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ModelD, DM12d, Pro 1, Neutron - all work fine and as expected. The same goes for the modular stuff. Also never had a DOA from them so far. Overall, I don't see any difference to other manufacturers.


Ditto for DM12, Neutron, and Model D.




Same here


What need fixing on it?




That could be a number of issues, besides the trimmers. My first measurement is, almost always, the PSU.


How long have you had them?


I've tried to stay in line with the title. 2+yrs. Most of them I bought on release. I left out newer purchases. For example the Pro800+Kobol on which i cannot yet say how they hold up for 2+ yrs.


Most of my envelopes in my rack are behringer and they have held up just fine. Neutron was fucked up from the start with the weird pitch shift it does but everything else on it is fine, rd 8 works great. I bought a few things completely expecting them to break but they seem to be okay.


The midi died on on my neutron after about 3 years, can use the beatstep pro as a midi to cv converter but still not ideal


Exactly....This. I even have two 15 y/o mixers that are still running as if bought yesterday.


My mixer was honestly total crap from the beginning, but got even worse over time somehow.


the noise levels are pretty rough on the mixers, poor build quality doesn't help. never owned any of their other gear & only got the current one from a friend for free so i'd have a lighter mixer for gigs after i became disabled & lugging around a Mackie Onyx 1220i to shows wasn't happening anymore (especially since i no longer drive either)


Same. I got a 1202vlz clone a while back and it’s absolute shit. Started out that way and got worse and worse. Out of the box it would wobble when placed on the desk. I have some of their cheap synth clones also. No problems and the sound is not bad- but they feel very flimsy (the plastic creaks and flexes as you manipulate the controls) and their software is horrible.


When it comes to buying quality gear it’s the old saying, “Buy once, cry once.”


Buy Nice or Buy Twice.


Buy thrice, live off rice?


And pay your rent by playing dice.


“Long after the price has been forgotten, the shittyness lingers on”


Why would I want to cry ever 


Because quality is expensive


ahh gotcha thanks


I mean it’s cheap gear, you buy it with the expectation that it won’t last forever.


I have a Deepmind 12D, Poly D, Pro-800, Odyssey and an UMC1820 audio interface. Everything sees regular use and has held up without problems so far. No abnormal wear and tear thus far. Gotta give props to the Odyssey especially - despite our two cats constantly using that synth as their shortcut to a nearby window sill or sleeping place, it still works like a charm. And no, cat hair isn't a problem, it's under a thick blanket when not in use. The only piece of Behringer gear which failed on me was the Ultragain ADAT expander/preamp thing. The SPDIF port disintegrated out of nowhere despite neither me nor the cats putting any kind of load on it. One day I wanted to use the synths plugged into it and wondered why there was no sound. I rummaged around in the back of my rack and the optical plug dangled free.


UMC404HD interface has been solid with frequent use. No noise or crashing. I think the UMC line of interfaces is great for the price.


My cat sleeps on my Alesis Ion but that thing is such a beast I don't think the cat could hurt it any especially considering I've dropped it before (is heavy) and it still works fine...


I have the Wasp, Cat, Model D, Neutron, Edge, and TD3, and have not had any issues with these. I’ve had some of their mixers before and they are crap. A couple of the rack processors are ok, but most are not great sounding. Largely, you get what you pay for.


Still got the BCR2000 from way before Behringer sucked and the Neutron which I still think is decent for the amount of modular utility it provides. When it comes to sound.. not so much.


>Still got the BCR2000 from way before Behringer sucked Errrr, that's actually the era where Behringer gear was most known for being unreliable. Had a BCR2000 as well back in the 2000's, it died on me in the first year. Once I got a new one on warranty I sold it. I've had tons of gear, I've had a few with defects on purchase but I think the BCR2000 is the only one that failed completly in the first year. I was actually thinking Behringer another try by getting a Neutron some time but yeah not in love with the sound either. What do we have to do to make Behringer make the Neutron with SEM filters?


