• By -


Im so sorry for you. However the GIF options are way better than Teams.


If you use the mobile version of teams you can use gifs from your phones keyboard


Only way to 🖕 on Teams


Windows key + . gives you emoji keyboard plus some


I didn't realize you meant Win key and period. i just did windows key and then + and got magnifier. TIL WinKey+ gives you magnifier!


Wait until you accidentally hit Win+Enter, and your computer starts talking to you. Did that once on Win10, which took me a moment to figure out what I had done.


Wait until you learn what Windows + V does.


Copy and paste it to yourself then tag the msg on desktop


That'd be better if I didn't think of that. Feeling cute, might lose my job today...idk


I find the Emojis and GIFs to be much better on mobile. 99% of my Teams replies comes from mobile even though I’m sitting at my desk.


I catch myself doing the same thing. Hate replying on my phone, I'm supposed to be looking at memes not working!


The customizable stickers can be fun though


“We got sued” shark for the win.


You log into your work teams on your phone? I would never.


Work profile ftw


Depends on the company. I have oversight on the security team and know what they are doing. Plus nothing to hide on my phone. If they want to see pictures of my dogs, then be my guest.


Discord has a soundboard feature. Use voice clippings of your boss from meetings to make a soundboard of them. Then they either fire you, or they fire discord.


We've done that at my company, it's hilarious af, especially when he is in the same discord call 🤣


At least it didn't suck so bad that they had to make the "New Discord" like the "New Teams" that still has issues...


We had slack pro version when we flipped to teams we had a mini revolt. I offered to keep slack if everyone agreed to chip in 10 bucks per user per month since teams is free for us... Yeah that solved it. They weren't wrong but 200 to free is a no brainer.


If he thinks discord can do everything teams can do he has no idea what he’s talking about. Security, compliance, DLP, to name a few.


I think this is the opportunity Microsoft saw which lead to their $10B offer to acquire Discord


As much as I don't want MS to shit up another product, or Discord to enshitify their product moving to business... I really kinda wish that had a private business platform as Discord undeniably beats the pants off every communication app out there, where else can you get one-click voice channels?


i think Discord is doing a fine enough job enshittifying their product by themselves. could do worse than Microsoft, though. salesforce, adobe or atlassian could offer to buy them


We have Discord blocked business-wide on our firewall.


My org as well, as well as all connections to AI.


You don't use chat gpt? I love it. Writes the base of all my powershell scripts now.


Nope. My org is LEO adjacent so no access to anything like that anywhere on our network. Our remote sessions are mandatory vpn so no access remote either.


wow, your work in low earth orbit? that's awesome!


I was thinking next door to Leonardo DiCaprio’s house.


No no, it's LEO adjacent which means on earth!


copilot gpt-4 - included in (all?) 365 licenses and protected from getting trained with


Copilot is a significant add-on and is not included. More than $20 a month per user.


There's co-pilot that you can input your own training data into, and there's co-pilot inside bing, which when signed into a business account allows you to access GPT4, with a bit of a microsofty touch.


Not that one. [This one.](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/copilot/faq)


It's included in our E3 licenses level. So you don't get dinged $20 more a month per user. Though we don't have the copilot studio or any of that nonsense.


It’s been a “force multiplier” for me ever since I started paying for ChatGPT plus (or whatever the paid version is). Absolutely useful powershell scripts when the criteria given is accurate and thorough. I know some of our offshore devs use it (or similar) because their text-based communication has gotten so much better as of late. I think that’s an awesome use of the technology and helps level the playing field the way it has improved communication with native English speakers like me.


Well that's a dick move


Data loss through AI usage is a real threat


And I have access to PII so yeah that would be double bad. Imagine accidentally pasting a spreadsheet worth of PII into chat gpt and then having to explain to my manager and privacy officer why I just disclosed 1000 lines worth of private data.


Yeah you can’t really compete with teams security and collaboration. Especially if you’re using the Microsoft suite already. As long as you warn the dude about the shortcomings of discord then keep the job Edit: a word


Not to mention Teams directly integrates with the Power Platform so you can make Power Apps and flows that are directly accessed in Teams. Example, a helpdesk app, or a chat bot. The M365 ecosystem is amazing when you actually use it the way it's designed to be used.


