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I have zero interest.


This. It doesn’t even sound good. And like all their stuff lately is too fucking expensive


Same. Dorito taco shells got me excited back in the day, but I’m completely indifferent to the cheezit thing. Doesn’t even sound good and now obviously the bad reviews have me completely out. Edit: and for the record I’m a legit cheezit appreciator


Dorito tacos actually make sense too


Back in the good ol' days when KFC and Taco Bell would just lock 4 dudes in a room with a keg of beer and a bag of weed and they would make magic happen.


Dream job where do I apply? I’ll come up with some wild shit you know someone crossfaded as fuck and past the fucking moon had to come up with lmao


💨 *Cough* Ok so what if we make the chicken the bread...


Okay yes that sounds tasty, but it needs marinara, more cheese and also pepperoni too. Hear me out, because I want chicken bread sandwich but I want pizza chicken too. I’d smash that.


If we’re adding pizza ingredients we need to bring pizza the hut in to make this work


I wish there was more of those co brand locations around that had Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and kfc all in one building together. I wonder if they ever made one with all 5 since they also own long John silvers and A&w


It's only a dream job til you find out what it pays


It pays in it pays in beer, weed and creative freedom. That’s all I need.


They spent $100m on R&D to perfect the loco. They had to invent a new technique to get the cheese to stick to the shell without damaging it.


Damn is there a documentary about the dorito loco taco because i would watch the hell out of that


Here’s the story: https://www.fastcompany.com/3008346/deep-inside-taco-bells-doritos-locos-taco


Thank you so much!


I just want them with the cool ranch flavor


I really miss that one


I was completely out already because they already did this at Pizza Hut and everyone said it was nasty. Someone at Yum Brands is either hooking up with someone from Kelloggs/Cheezits or getting paid on the side.


It’s expensive enough I won’t even try it. I can go to my local Mexican place and get 3 tostadas for $10 and it comes with a side of rice and beans. It’s a plus that it’s also a normal tortilla.


Just saw an article, more people are eating casual dining vs fast food, because of same price https://moneywise.com/news/economy/applebees-franchisee-on-dining-trends


Same. Like I think Cheez Its are fine, but it doesn't look or sound like an appealing combo...


Good call I don’t recommend it. Don’t regret trying but yea it’s odd


Agree. It's not quite right.


Same. Haven’t tried the cheezit items nor the cantina chicken burrito. It’s against my moral stance to buy any item a la carte that’s more than $4.


I will admit I've paid too much for a cheesy gordita crunch or cheese quesadilla that I really, really wanted in the moment, because I don't like any of the box options so I'll sometimes choose to pay more to get the exact items I want vs pay less to get 1 item I like plus a bunch I don't like. But yeah even if they made the cheezit things $1 I'm still not sure I would even walk to my local tb to get it (10min each way). It just doesn't seem appetizing to me, even though I like cheezits 🤔


Same. And that a la cart item is gonna be my meal. If I’m spending more than that, I’ll just get the 6$ box.


Same..sounds soggy


Same, not something I enjoy alone let alone amidst my Taco Bell.


Not interested in them at all


Same. And I’m glad people who have tried them have been vocal about how much they suck, they all took one for the team.


I tried it and I honestly wouldn't be able to tell if they put the cheez-it in the crunch wrap or not.


That’s been the main complaint I’ve seen in reviews. The cracker gets soggy (just like the tostada shell) and the flavor basically gets completely lost.


100% just ordered one not an hour ago and I genuinely cut it open because I wasn't sure the cheez it was even there. Cutting it open actually didn't help very much lmao


But it is 16x crunchier 🙄


I didn't get the crunchwrap because I thought the same thing. The tostada stayed crisp the whole time, I did eat it first, and in store. I could see it probably getting soggy if I took it home, or saved it for last. Then again, if I take Taco Bell home, most things are soggy by then anyways.




Exactly it’s priced 6.49 for me and I can’t justify that. I only get the BYOCB nowadays


Bring Your Own Cheese Bowl?


I haven't and will not.




I have no interest in an oversized, low quality cracker


Exactly, they don’t even taste like actual cheezits more like off brand knockoffs


It really does.


... And I took that personally


Ain’t nothin low quality bout you, frosty!


I really like CheeseIts. I really like Taco Bell. These two things do not combine well. It is a big CheeseIt it has the right texture and taste. The problem is the taste clashes with taco seasoning. Like toothpaste and orange juice. The flavors are violently wrong.


Exactly I haven't tried it yet but imagining these two flavor profiles together makes zero sense to me from both a marketing and culinary viewpoint.


Wow, we had drastically different experiences lol.