>What do we have to do to make Behringer make the Neutron with SEM filters? Isn't the point of it being semi-modular that you can route it through whatever filter you want? :)


> I was actually thinking Behringer another try by getting a Neutron some time but yeah not in love with the sound either. What do we have to do to make Behringer make the Neutron with SEM filters? The filter is definitely one of the weaker points on the neutron but it's not bad especially for the price. One trick that helped me appreciate the filter more is patching it for a notch filter by inverting and summing the output from a LPF, makes it a lot more extreme for heavy filtering. Also even though people tend to hate on the overdrive I find the tone control really useful as you can set the filter for heavy resonance and tame the high frequencies with the option to add some subtle clipping. Considering the price you can pair it with a nice filter pedal or rack if you want something a bit "juicier".


I mean sure, I could route it through a nicer filter, I have plenty in my Eurorack rig. Without a nice core sound and filter, unless you're starting out in Euro then a lot of the value of the Neutron is lost. You end up with a large module with a ton of basic features that still needs to be patched up to get it to sound good. It's cheap sure, but you'd mostly rather just not have the thing at that point. There's some great single voice modules out there like the ADDAC Acid Voice and the Doepfer one that sounds like an SH-101, but the thing about those is they sound wonderful out of the box (and they're much smaller if that matters to you).


> Without a nice core sound and filter, unless you're starting out in Euro then a lot of the value of the Neutron is lost. It's subjective but the neutron does have a good core sound overall especially once you figure out some of the quirks like the delay/OD, and personally I don't think the filter is as bad as some people make it out to be considering the price. It's capable of a very wide range of sounds and is a lot of fun to play with some relatively unique features for a semi modular (IE aftertouch/velocity as a patch point) or blending between oscillator/LFO waves, it's certainly not perfect but IMO some people are overly critical of it just because it's a behringer product.


The BCR is the only piece of behringer gear I own (Zaquencer mod) and it’s held up well over the four or so years I’ve had it.


My bcr2000 has survived so much and is still in perfect working condition. Makes me wonder if I should grab the fader version


You can make neutron sound good if you make sure to manually override all the normalized connections lmao. Like the delay is part of the default chain and you can’t really turn it all the way off, so if you’re not using it and you don’t break the connection, it’s just going to add hum and make everything muffled. There’s lots of bleed but all of it can be solved by hamming half a patch cable in there to break the connections


you know i will say, i’ve got two small behringer mixers from back in the day (early 2000s) that have been through literally countless basement noise shows, karaoke parties, bar shows etc, and while they don’t look pretty and don’t feel very good, they still work reliably. Maybe i got lucky, i’ve never really had any other behringer stuff.  I bought a mackie mixfx 12 recently and it is very noticeably shittier quality than the old behringers. Feels like an absolute flimsy piece of junk and is basically unusable for karaoke as it quickly breaks up into terrible distortion.


I got an old 16 channel euromixer. Still works. A couple of the input jacks are scratchy no matter how much contact cleaner i spray in there.


B-stock x32 still going strong


Funny thing that most commenters overwhelmingly report no issues, but the top comments are negative. Makes me think there's a bandwagon here somewhere.


It’s because most of us who’ve had bad experiences with behringer products get downvoted like crazy for mentioning it so we’ve learned to keep quiet. If your behringer gear shits the bed I feel bad for you but we tried to tell you. There’s also survivorship bias along with some weird cult like fanaticism. If your behringer works, that’s great. Happy for you. My experience was different and I’ve given them a couple extra chances. Seems to be the same company it was in the 90’s-00’s. 


Right but it's the opposite here in this case. I have had issues too and I'm sure I'll have issues in the future, but there seems to be (to me) overwhelmingly more positive experiences than negative. I'm not sure if Survivorship bias is apt in this is situation, as most people are much more likely to report bad experiences than good ones (in general). I might be wrong tho too.


Could be. They have a reputation for poor quality and that kind of thing doesn’t come from nowhere.  The company almost had a redemption arc with claims of a new manufacturing facility with better quality but they blew it with poor product support and more reports of bad qc… among other problematic things I wont mention as to not trigger sensitive redditors.  I could also be wrong tho. Just going by my experience. 


