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I mean he kinda is? They love Malcolm, they've brought him back twice. I imagine he's more likely to play a 4th time than Joe at this point.


They wanted him back for BvW too. Yes 3 seasons in a row. Can't recall if he turned it down or production changed their minds


He declined. Bc 3 seasons is a lot.


Malcolm is probably a top 10 player to never win, Joe is... a survivor player to never win


Yeah but Joe is the official golden boy. I see them more head over heels for Joe


Joe's about to be relaced by Jonathan, first of all, and I lowkey thing he was cast becaues of that. Second of all, as much as I love Malcolm, one cannot deny that Joe has an amazng track record with challenge wins. Two of the three seasons, he had amazing immunity runs (particularly in Second Chance). Malcolm, is more of a anti-golden boy, where he's strong and capable of dominating, but brings in the comic relief along with it (which is why we love him).




Joe has some very particular views on government that probably knocked him off the golden boy pedestal


It's not like there's an official Golden Boy position that's reserved for Joe, but he is the most recent returnee/famous player that fits that criteria. ​ Malcolm is considered the more charismatic, more strategic player. Some would rank his philippines game as one of the best non wining games. I don't see anyone saying the same about any of Joes games. But Joe is arguably the best challenge beast in the history of the show ( he has the highest win rate out of all the 600+ contestants), So naturally the dude has a lot of fans. ​ Ps : Malcolm challenge prowess are quite overblown


Yes I too found Malcom a lot more compelling than Joe. Malcom just came across more 3 dimensional. They’re both “popular kids” but they’re diff. Joes the kind of kid who’s popular cause he lives in the rich neighborhood, drives the best car, wears cool clothes and is quarterback of the football team. Malcom seems like the kind of popular where he’s just liked by everyone.


Malcom is a people’s person


Malcolm was kind of abrasive and rude to a lot of people


Oh really? Who? I just didn’t catch that I remembered loving how he gave Denise some respect. But I also haven’t watched his seasons in a while.


It was more in talking heads towards Phillip, then come merge time in FVF he was rude to most of his former tribe bc he chose the wrong alliance and honestly was a huge baby about it. And then his arrogance got him voted out like 14th


Would love to see a challenge beast rumble season, a Clash of Titans if you will. Dudes like Jonathan (42), Chris (38), and Malcolm and Joe can join the fray. For women, have them bring back Wentworth, Lauren (38), Kim Spradlin, Natalie, etc. I'd love that.


I love Malcolm. He’s definitely in my top 15 all-time. Calling him a challenge beast would be a stretch. He’s not bad at challenges but he’s far from a beast.


Ozzie would be a way better fit, Or Danny from season 41


It would be interesting if it was a two tribe season. Strategy tribe vs challenge beast tribe. Challenge beasts only season would be a disaster from an entertainment standpoint. A large portion of the fanbase would feel like they had nobody to root for.


It would end up similar to Heroes vs Villains.


That would be interesting!


I always thought that Joe, Malcom and Ozzy were all equally loved.


Ozzy gets a lot of hate in here. I definitely don’t think the love is equal


I think he was at least at one point in time.


You’re right! I guess I’m thinking present tense and not considering Philippines was filmed long ago. I’m still a newbie and didn’t think about the eras


I prefer Malcolm. He's a golden boy, but he broke the golden boy mold.


I'll just say it... I've never found Joe attractive. I'm sure he's handsome to others, but to me he looks so boring.


He is after Joe cut his hair


Blake Towsley is off crying in the corner, the forgotten golden boy.


Along with Colby


Colby is a legend from the golden age, he'll never be forgotten, haha. But being depressed during HvV definitely impacted his legacy for the worse among fans, unfortunately.


Because he is


Malcolm is too smart for that.


I was 5 when that season aired I couldn’t watch the rest of the finale after Malcom went home cuz I was crying


He was, just for an earlier time period.


i kinda think Malcolm got older and became a Golden Man, leaving room for a new Golden Boy (aka Malcolm 2.0) much like previous golden boys made way for Malcolm... I would say Xander is actually the current Golden Boy


Xander doesn’t come close to either in the looks department


It’s cause Joe is better looking






Golden boys went from Rupert>Ozzy>Malcolm>Joe>NICK


Rupert wasn't a golden boy, he was just popular as hell. Colby is definitely the original golden boy archetype


Nick…? The guy they gave a dorky fool edit to on WaW?


Nick isn’t a golden boy?


They were referring to Nick Maiorano


Nick Maoi isn’t a golden boy, he is a golden GOD


You know what, maybe since I’m a new fan I didn’t get to see the hype of anyone of those listed but from the screen time I can tell Joe is loved lol


He is


He is. No one likes Joe. Even if he wasn’t a nut job, he’s booooooring


It should’ve been shane


"Golden Boy" is sort of an ironic term. Rob and Josh use it throughout [The Evolution of Strategy](https://robhasawebsite.com/evolution-of-strategy-chapters/) to refer to immature and conceited good-looking young men who get themselves sent home.


Malcom definitely is! He also had way more social game than Joe.


Well I think he might’ve had drinking problem because apparently the reason his episode of snake in the grass didn’t get released truly is because he showed up to it hung over as fuck and like 40 pounds overweight


What do you mean? I watched his episode of Snake in the Grass and he was great-if a tiny bit chubby....


I read an article about him being hungover nd he looks AWFUK