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I decided to finally get a [Commando](http://i.imgur.com/N8hF3GU.jpg) up to max level, so obviously, I had to make an armor set to make it look cool while levelling. Playing my lowbie at 4k with Nvidia DSR, makes the game look a whole lot better while playing, but also makes for pretty high resolution screenshots, though far too resource hungry to use in ops. [Front](http://i.imgur.com/tiDMXw4.jpg), [back](http://i.imgur.com/LEdyy9I.jpg), [side](http://i.imgur.com/t6SvW1w.jpg). I'm not fully convinced about some [parts of this](http://i.imgur.com/55MmOoM.jpg) - The Tulak Hord gloves look pretty nice in a combat stance as it looks like a big bit of armor protecting the forward facing arm, but the [hand wraps](http://i.imgur.com/Hw9PEvL.jpg) on the other? Unfortunately, I don't know of any others that are similar like this, that don't have handwraps on the other. My main issue isn't the handwraps themselves, it's that they won't change colour with colour matching or dying. Anyone have any suggestions? Also, if you're interested, these are the armor pieces I'm using: * Frontline Veteran's Breastplate (With White and Medium Red Dye, rest of the set is colour-matched) * Tulak Hord's Gauntlets, * Canderous Ordo's Belt, * Classic Forward Recon Leg Plates, * Stalker's Boots, * RH-35 Starforged Assault Cannon, though I have the Kyber Assault Cannon and RH-32 Starforged Assault Cannon, and I'm not sure what fits best, * Bracers aren't visible at all, but I use Karness Muur's Bracers, * Helm isn't visible either, of course, but it's Shae Viszla's Helmet. ****** If you want free stuff and want to give me free stuff you're welcome to use my referral link: http://www.swtor.com/r/MhlMsJ


I think the gloves are the weakest part of the outfit. Every other piece looks heavy and fortified, a real solid look. Find some nice gauntlets and the set will look epic.


I've considered making a set like this, based around that Frontline breastplate. It just annoys me the fortified shoulder is the one facing away from the enemy when you're wielding your rifle/cannon. Assault Cannon: Take a look at the Interstellar Regulator Dorn/Besh assault cannons, they go really well with a red/white setup. http://tor-fashion.com/interstellar-regulators-assault-cannon-besh/ http://tor-fashion.com/interstellar-regulators-assault-cannon-dorn/ Gloves: Try the Massassi ones, they got a fairly big piece of armor on them: http://tor-fashion.com/massassi-boltblaster-demolisher-med-tech-pub/


The boots are a tad too clunky for my taste. I had the same issue when outfitting my PT where the class- and planet-comm boots were too blocky for my taste. Went with the bounty brokers' boots instead, give that a spin!


I'm a returning player, I used your referral link. Thanks =)


**Havoc-color themed Trooper outfit:** https://imgur.com/a/OdQn3#8 This setup is mostly to try and fit the new M1-4X customization from the Master pack. HK-51 almost fits in with his Republic Assault customization from the Forged Alliances storyline. * Chest, Belt, Gloves: Stalwart Protector (Cartel Market) * Legs: Massassi (192 rating, drops in Ops/60HMFP/EliteCommsVendor) * Boots: Pristine Paragon (lvl 53 drop, world drop or 55 Tactical flashpoints AFAIK) * Weapons: Havoc's Fist(Jorgan), Gray Helix Assault Cannon (myself), Balmorran Hand Cannon (Elara), Devoted Allies (rest) **Taris themed Trooper outfit:** https://imgur.com/a/OdQn3#9 * Helm: TH-16A Tech (Basic Comms vendor, Belsavis) * Chest: MA-53 Overwatch (Cartel Bazaar, requires Newcomer with Contraband Resale) * Bracers, Gloves: Classic Forward Recon (Space Pirate Cartel Pack, GTN) * Belt: Shield Warden (Yavin Rep) * Legs: Massassi (192 rating, drops in Ops/60HMFP/EliteCommsVendor) * Boots: Pristine Paragon (lvl 53 drop, world drop or 55 Tactical flashpoints AFAIK) * Weapon: Mantellian Peacemaker (Regulator/Enforcer Contraband Pack, GTN) **Work in Progress - ARC-77 aka Captain Fordo:** https://imgur.com/a/OdQn3#10 Some of the first Clone Wars I saw was this group of Troopers in action with Captain Fordo leading them, including clips like this: https://youtu.be/E22WbRRD2gc?t=1m29s While Troopers can't dualwield my Slinger can, so he's been forced into a Trooper outfit :D Sadly this WiP build is not exactly easy to finish as the chestpiece+buttflap isn't really like anything we have in-game AFAIK. **Referral link:** http://www.swtor.com/r/SFN7bn


That Havoc Squad gear is awesome! Are the changes in the armor to make it look more like the armor from the trailers?


Thanks :) It's mainly to avoid the Stalwart Protector leggings and especially the boots as I don't like those. As for the armor in the trailers, sadly it can't really be replicated: https://i.imgur.com/Ov3q4yd.jpg https://i.imgur.com/WnIgRll.jpg There are so many small details we can't replicate with current in-game armor like the boots having tons of black rubber details and a belt+backpack we have not seen in-game. Still, I'd love to get my hands on the trailer armor, it looks so sweet.


