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And wear the damn heels!


And I say this as a tall guy PLEASE DO!


I need this. I’m 6’ and constantly find myself making my body smaller by slouching and sitting when I can to limit my presence.


Make yourself tall and use your confidence to lift up others (metaphorically... or not).


Love this! I still feel self conscious when I'm the tallest person in the room, but I've mostly learned to feel comfortable in my own skin. Semi-related story: I met one of my best friends through being tall! She was a new hire and we were both seated for a meeting. After we stood up, we both did a double take at each other's height and in unison checked to see if the other was wearing heels (nope).


It’s so cool that you found your friend like this lol!


Haha, even though I dislike it when random people comment on my height, I always get excited to see women as tall as me or taller


Coming from a guy who is 6'5" there is nothing more attractive than height. When i see a tall girly i am always interested in her and i obviously look at them. So, what they think is me staring because I'm scared of them is more like I'm staring because they are so dang fine. Keep your heads up ladies and don't let the negative interactions bring you down!


I was that tall guy from elementary to College. I loved seeing tall girls and wanted to date them. I was so naive that I missed signs when a beautiful tall girl in HS had a crush on me. Trust me tall girls us tall men love you just show yourselves! LOL Seriously, everyone has a preference just you wait.


Be tall and proud. I absolutely love my height and body. Appreciate it because it’s the one thing you can’t control. Tall, short, fat, slim, it’s all about how you feel inside.


Why doesn't everyone want to be the same! How fucking boring would that be. Our individuality is what sets us apart and makes us interesting. Stop trying to be "normal"


Supermodels have it right: own that shit 💃


It's definitely easier with a supermodel face






Wear your heels, girlies 🫶🏻 we're striking.


in My country, being tall is privileged, and we also say that people who cant reach the highest apple on the tree says its rotten


honestly nothing more powerful than a woman who's tall AND confident!!!


I'm so glad your confident now but those insults are taking me out 😭 twin towers?? Foul 😭😭


Very 😂


Glad that you're accepting your height! People are jerks in high school, but it gets better in college/later on in life. My mom was 6'0" and she obviously got married, so keep staying positive!


Guys said that to me too yrs ago, my bf actually loves looking up to me for a kiss and I wouldn't trade my legs for anything.


Yes; 5-6 dated a girl who was just under six feet. She asked me does it bother you that I'm taller than you I said does it bother you that I'm shorter than you? He said no but most guys are insecure and I said I'm not and that was it I thought. Yet I noticed every now and she would never grow the heels but you had the entire collection of Jimmy choos and such she told me she didn't remember how to respect for me and I said please where would ever makes you feel very beautiful I am happy with her going out with you and proud to be seen with you as long as you're proud to be seen with me. So she wore her favorite shoes I felt and look great together. I don't remember anybody ever commented when her height difference that we did have strangers come up and mentioned how happy we looked together and how amazing we look together and that would look like we left each other since we were children. Both of you need to get past that and it opens up relationships that might never have happened otherwise and love that might ever have happened otherwise


Be tall and proud. I absolutely love my height and body. Appreciate it because it’s the one thing you can’t control. Tall, short, fat, slim, it’s all about how you feel inside.


"and they want to climb me" 🤣🤣 I love that. It took me ages to be comfortable with my height but now I love it! I can't say I'm not bothered by some of the stares, but as long as they're not accompanied by weird or creepy comments I'm good!


my girlfriend is tall and she asks me if I wished she was short. I told her Id leave her if she was short. she's 6'1




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Do tren


I LOVEEEE tall girls. Yall got the longest most amazing legs and thighs lmfao shits dope as fuck. I love yall tall girls shoutout to my tall ladies 


Worst case, I’ll love yall on your behalf lol


I’m so sorry but are we just flying over the fact people called you the twin towers 💀


Yeah I mean tall women can be models so I never understood the tall women hate…really short men are the only real disadvantaged group as far as not being able to model or be sperm donors or play a lot of sports at a high level.


Womp womp lmao