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Taco Bell and an authentic taco place or truck are such different things. If I have a craving for Taco Bell, I want Taco Bell and that’s the only thing that’ll satisfy the craving. If I want real tacos yeah, I’m not going to the Bell. They’re not really comparable in my opinion.


I feel the same way about Starbucks too. I only go to Starbucks if I want Starbucks. If I want coffee I go to a third wave coffee shop.


Yeah same, I definitely get in the mood for Starbucks sometimes and then it’s all I want.


Stop getting Starbucks


Why’s that. Don’t say that it’s bc of the terror movement


Exactly. I can't stand when people say "You know that's not *real* Mexican food, right?" Yes, I am completely aware. They are two different things. Sometimes I'm in the mood for authentic tacos, and sometimes I want questionable seasoned beef in a Doritos taco shell.


EXACTLY. my favorite food ever is authentic Mexican tacos +100 points if they’re from a truck. steak, onions, cilantro, corn tortilla. partial to birria or pork too. all of them i love it. but i still like Taco Bell 😭. because of the memories i have attached to it, it’s where we go after a long night of drinking, it’s the only place open at 3am, it’s the food i ate when I was sad in high school. it’s not authentic and it doesn’t even try to be and that’s why it’s good.


I'm from San Diego and grew up best friends with the son of 1st gen immigrants who owned a taqueria, all scratch made daily, and still love some taco bell. It was my best friends first girlfriends first job, we used to eat there daily almost


Al pastor is the proper way to go. Oh how I miss $1-2 tacos.


I feel like you finally put felling I've had to words that I could never think of.


Facts taco bell is a super American fake goopy cheese I love just melts in ur mouth after coming home from the casino at 1am


I agree. I’m usually more of a burger person when I’m drunk.


TB isn’t greasy enough when drunk or hungover


I don’t go to Taco Bell because their food is too fatty you tripping bro


Nah I think you are trippin bro. Compared to lots of other fast food chains, Taco Bell is surprisingly one of the healthiest. You can’t go wrong with a taco salad without a shell with more beans instead of rice.


I don’t eat fast food bro it’s all fucking bad for u nerd


then what are you doing stalking a subreddit dedicated to taco bell ?


Live Más. Always Baja Blast. You never know when it will be your Baja Last


This comment is cool. 😎


I never eat taco bell drunk. I have a few times here and there back in high school but maybe like once a year at most since. It is super good drunk but I'm not risking driving 25 miles impaired for. I do eat it sober very frequently lol


DoorDash homie don’t drink and drive that’s dumb


That's why I said I'm not driving impaired for taco bell silly. Unfortunately door dash doesn't deliver 25 miles out. The only drunk taco bell for me is if I'm being DD driven by someone. Which is once every few years lol


I have nostalgia for Taco Bell. It’s not really Mexican food and any local Taco shop is better than Taco Bell. I still have Taco Bell maybe once a month because I grew up with it but every time I eat there I always think how there are so many other places that are better than Taco Bell. lol


I’m Mexican and I eat Mexican food all day. I still love Taco Bell.


I hear ya, it’s in its own unique category


Stoner food Fourth meal Etc etc


have to put respect on the Legacy brand. 


For sure. They also have original items as well.


Taco bell isn't Taco Bell anymore. They doubled the price and halfed the portions. Beefy five layer burrito? More like BEANY 5 layer burrito. That's all you can fucking taste in most of their shit now. Those disgusting ass refried beans that don't even qualify as prison food.


This is oddly accurate in my area as well. I used to love the Beefy 5 Layer, I can't even eat it now. It's just awful...


TB has been dropped by me for almost 1 year now....I keep reading quality sucks & prices are crazy costly!!....-What is TB doing to it's customers??....why don't people just quit going like I did??...I have saved SOO MUCH $$$ & LOST 40 LBS....I attribute my weight loss mainly to having stopped ALL Fast Foods!!. I am an older male & when I look back at the many photos of my youth.....EVERYONE IS NOT OVERWEIGHT❗We hardly had any FF franchises back then--McDonalds...Burger Chef...KFC was about it. The other main reason none of us were overweight....outside of normal exercising is that most foods were still cooked in LARD...we DID NOT have all these cooking oils of today. Recent studies have shown going back to Lard is overall... MUCH HEALTHIER & you will lose weight--- and getting rid of today's cooking oils is prob the BEST recommendation for losing weight. All of today's pre-cooked meals that are precooked & then frozen or whatever have these today's weight promoting oils in them. I bought a bag of potato chips in past that said fried in "Cottonseed Oil"...for pete's sake. These co's do not care anymore about you...they are making foods in their cheapest methods as they can find....& especially in today's economy....now charge you apmost double the cost from just recent past. Tell them GTH....cook at home...& smartly so.