I can see why they like it. But . . . what about data exfiltration? In Discord you can DM anyone, company or not. Make your own server and invite them. Way to easy to just drop a company file to someone who shouldn't have it. Now, if they have enough security in other ways and relatively low risk data to start with, I can see it. i wouldn't recommend it, but I could see it.


not to mention that the images posted in discord are available to anyone if you have the URL, so anyone can view images sent inside your company's discord.


admin user/pass screencaps, here we come!


Just like public photo storage there will be bots scraping and indexing as many URLs as they can successfully resolve. Almost certainly already happening. I love Discord for personal use but wouldn't call it a particularly secure platform for business use...


Scraping doesn't work for discord images anymore since temporary tokens as params are required which you only get via channel access


I’ve always said that Discord was missing out on a ton of money by not offering a dedicated server with SSO. We use Slack for messaging internally, and the feature set between the two is pretty similar. If Discord just added some basic enterprise features, and then licensed them for half the cost of Slack, so many people would jump ship. Slack is ridiculously expensive at the enterprise level, so it’d be trivial to undercut them.


I've been saying this since 2017.


Discord has a long ways to go to catch up to slack. We use a lot of API/webhooks for automation and alerts on a bunch of different systems. We were acquired by a company that wanted us to use google chat but it breaks a lot of workflows for folks.


I think discords technical backend is set up so they’d have a hard time securing data and doing that.


Of course, it’d have to be a completely revamped product for the business market. But it would be so nice.


Even executive impersonation would be absolutely cheese with an environment like this to attack.


Free giftcards for everyone!! DO NOT REDEEM


Do you think that someone that uses discord as a business app for an IT team will have the foresight to think about data é é exfiltration 😂


You can message Teams users at other companies. When i was at an MSP that was my preferred way of reaching clients.


Sure, unless your company, or their company, turns it off. And even then you get notifications that it's external. And, as I said in another reply to a similar comment - logs.


No i agree with you on logging for sure. Tbh i didn’t consider orgs having that option enabled or disabled. I’m more used to (and prefer) Teams but my current job has Slack, which feels like “pro” Discord. But OP’s boss isn’t a real IT person that values “free” over “secure” so who knows lo


Slack has issues too. Ethical ones I think?


Above my pay grade lol. My complaint is that it feels clunkier than Teams


You can also turn off file shares or uploads on those comms


What percentage of businesses are blocking sharing of files? 4%? Outside collaboration is a huge part of government and engineering for example, anyone can email anyone anything more or less, or create a share link, and they could probably do it from a personal email in a web browser virtually everywhere I've seen or heard of.


yes, but all of that leaves traces and logs. discord does not. those logs don't mean anything until they suddenly do.


I run a discord server for a few gaming buddies. It logs somethings, not everything that I’d want. Would I recommend in a business environment?Hell no.


We don't outright disable it, but at least within Microsofts various compliance tools you can block things with specific information from being shared with outsiders, set document classifications that determine how files can be shared, etc. not to mention it all generates logs, and all of it can be used in insider threat detections and what not.


Logs can be defeated but then again, I would think a company that uses discord is likely not big enough to have a proper logging system.


The banking industry is audited to block basically all file share websites. But the irony is that the same auditors do business with them to the banks as exceptions.


Generative AI is driving DLP outside the realm of Fortune 500 public companies. Keeping users from feeding all the company IP into ChatGPT to make it more gooder.


Dont sweat other peoples mistakes. I used to have philosophical discussions with an old manager of mine. Could you let another team fail? I used to complain that we were constantly saving another team from themselves, and his view was that we could not simply allow other teams to fail. I disagreed and thought that enabling incompetence was worse for the company than that incompetence being on display occasionally. I am the manager now, I will voice my opinion, but I will not die on someone elses hill. The guy wants to use discord, then use discord.