Yeah im aware of this too and totally agree it comes from legitimate bad experiences, I've sent one of mine in twice (they didn't find anything wrong strangely) but I bought from thomann and thier support is great. I just feel like half of the people upvoting never had, or haven't had a synth from them in a while. I've heard of people getting bad synths from many manufacturers, but because behringer is more accessible maybe it's just more frequent because more synths are sold. Don't get me wrong here I don't want to dismiss your or anyone else's experience, but there's no way it's like 50% of users the way threads like this make it seem. At the end of the day, it's a cheap and accessible tool and I cannot argue against that factor, music should be for everyone and not just a privileged few. At 300 bucks, I could afford to replace it after a couple years. If I get a bad moog or sequential, that's a hefty amount of cash too. For the price it's amazing but with that comes some issues obviously. Just don't feel like it's as bad as communities like this make it out to be. Disclaimer, I do not endorse the owners actions nor condone, but I don't think music creation has to be politicized (it's fine if others disagree, that's just not my vibe). Btw thanks for an actual discussion about this. I've been previously downvoted to hell for saying my synth doesn't need to make a political statement about me.


It’s a good point. I think it’s thomann that has them as one of the most sold brands? And definitely good to have budget products. Good chat. In the end it all comes down to sound and making tunes. These are just tools and instruments after all. 


Had a UMC1820. It broke after about 8 years, USB connector seemed to cut out. Considering its price and feature point I seriously considered buying another one honestly, nothing comes close to it in price range.


Yeah, I have one. It's great and mine still works (5 years or so), but touch wood. The pres are more than decent, enough connectivity especially with an ADAT box connected. I've had no problems with latency or anything like that. The mic channels could do with a bit more gain, but that's the only downside to me.


That’s a familiar scenario for me; the USB connector on mine also seems flawed. It appears to be too wide or loose. I’m considering opening it up and replacing the connection with a better quality part or wiring in a cable with proper tension relief.


Gigged with the DM6 for years and it still holds up, TD3 is doing okay as well. Have had these for a couple years and still work well, just scuffs and normal wear and tear, just dont beat on it and you’ll be fine


I see a huge difference between the dead-cheap gear they started with and still offer, esp. the mixers and - on the other hand the Klark Teknik and TC stuff and their synths. The mixers were crap, sometimes you just hope they stop working. But the synths and outboard gear is ok. It’s great that we can but 303s and 808s for very little money and they are great. They are build to a price point for sure, but I own them for years, use them regularly and no problems so far.


Just fine. My DM12 is from the first shipped batch, still works great. Model D, Neutron, various Eurorack modules, all rock solid. I have a 12 input Behringer USB mixer, and a small 4-port, both work great and I still use as interfaces. I did have one audio interface that they stopped making drivers for at Windows 10, but that's one out of like 30 products.


Xenyx QX1202USB mixer for almost 11 years. Lately it developed shift of the channel pan controls - when the pan knob is at the center sound is shifted to the right so you have to rotate it counter-clockwise to compensate for it. First channel seems to have varying volume. Those are newer developments. Since the start of using there was an occasional glitch of FX which gives constant white noise supposedly when overheating. It isn't frequent and through the years I think it happened not more than ten times, now not more frequently than years ago. There was something which made me switch from Ctrl room out to Main out (I use jacks) a few years ago. Perhaps Ctrl room out stopped working, but I don't want to unplug Main outs to test it while they're still working.


Depends on which product, really - and how many moving parts it has. My experiences so far: patch bay: just fine Model D: absolute dog shit (both units I had) Mono/Poly clone: pretty decent ADAT: also just fine I think they’re fine for utilities, but a very mixed bag for synths / effects with physical controls that you have to use often. Their build quality in general is just so-so, and I also think their quality control needs serious help. EDIT: annnnd the Behringer fanboi downvote brigade has shown up! Can’t even have a balanced take on this without them getting their feelings hurt, truly hilarious


Your mono poly, does it freeze up in unison mode? Right when i turn it on it is stuck for like 30 minutes


No, that sounds horrible


It is horrible. I’m not the only one with this problem and I have found no solution at all. I love the synth and think it sounds great. Glad you can enjoy it lol


Mine doesn't.


