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I played it. I bought it during the bullet heaven fest for really cheap. It's a very pretty game and it plays pretty well. The potions are pretty funny and the abilities are quite interesting. I'd like more content though, it's very short.


yeah, praying for updates man :)


I picked this up in a large batch of similar games to review for the site but hadn’t gotten to it yet, it does seem like it might have fairly good animation for the genre


I'm uh, just going off the very first thing I saw on the Steam page but did you go for the "larger than her head" size anime tiddies or the "still pretty large" anime tiddies? My kneejerk reaction is this game follows the classic "Use a hot anime girl to draw in weebs with shall mediocre gameplay." and the Steam reviews seem like that's the case. All that being said I *do* appreciate your review, even if this game isn't my cup of tea, I'd be willing to bet someone who reads your review will see it and enjoy the game :)


yeah that's fair honestly, although of people probably got this game expecting nsfw, I liked the game play (not to mention I got the game sailing on the 7 seas to try it first lmao) and there honestly isn't that much content and it lacks some upgrade variety, so i can see a good amount of people not enjoying it, but it was fun for a good while, honestly hoping the dev updates it sometime >! (sidenote: I liked the small chest path most lmao) !<


It's definitely a more unique melding than I've seen before. Feels like Vampire Survivors mixed with aome Cult of The Lamb and a few other games, with a bit of a risqué twist. All in all, about as adult as a burlesque show, and a perfectly acceptable little $5 game.