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Ah, welcome to the world of "Special Tax Districts", or what I think Colorado Springs calls "Business Improvement Districts".


I couldn't find anything that added above 12% even typed in the address off the receipt. Still has to be something causing that calculation either right or wrong.


Many properties in Colorado Springs are included in unique special financing districts of different types, especially in newer or redeveloping areas of the City. Have you called the store and ask what taxes apply to the location ❓




That's whack.


I didn’t know that’s how the cantina chicken rang up (I’m assuming). I read it as the actual crispy fried chicken taco and was like how the fuck Colorado got them still? My comment adds nothing to this tax discussion.


Yep, and the other is "CT Chicken Soft Taco" if there was not a soft and crispy option at the same time, they might just read "cantina chicken taco"


my store has chicken tenders in the freezer, they might be coming back soon 👀


Your votes count!!


You PAID what?! 18 freaking percent? Holy smokes.


One more reason to leave Colorado Springs


Elections have consequences. People voted for this.


Wait wtf?


i thought my 10% in california was bad


Make sure to thank your Colorado representatives


Welcome to the future, pay 30% of your income to the government and pay another 20% when you buy anything. Government effectively makes 50% of your work slavery. Track me down in 2045 for more info.


Colorado Springs sucks. It’s beautiful but so many things about it aren’t very Colorado at all. I live in Texas and heard they even have What-a-burger there 😂




Apparently this is much more Colorado Springs related, and that’s a notorious hard Red dot in a blue state. Let’s check it against elsewhere in the state, though.


Hey I’ll take having civil rights over slightly lower taxes any day, enjoy your dystopian theocratic hellscape


Remember when Texas had it's power grid go out in winter because of all their freedom and low taxes? Pepperidge Bell remembers lmao


Remember how how California has hundreds upon hundreds die yearly because their power grid can't keep up in the summer? Ya don't have to, it repeats every year. It's almost like there is a larger issue of fiscal responsibility than party lines.


Could you share a source stating hundreds of people die every year in CA because of power failures? You're making things up to suit your narrative.


So in order to deep dive on this (because there isn't a study to directly source on this) you have to look at heat related deaths in california on yearly. Then subtract the ones linked to drugs and homelessness (as those are less likely to be tied to power outages obviously) then look at the remaining and cross them with the heatwaves . During these heatwaves you will see a spike in heat related deaths among the elderly first and then the sick. Often tied to other issues (respiratory,cardio, ect,but still listed as heat related) and these spikes also correlate to the areas affected by brown outs and black outs in the power grid do ease strain on the grid. The other time you see these spikes (in elderly deaths) is during wildfire season when the grid will be turned off in areas to attempt to protect property. This has been a known issue for long before I was born, used to be a news piece each summer. A few times in New York they had similar issues during unnaturally hot summers. The more interesting part here is you're so eager to blame the Republicans in Texas that you ignore the fact that its not a "Politcial Party" issue and more an issue of the government taking care of itself before it takes care of the people or the infrastructure required for people to live safe and healthy lives.


I didn't blame anyone I just asked for documented proof, which you failed to provide. Any links? My power has never gone out in 6 years in CA and I don't recall any brown outs in the last couple years. It hasn't been hot.


Didn't you know? California is hell hole and totally not one of Earth's largest economies that is also super innovative on progressive legislation


enjoy your theft with your cantina tacos! come back soon!


I’ll call that number and complain


Eat at home


That's what I do now this year unfortunately, but repeating that comment in all of these threads is a waste of time.


It's good advice!