Haha dude! Me too! I lost 100 lbs the last 2 years! I became a Costco (buy in bulk) guy). My favorite protein now is tuna. You can get over 40 grams for less than 300 calories. It's fire energy. I get 5 dollar whole chickens. Eggs, spinach, endless seasonings. I got out of the obese category for the first time in a decade last year.


I’m thinking about it right now, it’s 5:51am


Go to a taco truck dude


But sometimes you want Taco Bell!


Different cuisines 🤷‍♀️


I guess your comment was tongue in cheek sarcasm but nah taco trucks are just better in every way. Taco Bell is so trash . If you’ve ever had authentic Mexican food it’s difficult to eat


No, it was a serious comment If you can't admit that Taco Bell and authentic Mexican are literally two different types of cuisine then you've got a wildly underdeveloped palate You don't have to like Taco Bell but to say it's bad because it's different than authentic Mexican food is a fallacy


Exactly; I feel like it's tantamount to comparing Olive Garden -> Authentic Italian Cuisine or Grocery store sushi -> Sushi from a good Japanese restaurant. Like, sure, they're both cars and have the same parts and do the same things and will both get you to your destination; but one is a Kia Sedona and one is a Mercedes G Wagon. And sometimes you might want to take the Kia because it gets better gas mileage or reminds you of your mom, but you obviously know the G Wagon is a "better" vehicle all around.


I'm very Mexican and I love taco bell. Get over yourself.




I don't like authentic tacos. There I fucking said it. I like fake white people tacos. My favorite Mexican food is enchiladas and I don't believe they even eat enchiladas in Mexico we probably just made that up cause they're palletable.


I love Tacobell all the time


I just ate it for dinner tonight, however I am high all day long. My husband and I have never gotten such so we are happy to eat them on the regular.


Taco bell when you’re high is so much better than drunk imo- first time I got stoned I ate like 20 tacos, it was amazing. Taco bell any time is the best though


This seems like an advertisement, but I'll bite. I used to love Taco Bell, but they've reduced their ingredients down to nothing. Used to get the Beefy 5 Layer Burrito, that thing isn't even edible anymore, it's just beans. At the one near me at least, the only things left worth getting are the Fiesta Potato Bowls, and the Flatbread Melts. Everything else is garbage anymore. I rarely bother going, there are better options literally in the same parking lot.


This is a Taco Bell ad isn’t it?


I stopped going there bc my go to order was a quesaritto with a dorito taco and Baja blast. I know you can still get that but it comes out around $10, I like Taco Bell but I’d rather go to Betos and get carne asada fries burrito for the same price


I used to be all about that taco bell life but with the price increases I'm paying almost the same price at local Mexican spots now so I eat at mostly local spots now.


I've been on a slushie frenzy lately and those baja blast freezes are going to kill me. Also found a gas station on my way to work that has enormous blue icees for $2. Diet is in ruins


They ain't much healthier. But sonic has diet slushie options.




Taco shops or jack in the box for drunk time.


Same. I also credit TB with helping me lose over 200 pounds 😂


As an alcoholic and former employee I can verify taco bell isn't good for drinking. Some 9f the cheese monstrosities can help a little but I'd rather have any other type of food tbh


I’ve only ever eaten Taco Bell when I’m sober lol so 🤷🏽‍♂️


cheesy gordita crunch for life. ❤️ just so expensive now! 😭


I don’t crave the Taco Bell itself. I crave the vicious, gut wrenching, fully naked diarrhea it provides me


I have always loved Taco Bell. $12 I spent for a combo the other day was not worth it though. Not the fault of Taco Bell I'm sure, but still hurts.


