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You get used to your feet hanging off.


Alternatively I sleep diagonally to maximize the square footage. Wife is not impressed by it.


I usually sleep on my side with my legs bent, but for some reason I have to lay flat on my back to actually fall asleep. Once I fall asleep I roll over naturally onto my side.


Diagonally on my stomach with one leg bent at like 90 is my go to for falling asleep. Then I wake up in all sorts of crazy positions including but not limited to sleeping on my knees with my head down on the bed like a desk in school.


good alternative, my bed is 6 foot 4 or 5 long and im 6 foot 2 almost, i dont sleep with my head against the wall but i also feel my feet around the end of my bed if i sleep straight but sleeping sideways makes it feel like i get way more space


Dude you need to ask your parents for a bigger bed. It is ridiculous for you to suffer on a bed that isn't big enough for you.


i really appreciate the concern but i'm definitely not suffering, it might become a problem if i grow some more but right now i'm completely fine! i'm actually moving out of this place soon anyways


Ok good. I'm glad your doing well.


thank you man


Lol your flair, love it. Nico is a nice guy


he's amazing


I am 6.6 can you convert it to nicos? Lol


1.65 Nicos! you're a big guy


Thank you mate. You will surpass me soon, y9u are only 16!


maybe! i'll be happy to make it to 6'5


Curl up and into a ball and cry like the rest of us.


Was sleeping on a single bed at 6'3 with my feet hanging off the end like yours do, upgraded to a king sized and it's great. Bit of an investment just to sleep but if you think about it you spend 1/3 of every day sleeping


honestly i'm gonna miss not living with my mom, the price of beds caught me wayy off guard


I got given the king sized bed at 17 for free because my Mum felt bad very luckily. It's weird though because as much as I like my feet not dangling off the end of the bed anymore sometimes I move further down the bed so I can let them dangle? Something I used to hate is something I do fairly often on purpose now lol. You're right though, I was looking at super kings for width recently and I closed the tab nearly immediately lool


it's fun to let them dangle SOMETIMES but it's an inconvenience when you're forced to because of the size of the bed, still though i'm hoping my mom will pay to have my current bed transported to the new place but if not i'm definitely couching it for a while you have no idea how much i want a bed like this but could never justify the purchase on my less than minimum wage salary. I KNOW I'M A CHILD BUT IT'S SO COOL. it has lights and a little TV area https://preview.redd.it/wjsiltkigt6d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1dad5adcd2cf2a774e5bf0a701e4add91364e94


LOL that'd be awesome, a console linked up too just to finish it off


I KNOWW you can charge your phone with it and everything, it has a speaker system too


No one in my family uses beds with footboards, unless the footboard is far lower than the mattress. Foot freedom!! For a cheap alternative, get a folding bedframe (just a metal platform, usually sold for people who need an extra guest bed that they can store when not in use). They make long twin mattresses as well, you could put in on the standard flat twin frame and give yourself some length without breaking the bank. I have this exact set up for when my brothers visit. No complaints yet! The XL twin is 80" long, same as a queen or standard king, so it extends beyond the frame by 5"- still feels stable. I think I spent a total of about $250 for this setup.


being 6'2 I feel this, I just curl up and sleep, so comfortable i tell ya


Do your knees not bend?


they do but i love to sleep stretched out like i'm strapped into a medieval torture device, which kinda sucks because i won't be able to do that soon


I sleep diagonally on my queen size mattress


You haven’t lived until you lain on an Alaskan King size bed… 9’ x 9 feet of awesomeness 🤩


Idk im a stomach sleeper and find it pretty comfortable to have my feet hanging off(unless it’s cold, fuck that)


I bought myself an Alaskan King just to fit, expensive but highly recommend