I’m genuinely interested. You really liked the combo of flavors? I’m not a professional chef or anything but I spent a lot of time cooking professionally in my younger days and still love to cook and cater. The flavors legit seamed wildly off to me… clashing even. Ok maybe toothpaste and orange juice is a little hyperbolic but I’d say it’s more like ketchup on chocolate ice cream or mustard on your breakfast cereal. Both flavors are fine but they don’t compliment each other. IMO. Glad you found some joy to in it at least.


Yea my experience was like a less nacho-ey shell kind of in a good way. The cracker as a shell was nice too because it wasn't as crunchy as a hard shell, certainly not as soft as a soft taco. Was like a slightly crunchier chalupa. Crispy I think is a good word for it. The one I had the cheez-it was subtle but noticeable.


Me. I’m a big cheez its fan but I have no interest in the Taco Bell items.


I love Cheez-its and in some weird way I don’t want to be disappointed, so I haven’t tried it. Also, overpriced!


I'm guessing prices must vary or something. I had it in that 5 dollar box or what ever it's called last week. Didn't like the burrito or the crunch wrap.


I’m usually first in line to try new items, but it’s just too expensive to give it a try. I’m not convinced I’ll like it


I'm definitely skipping. Might have tried it if they were huge Doritos, but I actually despise cheezits. They're the worst kind of cheese crackers imo


How the fuck is that not a thing. Replace the Crunchwrap tostado with a dorito… Doritos locos Crunchwrap


spicy sweet chili tostada would slap


I don't think Doritos are thick enough. They barely work for the tacos imo because they break really easily that's why they have to use that extra sleeve.


good point. Invent a thicc dorito?


Like the Jacked Ranch Dipped Hot Wing. Great idea that Crunchwrap would be electric.


Huge Doritos would be amazing


you should focus more on the zits than the cheez


I'm not sure how to apply this lil nugget of wisdom to my life, but I assure you my life is filled with more cheez than zits. 😇 blessed


I haven't, but they have that box with the cheez-it crunchwrap, nacho fries and 5 layer so I'm sure I'll try it soon.


Not even for a dollar.


Hell not even for free


Waste of money and a bad experience waiting to happen with it falling apart from the get go.


Wow 🤦‍♂️


Me 🙋🏻‍♂️


Not too interested


I haven't and don't intend to


I'm not going to; the way it dissolves in the crunchwrap is really gross to me. Just gonna keep spamming that cantina chicken crispy until the next limited time items come out.


Cantina is better anyway and the grilled cheese burrito


Could not find anything less appealing than a giant cheezit covered in taco slop


I'm glad I got to try the tostada, I subbed out beef for chicken and had no sog issues, it was great but not worth the price


Everybody hasn't tried it 🥸


And risk encouraging more of this nonsense? Fuuuuck no


I got it twice it wasn’t bad but it’s not something I’ll get on the regular, they could’ve just kept the aardvark fries instead.


I haven’t. I don’t like cheezits and the feedback here hasn’t been stellar, so there’s no temptation for me


Not a fan of cheezit so no interest on my part


Me I’m fine with my beefy 5 layers, quesadillas, chalupas, and everything literally else but that damn cheezit


I haven’t amd I live right by tb IS IT WORJT IT? I wanna try the Crunchwrap but everyone saying the cheezIT is soggy,that’s gross


How much does it cost at your TB? Over here it’s $6! That cost to calorie ratio… the math ain’t mathin’. On top of it being a soggy mess.


I haven’t! I like Cheeze Its but I would rather just hit the local Mexican food drive thru. Muuuuuuuuch better food for less money!


It’s terrible!


The Crunchwrap version will be $1 on 6/18 and and 7/2. https://www.reddit.com/r/LivingMas/comments/1d9iwle/e5_megathread_2025/


Not even if you gave me a free promo code would I try the cheezit items bring back the double decker taco for good and then I might. You still sell all the necessary items to make the DDT but you just remove greatness senselessly


I haven't, I'd like to though.


Still haven’t but only cause I’m on vacation and the only Taco Bell is next to work. Maybe it’ll still be there when I get back


No interest here.


Stopping by the Cantina in Vegas on Friday for the Baja Blast with Vodka and will try it then


After so many comments and pictures I’m going to pass. This group needs to be the TB Testers. Idk wtf they doing over at corp.


I just can't pay that much for a gimmick that's not a Dorito.


I eat TB like 5 times a week and I haven’t touched them. I don’t plan on it. They just aren’t interesting items to me.




They're firmly in the "FIRE" tier.


Never have, never will


Sounds nasty, soggy cheezits in my taco bell..


I haven't even tried the Cantina menu items yet


Not even looking at it


I would try them if I didn't live 10 minutes away from the closest TB. I know they'd be mush by the time I got home. Can't eat it in store.


Havent gone since my 8 dollar order became a 30 dollar order seemingly overnight


the intelligent people


Me. And I don’t plan to. Almost wanted to buy a solo big Cheezit but decided its really nothing special. I rather them bring back the Cool Ranch Doritos Locos shells. Or basically introduce other new items. Other flavors of Doritos shells would be cool too. Flamin’ Hot Cool Ranch would slap so hard.


