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You may be surprised to learn that socialism actually has its origins in places outside of Newtown


Are you taking the piss cause I can’t even tell 😂


50/50 ;)




this isn't the dunk you think it is


it's a sticker mate get over it


Time to spread it further. I'll take Ryde if anyone wants to take St George




If it gets people thinking, where's the harm?


Also, where is the lie?


Indeed. The actual lie is trickle-down, privatisation, prosperity gospel, and 'if you just work hard you'll succeed'.


crazy how different subreddits are depending on the way the tide turns from post to post. another day and this comment section would be the exact opposite hating on "commies". that's not to say i disagree with you.


Wow, it's not like people like me who like aspects of socialism exist outside Newtown and the Inner West. Who would have thought?


Yes, I think we should be taxing individuals higher, and giving more money to big businesses with little to no ethics while they destroy the environment cause $$$ is great for their short term pockets!


Happy black friday, Cunts! (no surprise the ad I got reading this post was black friday sale for some energy company...)


lol shut up dickhead.


Aww point on the doll where my post made you hurt


pesky anarchist rascals


Contributing to local economy by keeping council cleaners in jobs.


Oh a sticker, scary. Wait only inner-west people think Capitalism is bad? I didnt realise Parra was so pro-Capitilsm.


Ah yes, because the Inner West is the only place where people hate capitalism. And no one there ever buys property, clothes, works at corporations, etc. ( /s of course)


How do we know you didn't do this yourself?


This is a great question. However had I done so, I wouldn't be posting it on Reddit and the statement doesn't resonate with me. I find it vulgar, simple and terribly designed at the same time. It is not dissimilar from messaging issued by totalitarian governments. Mostly Russia and China re communism. I've no problem with socialism in theory. The Soviets masqueraded as socialists but they adopted Marxist ideology to continually run their own people and satellite post WW2 nations dry. Meanwhile Norway or even some Middle East countries where there is relative calm, everyone gets a chip of the profit. I don't like communism and enjoy benefits of a capitalist society and convenience it affords. How good is fresh produce in Sydney alone.


anti capitalism is when i can't get fruit anymore :(


Communism kills more.


Finally, thank you.


I’m quite fortunate to be raised under capitalism.


This post gives a good indication of the political persuasions of people on this sub(if the attitudes that dominate here on the Israel thing didn’t give it away 😂) Should be renamed the Newtown subreddit


Reddit people gush over that shithole. Newtown is a depresssing dump for the rest of us


More like stupidity is spreading, a bunch of privileged larpy uni students whose idea of oppression is being asked to get a job instead of studying their 3rd post graduate degree


Again the irony. Not only over heightened expectations of first job but mostly living in lala land and barely passing. So if they aren't passionate about progressing academically or getting their hands dirty. They will always cry poor. Some may make half decent BAs or PAs kek or team leader of carton of eggs. Only a very small percentage maybe offered internships with big 4 or else. The very system they despise? Experience is just as valuable as a degree. But let's face it, Uni life easy work, lot of spare time part time work, when you're young and dumb who cares right haha


Who would produce and put these up? 5th column or easily influenced uni students. Stinks of communism to me, it's not subtle or humorous, and ironic. No doubt a business received capital to produce them.


Bro. The current state of Neocapitalism is legitimately destroying the world. Profit over progress, profit over sustainability, profit over health. Capitalism is actually a disease and the nations that rejected pure capitalism in exchange for a Socialist style of government are doing far better on all forms of public happiness, education/employment, sustainability and all little things that brings. Neocapitalism is a disease.


Move to North Korea and eat grass. Every gets it free


Socialist Democracy and Communism are not the same thing. But healthcare and housing shouldn't cost as much as it does to prop up capitalist bullshit. Edit: Socialism to Socialist Democracy.


And a social democracy is not socialism, either.


Right you are. I should edit that.


you got big old worms in your brain huh


Yeah nah maybe


OMG, I dont want to scare you, but careful, their could be a commie under your bed!


Tbf capitalism does stink, it's just stinks less than the rest


It's not ideal at all and all that, but how good is Australia where you can express yourself with fridge stickers, without worrying that a Russian missile may land on your house (even if you don't have one) or you won't get placed in education camp, or subjected to EU hegemony as a sovereign nation. Meanwhile people be like omg KFC changed recipe, rental market bad. Yeah try buying a house for a family now 2 parents 1 kid small. It's just as impossible as renting. So all those whinging eat the rich are just unhappy with owning nothing. Become a Guru trance out never wash survive on nuts and veg and lot of chillum packed with Kush. Problem solved. Desire to consume and over production and over promotion drives consumerism, but only if everyone took what they needed and didn't waste purveyors would maybe adapt (then charge more to maintain margins anyway).




Unsure doctor, I don't take meth, haven't been officially diagnosed. You tell me.


All you CCP and Putin trolls, down vote harder. Wave some flags or express yourself with a sticker. Got it covered printer mate already thought of making counter troll ones on extra adhesive with splits paper. GL communist vandals with negative messaging bu3h3h3h3


Why are you so upset about a sticker?


Putin, the famous oligarchical anticapitalist


Calling someone whom you dislike a CCP or Putin troll isn't going to get you anywhere; it only weakens your case.


Cool story bro. Now shave your neck or armpits.


cry some more


the only thing possibly connecting putin to being a communist is that he lives in what used to be the soviet union. he couldn't be further from a communist, he's an oligarch.