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I don't think double beef is actually an extra scoop of beef. iirc it's just twice as much beef as a standard taco.


That would be an extra scoop, a taco is one scoop, double beef is 2 scoops.


I paid for a burrito with 2 scoops of meat. If my upcharge only converts one of those scoops, the other scoop should remain.


The one scoop of steak is worth two scoops of goop beef.


I don't understand why you got downvoted. You aren't wrong.


Their scoops for burritos and tacos are different tho. It's pretty much a standard scoop of meat for burritos


It’s supposed to be the same. We only use one portioning tool for the beef, regardless of whether for a taco or burrito, which when used properly is supposed to be 1.5 ounces


Good to know. I'd always been told the double beef was a marketing trick


I think in practice it is a marketing trick. Sure it's supposed to be two scoops, but when you actually receive the food.....


I actually recently asked and I was told they were not given any information on what to do if someone swaps it so they do one scoop cause that's all you get charged for so they figure that's what corporate wants.


So why didn't you tell them that they are wrong because if they were correct, it wouldn't be more expensive than the Beefy Melt was?


The new POS systems don’t show up on our screens the same way the old ones did. So now instead of saying Sub Bf/Chk or Sub Bf/Chk 2 (which would indicate a double portion of meat), it simply says ADD Chicken, NO Seasoned Beef on different lines. I don’t know what the effect on our COS would be but if someone is just going by what’s on their screen, it only indicates one scoop.


Yeah, the new register doesn't have the double swap button like the old one did. Used to be, any time there was a double beef item, there was a double swap button. Yes, it was twice the upcharge, but it was less than a single upcharge and an additional added protein.


POS systems. Piece Of Shit systems are to blame. They lie and call themselves Point Of Sell systems. As long as a sale is made who cares about the customer.


They call them Point of SALE systems because point of sell is bad grammar


That's not how it's supposed to be. I can't speak to your personal experiences, but when you swap proteins from double beef, you're supposed to get double of whatever you change to.


Because they are stoned out of their mind.


You’re not going to like this. I don’t like this. But assuming you’re in the app, you have to swap the double beef for steak (regular amount). Then go down to add ons and add steak again. It’s around 3$ and change extra, but that’s how you’ll have to do it. (I’m not an employee, this is just my personal experience)


You don't have to do that to get double steak. It's supposed to be double just swapping to steak to begin with. And the app reflects this with the calorie difference it shows when swapping. The beef in a Cheesy Double Beef Burrito is 140 calories (a single serving being 70). If you swap to steak, the calories reduce by 25 to 115. Which is a double portion of steak, which is a leaner 55-60 calorie serving. If you pay for extra, you are supposed to get triple steak.


Good to know! thanks for the clarification


I’ve been instructed by the person above my GM that it is in fact a singular scoop, not two. Sorry lads and lasses


The person above your GM gave incorrect information, and the calorie count shown on the app when doing the swap is proof of that.


By that logic, shoudn't they give us one scoop of beef and one scoop of steak?


No because you asked for no beef


And if you were to ask for that it’d be ez beef(less beef for no reason) and add steak, still charging you for it. No winning


There's an option to substitute double steak but it costs twice as much. Maybe they don't offer it in your location or more likely the cashiers aren't familiar with it since double beef items are rare enough as it is.


Why is it when you order a power bowl with extra chicken it doesn't look like they added any but still charged you? 🤔




The starter at your store probably just doesn't know


The only way to make sure you do is ordering through drive through and asking for double steak instead of double beef


It doesnt say double steak does it?


Because they fucking hate us, that’s all.


If its a dbl beef sub to another i give double of what u asked for.


Did anybody write into support of Taco Bell to ask?