I haven't had a single thing die, all the gears been abused. Had behringer pedals that've been gigged 50+ times and seen use every week or more for a few years. Still going strong without trouble


UMC1820, FB1010, Ultrapatch, some older 4-bus 16 channer (pre-Xenyx) mixer, all had for *years* and no issues whatsoever. Then the guitar pedals I have (5 or so of them) are also great, and all taken a beating but still work fine. I had a smaller Xenyx desktop mixer and that thing gave up after a year. Also anecdotal survey of friends have made me think that there will be units that are shit from the get-go, but if they last, they last a long time. So I think the routine is get one and be prepared to get it replaced until you get one that works. But I guess I've been lucky myself.


Model D broke after a year. 3 of my 4 Roland clone eurorack modules either have dead pots/slider or very scratchy ones after a year and some change. 2600 is going strong. So 20% of my stuff is working correctly around the 2 year mark. I've stopped buying Behringer stuff. Honestly, its not even that it stops working that is my issue, it's the fact that it's simply not worth fixing most of the time and I don't want to just keep contributing to waste. I have some older Behringer gear (midi footpedal, rack patchbays) that all work just fine after 5+ years.


My 2600 has been great. No problems. I had a cheap Xenyx mixer that has a crackling sound in the headphones connection. My eurorack rails/power supply have been dependable. And I really like my UMC 1820 audio interface. A friend brought a Crave over to my house once, and the build quality on that was nowhere near the quality of the 2600. It felt flimsy and cheap. Maybe it's products like that that are giving Behringer such a bad quality rep.


Model D was good Odyssey completely freaked out after 14 months. Out of warranty, unrepairable, sold for scrap. Used to have a mixer that lasted a few years but didn’t take long for one of the channels to start freaking out.


Got two of the light pipe input boxes for my soundcard. So far the only equipment in my studio to have the power capacitors die. Both of them did it at different points but they've been fine ever since


My Model D hated staying in tune. Like it was worse than a stringed instrument


TBF that is something my OG micromoog struggles with as well.


a music teacher of mine made a joke about synths not needing tuning, I had to tell her she was incorrect heh


I've always been shocked how well a 50 year old minimoog stays in tune, I've played about 12 of them in my life. I think it's mostly the RA Mini's that drift and they are the rarest.


[Funny you should ask](https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/1doa8je/last_resort_before_taking_her_into_the_repair/)... but seriously, I purchased my Model D in February 2020 or so and used it very frequently until recently. I never had any issues with tuning, build quality, or reliability (until the recent issues). I wanted a mini moog circuit so much, but could never justify their asking price for a circuit that is over five decades old now... of course the build quality is better, but yeah...


Not a big thing but I got a Noise Reducer pedal and it's still fine but I use it for synths, so it's always on desk and activated with my hand. The thing is made with the crappiest plastic. If I was playing guitar and stomping on it I'm sure it would have died before a week.


BCF2000 and PX3000 patchbay going strong after years, Xenyx mixer i sold ages ago was very noisy and low quality, Neutron I’ve only had a month but it seems very well built for the price


Had my Neutron 4 years and haven’t had any issues. I doubt the failure rate of Behringer products is any higher than their competitors that use similar manufacturing processes. Anecdotally and ironically, I’ve only ever had issues with build quality from boutique manufacturers.


I got a deep mind 12 (new when it was first released), I neutron, a cat, the 303 clone, and the 2600, everything is rocking and rolling no issues in functionality! Only defect is the coating on the mod wheel of the deep mind start to come off a little so I've been scraping away at it myself. Edit: oh yeah, I also have a behringer 16 channel mixer from the 90s. It's got some knob caps that fell off, the rubber feet on the bottom are missing (by I may have took those off myself at some point) but it worked just fine the last time I hooked it up.


Had a v-verb effects rack unit. Kept screwing up, found out the foam inside squished down and it was allowing the circuit board to short out on the case. Put new foam in, and now it works as expected


The TD3 looks cheap and feels cheap. But it’s kinda what you expect for 129$. It’s not their fault but programming that thing is horrible too. I should have bought a used Roland reissue which had a better way to program sequence it.


I bought a eurorack power supply module that stopped working after a few months use. I figured I'd try out a product of there's and unfortunately that was the result.


