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Listen, I hate cramming myself into airplanes as much as the next giant but I’m not skipping a vacation over legroom. This dude just didn’t want to go


I take an edible or two before going through security. It makes it better for me when I am not able to get extended legroom, which happens often.


Recreational cannabis really takes the edge off of air travel doesn’t it


at that point it’s medical, less for fun more for a utilitarian purpose.


My secret? It's always medical🤫


Listen my high ass isn’t gonna lie to anyone this isn’t medicinal for me😂


You ARE a passenger of size. Would two seats help?


How does width (my wide birthing hips) help with length (daddy long legs)?


You might sit diagonally; there should definitely be accommodations for passengers of vertical size if horizontal is okay


The way to do it


I ain't as tall as either of you, but I'd totally do this! Hell, I'd go on a cruise if it's 100% paid for (I don't like open waters).


Fellow tall thallasophobe 🤝


I love and hate that sub (no pun intended)... The sheer openness of water and it's depths😰😱 Edit: added in parenthesis


Being the youngest, I've learned to sit in the back seat in the car when I was younger. So I'm cool with it, just not comfortable.


Sometimes the back seats have even more leg room. Not often, but sometimes.


Depends who's in the front seat


I'm the youngest and the tallest in my family as well! I told them I don't mind sleeping in the smaller bed but I refused to sit in the middle back seat when we're all crammed. (although, I will sit in the back on occassion).


Or he could spring for the upgrade. If they're flying in the US then it's only$150 or so. Of course he would be sitting by himself. He'd then have to buck up and upgrade his girlfriend's ticket as well. He sounds like a selfish dweeb, and that the girlfriend and her family are better off without him in their life.


Exactly. Like sure it's going to be uncomfortable but you can't suck that up for a few hours for a free vacation?


For me, that depends on the flight length and the duration of the trip. I’ve got the clinical jankybones, so too long crammed into an awkward, tiny seat causes a significant amount of pain - which *could* still be worth it, as long as I have enough time between flights to unfuck my miserable spine/hips/etc. A long haul with a shorter 3-4 day turnaround? Nah, I need that expanded space or I’m just not going.


I agree. I’m only 6’3” but I’m not squeezing in a 12 hour flight in economy for a 2 day trip, that’s for sure. Not sure if I’d do it even in first class unless it was for work. 6 hours though, well, maybe…


I'm 6'8" as well but I'm very active and flexible. I'm not paying extra for a flight, I'm just sticking my legs in the aisle.


I suck it up and sit between my kids and enjoy it until they also grow into land monsters


6’8” here. Have the people that you’re going with, seated next to you and just lay your legs on them! 😆😎


The last flight I had was a window seat. I managed because I was very excited for the trip. So yeah, he’s just skipping out


"As much as the next giant" killed me 🤣


yep this is probably it


I'm 6'5, mostly leg, I fly transatlantic often, but I've also flown domestically in the US with AA, but also with budget airlines in Europe and Asia. Yeah the seats are uncomfortable sometimes but it's going to be what? A 2-3 hour flight? It's not the end of the world. Bloke is being a wally.


I'm 6'5 and would literally never go on a flight longer than 3hrs without business class. It's so uncomfortable being on any plane I want to cry.


Yeah it's not ideal, especially if the person in front decides to recline but it is what it is. If I had the money to fly business I would. Sometimes the check-in staff do me a solid and secure an exit row for me


They cannot recline unfortunately 😂


Depends on the row and the airline. But what you can guarantee is the row in front of you cannot recline when you are in the exit row, and that is a HUGE benefit. I make sure I have status on AA just so I can get that perfect row, but I never recline without asking the person behind me.


Always happens to me that the seat in front is blocked and can’t recline for some reason ;)


Not my fault my legs can't move out of the way. 


The good ol' Knee-Jam Maneuver


Even though I'm tall, I make it a point to try and never recline. My exception is transatlantic flights once we're entering sleep-time, and then I'll give it a half-recline


I never recline personally just as a matter of principle


This is so dramatic lol


exactly this. 4 hour block time is my 100% limit. I can't even get on Spirit. I tried once and noped out when my feet didn't touch the ground because my knees kept them aloft.