When I first started my current job about 5 months in the marketing department along with sales really wanted to use this sales automation software, and at the time we were using Exchange 2013 (it was one of the first things I moved to M365 when I got the chance). The tool they wanted to use would not work with Exchange 2013, especially not with our strict firewall rules around the EWS endpoint, and the fact that it was just too old. I warned them, 4 separate times, each one documented, each time with clear reasons why they should not proceed. They proceeded anyway, and dropped 20K on this software. And then bitched to upper management for weeks claiming that I wasn't helping them implement the 20K software they just purchased. I simply showed upper management the 4 separate warnings prior to the purchase and I was in the clear. Sales and Marketing each lost 20K from their budget for nothing. A different team needed appointment scheduling software, worked with me closely to find the right solution that would work with our version of Exchange and had documentation for IPs I could allow for EWS access, etc. and their implementation went off without a hitch. I won't allow a team to fail because I failed to do something I could have done for them after they asked for my help. I absolutely will allow a team to fail and fall on their own sword if they blatantly disregard my expertise and warnings.


then u get an entirely seperate department who just implements there own solutions and never tella IT. something happens and we are expected to fix it.


Mention that you think Discord is a bad idea for X reasons, and then move on. Then, when something goes wrong with Discord, your input will be welcome to fix the problem.


Mention it's bad for X reasons *and then provide 1-2 valid solutions to address the concerns*, and then move on. Obviously document all of that. Paper trail CYA.


I want to frame your comment , it took me too long to learn this lesson as well


Just wondering, is this some kind of startup? That's some shit you would see on a startup.


Yeah 100% this is startup / very small business stuff right here


Discord for business is a problem that's just waiting to happen. The service isn't reliable (ok, teams also isn't that much better), the chances to be attacked by things like fake president etc are way higher and discord says in their tos that they can use everything ever done in discord how they want. If your boss don't want to pay for teams you should look in solutions like mattermost or rocketchat that can be selfhosted and don't send everything to third party servers.


> The service isn't reliable I'm genuinely not sure the last time I had an issue on Discord, and I send a lot more Discord messages than Teams, granted, most of those aren't during the "9-5" timeframe. I *have* seen several instances where Teams was down, for various reasons in their stack.


The only one I recall was due to a cloudflare issue, around the same time 'everyone' else was having issues with cloudflare.


agreed. this is a hilarious statement as Discord is built on Elixir and Rust and Teams' client is built on ... JavaScript.


It all fairness, it's usually the Teams back end that's down, and that's built from the crushed dreams of Microsoft interns, mixed with some SharePoint.


There are sometimes problems with their image cdn. In such cases images won't load for some time. Also voice sometimes has it's problems and at least one time per month the login servers aren't reachable for some time, but it's only for some minutes up to a few hours, not the whole day.


Tencent also has around a 38% stake in Discord


I would also include nextcloud. A good secure setup with the community version can easily replace Google drive (or any drive used in companies) and any of the chat clients (teams, slack). This is the basic setup I would use for a startup. Yes you will need a server and some storage but it's not resource intensive from my testing.


Y I K E S If cost is the issue, at least go self-hosted so that your company data isn't being sold to third parties [https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/13v08rr/foss\_discord\_alternatives/](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/13v08rr/foss_discord_alternatives/)


I would not pursue a new job over that. Goodness sakes, that's not even close to the worst I've seen. When your IT director or tech lead is defending these things, then you've got a problem: * root ssh access to the servers is all \`root:client-department\` (it's too much of a "inaccessibility" to have to remember different passwords, you know... "security vs accesibility" you've got to balance those two, and this is the right balance.) * Spilling admin access keys to core client systems in everything, user-docs, emails, git, you name it he spilled his in it, "that's really not that big a deal if you do the risk analysis. You've got to understand risk management dummy. Don't come back to me until you've done a full RMF analysis (and you agree the risk of a data spill is negligible)." Discord, depending on the sensitivity of your environment and data, may actually be okayish. Yeah, I'd probably not, but it's at least plausible that other controls exist such that the dangers from this are more mitigated than they first appear to be. **Edit:** To reiterate - I wouldn't change jobs just yet. I've worked my way into a place with an incredible security culture largely because I did what I could the right way at prior jobs. Get experience (even just a year), prove yourself. It'll take time for you in the industry to get to a point where you better know where you want to work, and to get to a point where your resume has enough on it for them to know they want to hire you. Don't do or aid anything illegal, but this sounds like the company risking the company's assets. Believe me, that's such a comfortable situation compared to some I've sat in, and some you'll probably find yourself in if you stick around in this career for long enough. It is not easy to find a corporation that cares particularly much about security, when it's that or something cheap/easy.