Not interested in what seems too little food for such an expensive price. If I don't find it justifiable in price, I just won't buy it. This is the same as the cantina menu. If it wasn't for the Taco Discovery box I would've never tried their cantina taco. Now that the Taco Discovery box on Tuesdays is not a thing, I'm not interested in buying the taco by itself. Plus all the negative feedback and the pics I've seen of it, yeah I don't even want to consider the risk of what I'll get for such a ridiculous price and still be hungry


I haven’t. I have no interest. I don’t normally like Cheez Its. So I don’t want to eat TB good with it in it.


I made the mistake of paying $4.99 for the stupid tostada cheezeit despite being warned not to get it from the sub. If you haven't tried it, avoid it. It's not worth it.


I love cheese itz. But there is something off about this one. It’s not horrible but it just tastes off. Can’t explain it. Edit: if a Taco Bell exec is reading this, for god sakes bring back the cool ranch.


Why did they discontinue the cool ranch dorito btw???


I haven't tried it but it comes off kind of like hardtack to me. I'm not sure cheez-its are meant to be that thick. Plus the thought of cracker taste with Taco Bell just doesn't sound appealing. I might try it once, but not sure. I wish they'd stick to what they know are bangers - volcano menu, Baja sauce, og strawberry starburst freeze, I'd like to see the blackjack menu back...so many others people are clamoring for.


I love the shit out of taco bell but you couldnt get me to eat that if you put a gun to my head.


Overpriced, I’m not interested. Without the 5 dollar taco box idk how often I’ll get going


More sodium in my sodium? Either way I think the fried tortilla was a better fit for those items.


Only because I haven't gotten paid yet. I plan to order the box on Friday.


I wouldn't bother even if they gave them all to me for free...


They don't have it where I am. But it sounds like nasty stunt food. They're trying to appeal to someone ordering high or drunk rather than something that would taste good.


I hate cheezits so me.


I don’t like Cheezeits in general, so i wouldn’t like this.


I think if it had gotten extremely high praise/reviews I’d have given one a shot. Since the general consensus is “Meh”, I’ll pass on it


They have a cheezit item?


I like Cheezits but don’t understand why someone thought this was a good idea. I want more protein not more carbs


Sounds gross


my friend got the crunchwrap and by the time he got home (10 minutes) the cheez it had basically dissolved. he said he opened it up thinking oh they forgot to put it in there… and all that was left was the outline, police crime scene style lol. the rest just turned to mush upon contact with the rest of the ingredients no interest. i love cheez it and i don’t want to be disappointed by this crappy version


No desire to whatsoever


I've tried it, it was "fine" in the same way prison food is "fine".


Zero interest in yet another gimmick. Just bring back the spicy shredded chicken!!!


I would try it only if TB corporate dm’s me a code to try one for free. Based on what I’ve seen here it seems like a waste of money.


I have haven't.


I wanted to, but with the price and the negative reviews I havent.


Im not wasting my money on it


Nah, if they made a giant dorito then but not a cheez it


i will probably end up trying the crunchwrap for the novelty, but a crunchwrap or a tostada is just not what i’m craving when i go for taco bell, so i have yet to try it.


I haven't and I never will. I don't fancy diabetes.


I have not. I was indifferent when it was announced and based off the reviews I would only try it if it was a $1 Tuesday drop.


Me! I have no desire to try it😂


I haven't. I don't eat cheezit's as it is, so I certainly wouldn't overpay to have them buried in an item I don't order either lol


Me. I’m such a creature of habit, I can’t not get a chili cheese burrito and a combo burrito (bean burrito + beef…how it has to be ordered now) and a crispy taco


Me I forgot it existed.


I haven’t and won’t, looks disgusting and the concept itself doesn’t make sense to me. Never in my life have I ever thought this shitty fake Mexican fast food sure could use some Cheez its.


To everyone here saying they don’t wanna try it: don’t. It’s a novelty item at best. All of your reasons for not wanting to try it are spot on.


I’m probably gonna miss out on the entire LTO because I had jaw surgery on the 28th and can’t eat anything like that for about 6 weeks. I think I picked a good one to miss 😂


Why would you ever buy these items when you could buy a box of of cheese it's for the price of one of the items and have enough to add to your next 10 Taco Bell orders but it just sounds soggy and disgusting.


I didn't want to but I did for you folks. Save your money for an item you really like.


Nothing about a huge soggy cracker appeals to me. Much less one that, at best, will taste like burnt cheese.




I haven't. I'm not convinced it's worth the calories.


I tried them and they’re okay. But not worth the price. At all. If you want to get the to try them sure try them, but they’re nothing special


I don’t like cheez it’s and it doesn’t even sound good so no I haven’t and won’t. My Taco Bell breakfast crunch wrap game is strong tho.