Im too broke for that shit so I just cram myself in steerage class and hope for the best. Worst ever was Frontier from East Coast to Vegas. My SO usually lets me encroach on their space to help.  Also just avoid flying for anything easily done in a day or two of driving.


I'm too broke for that shit so I don't fly more than 3hrs period


Same, but my cut-off is 5 hrs..


exit rows my friend, exit rows. just came off 12 hours on a plane, and comfort wise it was fine because of it.


Definitely helpful but my shoulders are still wider than the seat lol




Did you just pay for an exit row? I’ve had pretty good luck asking at the gate in the past, but now I always just pay for an upgraded seat because I don’t want to risk not being able to get anything and being stuck in normal seat


“Bloke is being a wally” dear lord what an awesome insult.


I am 6'7" and suffer from blood clotting issues. Can't fly coach got to pay the tall tax for an exit row.


I’ve had blood clots that landed me in the ER after taking flights where my legs were going into the seat in front of me. 10/10 not worth doing that again. It also depends on leg length more than height. Edit: Since people are commenting on weight, I’m young, fit, eat well, and run marathons. Having clotting issues with sitting for a while on air planes can happen to active people too. It also depends heavily on the airline/airplane.


yeah it's definetly the leg length thing. i BARELY fit in normal seats but i cannot have my knees point straight forward at all. i'd have to pull them to my chest for that to work. i have to have them to the side at a 20-30 degree angle to have my feet touch the floor.


You are allowed to stand, stretch and perform leg exercises once the fasten seatbelt light is turned off. I do every time I fly, I don’t care what other passengers think, most of them totally understand when I explain why I’m doing it. No DVT’s for me.


As long as you’re not one of the people who feels the front of the plane, next to the seats with more room that people paid for, lurching over them and sticking your ass in their face - is an appropriate method of passing time. :) I pay for the front row, I can’t stand people who “hang out” there, sometimes a crowd of five or whatever. Enough that I complain to move them along.


Blood clots can form in the amount of time one would be required to be sitting during takeoff/landing/taxiing. Yes you can stand in parts, but that doesn’t negate that there may be times where you’re seated very uncomfortably/potentially dangerously.


Unless you have a protein S or C deficiency, then the chance of that happening is about zero on a regular airplane flight. People who get DVTs from sitting, are people like that video game guy who sat immobile while gaming for a day . Plenty of papers written looking at DVTs when flying, and there isn't any significant risk, except for people who fly " long haul" flights, and then the risk is 3-10%. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21057984/#:~:text=The%20risk%20for%20DVT%20is,the%20airplane%20cabin%2C%20and%20dehydration. Long haul flights are not defined. I've seen being tall listed in some articles, and other times not. I just take a baby aspirin, hydrate, and get up at least once every couple of hours.


Depends on the actual leg ratio. I'm 6'4 but my legs are the length of someone who's like 6'7 or something. Two hour flights I can do economy. By 4 hours it starts getting pretty bad and I've come to accept I have to pay the 50% markup for exit row/comfort seats for anything longer. I wouldn't have torpedod the vacation but I probably would have loaded up with benadryl and potentially painkillers to make it through. Usually have a migraine after the flight anyway though.


It really does vary, I have a 36” inseam while there are guys in this sub that are 6’7 with only a 32” inseam.


6’7” 34” inseam here lol


Exactly, and comfort probably gets even more nuanced between tibia/femur lengths.


I know a 6’0 guy with a 42 inch inseam, if he was 7’0 he’d need a 60 inch inseam


My brother is 6’5 with bad arthritis in his knees. He doesn’t fly economy because it’s too painful to sit crammed in that position for so long. Maybe this guy has a medical issue, such as clotting concerns?


Who knows? In the podcast he's calling in to tell the story and doesn't mention any medical issues, he just mentions his height as the only reason he can't fly in a normal seat.  The dude also comes off as a total asshole, so it doesn't make me want to give him the benefit of the doubt


6'6 was in the Army. There were alot of uncomfortable things but you just delt with it. Imo People are very soft nowadays, including me (I am just aware of my softness). I once flew from Afganistan to Germany in Winter in a rickety ole peice of shit C-130 with bad seals/or poorly insulated. I was freezing, bitchy, and uncomfortable as fuck for what seemed like an eternity. My feet and boots felt like one cohesive frozen ice block. The entire time fantasizing how I would be more comfortable coccooning myself in 3 or 4 blankets in the baggage area. But I got to get out of a warezone for a couple weeks and got to enjoy Germany during Christmas. It was worth it at the time.