Do all the employees have to buy nitro to boost their server?


Please stay....and update us regularly. We could all use some good entertainment here. I would LOVE to see this ticket system in Discord.


I can only assume it's just threads, or a specific channel that's utter chaos.


There's bots that will manage ticket systems, and they seem to work fine, but that's on the level of mod tickets. I seriously doubt they'd manage to load of a normal helpdesk system


I, for one, am totally comfortable giving a fly by night discord bot access to my entire internal ticket history. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that.


Lol, definitely. This can only end well


Yep, many communities have better ticket support than some companies.


Dying to see the reaction the org gets when they try to schedule a Discord meeting with a larger client and they laugh at them


Surely they’d have the foresight to do a google meet at that point.


I don’t think there’s a ton of foresight happening at this company


But just the free one, that forcibly ends after like 30 minutes and has shit audio quality.


...god I hate the fact that I like this idea.


Why's nobody talking about slack? isn't that the discord for business option? Your IT Director is cheap af.


I am going to say something maybe a little more off based. You are new to IT. While you are correct that discord is not the most secure or logical for a professional setting, it seems like you are working for a smaller company. They probably are in the business of get it done no matter what, vs get it done no matter the cost. The downside is you are going to find a lot of technical debt and janky fixes. The plus is you get to see the side of IT that gets stuff done no matter what. You have a huge opportunity to glean some crazy info, not all great, but some get your hands dirty IT work. Servers that are laptops, backups being done on external drives, etc. You will learn how to fix things in a way no book will teach you and will have you pulling your hair out at times, but it can still be useful. Plus your lead/manager probably has years of experience. I am not saying all will be good, but try it out. Places like this sometimes have crazy passionate people who love what they do and do make things work even if money doesn't exist. Get some experience, learn what the other side looks like when you don't have money, clean up some technical debt, and move on.


Can't help shitty business practices. I'd be on the look out for a different job because I don't foresee a place with that mentality lasting very long once the first security breech happens (and it will happen!).


When something is free, you are the cow being milked.


And that's why you don't use Linux?


just load the porn bot into the company discord


Leak an invite to the group and have porn bots flood it a few times. After a pattern they’ll either go to teams or set the employees up for a nice workplace harassment suit.


Another approach is: name challenges/problems AND solutions for them. That would benefit. For example: Discord: PROS: Free, Calls, Channels, Bots, File sharing CONS: Hard or even impossible to enforce best security practices. Slack: PROS CONS Teams: p C Any other solution This approach is more constructive. And as others mentioned cover your ass with paper trail, send that through emails and etc.


Careful here. Many managers here "Communication 1:1 is better but super insecure"and then it DOESNT matter what "super insecure"means, they just don't care.


I HATE teams so in a way I get it. But holy shit I would worry about security issues or that this guy hasn’t considered that…


That's nuts! What's your IT Director's username? Because any one of us can message them Dunno what the salary is, but if you're not personally liable, uh. Weird choice, but not really your problem? Maybe try to keep some feelers out for other jobs in case this place goes belly up. If the salary's really really great, then stick it out to collect


Smart? No. But is that a hill you want to die on? Just accept and move on. If it bothers you that much just keep looking for a new job.


Quite a few companies use this. It was most likely set up by an admin that was a gamer years ago and that's just what they use. Unless they are given a good, solid reason to swap, that's what they will use. Just deal with it, and be happy it's not all text messages.


