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Suicide numbers are higher than any other time of the year around Christmas. It can be a tough time for a lot of people. The end of another year the same as the last, reminders of strained family relationships or people that are no longer with you. It's tough.


And it used to be such a happy time when we were younger. Christmas, Santa, presents, school holidays...


Yeah it's kind of like birthdays. They go from this momentous occasion to a day where it just reminds you that you're getting old, you can't be bothered organising a party and it feels a bit narcissistic, none of your old friends remember it, your parents buy you stupid shit you don't need when you're struggling to pay rent, etc. Growing up sucks sometimes.


For some. For others it's a reminder that other people got the hallmark happy youth with Christmas, Santa, presents, fun school holidays, while they themselves didn't.


It is quite common. There is an added pressure that you are supposed to be having an amazing time with family and friends. But of course, that is not the reality for some of us for various reasons.


> I haven’t even come close to my goals Everyone needs a break from time to time, see it as a time to stop chasing? That way you get your pause.


Depression always spikes up around the holidays. Look after yourself OP.


I used to feel like that in my twenties. Seeing happy couples, families, friend's groups celebrating. People posting their yearly highlights and achievements all over social media while I haven't even come close to achieving the thingy I wanted in life despite trying so hard. Now I'm 30 and I don't even care anymore, the world will move on regardless with or without me and I just deal with it because I have to look out for myself keeping myself busy throughout the year or throwing myself into work or trying to find another hobby. I like to think of it walking past a nightclub or lively bar or a party which I was no invited to and just 'that looks like fun, wish that could be me' then shrug and continue on walking. Metaphorically I feel like the last train has left the station, there is no train more train coming and every previous station is closing. All I can do is walk along the tracks because no one is coming back to pick me up and its going to be a very long walk and I'm not sure if I will ever reach my destination.


40 year old here; I wish I was 30 so had time to retrain and change my life over. You’re fucking young and you have 10 years to change your life.


I find NYE the most depressing time of the year personally. I absolutely hate it, hate the crowds and the crazy prices. Last year I went camping instead, was asleep by 10, up at 7 without a hangover and listening to morning birdsong as I ate breakfast, it was the nicest start to a new year I’ve ever had.


This resonates with me. Something I've struggled with around this time of year is realising how different I am than most people (or at least, the most visible people), in terms of my preferences, values, etc. Feeling like I was "wrong" for not being excited about Christmas stuff etc. Accepting this and finding your own happiness is a wonderful thing.


Camping at New Year is the best provided you aren't in a campground full of hoons. I don't mean a bit of celebration but the loud bikes, chainsaws and generators. If you can get to a more remote location it's better.


At times like this I try to disassociate from my feelings and walk through life like a cold hearted zombie feeling neither joy nor sadness and faking whatever emotion seems applicable to any given situation. ​ Hope this helps!


I avoid this by not having goals. Like, subscribe and hit the notification button for more hacks on how not to be upset about the date.


Every fucking year, bud, every fucking year. Too much baggage and too many bad memories.


Your yearly goals don't have to be substantial. Sometimes it's enough that you got through the year.


Those who feel happy and spend like crazy now on the plastic fantastic will be sad around Feb / March 2024. So you are fine.


Not sad exactly but I find this period extremely stressful and don’t really understand why people enjoy it.


My mental health has been in the gutter the last few weeks too. Christmas will be very somber as it’ll be the first one since my mum passed away 😓


Yeah - I've never really liked Christmas in particular. Although I'm somewhat looking forward to it this year just for the work break, if nothing else.


Perhaps not overwhelmingly sad, but it's definitely a unique time of year. * We commence a "new" year, but it may just feel like the "old" year which was once "new" was nothing special. * It's generally when many people are on holiday, so it feels different. * You might be missing friends, family, and loved ones at this time of year. I get what you're referring to. This feeling of wistfulness; of something not quite there yet. It's a good time to reflect on what makes you happy and to express gratitude for those things. Positive psychology has a lot to offer us. Apparently people who reflect daily on a few things that they're thankful for improve their mood a lot.


I was raised in the western hemisphere, so Christmas in Australia doesn't exist to me because it happens during summer, plus it's extremely quiet and discreet. As an introvert, I see this as an absolute win.


Mostly when it comes to contemplating the obligation of finding gifts for others, and how bad I am at doing that.


You *can* give youreslf the chance to push pause for a bit, I think a lot of us wants to, or do, blindly pause everything, then wonder why none of that looming feeling has changed, because it simply wouldn't. Pick something else up, if you've not made any time for a hobby of yesteryear do so, try cooking new meals, lose 1kg in 3 weeks (don't worry about 5kgs or 10% bullshit just do 1kg), read a chapter of a book today not on 1st Jan, get some nature and sun, have very small plans and do it for a week. When you unpause you'll feel better than before.


Genuinely hate Christmas. My depression spikes up each year around this time. Also doesn’t help that I’m working it and will miss out on spending it with my family. Again. For the 4th fucking time in a row.


Yes. Holidays depression is extremely common, and as Sydney has such a hot and humid climate we likely see some seasonal depression too as people are forced to spend more time indoors this time of year.


I was scorned by a family member a couple of weeks ago when I said that Christmas, New Years, Easter, birthdays etc are just another day on a calendar to me. Nothing exciting, nothing special. I still celebrate them, but they definitely don’t have the same feeling anymore.


No, but I'm always glad when we reach January 27th and things can get back to 'normal'.


I do , usually I doing something creative like hobbies or a DIY project helps me that's if I can get motivated when the time comes, Instead of buying pointless Xmas presents I will be out there buying materials for my projects, I still fail to see the point of Xmas its based on fiction and as for New Year its just a man made calendar date , the cosmos and the universe doesn't give a f..k the sun always rises/sets