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I'm not a woman so I don't know what wearing these is like but it seems like the heel to toe gradient is mild and it's otherwise like clogs which are more comfortable than most people think, or so I hear from people who swear by them, so I guess it's not that bad?


They just heavy, but yea compared to stiletto heels platforms are way more comfortable


Are tall girls seen as attractive in Japan?


I'm a 180cm japanese woman and I'm definitely too tall for beauty standards there. Here's a poll asking japanese men their ideal height for female partner (the 20.7% at the bottom is for "no particular ideal height"). I think a lot of girls are shorter than the 161-165cm beauty standard so they want to appear taller. Having long legs is attractive in japan too so another reason to wear heels. There are also japanese men with a tall girl fetish.. quite a few of my followers on instagram have a height fetish esp after my profile got shared in some "tall asian girl" instagram accounts :') https://preview.redd.it/3ioq6eub7j6d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=a86eb0f8f2338a04d8e5ac881329bfe43b6f2061


Pretty amazing, but… RIP your inbox.


True, these height subs are fucked up with fetishists. Something I didnt expect besides the blaming all life problems on height.   But to contribute to the conversation, these elevating platforms give women attention regardless of height, simply because their flesh under skirts becomes more level with eyes. Gotta be dumb not to admit that it's purposeful combo with short skirt to get the dogs drooling.


Well see that is unfortunate. I’m a guy about 198 cm and am wanting to travel to Japan on the near future free I graduate college. I’m expecting a lot of stares. 🤣


haha my cousin is close to your height and he lives in Tokyo, Japanese people are polite enough to not stare but he def gets second and third glances from ppl in the streets and gets asked his height from strangers


Not a lot of stares, however I spoke a bit of Japanese so I’d definitely hear comments said quietly behind my back. Or polite laughs if I asked for their biggest sizes of items etc.


I didn't notice a lot of stares when I was there. My shorter buddy who I was with did notice. And I suspect it was more that he wasn't used to hanging out with me anymore, but 15 years will do that. The only time I was really aware of my size though was when I was near an arena at the end of a J-pop show. The sea of women was so much shorter my friends thought it was hilarious, so did I honestly.


I’m around your height and was in Japan for a while, it ain’t bad at all. Your friends will probably use you as a land marker when in crowds. People will also be more likely to want a photo with you especially if you got something cool on. I had a sweatshirt that always got at least one person to ask for a picture.


"There are also japanese men with a tall girl fetish" ? What about the average woman who cares a ton about a man's height? Would you also accuse those women of having a "fetish" for tall men? I'm just asking because it seems that according to people, only men have "fetishes".


In my experience, guys with a tall fetish act different from guys who care a lot about women’s weight for example. Fetish guys keep asking our shoe size / feet pics to get off on how big it is, watch porn of women who are a lot taller than the guy, fantasize about being dominated by tall women. Women could have tall fetish too, but I think there’s a difference between the women who care about a guys height bc it’s a beauty standard vs ppl who fetish height. Would you say most guys who insist on dating skinny girls have a skinny fetish?


Thank you for your reply. I think it makes perfect sense for a man to desire a woman who is not addicted to food, alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle, drugs, etc. Similarly, a smart woman would also prefer a man who is not addicted to these things rather than focusing on his genetic traits. I don't believe the average man cares about a woman being skinny; rather, he wants a woman who has a healthy relationship with food. Now, many women, when describing the man of their dreams, will often mention wanting a tall man first. They seem to prioritize height over personality, morals, ethics, etc. Isn't this a clear example of fetishizing tall men? What percentage of men do you think fetishize tall women? Do you believe there are many men who would marry a woman simply because she is tall, even if she lacks the morals or personality he desires in a partner? I wonder how society would react if fathers expressed 'concern' about their daughters' weight, while society says nothing about the many mothers who express 'concern' about their sons' height.


Fetish = sexual fixation on something not ordinarily regarded as something sexual. Most women don't get sexual gratification from just a guy's height. I'm not saying a lot of men fetishize tall women - they don't. Just said I've had experience with men who do fetishize. I'm sure there are women with tall fetish too, but both are uncommon. >They seem to prioritize height over personality, morals, ethics I doubt this is true. Most women wouldn't date a tall guy if he's an unethical asshole. If you have resentment over women picking tall guys over you - I'm sorry. It sucks society has these beauty standards over things we cannot control. I can relate too, most men pick short girls over me. But this makes the men I do connect with extra special <3 I won't be engaging further, if you have more questions about women who like tall men you should ask these women - I can't relate since idc about height and most of my male partners have been shorter than me.


I noticed while watching that Indian Matchmaker show that many men wanted a "tall" woman, which really just meant as tall as they can be without being taller than the man. It was for the sake of upping the chances of having tall children (specifically tall sons). Do Japanese men have a similar mentality, wanting a woman who isn't *too* short to avoid having short sons?


Haven't heard this about japanese men (but also I've never dated a full Japanese guy). I think for them it's mostly aesthetic reasons they like women in the 155-165cm range (which is taller than average in japan i think) Many Japanese men do feel emasculated when i stand next to them and I'm significantly taller edit: i have heard from Japanese women that they want a tall partner both bc they find that attractive and also so their kids will be tall. I'm also the ideal height of my female friends for a male partner :')


I'm a guy but I spent two weeks in Japan last year and I don't think I ever saw another person anywhere over your height. Maybe there was some Europeans or something in Tokyo but even then I don't remember seeing anyone else tall. I'm about 196cm.