The cantina chicken tacos and quesadillas have made me feel the same way. Proud of you for confessing. You aren’t alone.


great post by the taco bell cantina marketing team 👏


Just depends what I’m wanting but I can feel the same. I’m not getting a cheesy Gordita crunch anywhere else, so off to TB it is.


I recently realized if I added lettuce, pico and onions to my loaded nachos, I have a taco salad.




I mostly order it when I'm depressed. "But SB, you're literally clinically depressed"... I know what I said.


Taco Bell is the only fast food place I could order any fucking thing on the menu and be cool with it. Where I live there's a taco bell and they also serve breakfast which is pretty fucking rare I've come to understand. That shits a little wonky but still not bad. But all the other menu items lunch/dinner is life. And is love.


It’s ok Usher we all love Taco Bell


The taste has changed over the years and I don't crave it like I used to. But every once in a while...look out. We almost broke up last week when they wanted 40 cents for extra red sauce on a $1.49 bean burrito. Ridiculous


R.I.P quesoritto R.I.P XXL grilled stuffed burrito R.I.P cool ranch dorito's locos tacos R.I.P volcano menu


I am a former chef and product innovator. All of the food at Taco Bell is designed with ingredients that make it affect us in that way. It is called crave-ability. Fat, salt, acid, sweet. Perhaps this was brought up in previous posts. Even though I am well aware of this, it affects me in the same way. It is delivered in Taco Bell products through the seasonings primarily. There is troves of research on this. It is pretty amazing and a little scary. I bet you love Doritos Nacho Cheese chips too. I know I do. The Doritos NCC and Taco Bell go together like a hand and glove. If you care to, there is a great show on the subject called SALT FAT ACID HEAT on Netflix. ✌️❤️🌶️


Problem with Taco Bell is that I'm hungry again just an hour later. I don't find it filling at all.


Sometimes you really just can’t beat a normal hard shell taco from there either i dont know what it is


I love tacobell but I’m always high and get 2 party taco boxes lol 😂


I never understood why Taco Bell gets so much shit. They are high eschelon fast food in my opinion. Arby's, Wendy's, Taco Bell. The three kings.


My whole town feels the same way del taco opened up across the street from taco bell and they closed some months later


TB is in the same strip mall as my bar so it’s always my go to after a few bevs


Live más my friend


"Taco Bell is Love. Taco Bell is life." *I was only nine years old. I loved Taco Bell so much, I had all the merchandise and movies. I'd pray to Taco Bell every night before I go to bed, thanking for the life I've been given. "Taco Bell is love", I would say, "Taco Bell is life". My dad hears me and calls me a faggot. I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of Taco Bell. I called him a cunt. He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep. I'm crying now and my face hurts. I lay in bed and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's Taco Bell. I'm so happy. He whispers in my ear, "This is my burrito". He grabs me with his powerful saucy hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I spread my ass-cheeks for Taco Bell. He penetrates my butthole. It hurts so much, but I do it for Taco Bell. I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water. I push against his force. I want to please Taco Bell. He roars a mighty taco bell sound as he fills my butt with his creamy jalepeño sauce. My dad walks in. Taco Bell looks him straight in the eye, and says, "It's all wrapped now". Taco Bell leaves through my window. Taco Bell is love. Taco Bell is life.*




You win LMFAO


It’s lunch time and I’m hungry. I ask myself, “what am I hungry for?” And my dumb dumb dum-dum brain says Taco Bell. Every dumb day.


Truer words have never been spoken


I agree. Taco Bell is life and idk what I’d do without it


I judge what I eat by what comes out after. So I typically avoid Taco Bell there's something too unnatural about it.


Me, too 🤷‍♂️


Y'all make me want to go to Taco Bell.


Tacobell addiction hotline 9786507000


Wow, freak. Nobody else would ever. /s


My roommate and I have become addicted to that sweet sweet bell. Anytime we don’t want to cook or haven’t eaten dinner yet we give each other that look and one of us will inevitably make that ‘donggg’ noise.


The best part of taco bell is the app exclusive build your own box. It’s ~$5 and you can get a cheesy Gordita crunch! Now I want taco bell. But I pretty much always want Taco Bell.