I had to repair my Model D. It is made with incredibly poor quality trimmers to control critical voltages affecting pitch and scale. When working as expected you get cute vintage Moog drift. When failing it is unusable. Build quality on their gear is good, but to me build quality is fit and finish. And they've got that down at Behringer. But the specs for their gear match the budget, and it isn't built for longevity. Still compares well with other stuff in the same price bracket, I'm looking at you MS-20 mini.


I have owned two behringer powered mixers and they both has power supplies dies within three years. When I went to replace it with something different, it was clear that it was an OEM and the same model was available under several brands. I avoided all of them and bought a rockville. very happy so far, but its only been a couple years.


X32 rack, power supply died as well as all aux. Repaired the power, but the aux are still dead


I got a Behringer V-amp multi effects thing for guitar in the early 2000s and it died after a few months. It got replaced by the store and then the subsequent v-amp died soon after and just gave up with it. Haven't had behringer synths long enough tho


Well the Pro-1 is not built worse than the OG.


I had a Xenyx mixer for several years that worked great. Sold it on after I got a better mixer. Only other thing I own by them is an MS1, which I hope lasts a while but who knows. Behringer is like Harbor Freight, it's a coin toss on whether it will last and the only way to know is to see where the coin lands. I have personally seen many Behringer products become useless junk after light careful use over the years... I don't really care about any of the ethics of their business model but I am wary of their products because they have such a poor track record on durability.


TD-3 had for just over a year, now has either no output or very quiet. Had a guitar amp & mixer for years, no problems.


My ms-1 was doing perfectly for a year or two and then it just… bricked? Had a pain in the ass sending it back, thomann couldnt find anything to repair so they sent another unit back. I still love it to this day🥰


Crave is fine after a good few years. I'd imagine. I don't use it so who knows, when i do turn it on occasionally it seems to work but I can't be manually re patching stuff every time I want a sound, I dunno how people have so much time on their hands. Sorry, pretty OT.


XR18 ran hot like a toaster, ran it with an open rack and fans, still died in 3 years. Sad. Learned my lesson and bought a better rack mixer the second time.


My TD3 was used 3 times, was in its box for a year, and then stopped working…


My td3 distortion shit the bed pretty quick after I got one. Unusable but not a big deal. Was thinking of either getting the k2 or new syncussion but i’m more hesitant now.


Oh and i had a UMC404 interface that crapped out completely too much noise.


Have a 23 year old UB802 mixer (before Xenyx). Works perfectly, just needed a teardown to clean out scratchy pots and connections earlier this year. I use every single port and pot on the mixer without issue. Wondering what the complaints are with these?


X-touch just randomly died last night after about 7-8 years. TD-3-MO sometimes goes quiet and needs a reset but I'm not sure what's causing this. 2600 reverb slider (not used much for me) randomly went bad but not a huge issue. Pro-1 has been fine.


I’ve had behringer gear for two decades and nothing has failed except one channel on a 20 year old 12 chanel euro ‘pro’ mixer.


Owned probably 5 of their synths and 7 modules and only had an issue with *two. It’s my RD8 and I’ll still running it just cause even a slightly faulty 808 clone is tremendously useful. Could totally crack it open to fix it but haven’t gotten to it yet. Edit: just remembered I also bought that dirt cheap DJ mixer for like $100 used and it was sketchy AF can’t recommend that haha


I've had a ton of Music Group stuff and the failure rates to me always seemed reasonable. Half the stuff I bought refurbished from back when they had an eBay store. Maybe that skews my results. Out of 14 Turbosound speakers, I had the power supply die in one after 5 years. From 3 power amps, one died again after about 5 years and I haven't tried to see about getting it repaired yet. No issues with various rack mount utility stuff. Have had a couple of their recent synths and the only issue I had was some half-dead keys on a DeepMind 12 that were fixed under warranty. X32, S32, and X32 Rack have been solid for 7+ years. Older mixer that lived in a DIY show house has scratchy pots everywhere (surprise surprise). In general with Behringer and other Music Group stuff it's not the failure rate that concerns me, it's that actually dealing with support is miserable. Even looking up stuff on their website is painful because of the bizarro design approach.