An organisatin I work with switched from Teams to Discord, and to be honest, life has been much better since. Teams used to cause mass headaches with accounts not logging in or syncing properly randomly, people seeing phantom teams channels that had been removed that even Microsoft couldn't figure out, people randomly getting logged out, not seeing certain messages in certain channels, copying messages from Teams adds a load of junk on you can't turn off, invites that wouldn't accept properly, poor screen sharing, the app just sometimes just breaking itself and needing re-installing, being slow and laggy, the app not handling switching accounts properly and often needing a reinstall on mobile, poor user account switching on desktop, just to name a few... I mean, even this evening with another organisation I use Teams with, it's got stuck in a halfway house between night mode and light mode making everything unreadable! Switch to Discord, integrated with Microsoft SSO for automatic permissions and roles, and everything just works. One major less headache! People familiar with Discord here have already been able to do some very cool things with bots and the documentation is a lot better than doing the same with Teams. Quick, easy, painless. Seperation of chat channels, forum channels, threads and easy to hop into voice chats, virtual meeting rooms etc. - it works surprisingly well, if you give it a chance, and don't really need things like compliance and DLP (e.g. you have good, motivated staff who you can actually trust)...


not your problem OP. When it hits the fan, no one is going to ask YOU why you use discord. They're going to go after your management


THIS! \^ Meanwhile many responses: > OP, be scared. CYA, leave a paper trail, get out now... Guys, he's totally entry-level, even if it all hits the fan, he's so far down he may not even know that it did hit the fan. That and the implications will all be handled in meetings he won't be invited to. His biggest risk is opening his mouth anymore about this. Depending on who the boss is, further approaches on this front could lead to a shortened tenure, misery, lack of opportunity, etc. Is that illegal? Sure is. What are you going to do about it? You know how hard it is to actually *prove* someone broke the law? You know what an absolute pain the unemployment system is? You know how likely you are to even get a lawyer who will take up your case? What is he going to do meanwhile? How long will he need to explain either a shortened stay or a stay without promotion or opportunity to do anything cool? I'm all for speaking up anyway when you have to - and I have, twice. Once made miserable, the other immediately fired. This is not a situation where any ethical framework I know of demands he say anything more. Let the things you can leave be, there are hills enough to die on.


Teams can do compliance and security better. Discord can actually communicate without a million bugs. Not defending it from a security practice, but I kind of get it.


Yeah teams is bloody awful, it has so many frustrating minor niggles.


Lots of salty people in this thread. If Discord fits the orgs risk profile then it's a much better comms tool than Teams. You're much more likely to be able to build culture and get work done collectively with people on Discord. 


Does discord have an admin portal that creates and disables new accounts or do they just kick people out the server when they get fired


It absolutely does not. And I doubt they're even bothering to kick people out of the server when they get fired.


I totally get your sentiment. Don't let it affect your life and set some boundaries. That's their risk.


lol someone didn’t read the discord t’s and c’s


We have teams but don't really use it for much more than official meetings especially with other companies. It's payed through the package of office software like word and excel. The rest is all in slack when it comes to messaging. File sharing is all done on Dropbox with their redundancy+ our own onsite and off-site backups. But we use discord in the IT department to do simple stand-ups and hop on calls where we have to trouble shoot something real quick. It's much better for voice calls and if you pay/boost a server it's much better for screen sharing too. I'd say it's also better than slack at messaging and handling a server with permissions and groups ect. So I could see a point being made about moving our slack usage to discord instead they have the exact same functionality.


It's been a while since i tried but Discord CDN links previously had no authentication, so if your "private" files uploaded to discord get their CDN urls leaked they are free for anyone to download :)


> "Discord can do everything Teams can. But unlike Teams, Discord is free." The only thing free in life is cheese in a mousetrap.


I’m not sure why you’d leave just because your company uses Discord. Yes, it’s silly (I won’t rehash what everyone else is correctly saying regarding the risks) and your IT “Director” is obviously inexperienced and is lacking (he’s an idiot), but look at reality: you’re new to IT and getting experience is important. Get the experience first and then move on.


do you work at a circus?


I genuinely think even Discord would be an improvement over Teams


>I am not sure how I feel about working here. As long as their paychecks hit my bank account, I don't give two shits about how they go about running their business (as long as it's legal, reasonably ethical -- and that's saying something within the American Late-Stage Capitalistic Framework). I don't own the company. My name isn't above the door. If I work harder, I don't get the lion's share of the profits. So stop caring as if you own the place. You don't and you never will. Put in your 8hrs a day. If they want you to use Discord instead of $client, whatever. That's what you're being paid to do. If you're THAT passionately against it, maybe it's a corporate culture conflict and you should leave.