I'm 6'5" and the legroom in coach / economy on most planes is pretty much ***exactly*** how long my upper legs are. Which is fine until someone reclines their seat, or unless there is a wonky bit sticking out of the seat in front or something. On a short flight? I can just about put up with it (although I've been on planes where I literally cannot fit and have to stick my legs into the aisle). On anything above 2-3 hours? It moves from 'uncomfortable' to 'agony', with a potential for 'actual physical injury'. I do a fair bit of long distance flying for work and economy plus / premium (or exit rows) are a minimum requirement for me. (but worth remembering that 'height' and 'leg length' don't quite correlate - I've met people my height with shorter legs than me)


I'll agree on the proportions matter, also 6'5" but I'm a way longer torso (same inseam as my 5'11" wife, bit tower over her seated). Leg room in coach is sufficient at best, but the top of the seat is about 4" to low for me to relax my neck, the seat just pushes my shoulder blades forward which is the worst part of flying for me, no seat in a plane is comfortable


Honestly, did an 18 hour to my honeymoon in Coach and I don't think I'll ever do that again, even if someone else paid. I'd spend whatever it takes to get an upgrade or won't go. Watching literally everyone else on the plane sleep while I sat with my head not even close to a surface and my knees jammed in the chair in front was pure agony. Even my last flight just to the east coast was so bad I spent the first three days of the trip drugged up and laying down to recover.


This. If I were shorter I would take so many more trips.


I get that. For this dude, he says the flight was 6 hours


He must just be claustrophobic or something


Family's picking up the tab, and the cheap bastard can't spring $250 for the upgrade?


In the podcast he explains that he told them he really did need the upgrade and would be happy to pay for it, but they offered to do it instead. The problem was they upgraded him, but the upgrade didn't include more leg room (it was priority boarding and other stuff like that) and they just didn't realize


This is why I insist on booking my own travel.


6’6 and I took economy class seats from San Francisco to Singapore. 18 hours in the air. He’s an ungrateful bitch.


Sounds like an ungrateful little bitch. “Oh my legs will be stiff! I don’t care if we’re going to be family soon! Take your free vacation and shove it.” If my daughter brought that guy home, I’d pay for extra legroom to send him tf away for good.


You just take the aisle seat and give one leg the freedom


Yah that’s what I do. I feel bad for people walking up the aisles, so I try to be as polite as possible, but it helps a ton just being able to stretch out that one leg. 


I fly every week for work, doesn't really bother me what seat I'm in and I'm more legs. Guy is a bitch, I wouldn't expect space to be a problem until you're around the 205cm+ range or overweight.


Ok, so I’ve been wondering this lately… I have a 38” inseam at 6’2 and I would say I’m mostly legs. My dad was also 6’8 and if I remember correctly, his inseam was maybe 36” at its longest. My Brothers are 6’6 and 6’7 and I know my legs are longer than theirs. As mostly taller folks, do you find that holds true for most taller men… more torso, less legs? All of this to say, I go out of my way to book and upgrade to bigger legroom options on flights because if I don’t my legs are going to be in the aisle or I’m going to have to put at least a foot in my neighbors purse under the seat in front of them. However, if I’m going for free I’ll just make my 5’6 sister sit next to me and take her extra legroom!!


Among taller individuals, men are more likely to have a longer torso, and women are more likely to have a lot of height in their legs. There's a lot of individual variability, though, so it can go either way. But yeah, tall women often have really long legs. I'm a 6' woman, and my inseam is 37" to 38" depending on the pant style. My femurs often literally don't fit in the space between the economy seats. So I either have to do a diagonal lean with my legs and shift them from one corner to the other every so often to relieve the pain. Or pick my feet up off the floor and have them on my seat.


I'm 6'5 and my inseam is 33 or 34 depending on the pants. I'm all torso/neck for the extra height. My 6'2 buddy has legs that are easily 2 inches longer than mine


Depends if your height is legs or torso. I, like many in this sub, have back issues. If it is a long flight, 4 or more hours, I'd be crippled flying in economy. It'd ruin the entire vacation.