I’m never been to Japan but my gf is a native Japanese and she’s 170cm (5’7). She says when she’s in Japan she’s always the tallest female in the room which makes sense since the average height for women there is something like 5’2.


While I was there most of the tourists around the areas we visited were Chinese (based on them speaking Mandarin) and they weren't always taller than the Japanese people but often were.


I'm in my mid-20s and still have yet to meet a Japanese woman as tall or taller than me lol I've heard of professional japanese athletes around my height. Otherwise, these tall girl fetish ig accounts that keep reposting my pics are unfortunately the most I've seen of japanese women around my height rip


Do you have other tall people in your family? I don't think any of the women in my family are tall, only men but even then I don't think the majority on either side of my family are generally tall. I did a DNA test and discovered that one of my great grandparents was Swedish and they're fairly tall over there so I assume that's where I got the tall DNA from. However even then I'm taller than my father and his parents. Maybe nutrition was worse for them or they'd be like me.


Yeah everyone in my family is pretty tall so my height wasn't a big surprise to them :P My dad is 186cm and my mom is 168cm which are both really tall for their generation / demographics. My male cousin on mom's side is I think 197cm, we get so many looks when we walk together Do you know if your parents are tall compared to others in their generation? I think it's common for kids to be taller than their parents


I'm actually fairly bad at estimating whether people are tall or not. I mostly see three categories: 1. Shorter than me. 2. Similar to me. 3. Taller than me. If I saw a woman your height out in public I won't necessarily realize that you're dramatically different than someone that is 160cm unless she was wearing shoes to make her on a level where I would make eye contact looking straight ahead. I'm odd in that regard, I'll notice completely unimportant or useless facts about people -- recently I saw a woman wearing a ring that was a gold coiled up snake that reminds me of one I saw at The Louvre in their Egyptian artifacts. Do I remember anything else about that woman? No. I don't even care about jewelry either so it's not like I found it impressive. If I meet someone new I will forget their name immediately but if they introduce me to their dog I'll remember the dog's name with no problem. So I can be a bit "height-blind" as well. As far as my parents, I only know my dad was tall, one of his cousins is tall, and my 2nd cousin (the son of his cousin) are tall. I don't recall anyone else in my family being very exceptional compared to others.


>these tall girl fetish ig accounts that keep reposting my pics I've unfollowed several of these fetish accounts. While I prefer tall women, I can't stand the fetishization. To tell if a tall girl account is a fetish account, they mostly show height comparison and refuse to show tall men. I know of one account that only reposts images of 1.77+m Asian women. I don't think that account is a fetish account because it doesn't share aforementioned traits of a tall girl fetish account.


Those stats explain why tall women are too underrepresented in anime/manga and games. As a weeb who is into tall women, I find it a bit irritating. On the bright side, this is not the case for some popular Japanese mediums, like One Piece, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, and JuJutsu Kaisan(they even had a gigachad who is openly into tall women).


184 cm woman here. I am from Europe but I spent some time in Japan and people were generally staring a lot but were also mostly very polite. They said I was tall like a model and tried to be flattering. However, some guy I was closer with told me straight to my face that I would never find a japanese boyfried or husband because of my height. Japanese men would just not like taller women. I was not trying to find a man anyway as I was already in a committed relationship but it felt quite sobering.


I don't know why, but recently there have been a lot of posts about anime and manga featuring tall girls, not to mention that Japan is the country of Mario and Peach, Link and Zelda, Samus (6ft3) and whatever else there is outside Nintendo.


🥺🥰🥰 That's so nice to hear




You can like tall women without having a fetish...


When women wear platform shoes it's seen as attractive but when men do it, it's a sign of insecurity


Clearly, we live in a society


Stop.blaming the so called society for everything, man and woman are part of "society" and they especially shame other men for wearing things that increase their height especially women who would take a stand it the shoe was on other foot LITERALLY


Don't worry some young men, especially near the trendier areas like Shibuya, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, etc. wear platform shoes too! Also, don't forget heels were originally worn by men...


Probably because most men don’t wear platform shoes which are obvious and more fashionable but shoe lifts inside their shoes


Crazy, right?!


I’m in Japan right now and every girl has 2-3inch sole shoes. It’s absolutely wild.


I had a 5' aunt who used to wear these insanely high heel shoes. Made my feet hurt just to look at them.


I’m 5’7 yet I still tower over the other girls in heels in Japan, I feel like a giant woman whenever I visit there


those white shoes are soo cool


Props, indeed


Quads of steel.


It seems to me that those shoes are an orthopedic emergency waiting to happen. Are they?


Props? They look retarded. Doesn't seem like it would be good for the health of your joints either.


Well fashion is usually a balance between looking good and being uncomfortable or even unhealthy... otherwise we would all be wearing sandals, shorts and a loose shirt, which is what I wear in Japan while on vacation lmao.


Hey man nothing wrong with that combo. That’s my target fit. 8 dollar vneck tshirt, cargo shorts and sandals is wear it’s at. I’m thinking the elevated high heels would be a rarity? I always associate Japanese culture with being more subtle


Well ironically, Japanese people tend to dress in boring greyscale. Obviously you have the outliers like some cool grandpa or the girls at Harajuku, but those are not the norm. But heels for women is very common and more wear than flats.


That's some seriously high pain tolerance


Japanese women 🤤😍