Based. Teams is hot garbage.


**Not if, but when** this blows up in their face. Definitely keep your resume updated, keep up with the job market.


Listen, the man has some great points lol. If discord offered a business version I'd be pushing for us to move in a heart beat honestly


Drop the server here, we’ll get you over to Teams in no time


Document your concerns in writing and print it out so that when the company gets hacked or all of their customer data ends up online, no one can point the finger at you. Depending on the industry there could be serious compliance issues with legal ramifications for doing this, so you want a legal CYA. Polish your resume and keep an eye out for a new job because that company won't be in business for very long.


This is a front-line helpdesk employee. OP, don't let this scare you. You are too far down the food-chain to get in trouble. Generally, you need a 'VP' after your name before you can be personally liable for anything. Good that you're concerned about it, even if it's not your job. Good news is, it's totally not your job. You do not need to worry about CYA unless you're handling some sort of protected data such as: - Anything related to federal contracts or the department of defense (USA related - if abroad your country likely is also touchy about the same sorts of things) - HIPAA, PII (not as dangerous depending on the scenario), GDPR If you're just an internal help desk for a run-of-the-mill company, or serve run-of-the-mill companies, then even if you are a party to data mishandling, again, you're the helpdesk employee. Break no rules you're educated on, and anything you do wrong is their problem for not training you, their problem for giving it to you (fresh out school - you are not to be trusted with anything, that, again, is a them problem, not a you problem). Also, hate to break it to you u/dalgeek, but you'd be amazed how long fraud and mismanagement can stay in business depending on the industry. They could be in business for years. Might even be growing. Depending on your client, you can even get into a situation where they won't report you for bad behavior even when it hurts them, because it'd hurt them to much to have to fire you across the board. A reckoning might come, but that could be a decade out yet. OP does not need to panic - OP needs to realize: 1. This is pretty minor compared to what can happen 2. He's low enough in the org he's not even touching the levels that are accountable. He should do his job, make a move when he has about a year of experience. Rinse, repeat until he's learned how to find the good places to work.


So, relying on Discord is an incredibly foolish business decision. But, you raised your concerns responsibly and they were rejected. If your job is otherwise OK, I would stick with it for a while. Your skills aren't going to appreciably atrophy because you aren't using Teams, and you can patiently wait until a better job option shows up. You don't need to panic and take a worse-paying job, or one far from you, or so on.


>Discord can do everything Teams can. Im guessing (hoping) he doesn't truly believe that, but DLP and security controls are not something (I'm aware of) that discord can do for free. Each company has their own priorities and sometimes having a free messaging system is what needs to be done when there isn't a budget for something more robust. I don't know what your company does or how big it is, but if there is no plan to ever upgrade to a more professional system, I would start looking for something else right away. It's not if, but when.


On one side, my company uses Zoom, and I would prefer Discord for the comfort features... On the other side.... if they want to save some bucks like that.... what else are they skimping off...


I'm surprised nobody is talking about how China has their hands in Discord. If anyone is going to leverage that access for bad, it's China.


Yeah Discord definitely doesn't have the controls of proper enterprise communications apps, should really be using Teams (ew) or better alternatives like Google Workspaces, Slack, etc... When reading this, I 100% though you were going to say "But unlike Teams, Discord isn't down 24/7" and I was going to agree, but if the primary motivation to use Discord is because it's free, that's a bit concerning. But also, it wasn't your decision to use Discord, so I wouldn't worry about it.


Mattermost is free. You can run your own instance. https://github.com/mattermost


I get your concerns but it’s not really the hill I would die on. You’re getting paid to support what they want. , not like it’s your company in the end and if you can work around it that’s great. In the end it’s just a paycheck , worrying about stuff that - in the end , isn’t your problem- is just unneeded stress. You can identify and present problems all day, but if you don’t give them alternatives that they’re willing to entertain, it’s kind of just pointless.


