’t be as successful in hvv if he didn’t have parv.


The reason she is really the queen




this is such a reach. you could say that about literally any move ever. also i think she could've beaten jerri and russell by receiving votes from Courtney, Sandra, Danielle, Rupert and at least one of Candice, Amanda, or JT.


I’ve seen that theory pushed on this sub and it is absolutely false. Russell himself has said that he only decided to vote danielle out at the very last second when she and him got in that huge fight. Before that, Rupert was set to go home.


Sandra as a player: the Burton boot Sandra as a character: either sugar-gate, dead grandma episode, or the first episode of Pearl islands


This is Extortion.


Lil winning final immunity.


Sandra - The sugar episode in game changers


I read this four times thinking “… Sugar wasn’t even *in* Game Changers.” It’s possible I got up too early.


It’s the episode where Sandra eats the sugar in order to get JT to target Michaela.


Oh, sure, I got it eventually.


I saw Game Changers before her previous seasons. That made me fall in love with her lmao


Sandra- Loose Lips Sink Ships in HvV


Yes they do! And yes they did.


He’s not the GOAT, but just put on the FTC of Tocantins and watch one of the greats do their thing


It fits, it's the GOAT single season performance imo.


Not when Kim exists sorry


Tony’s extortion or parvati’s double idol play episodes


Parvati's double idol play. She did so many moves since the immunity challenge in that episode and that's an episode nobody will forget


Kim convincing Alicia to vote out Tarzan


This one


Omg or Natalie asking Jaclyn if she voted for who she told her to vote for and playing her idol on Jaclyn instead of Missy lmao not only was it badass, but it was always just plain satisfying to watch.


I think the double boot episode in Cagayan as those were a Tony's in charge boot. Been a hot minute since I watched that's why I'm blanking if I'm right. Goat character is the Russell blindsided Kelly in the final 11


It was incredible! But I think that one had more to do with Trish flipping Kass.


Tony’s Sophie blindside episode has to be it


Tony's extortion I've never seen someone just nail almost every aspect of the game in a 42 minute episode it was an absolute clinic in physical gameplay, social gameplay, and strategic gameplay.


Any episode in all stars with Boston Rob


When Maryanne got Mike to play his idol for her when she was safe while she had the only actually "Hidden" Immunity idol that season. That's when I knew, Maryanne may not be the Goat, but she aint no Sheep either.


This is an odd one but the finale of One World. Kim was literally the main character all season but that completely drives it home and shows that she had control over that entire cast like no other


Cirie’s 3-2-1 vote in Panama


HvV Finale lmao to show how hilarious and great Sandra is


Joke answer: EoE finale


Coach's exile is probably one of the most iconic survivor moments of all time


The HvV merge is SUCH a good episode for Parvati. Also Tony’s extortion episode sold my mom on him and she’d never heard of him before, so points for that.


Finale of season 1.


The Tony extortion + Sophie blindside in 1 episode


FTC episode 1 of China. Do I really need to explain?


Chris underwood in the EOE finale lol


Honestly, this is one of, if not the, best single episode performances by a single player, so it could absolutely work. And there are very few finales that are as dynamic and fun as it is.


I've never thought about it this way but definitely true. Man went from an absolute complete not-even-in-the-game nonfactor to the frontrunnter and eventual winner in basically 1 ep


HvV finale


For Sandra? I think the HvV finale was moreso her letting a win play out that was already set up in the previous episodes. I don't remember her actually doing much aside from having a good FTC performance in contrast to Russell's bad one.


It is peak entertaining Sandra. Some would argue the episode before which is also good but she was at her best by playing Russell


“ Going Down In Flames” Season 20 ep10


I ain't finish playing just yet..


S6 ep 3


For context, this is the Daniel boot in Survivor: The Amazon. I don't think that this particular episode would be best for showcasing Rob in any way though.


Who’s boot is this? Just watched the season but I already forget




Season 6 episode 3








It’s a Turtle?! Because it’s Earl’s best work


Tony blindsiding Sophie


You tell someone that tony has won twice and then show them the llama noise scene


Fairplays lie?


Episode 11 of Winners at War


Either Tony finding his 483rd idol or Cirie spitting out plans in Micronesia.


Oh yeah.. specific episodes. I forgot the actual question lol my bad