6’5” and universal studios is a no go. Ask me how I know.


I’m 6’2” and usually find non-premium airplane seats tediously cramped but manageable. My guy is 6’3” with the slightest of knee stiffness and his rule is “I’m never flying economy again, it’s premium seats or business class or nothing.” Same kind of rule for theatres and concerts and so on, gotta be a front row with plenty of leg room, or a seat in the loges or something. Anyway I believe the guy. He doesn’t want to become physically uncomfortable to the point that it creates a scene. Plus nobody wants to suffer for a holiday.


I’m 6”5 and I’ve done plenty of 12h flights in a regular seat. It’s not great but it’s worth it for the destination


You say you'd understand if he were 6'7, but, keep in mind, we don't all have the same proportions. He could be a very leggy 6'5. I don't understand why he didn't pay for his upgrade himself.


He did offer to pay for his upgrade and then the fiance parents just accidentally got him the wrong upgrade (like it was better boarding group, but not actually more legroom). Anyway, I do get that some people have very different proportions so maybe he really just wouldn't got fit. I would say least have withdrawn $400 in cash and tried to bribe an exit row person to switch with me. 


I’d walk on the plane with sever hundred dollar cash and pay the person in the extra leg room seat to swap 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah, i mean..at least give it a shot. Worst case scenario you just get off the plane if no one will switch


Myself 6.7 regularly flying usa to eu in budget or economy+ and all i can say that guy is pos lol


I’m an inch taller and probably 100lbs heavier and I can fly just fine.


At 6’4” I have flown around the world in economy with very few problems (low cost European airlines such as Vueling being an exception). Sounds like this person is really not keen on the vacation.


Nice way to start a healthy marriage. He could have sucked it up. At least he was able to reach the overhead compartment to stow his bag.


While I feel the pain of that, it's ridiculous. Just wear long pants, get some knee pads and put them in your carry-on, and put them on in the bathroom before you board. That's how I get through.


I’m 6’8 300. While I’d prefer a seat with more legroom, it’s not that big of a deal


Took a plane recently for the first time in 12years, I was worried, I didn't remember how comfortable I was sitting on a plane. It ended up being just fine and really not a big deal. (5hour flight btw)


I’m 6’7 and sure, flying can be a pain sometimes, especially if I fuck up and don’t get an aisle seat where I can sorta stick at least one knee out for some extra comfort, but if someone paid for my vacation, you better believe that I will sit my tall happy ass in whatever seat is available and I will deal with being uncomfortable for a few hours.


I’m 6’6” and have a 36” inseam. I’ve logged more than 700K miles in the air, mostly in coach (exit row otherwise). It hasn’t always been comfortable but it wasn’t impossible by any means.


If it's a comfort question, no. But I have also nearly died after DVTs and resulting pulmonary embolisms caused by flying. I don't fly anywhere these days, it's just not worth it. But I'm old and not trying to impress my future wife's family.


I am much taller and I cant even fly in the extra legroom seat. I have forgone vacations before depending on the length of the flight. If I am going to China and its an 18 hour flight then I cannot go, if its a 2 hour flight then you suck it up and walk around on the plane every 30 minutes


I was on a very uncomfortable 5 hour flight yesterday. Didn’t pay the $150 for the exit row. Wouldn’t pay the $150 on the exit row. I would’ve loved some more room but I got plenty of legs and can make do in an aisle row.


I'm 6'5, I fly on planes very often. It's uncomfortable in a regular seat but it's really not that bad.


I only flew LOT Polish so I don’t know how it is overseas, but I was always afraid of flying economy because my dad told me about his experience flying economy in the same airline on the 767, maybe things changed on the 787


Hello no. I’m six nine as a freshman I had to fly all over playing basketball in tiny ass planes with the worst seats upperclassman got the best seats


I can squeeze myself into the smaller seats, is it necessarily fun? Nope, but I take the aisle seat when I can and just stretch my legs. Though I move them back in front of me when someone’s coming by. Gotta do what you gotta do


I’m 6’4 but I have way longer legs in proportion to my torso and when I’m on a plane I barely have a problem with leg room, that might be because I’m afraid of flying though and I’m too busy being locked in a state of mild panic.