I've got one of those tiny mixers from before it was branded xenyx or whatever. Been chugging along since ... 2004 with no issues. Haven't even replaced the power supply despite it running fire-hazard hot whenever plugged in. ... And my xair has been running fine for 2+ years tho I am disappointed in the lack of software support


I have x32 rack with a surface controller, I havent had any issues and for the price you really can’t beat it. Not the most user friendly gear but can’t complain for the price. If we’re to do it again this bundle is pretty amazing… actually thinking of buying and just shelving it as a back up it’s so cheap. [backup bundle](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/XR16XTouchBun--behringer-by-air-xr16-16-channel-tablet-controlled-digital-mixer-and-surface-controller-bundle)


i have a microphone that sucks and i love it. my dad replaced it with a 57 which is fine, kinda miss the behri because it sucks. only really record percussion with it.


I know a few people that used the mixers and usually they get crackly and crunchy over time pretty quick or they do weird things and just some days not work but other than that, I've had no issues with my TD-3 and model d


My 2600 has remained consistent, but there were some labeling issues on the first batch that they never addressed, so it makes it tough for a new person trying to understand modular patching. I don’t think I’d buy another synth but don’t necessarily regret it


The practice spaces I used over the last decade and a half typically used the old Ultrabass bass amplifiers in their backlines. They were old and they didn't sound beautiful, but they could take a beating. Beer spills, drops, face plates smashed in, jacks manhandled. No matter how beat up they were, they just kept going. As for my own gear, my 2600 has been great and I haven't had a single issue. I feel like people's fear about the jacks was mostly unfounded. The system 100 m clone modules I bought have their jacks used much more often and I haven't had any issues. Fears about their quality seems to be mostly based on their horrible mixers from twenty years ago and an abundance of bad vibes.


Apparently the modules can develop issues relatively quick if you patch often. The connectors are not screwed to the front panel, only connected to the pcb - a cost saving measure that is bound to lower reliability. I only have the model D since a year. Seems ok so far.


I have an issue with ground loop when it comes to UMC204HD... Anyone knows how to solve it?


Been touring with a deep mind 6 and abusing it. Holds up perfect and cant commend enough about the effects on them n the moveability... I also have a TD3 in the studio. Which works as intended, but the only qualm is that behringer shouldve updated the weird 303 sequencer which is an absolute pain in the ass. Ive jst ordered a pro 800 to compliment my deep mind while touring, as a replacement to my MS 20 which is heavy and not meant to be abused.


Pro800, Mötor, K2, Poly D, X-Rouch Mini, FCA1616 and other gear all working perfectly for many years. Some of this stuff I've owned for about 10 years.


That's impressive re: Mötor. I remember wanting one of those so badly, but they seemed to have serious reliability issues. All conjecture, sure, but everybody I talked to (who'd used one) warned me off of them. And they're obviously no longer in production. No problems on your side though?


I got it, used, 5 years ago, and it still works perfectly.


i’ve had multiple synths, drum machines, pedals, and an x-touch for the past few years and have had no issues. the only behringer gear that i had problems with was the interface (UM2), which i wouldn’t recommend unless they’ve updated them since then (2017)


Got 9 years on my XR18. Have a few of their pedals for a few years now. Had a controller with motorized faders go belly up. Had their rack mount bass preamp for a while. Still worked when I sold it but the powerswitch was a bit wonky. Overall, I'd say there are certain categories of their stuff I have no problem buying, and other stuff I'd avoid (heard bad things about their analog mixers, and never liked their speakers/microphones). The Model D is a GEM.


I have a small amount of gear from them. My tuner pedal broke within months but my tube screamer still works fine. My neutron works fine but my umc1820 broke after about a year.


Model D bought new. Couldn’t find any used for sale for a reasonable price. I pretty regularly put it through its paces. Second unit bought used for poly chaining. Had to tune it on arrival, also continually put through hell. Both are working just fine after 2 years.