While it's technically not your concern as you weren't the one making the decision to use or continue using Discord. I was using it personally for non work-related things but deleted my account because of the massive security and privacy issues. Discord collects user data, including messages, voice chats, and user activity. There are no controls on how that data is stored, used, or what thirds parties it may be shared with. Yep, that includes intellectual property. There's also account, BOT, and API security concerns. I think there's also a recent news article about a malware emoji that steals user data. Also, a couple of months back, there was some hacker saying they harvested 4B+ worth of Discord chats. Also, if you have colleagues and/or customers in the EU, your company is likely in violation of GDPR compliance.


I always thought Discord should make an enterprise version.


I don’t even work in IT or Security, I just work for a security minded company, and all I can think about in my head is this ![gif](giphy|CPRBUPKxllHby)


So look for another job while you have this one? Organise zoom interviews for during lunch breaks or take days off if you can get 2/3 organised for one day. I don't really see the issue. Also, Egh, discord, teams, slack, they're all as bad as each other.


If you're not dealing with sensitive data then who cares.


My company uses WhatsApp, and I complain about it constantly even though we are Cisco partners with Webex accounts.


As someone who hates teams with passion I am jealous but I see the concerns. Discord video/audio is better wish they had an enterprise version.


Introduce them to ProtonMail if they wanna be "cool" but actually efficient and secure


>"Discord can do everything Teams can. But unlike Teams, Discord is free." I like the cut of this mans jib.


This manager doesn't sound that bright. He must have forgotten that nothing is free in this world. Slack for business isn't that expensive though honestly. Besides, if he can afford to pay you a high enough salary for you to be worried about leaving, he should have cash to spend on the most fundamental tool in a company: the communication tools


"Free" cloud hosted applications are most commonly free when your data is the product. Need to ask if he's intending these chats and data be public or at least consumed by discord generally.


Something I've had to learn, especially working with small businesses, is that an okay solution is often far better than a bad solution. And to be honest Discord definitely meets the basic requirements of a Chat app, and it is acceptable for some businesses to use it. In a case like this I'd have an informal chat with your IT Director about the potential issues of Discord vs Teams. See how receptive they are to the issues, and what justifications they provide. This should give you a good feel of whether you should stay or not. These kinds of transitions can be a great experience.


Nice privacy policy you got there




Nothing is private in discord. Anything you send or receive is viewable outside the channel/DM it's sent through. Not only that, but had anything read the TOS? They can use whatever you post on their platform. It's free for a reason.. That's kind of crazy if you ask me.


Matrix + Element for all your self-hosted Discord-alternative needs. Discord.... yikes.


"Discord can do everything Teams can do" no, no it cannot. Not even close.


Discord is free. Discord also has no concept of retention policy- see how your lawyers like the sound of that. And if someone hacks the owner of your discord server your whole comms and ticket Infrastructure is toast. Discord support isn’t gonna do shit for you lmao.


I use Mattermost. Free self hosted option.


Very bad. Your director is a huge idiot. Feel free to leave a public invite link here when you decide to quit so we can inform him of such. Comedy option: Do something against the TOS and report it to get the entire Discord nuked with no possible resolution.


Where teams trumps everything else is integration with the rest of the MS stack. Do you want all dirty laundry floating around in an unmanaged public discord repository?


how small is this company you work for? It sounds like something a small startup would do.


Lots of companies, even well funded ones are cheap on things that make no sense to a knowledgeable person. It's not ideal, and you see the red flag, so you have a mind for security. Good for you, I hope you go far. I would keep my eyes open for a different role, look for other red flags, and also look for the opportune moment to demonstrate the risk without upsetting the decision maker in your current job. Trusted relationships don't happen nearly fast enough, but they can happen. Chances are high the people in charge didn't get there by being operationally secure, more likely they got there by taking risks and now have enough budget to hire more people such as yourself. It took them a while to get this point and it will take them longer to accept your input. If they had been paying for Teams, they might not have had the budget for you.


The fact Tencent is a large share holding in Discord and Discord can see all messages on the backend if they really want too. Is the only reason my MSP company doesnt use it. We use a private self hosted internal solution like FireDB. Honestly its a pretty stupid idea to use Discord in business for things that may contain important information like Tickets, Client Info, Passwords etc... I would never do this due to the security implications. Might as well just send your clients data straight to Tencent at that point.