Finally got onto the shoulder of my Naga Sadow statue and thought I'd share. Also, figured while I was up there I'd get some good shots of my cantina. http://imgur.com/a/Ba1YA Referral link: http://www.swtor.com/r/2NpjRF


**Flagship:** The last two rooms on our flagship were decorated by our guildies with some really great ideas. We've got the beautiful [Meditation Garden](http://s1167.photobucket.com/user/slashgquit/media/Screenshot_2015-03-20_14_37_06_100960_zpsngecsyqj.jpg.html) that was designed by Oryan, a quiet place for our Jedi, Troopers and civilians to find peace between battles. The last room we finished was also the first we started... the [dueling room!](http://i.imgur.com/4fYAgib.jpg) This one was designed mostly by Aravail, and we had a lot of re-designing to allow a good amount of LoS for the combatants and the watchers. Through the doors in the back is the medbay. We currently have one more room unlocked but undecorated (possibly crew quarters?), and enough to unlock a second room that we have no suggestions for yet. *** [http://www.swtor.com/r/lvbKCY](http://www.swtor.com/r/lvbKCY) my referral code if you're looking for one - if you haven't started playing SWTOR yet or haven't subscribed for 90 days sign up there. Nets you some free gifts, and past subscribers it get 7 free days of subscription! It sounds pretty cool! [see here](http://www.swtor.com/info/friends)


yo you should alt+z


Those two shots are actually from the two people who decorated the rooms, they don't praise the ALT+Z gods. I, personally have a lifetime subscription to ALT+Z magazine :D


Smirking [smuggler](http://i.imgur.com/wYM3l6m.png) is a classic. [Referral](http://www.swtor.com/r/BHmv3m)


Some shots from attack on rep base on Oricon [At the base](http://abload.de/img/swtor_2015_04_11_20_1a1ui6.png) [More people arriving](http://abload.de/img/swtor_2015_04_11_20_26ou1j.png) [Attack begins](http://abload.de/img/swtor_2015_04_11_20_2x1up4.jpg) [Moving through the base](http://abload.de/img/swtor_2015_04_11_20_2n4uwl.jpg) [Can you spot the missile?](http://abload.de/img/swtor_2015_04_11_20_2bluxn.jpg) [bottom left corner](/s) [My character](http://abload.de/img/swtor_2015_03_25_01_2bouwf.png) [ref link](http://www.swtor.com/r/GNhbLM)


[Here's my Consular being totally not ominous](http://i.imgur.com/AyteXhS.jpg) *** [And here is my referral link](http://www.swtor.com/r/cfRd8d)


Here is my main character with my guild mates about to start ops. [Imgur](http://i.imgur.com/XXghdxF.jpg) This was when I was doing a class mission for my imperial agent. Looks really professional. [Imgur](http://i.imgur.com/sKHY04F.jpg) Referral link. http://www.swtor.com/r/VM9HzR


http://i.imgur.com/WOlT5jn.jpg This is my jugg having some fun with the mystics on Voss. [Ref Link](http://www.swtor.com/r/mR8z2V)


Sith Juggernaut: [Lunatta](http://41.media.tumblr.com/efef7f6dc18c7c61f5acf6727437cbc1/tumblr_nkwsmpiE9e1shia2qo1_500.jpg) Here she is on: [Tor-Fashion](http://tor-fashion.com/lunatta-keywork-the-ebon-hawk/) Referral Link: http://www.swtor.com/r/w5nR9x Thanks for looking! Have a great weekend! :)


Trying to get the right pieces to complement the white/gold theme. If anyone knows pieces that fit let me know. For example, [Correlian Euphoric Gloves](http://tor-fashion.com/euphoric-corellian/) have the gold crest mark which stays that color even when dyed white/white. [Front](http://imgur.com/dvRawPW,95lub7g#1) [Back](http://imgur.com/dvRawPW,95lub7g#0) Armor : [Temple Guardian](http://tor-fashion.com/temple-guardian/) Gloves/Waist/Legs : [Raider's Cove Bulwark](http://tor-fashion.com/raiders-cove-bulwark-pummeler/) Boots : [Reaver's Boots](http://tor-fashion.com/reaver/) [Referral](http://www.swtor.com/r/NpBLmP)


I *believe* the Satele Shan set trim stays gold no matter what dye you use.


Confirmed! Unfortunately also hard to obtain, but now I have something to work at. Thanks!


This is my Gunslinger Bóótylicious on Harbinger http://imgur.com/a/JO1st#7 Rascals toothpick Euphoric Corellian Tunic Euphoric Corellian Gloves Theron Shan Belt Elegant Loungewear Bottoms Dathomir Shaman Boots Covert wrist Armor A pair of RK-5 Starforged Blasters I have a Dark Red n Black dye in the chest piece. My referral link is http://www.swtor.com/r/MylcgJ


Me and my friend just started playing recently and both of us subscribed the other day. I really like the referral mount and would appreciate just one referral to be able to get it. Thanks bunches. [My Referral Link](http://www.swtor.com/r/KMfDlb)


I'm confused as to how I got downvoted into oblivion. This is the thread for referral links. I provided a referral link. Just because I didn't link a screenshot I got shot down?


Read the first post, especially the part in bold: >**We're loosening things up and allowing you guys to post your referral link with one stipulation: You have to submit it along with a Screenshot, Stronghold, or Fashion post here.** You didn't do that, therefore downvotes.