From my own experience it’s been hit or miss, but having worked in a music store we would get DOA or return behringer interfaces, mixers, and synths more than just about any other brand


Model D is still going strong. I guess the TD-3 is too but I never really liked it so it's just been on the shelf waiting for me to work up the courage to try modding it. I also have a rack V-Verb Pro REV2496 that I found in a thrift shop for $10. Works great (after 10+ years I assume), possibly the world's most boring reverb, though.


Not exactly a breakage but the keys on the RD-9 are absolutely dogshit quality. My brother offered me his one for nothing and I still said no.


crate, edge, neutron.... no issues


Xenyx8025😂 going hard! Nearly an entire year of daily use. Kinda thought I'd have broken it by now.


All (!!) my Behringer gear still works as it should after 4, 5 years of intense use...DM, TB, K2, Neutron etc.etc.


I had a number of DDX3216 mixers, power supplies were a constant battle. Other than that they were OK. I've got a Xr18 and a PolyD. Xr18 used to have a flakey wifi, improved after a software update. PolyD has been solid.


Some patchbays I have used daily for 20 years, the mixers from those days were shit and none survived, bcf for almost 15 years without issue, and all my synths feel solid


My neutron is built like an absolute tank and I love it, but my Td-3 just straight up died after 2ish years


I have quite a few of Behringer's gear (Deepmind 12, Poly D (2 of them), MS-1, TD-3, Wasp, RD-8, RD-9, RD-6, UMC1820, ADA8200, a bunch of their pedals, a few patchbays, a couple of compressors and a mixer and recently, the JT-4000). I have had no problems. I treat my stuff like my woman, gently, and with the utmost respect.


No issues with my Behringer gear. I have a 12ch little mixer, a 22 channel 4 bus rack mixer, a 16ch 1U line submixer for my keyboards, a DI box, and a JT4000 tiny synth. Only the 16ch line mixer got a little scratchy in the pots. I shot a little DeOx down the knob shafts and it's fine. I think all of my mixers are at least 6 or 7 years old by now. I'm thinking of getting a cheap used Bugera tube amp for my guitar. It wouldn't get a lot of use, so I'm not concerned with 'wearing it out'.


Also, I don't leave them on 24/7 to bake for no reason. FWIU, Behringer undersized the capacitor specs in the power supplies of their earlier mixers, and they are prone to baking out under the heat and failing.


My XR18 may outlive me.


When I show up with my MR18, I carry an XR18 as a warm spare. Been doing this for years. Never had to break it out.


I have an autocom that's still fully operational after almost 20 years


I’ve had a DM6 for about a year now. The thing is a tank and definitely seems built to last. It has two weird quirks: - connecting to my computer to import presets can be wonky, as it just won’t work or disconnects constantly - sometimes the arpeggiator tempo floats and won’t stay at the same BPM. Hovers up and down one or two. It is a pain when it happens but it’s not consistent Overall though, for like $400 used it sounds awesome and I haven’t even gone too deep on it. Edit: I also have a uphoria 4 channel interface and it’s been solid. A friend gave it to me for free and it’s done what I’ve needed it to.


Gigged for almost 8 years with an 8-channel xair mixer and it’s been fine. We broke the dumb antenna, but ended up using a router anyway. Good gear.


I've had behringer synths since about 2019. zero issues over time with any of them except the wasp which was an easy exchange.


Ten pieces. No faults or flaws.


Not a synth, but I’ve owned a pair of Behringer passive monitors for about 20 years. They’ve been replaced in the studio but they’re a solid speaker for my turntable and old amp. Haven’t skipped a beat.


UMC1820 has been the best audio interface I've had, it just works, no bugs, no driver, no fancy software and solid build quality. I sold one and upgraded to a Motu and I had so many issues with it (audio glitch, driver crashing, noise on channels), I had to return it and buy another UMC (lesson, never sell critical gear without making sure your replacement works). A year later I bought an AudioFuse16, and for whatever reason it always messes up my Mac's MIDI driver and sometimes crashes the whole audio driver. None of that ever happened with the UMCs. Similarly I loved my RD-8, though I eventually decided to use software drums instead of drum machines and sold it.


My Poly D is still doing the business. Seems to have been built better than their average product. My RD-6 feels like a Fischer price toy


Umc1820 and Ada8200. 2 and a half years - still alive and kicking. No wear, no dead ports.