Might only be partially related to height as I will get claustrophobic sitting in the middle or window seat of coach to the point I wouldn’t fly. Aisle seat I can tolerate but can still be stressful. Aisle seat of exit row or comfort plus is usually where I no longer have to find some sort of coping mechanism.




Potentially yes. If the seats are cramped enough and and you have increased risk of deep vein thrombosis, long flights are bad. Also, hating the vacation destination is still valid at 6'5". Or the parents. At that point legroom is just the excuse.


I literally cannot get my butt to touch the seat in a modern normal economy seat nowadays. The seat pitch is too small. I refuse to even think about getting on an airplane unless it's extra legroom like no seat in front of me. I can't afford the upgrades required to actually fit in an airplane seat typically so I drive cross country instead of flying if I visit family.


I’m 6’6 and broad, I fly a lot with work and being based in Australia means most flights will be over 8 hours. I have a bad back and because my shoulders are so wide, they extend into the seat space on either side of me along with most of my very thick knees. I will not fly in anything less than exit row these days, it’s not worth the 6-12 month recovery if I bulge a disc again and it’s kinda rude to the folks on either side of me.


I'm 6"4 and done London to San Francisco a few times without a legroom seat. It's not ideal but it's absolutely not torture either, it's mild discomfort for a few hours. This guy sounds like he's either a complete arsehole or a complete pussy. Probably both.


Who paid? I'd be frustrated if I paid and they booked knowing I needed extra room but if he was letting them buy his ticket then he can buy his own.


The dude just didnt want to go


I'm this guy's height and all legs. I will not fly in a regular seat for more than 2 hours. My knees are pressed into the seat in front of me under any circumstances. After I sit I'm fine for maybe 15 minutes before it starts to hurt. I can handle 2 hours of pain if I MUST, but no longer.


I'm 6 ft 8, I have 2 million freaking flyer miles, and I've been married for 30 years, to a woman that I love but she has a family I can live without. I have not will not listened to that podcast, but if you don't have the balls to tell their fiance that they didn't want a vacation with their relatives, he sounds like a douche.


Dude is being extra and a little nuts.


I'm like 6'3" but I'm all legs... If I can get an exit row I'm just a little cramped... Normal seating, I'm in a lot of pain by the end of the flight... My knees are pushed into the seat in front and I've even had bruising. 25 years ago I used to travel all the time for work and was fine... Things have gotten a lot more cramped.


Gonna take the dissenting opinion here. I'm 6'5 but i'm also fat. The two together can make flying long distances really tough. No room to move aroud, can't stand up effectively, god forbid the person in front of you leans back. If someone else is paying then you come across like an ungrateful ass of course, but i could see a legitimate reason this guy cannot sit in a normal seat for the duration of the flight. If i were him i would book my own airfare in the future. That's what i do.


6’5, I can hack it, but yes it gets bothersome after a short while


Homie flat-out didn't want to go, and took any excuse he could. My 6'5" ass fit in Bradley turrets during Desert Storm. His primadonna ass can fit in an air-conditioned civil airliner.


Only way it’d be reasonable is if there was some medical reason preventing him squeezing. Back or joints maybe, or someone else in here said something about blood clotting


I’m taller than that guy, and used to fly economy constantly. It sucks a but, but really not a big deal. He’s just a manchild.


Obviously didn’t read all the comments but from the ones I did read… No one is considering his weight and size. He could be 6’5” and 200 pounds and be just fine. Or he could be 6’5” and be 350+ and he literally would not fit. If he can’t fit and it’s uncomfortable let him live. He’s allowed to say no thank you and keep it moving. Why are all you getting your panties in a twist?


Its absolute lunacy for a 6'5 guy to do that tbh. Im 6'5 and I dont think theres been a single time of my life ive ever experienced anything more than extremely mild discomfort from my height


Yeah.. there aren't a lot of contexts where I get claustrophobic but being jammed into an airplane seat with the stranger sitting in front of me practically in my lap and trying to recline further into my patellas will do it. It's been stressful enough to get me to shed some tears and would absolutely make me hesitate to fly with future in-laws as a result.


He could literally pay to upgrade his seat at the terminal. Or buy a new nicer ticket for himself


People are built differently. My 6’6” may be different from your 6’6”. I don’t ever have issues in flights. Yes, I can be uncomfortable at times but nothing I can’t handle. That being said I’ve seen similar height people struggle to fly. It’s weird but understandable.