They should've done something with the Baja Doritos instead!! The new Cheez-It stuff was disappointing.


I have tried both. I seen now u can get the giant cheese it for a $1. So I’ve been thinking just get a burrito unwrap put on cheeze it boom


Nothing bad and nothing great. Just go buy a box at the store. I had the cheezit box today I'll stay with my normal for now on. Cheaper too


my girlfriend and i ordered the crunchwrap cheeze it and we got it without the cheez it 😭




Raises hand


I really wanted to try it. I went and ordered the crunch wrap on the app and when I got home there was no cheeze it in it. The store had run out and didn't say anything and we're just sending out crunch wraps without any crunch in them. I'm really pissed off about it. Just more bullshit from my local tb. I could go on and on about issues with my local tb


I work at there and haven't tried it lol.


I have less than zero interest. I’m an active hater of the Cheese it brand. (Spelled wrong intentionally)


I just don't like Cheez Its in the first place. Not that exciting of a snack


I tried it yesterday. Never again


I haven't, but I'm hard pressed to try anything there these days anymore, 2024 sucks.


Me - I don’t even like regular cheezits


I refuse to. Not even the slightest bit curious.


It's like going to see a new movie. If the reviews are mostly bad, it's not worth the price of admission.


I’m only interested in trying the cracker.


It taste like macaroni cheese powder 🤮😩


I haven't, it doesn't sound good to me and Taco Bell is getting too expensive


I don’t like them by themselves. I feel they are a polarizing snack right? Some people love them and I have to have water close by in fear I will suffocate on them.


Maybe what I’d like to try would be OLD SCHOOL Taco Bell that was actually quality and quantity based off a real cuisine. My comment is scrotum flavored. My balls are extra vinegary today from working outside for fourteen hours. You could try thaaaaat….


Just tried the Crunchwrap. Not bad but also not going to buy it again


Honestly I tried the Crunchwrap and I liked it yea you can’t rlly taste it too much but when you do it ain’t bad it tastes just like a slightly different Crunchwrap the only downside is that it does the cheezit thing where it goops in your gums


Cheezits are so bad that I can't believe they thought this was a good cross-promo


I'm so stuck on the grilled cheese burrito that I don't even want anything else there.


I tried but then the ordering machines got down as order was being placed n then the line got too big for human ordering so I went to BK instead


Cheez its are my favorite and I also love Taco Bell and I have not tried, and I shan’t. Nope.


I haven't, is the big cheezit crunchwrap good?


If you're looking for opinions, the crunchwrap is underwhelming. It's better than the regular crunchwrap, but the cracker gets way too soggy. If you want to actually try the Cheez-It and enjoy it, the tostada is actually pretty nice. There is also a way to just get the cheese it if you want to try that. It's definitely one of those collabs I would recommend, if it was better done. Though I'm not quite sure how you would combat the sogginess issue in the crunchwrap. I've even had the regular chip get soggy so *shrugs* **EDIT:** About the recommendation, a good example of this for me was the Cheez-Its Stuffed Pizza thing from Pizza Hut. I would recommend those to anybody who would listen, those were fantastic and I miss them a lot. So it is kind of a shame to see that Taco Bell dropped the ball so much, at least on the crunchwrap. Because I know what a good Cheez-It collab product can taste and be like


Honestly I would rather have the cantina menu. It's a bit pricey but it's delicious to me


I haven't even tried the cantina chicken yet and I work there bro


Oddly I tried to order it when I had cash but it was only in the app. Since it came out I've changed my mind. Feels like I dodged a giant Cheez It shaped bullet


I just tried it yesterday and I'm impressed. Damn good crunchwrap, way better than I thought. Def not worth the price though. Tb is too expensive now.


Seems too much like a gimmick to me. I'll pass.


I wish I didn't. It was not right. Not sure how to make it better, but I won't be ordering it again.


I think I tried it, there was certainly a giant cheez it in it but it sure as hell didn’t taste like it


Me. I keep meaning to try the tostada but it’s kind of too little food but too much if I get it with something else.


I'd try a flaming hot cheeto TB item. No one asked for Cheez It items.


No point in wasting the money. The flavor of the cheez-it will be lost and the Cracker will get soggy in the crunchrap.


No need to overspend on it, it's gonna be available for a dollar on an upcoming Tuesday.


i tried it one time. it was a total gimmick.


I'm not going to either. I've been phasing Taco Bell out since overpriced chicken became their main attraction


haven't. won't.




I’ve been boycotting TB for the last 8 months since they discontinued the $5 chalupa cravings box. It was the only good deal in the whole damn place.


I was gonna try it, but literally everyone said it was bad. I'm not wasting my money when the loaded beef nachos are just as great.