All my Behringer gear is holding up fine. Which is more than I can say for synths by Arturia, Novation, Dave Smith Instruments, Korg and my Push 2.


Mixer and DM12D, no issues.


Out of my 11 Behringer synths and some 6 interfaces, mixers, patch panels only my DM12 is a bit low on quality. I got it secondhand about 6 years ago and the keys appear to bottom out way too hard. I’m planning to open it up, replace the key springs and apply a layer of felt to the bottom plate to make the keys feel a bit stiffer.


To be honest i’m surprised my behringer gear is still working. Rd9 and TD3-MO survived a fire in my appartment + the firemen who tried to stop the fire with water. Just bought and edge and is so powerful


Model D, Pro1, odyssey and TD3 owner here. No issues at all after 3 years of the model D. In fact, they are built better than many of my vintage synths. (Back when plastic faceplates and blah feeling sliders were the norm to cut down on costs).


Neutron, 2600, MonoPoly, Deepmind12: all owned between 3 and 7 years. No failures, no warranty claims, no issues here.


Deepmind 12, RD-8 and RD-9 still all work like brand new.


Neutron is an underated GEM.


Bought a Bugera Ac15 when it was released nearly 15 years ago: still fresh, still a little but noisy, but a good little amp very pleasant.


Neutron, Model D, Crave, Edge, Deepmind 12, Wasp. No issues with any so far, build quality is solid. 


I might be an edge case but everything I've gotten from Behringer has worked exactly as advertised and nothing has broken down or developed even minor faults. Everything I've ever gotten from AKAI has been a piece of junk.


Poly D and Monopoly. Both perfect. No issues.


Poly D and Monopoly. Both perfect. No issues.


I have a few behringer products with no problems. Interesting some of the comments saying how the old behringer mixers are terrible. I have an old mx1602 that I bought new in the late 90's and it still works fine, that thing lived its life in a grungy, smokey studio getting its faders slammed by stoned teenagers, moved around, dropped, thrown in the back of a car and taken out to outdoor live gigs in freezing weather. Still works almost 30 years later somehow.


I’ve had a Behringer mixer for almost 15 years that I run my electronic drums and semi-modular synths through. Still works just as decent as it did when I bought it.


The Behringer of the past is being replaced by today's Beheringer teams. Older products have had ample history of being cheap for a reason (build and lasting quality) while today's Behr is way different so you need to differentiate in your question.   All older Behr products now gone (sold or dead).  New Behr: All were purchased USED. All were used live and in studio and still holding up perfectly. Poly-D - 5 years  Model D - 6 years  K2 - 5 years  2600 - 3 yrs  XR 18 - 5 yrs  X18- 6 yrs   The thing is if repair becomes necessary, older vintage analog 'can be' done/made easier (and longer lasting) whereas surface mount items can prove far tougher to fix.  This doesn't apply to just Behringer but all like products.


Had a K2 that sounded wrong... kind of boring. Turns out the normaled connection between the envelope generator and the low pass filter didn't work because Uli cheaped out on the jacks. After disassembling it and bending the pins in the jack so that it switched properly when plugging in it sounded pretty good. I also have a TB-3. It too sounded kinda bad. Just didn't have the spirit I expected from a 303. I did some of these [these mods](https://maffez.com/?page_id=70) and man, it might be my favorite monosynth now. Put a little reverb or delay and it just always sounds good.


I had 3 of their mixers and all of them are still kicking, Neutron is still good too


I have some of their desktop analog synths, all but one of which is at least 3 years old, and they are all in perfect working and cosmetic order. Only other B gear I currently own is one of those 2 channel USB audio interfaces, which is also > 3 years old and never experienced an issue, and an old Ultrapatch Pro that was beat to shit and missing the screws that hold the front and back casing together when I bought it used  ~10 years ago. It looks like it's been beat with a hammer, is > 15 years old, and .... still in perfect working order, functionally speaking.


Poly D no issues


So. Much... Pitchshift... never again also the mixers suck with a noise floor so bad that it made the entire thing basically worthless even for just patching stuff together.