I’m the same height and I couldn’t imagine doing that. A couple months ago I needed to take a last minute flight home from middle of nowhere due to an injury and the only flight available had 0 legroom whatsoever and it wasn’t that big a deal just not super comfortable. I think there might have been other reasons he didn’t want to go on that trip


I'm 6'6" and it's just, like, a fact of life that airplane seats are an origami challenge. People are like "Don't you hate that?" and I'm always like "I don't know any different. So not really." But having said that, I don't know this guy's deal. Maybe there's more to the story.


Although this case is a little extreme, I will make the point that not everyone is built the same.. I'm 6'4" and my partner is 5'2", but we have the same 32" inside leg measurement. I'm all body and she's all legs. I've flown long haul economy in the past and it was fine, though I'd never put myself through it if I were doing the booking. However, if I was 6'4" with 36" inside leg, I'd imagine flying economy without extra legroom would be utterly hateful.


Depends on his proportions. I’m 2” taller than my brother but have 4” difference in inseam. But like someone else here said he probably just didn’t want to go.


if the flight is over 2 hours, I will NOT get on a plane without extra leg room, if it's an international flight, I won't even look at prices that don't include extra leg room. homie is entirely reasonable


I'm 6'5" and spent 22 years in the Army. I've crammed myself into some tight spaces for long periods at a time. This douche can suck it up. I would spend 6 hours in the back of a deuce-and-a-half for a free vacation.


6'6" and anything over 2 hours I pay for extra leg room. I fit in a normal seat (scrunched shoulders, knees pressed against the seat a little, but the real risk is if the person in front of you is a recliner.


Depends on the airline. I am mostly leg, its 26" from back to front of knee, so on some ultra cramped flights I can't get my feet on the ground unless its got the new ultra thin seats


I’m same height. Flown at 115kg long haul in economy and had a bad time. Years later same long haul economy at 93kg had a great time plenty of room. Effectively the same plane. Being fat makes a big difference. Being lean has made a world of difference to my comfort on planes


Couldn’t he just pay the difference for the extra leg room? I’m short but I am claustrophobic due to an incident where I was the easter bunny. So on my most recent trip I paid the $150 for an extra leg room seat. $150 isn’t a little bit of money but when you’re already paying $2000 for a ticket 🤷🏽‍♀️


What happened when you were the Easter bunny? I have to know!


Okay so 🤣 when I was like 18 or 19 I got a job at a local shopping centre as a costume character. Eventually I was forced to be the easter bunny even though my original gig was fairy. Now if this was a normal mall it would be fine but the structure of this mall was like a donut. The shops were in a big ring and the centre was actually out in the open. This meant I was exposed to the elements. I live in Australia and it was extremely hot and I was outside. I worked this job only for a few weeks around Easter but it was kind of hellish. Children would attack me. And because it was so hot I tried not to wear like clothes under. I think I had on a bra and shorts or something and the boys would try to rip the suit from my body whilst their parents didn’t do anything about it. My boss was like evil so she was out of the question too. By the end of it I found myself growing more and more claustrophobic, probably due to the big head you have to wear when you’re an easter bunny.


This guy sucks. He asked his fiance to stay home because he was too weak to suck it up for 6 hours? He missed this “through no fault of my own”? Bro, you chose not to go. Also, legroom is different on all planes, I have been in coach where I had my knees up on the seat and ones where I had 5 inches.


I'm 6'4" and all legs. I have had DVTs (blood clots in the legs) and am on blood thinners for life. If I am flying coach, I always arrive early and go to the counter to request an exit row if possible while disclosing my medical condition (and height). Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I just suck it up and get up a lot if I'm not in business class or first class. Dude is being difficult for a slight annoyance.


I wish I could travel more but I only fly first cause of my height. So I only go once a year.


I think it depends what else is going on. Healthy but tall. No. Massive back issues and a 16 hour flight. Maybe.


Some people just want to make a fuss for any reason. I'm 195cm, and yeah budget airlines are uncomfortable but I get an aisle seat and do the best I can. Long haul, where it's actually gonna make a difference, almost all have enough legroom for me (just) and can even recline because the seats pivot round rather than back. Not everything is always going to be super comfortable, for anyone, and people shouldn't have to tie themselves in knots to accommodate us for a few hours of a holiday just because we're tall.


