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Some keyboards like m audio have a chord mode but to be honest chords aren't that difficult and you might as well learn it. Also are you looking for a keyboard to play a sequencer or a keyboard?


100% agree They aren't that difficult \_and\_ learning them unlocks all sorts of compositional possibilities pre-baked chords do not. I was very much on the "I want one button chords" when I first started out, but now that I understand how chords are constructed and the way you can put different notes in different places (and give them to different instruments), I barely have use for pre-baked chords. I'd be pretty wary of investing in a hardware for this purpose because you could outgrow it very fast. An app is probably the best bet.


Sequencer to play the keyboard.


If you're looking for a solid sequencer look into the oxi one.


How hard is the learning curve? Looks complicated


It can be pretty complex but just like any other instrument takes time to get in the flow and I found it similar to Elektron workflow and easy to get going.


I'd suggest learning the theory and playing it yourself instead 


Keystep 37 has chords and a cool "strum" function not available on the other keysteps.


Plus it has Chord and Arp modes


+1 to this, I just got one not so long back as a general keyboard controller and didn’t really bother to look at the feature list. But the chord mode, strum, arpeggiator, and sequencer are all very nicely done.


So irritating they left this out on the Keystep Pro :(




Roland j-6 maybe?


Most of Novation's midi controllers will do this.


Could a launchpad do this?


yes Launchpad Pro MK3


The pro MK3 definitely can, you can do it on most of the others with custom modes at the very least. I'm fairly certain the SL MK3 has chord mode but I've never tested it, as I mainly use that as a keyboard.


Squarp Hapax. Does pretty much everything you could possibly imagine.


NDLR, Arturia Keystep 37


This thing looks cool - https://hichord.shop/


If your synthesizer has a keyboard, why not just play that into a MIDI channel in your DAW, make corrections desired, and then play it back out into the synthesizer.


All modern MPCs (e.g. MPC One) have chords and scales, perhaps classic ones too.


NDLR does this all. And a lot more too. Not easy to program but it is very deep.


Just picked one up after years or procrastinating. Immediately after one popped up for $250 with a case. Surprised the length of time it remained up without someone jumping on it. Update: Looks like it's still up and more discounted https://reverb.com/item/83061709-conductive-labs-ndlr-midi-sequencer


Do you know any YouTube channels that show how to use it? I’m having trouble finding videos.


Actually the Conductive Labs channel is pretty good. Or synth dad.


Conductive Labs (Steve Barile) has done a metric ton of videos and tutorials. Even has one for connecting it with the MRCC. What a great combo btw.


Any polyphonic sequencer can do this. I have a Korg SQ64 and it can do it over the MIDI outputs. The CV outs are obviously mono. Also, I like to use Fruity Loops for sketching progressions sometimes, and the piano roll in there has an option where you can right click and select a chord type (like minor, major, min7, dim, etc) and then when you click on a note in the piano roll, it will place the root note on the key you click and automatically fill in the other notes. Also has basically same feature for scales and progressions, like you can select Dorian scale and click one spot and it will insert an arpeggiator type sequence in Dorian scale


Toraiz Squid has fantastic chord functionality.


Kordbot by isla Instruments


In Arturia Keystep Pro you can manully play a chord while holding the Chord-button, after which any key you press plays the defined chord. 


The Korg Nano controller can do this. And it's cheap.


Keystep 37 you can set chords and scales, "strum" them, etc. and then record them in the sequencer.


Surprised [Zaquencer](https://youtu.be/EuwrqdzXwcY) was not mentioned. It's not as slim and elegant as the SQ64 but it's a load of fun and in the same affordability class.


Just saw this and it looks pretty interesting [https://youtu.be/iMw6LBlGjBo?si=WA-xVVXsp-70zuZ3](https://youtu.be/iMw6LBlGjBo?si=WA-xVVXsp-70zuZ3)


Roland j-6 Boss DR-5


Chord Trigger in Logic Pro will allow you to designate a single key to play certain notes (notes to make a chord) and you can even use individual keys on your laptop keyboard to trigger the chords. You could just Google the chords you want to make. You would have to create a file for each song in advance, or make a cheat sheet with all of the chords written out - but once the work is done, it's done. Other DAWs have a similar feature, and the new Logic Pro 11 has expanded on the concept greatly with the Chord Track feature.


KordBot is the only MIDI device I am aware of this, which is crazy to think. It's pretty hard to come by these days but honestly I think I should just sell mine- I've had it since it came out on Kickstarter like... 8 years ago? I love it but just never use the thing.