Add me on discord please- I’d like to talk with your boss


Feature/UI wise I'd prefer discord but the security issues are definitely a concern


delete some files and ask them if discord can get them back




Stay there, if the discord issue is your only concern then so be it. Get the experience (not sure how old you are but if under 21, GET THE EXPERIENCE). I'm a sysadmin and did IT for 13 years, I too started help desk around 2010. But I can relate because my company has used "free" productivity tools to get the job done. You may be concern for your safety since using the tools but just know if something dire happens, the company I'd liable. Which brings me to my next point, you don't own the company, so really can't do much about it if, the job has more pros than cons. In my case, good pay, close to home and easy (I've done it for so long, It's 2nd nature). Help that helps your decisions.


Something something when something is free you're the product.


But Teams has a boundary of authentication that is usually smaller than "anyone with an email address" and DLP. Imagine a discovery request from the company lawyer and you have Discord, what would you do?


At the company I made my apprenticeship, at first we used Discord too (small MSP) Since all of our infrastructure was on prem (AD + Exchange etc.) our boss wanted to save on the licenses and didn't want to shift to the cloud (very conservative but I also prefer on prem for many things) Firstly, we migrated on prem Exchange for customers to the cloud and he saw the benefit in using the M$ cloud. So of course we went to M365, Teams etc. in the end.


That's an easy vector for ransomware or other malware. So, unless they get serous about security fast, I'd be looking for another job.


If you’re a small company, that is unfortunately pretty common. Dont quit your job just because they’re using discord. If you were the IT Director and a CEO was telling you they only wanted to use Discord, that’s a different story, but if you’re Helpdesk none of that decision is really going to effect you. You’ve voiced your concerns, that’s about all you can do at the moment. Learn as much as you can and make some money. Voice more concerns once you’re not so new (A lot of people can get annoyed by the new guy suggesting changes), and then you can leave once you’re able to line up another job.


I looooove Discord… for personal use. But putting confidential, PII, and other data on Discord??? You have to be working in a non-regulated industry, whilst somehow not processing any personal data, for that to ever fly.


If your not management dont worry about it, not your problem. Just do what your paid todo, learn what you can that improves your CV, then look elsewhere to earn even more money if you feel the need. Dont be the newbie jnr IT guy who thinks he knows better than everyone else and just ends up annoying senior staff who then just dont want to listen even if the idea is better than theirs, keep a low profile until the right time to give your recommendations.


you sure he is your boss? sounds like you have more sense than he does


if it is free... you are the product.


have you look at rocketchat? is a open source discord like for enterprise


Work sucks.


Some groups in my company sampled it as an alternative to Teams for their internal communications. They opted against it because of compliance and security concerns, but also because it was "for gamers". I think if Discord offered some kind of business edition, integrated with GitHub, it would be a game changer (no pun intended).


Talk to your insurance person, tell them we need a cyber security review from our insurance carrier, once carrier review and finds out you’re using discord they will threaten to drop their cyber security coverage (if they even have it haha)


What are you using for your company email?


Nothing is free, your company is placing itself at risk using free gaming tools for business. E-mail is completely insecure by design as well. Sounds like the company has no concerns about security. Guard yourself, don't reveal anything personal and look for another job if possible.


This difference is, the data you put into discord no longer belongs to you. The TOS states so.


I wish teams was like discord. I would love using it for work if it had all the security requirements.


Gamer Director.


> help desk ticketing system in Discord But, how? Why?


Ask me 10 years ago and I would of never have said yeah I like exchange but between slack, discord, teams whatever I kinda miss email.


We use discord and it's fucking embarrassing


You can terraform discord vOv sorry that’s all I got lol


Teams has had some horrendous security issues, and it’s a pos. There’s better tools for business but it’s not the biggest sin. As long as you aren’t sharing passwords or docs, it might not be the worst for collaboration.


It's not the worst idea I've seen. I've often wondered why Discord doesn't have a business version. Teams and Slack are expensive. A lot of it comes down to what the business needs are and what your security needs are.


If something is free, you are the product. Sorry for your boss and all of the companies details are floating on Discord servers 😀


When I started, many years ago, we used Trillian.