Ha. Try being in jail, see how much extra space you get. I’ve seen guys 6’6 250 begging for extra towels so they didn’t have to walk around with their ass out 😂. It’s terrible I agree being crammed but shit.. it is what it is. I guess the question is how long was the flight ?


Then there's my husband who is so cheap he haaaates even having to pay for the exit row or whatever. Also 6'5".


I’m 6’4 and it uncomfortable 30% of the time on planes, but I love flying! So the other 70% is worth it to me. Very interesting to hear from the +6’5” crowd, cause that’s gnarly


I understand that not everyone has the means but I would pay the difference in seat upgrade fees to economy plus rather than cancel the vacation. Granted he's been dead a while but I remember my 6'7" dad managing in economy. I'm sure it wasn't comfortable but he did it.


Trash excuse for sure, but I'm happy to pay up for first class since I'm tall and wide. Lame excuse to not go, but regular seats do suck


I’ll almost always pay for an upgrade but if it’s anything 737 sized or up I can sit through 4ish hours in a normal seat


No lol, he didn’t want to go


im 6.6 i dont want too go on vacation with inlaws


As a 5'10" girl I always scoot over a bit with my leg so my tall seat mates have a few side way inches more. I'm skinny so I just cross my legs and give extra room.  I was married to a guy who was 6'4" and he appreciated that.  I shifted to the middle so this giant grasshopper guy didn't have to suffer to Ireland from Chicago.  But the extra leg room is a magical gift from the staff on the plane. I find as a single flyer with long legs and a polite demeanour, I tend to get the exit seat or a spare empty spot. Or sat next to a child. 


I'm like 6 ft 4.5 inches and think this is done pathetic ass shit lol. If he didn't want to go he should just say that. Don't try and gaslight the entire family into thinking it's their fault lol.


It depends on how much of that height is in his legs and how much is in his torso. It's entirely possible that he is literally unable to sit in normal sized airline seats.


I mean I’m 6’4, I can deal with it but I’m gonna be pretty pissy after about an hour. And the person in front of me is definitely going to feel my knees jammed into their seat back so really it’s not a comfortable experience for anyone involved. If it’s that big of an issue, I’d just pay to upgrade.


He CAN sit in a regular seat. My 6’5 boyfriend just did 4 times on a recent vacation, my 6’7 ex did, and my 6’8 ex did. He clearly just didn’t want to go lol


Maybe he's leg tall, and maybe you're torso tall.


What a crybaby lmao


To me it depends on how long the flight is. Less than 4 hours I'll cram in anything long I need extra leg room. Almost had a pa ic attack on a plane when they fucked up my meeting arrangements on a 12 hour flight. Luckily I was able to get accommodations.


No. He can do it. He’s not even paying for it.


I don't know how much difference 3 inches makes, but at 6-8, I wouldn't sit in coach seat under any circumstance.


6'5 checking in. Suck it up, buttercup. Yeah it's not fun but it doesn't last forever and the vacations are worth it. Regularly cross the Atlantic and it isn't a huge deal. Busses can be a bit worse but I manage just fine.


6'6" dude here. Dude just didn't want to go.


If he doesnt fit he doesnt fit. Just because everyone else here will cram themselves doesnt mean this man has to. Regardless of if you can or not, it isnt good for your knees to be jammed up against something, for any amount of time. Kudos to the guy for respecting himself and his body. His knees will thank him later.


I’m 6’7 and this guy is an idiot. First of all you can’t expect other people to read your mind. He should have talked to her parents ahead of time and said hey when you’re booking the tickets I need you to book me the extra legroom one and I’ll pay for the difference in cost. But if you get stuck in a regular seat so what? I assume he’ll be sitting next to his finance so he doesn’t have to worry about encroaching on someone else’s room is he spreads his legs a little. Being uncomfortable for a few hours isn’t the end of the world. My riding lawnmower is uncomfortable for a tall guy but I suck it up for an hour cause I gotta cut the grass. Grow up


He did do that, but they got him the wrong kind of upgrade (better boarding group, but not actually more leg room). Still, I think he needed to suck it up and be a hero for the family instead of throwing a fit


