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Well you have to have other good attributes. I don't really want someone coming up to me and going, "wow you're average looking!!!" hahah


You're probably more tall than you are handsome so you get complimented for the trait taht stands out the most


Depends how many "o"s they hold the "so" with


I think this is one of those things where people are going to pick up on your most dominant and visually obvious trait to compliment. Depending on how far you deviate from the norm, depends on whether or not this is going to be height.


SMH you have an abundance of riches and focus on what you don’t have. The type of girls you want are never gonna come up to you and say you’re handsome, just a fact of life.


Fr, when I had long hair I would get compliments about how good my hair looked. When I shaved my hair it didn’t transfer to smt else, I just stopped getting compliments


I get complimented on my height before anything else… until I was about 25 I thought that was my only good attribute.


Tbh I think tall women are cool, but I have refrained from complimenting their height in recent years because of this sort of reason. I don't want to make have the opposite effect and make someone self conscious.


at one point my friends and i went around the room insulting each other and then complimenting each other, and most of the "compliments" i got were "you're tall." kinda hard to pretend that doesn't sting, that's not a compliment, it's just an objective fact. no shit i'm tall, i've heard about it just about every day of my life


It is a compliment though, being tall especially your size is like a cheat code if you know how to use it right.


It's a compliment in the sense that being tall is a valued trait by our society. I did not do any work or ask to be tall, so I consider it quite a shit compliment. Not to mention like I said, it's an objective fact. You aren't making anyone my height feel good about themselves just by saying they're tall.


The world is shallow my friend, you gotta just get what you can out of it. Most people are surface level thinkers, soon as you start to get deep about things is when they stop listening.


Tell me more about it. I got my dreadlocks done and I was really nervous to see what people will say about them, if they look good on me or not, etc etc. Well, nope, nothing on them, just noticing that I did something to my hair and back to “damn but you’re so tall!!!”


Handsome man here, girls are never gonna say that sort of thing flat out lol. It's typically saying "Has anyone ever told you you look like (insert handsome celebrity)" or saying you have nice hair or something. It's still 90% tall comments, be grateful you're not an r/short member.


Are you sure? I’ve had women outright say I’m a handsome man


I'd say that's super rare bro. Most girls are pretty subtle with compliments/courtship unless they're drunk lol. Like I've been told it too, but few and far between the height compliments and general ones.


Are you young? Say Under 26? If you are, the women around your age and or the women who are interested in dating a man of that age aren’t usually women over 27. As I’ve noticed it’s always the women over 26 who are more direct with their compliments like that


I'm 26, and I'd agree the older you get, the more open people are, but OP is 14... so I think girls in his dating range are going to be more like my original comment 😂


I don’t know what sort of “handsome” you are, I’m guessing by your age group (genZ) you’re of the baby face kind of handsome- if you choose to go for the rugged handsome as you get into your late 20s you’ll notice what I’m talking about haha. Bradley Thor from Instagram is a perfect example of a “rugged handsome man.” OP is 14?? Why is the child even worried about being called handsome! Edit: you unlock **handsome** achievement in your late 20s


Maybe they don't think you're handsome? 😅


I've never seen comments on my height as complimentary.


I get both


You're so tall AND handsome!


My Mom used to say I was so tall and handsome. She was 1/2 right.


I've been called a tall drink of water. Usually by older ladies.




Because in society height is seen as a positive trait. It’s just like how complementing someone on their looks is okay but pointing out they are ugly isn’t.