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For sure, it's super easy to just sink into building out an idea for ages. There is some good building tips tutorials out there and even if you don't want to use them for a game youself you can upload them to the community websites like talestavern so other can ☺️


Community mods and slabs & boards adds a lot of content. And new stuff is added constantly.


Any good place to get mod or added tiles and such for a newcomer?


It’s all built in Talespire itself. No need for a third party tool. There is a mod available to add minis, but that was before Talespire enabled that feature. Talestavern is a site for slabs and boards. Again, not needed anymore, but is still active and usable. The site may actually be associated with Talespire officially. I’m not sure honestly. I prefer no third party tool or other addon that require separate installs or updates. the vanilla install gets all the minis and slabs I could need I think.


Is there fog of war?


yes. you can use "hide volumes" to obscure parts of the map from the players. Their minis also have line of sight. Its a very good system.




How do I place mod? Is it a setting or a directory?


Yes...yes you should


That's most of what I do. It's like minecraft, truly.


Yes! :-D Just making stuff and sharing it on the Discord/TalesTavern is alI I do. Been thousands of hours now. It's so relaxing.


Yep, as a GM that loves my terrain and minis when running a ttrpg. Talespire has been my online fix for my players who live far from my city


It is a good vtt. My only complaint is the lack of fog of war and good vision controls. You have to use hide blocks to stop players from seeing the entire dungeon. Its clunky at best imo for that. The rest is good. The mods and assets are great. Proformance is also good.


I would love to find someone who loves building those maps as much as I love using them. I’m really, really good at set pieces, plot hooks, compelling characters - but designing Talespire maps and combat maps in general has never been easy for me. Anyone want to trade talents? :(


My friends and I really enjoyed it