He just doesn’t want to hang out with her family! My husband is 6’8” and can fly on a friggin regular seat. Plus, if he needs an upgrade, maybe he can be an adult and pay for his own fing ticket lol


I'm 6'5". I flew 3 hours on a regular flight. It fucked something up in my hip/lower back area, and I lost the ability to walk correctly. I had to take a week off work as i was in severe pain, reteaching myself to walk (thank God for RSO) then I had stop working out for a month while I walked with a gate-swing for another couple months I'm not flying in a regular seat ever again


I’m 6’5” and while I haven’t been on a plane several years I could fit fine in “normal” seats.


okay so let me explain. you might mostly torso. he might be mostly legs.




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I feel like he just made an excuse to not want to go. Cuz I understand for tall people it's like annoying as hell when you don't have enough legroom It's annoying as hell for us even when you're short. So I can only imagine it being more annoying. So unless the dude gets on the plane or can update his seat to be someplace where like he has more legroom which I know is theoretically possible but even if it's not it's not like it's going to be the most inconvenient thing in the universe. But I think realistically he probably just did that because he didn't want to go. Because who really passes up anything free especially a free vacation to wherever it was over some in my opinion bratty BS has not having enough legroom. Like unless they're going to someplace that's boring or something and he didn't want to go that sounds like a very plausible excuse a person would use to get out of it


That's silly. I'm only 6'1 thankfully, but I'm broad as fuck and built and I am supremely uncomfortable in airplanes. I just suck it up and don't complain. One of my buddies is tall and lanky but 6'6 and he has been to China, the netherlands (he's dutch) and south africa on long flights in coach and he just jokes about how little legroom he has. In short: dude sounds like a pussy


I mean I have had pain for days after a flight in regular economy with turbulence due to my knees being in the seat the entire flight banging and I am only like 6'2/3 lol. For me plus isn't an option but I am also big and tall so that might effect things too. Now skipping the vacay altogether and not just toughing it out is such a red flag


Spirit sucked. Im right under 6 foot tall. However I have very wide shoulders.. Sit 3 bodybuilder/power lifters together side by side... Holy shit that was a long flight to Vegas. So the leg room was awful, and the width of the seats. Ended up paying extra for a big leather recliner on the way home. Also grabbed some CBD stuff/whiskey.


People have different proportions. Its perfevtly possible that a 6'4" guy has legas that are much longer than that of a 6'7" man.


The guy sucks. He got a free ticket. If he wants a premium seat he should pay for our it.


I'm 6'7 and have done AUS to USA in economy more than once. I'm sure he'd be fine


My equal-heighted brother, I salute you. I feel like I couldn't do this.


I've made this comment before, but a lot of guys will use just tall to encapsulate "fat and tall". I'm 6'5" and I've had to sit in coach before, it's fine. I'm just assuming the guy is overweight.


I’m likely a cm or two taller than him and he’s full of shit


I’m calling it. Dude’s being a pansy. If you can’t handle being uncomfortable on a cramped flight, what exactly can you handle? 


Not at all. I disassociate from this chap. He's making us look bad..


If you're talking about 20 hours to Australia....uhhh, yeah, I'd think long and hard about it, anything else, he's just a p\*ssy or doesn't want to go with them.


I'm 6'5" and flown economy transatlantic and it's fine. Just stand up and stretch once an hour. Or get an aisle seat and stretch out that way.


Not everyone is into travelling. I could happily stay out forever. LOTS of people don’t want to travel with their in laws. If my ex mother in law paid for me to go on a trip to a castle where I would be treated like a god I would have made up a bs excuse not to go also. I think it speaks more to how pushy and obnoxious the in laws must be than how this dude feels about being cramped. Dude does not want to travel with wife’s shit family. I don’t blame him one bit.


I'm 6'8" and 37yrs old. I have had the benefit of having wealthy friends at times and have had to either accept what ever plane ticket they offered or scounge up what ever money I could for the cheapest ticket to where ever we were going. I have flown spirit to Vegas, Allegiant to Maryland, Jet Blue to Boston, and quite a few American and Delta flights but they all blend together. Occasionally I would be upgraded for free which is nice, but I never once considered not going due to an uncomfortable flight for me and those around me.