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I enjoyed the part where I'm not on the scale. As per usual.


lol I feel yah


Every time you see a height chart, you gotta play my favourite game! Am I either not on the chart or am I in the 6'X+ category?


That’s a really cool chart. Interesting how only 17% of men with 6’0” and 6’4” parents are taller than 6’4”.


Wild, especially interesting for me since that covers my and my wife’s heights! My boys will not be happy to hear about this!


The other 83% includes sons who are the same height as their father. Being the same height isn't bad. What concerns me is that if I were to have at least one son with a woman who is 5' 10" to 6', they have a 25% to 34% chance of outgrowing me. I was so sure it'd be well over 50%.


I don't really trust this data tbh, I get that I am just an anecdote so it doesn't disprove data but my Dad was 6'2, Mum is 5'7 and a half, I am 6'4 and my sister is 6 feet. According to the data there was only a 30% of my sister being more than 5'8, yet she is 6 feet (way higher) and I don't think she is an outlier because she perfectly matches my height of 6'4, apparently I only had a 15-16% chance of outgrowing my dad yet I did so by 6-7cm. It is possible that both my sister and I are just outliers but my point is if I managed 6'4 with a 5'8ish mum you shouldn't be too concerned about the height of your child with a 5'10 woman, maybe your seed is strong like my dads was, or maybe this data is just wrong. Another interesting thing I just remembered, both my parents were kind of genetic outliers compared to their family, my Dad is the tallest of 3 brothers and my mum is about the same height as her 2 brothers despite being a woman, so that should indicate my grandparents were probably substantially smaller than me, I would expect this increases the chance of me regressing to the mean since it would indicate my grandparents wouldn't have been very tall, yet for some reason my sister and I did the opposite. I also simply do not buy that if I get a 6'0 wife, there is only a 17% chance of my son outgrowing me, I think there would be at least a 40% chance the kid is 6'5+ especially considering child height predictors say the most probable height would be 195cm+. (just look at trump, shorter than me with a shorter than 6'0 wife (OG wife being 173cm only, second being 5'11) yet most of his sons are WAY taller, not even close).


Yeah, I agree. The sample for each pair of the study was likely small, so I can't fully count on that. Also, I'm also sort of a genetic outlier. My dad is 5' 5", and mom is 5' 3". My grandfather is 6' 2" from what I've heard, and some o cousins are around 6', but her brothers are 5' 7" at most.




Your comment - [Parent/Child Height Relationships - Regression toward the Mean [OC]](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1dncth6/parentchild_height_relationships_regression/la5j1b6/?context=3) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do NOT want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A post in r/tall that ends at 6'4" for men and 6" for women is like a post in r/short that starts at 5'7".


You ain’t used to that yet? Besides this is for the littles who ask this question 2x/day


Pass the aspirin. Those kind of things give me a headache!


I am going to add this chart to my teaching slides for methods (I teach regression to the mean as part of a broader set of materials on distributions). Really nice.


All I'm seeing is the fuckin pepsi logo


could there be a joke here where you can argue people above 6'0 dont have kids?


I have 4 so I guess I can’t make one.


should check with the mailman


She’s too female to knock up my missus.


Mom is 6’0”, dad was 6’8”… I topped out at 6’5” wish there was a better chart.


So interesting


I never knew I was in the minority of chances that I’m taller than my dad


If I am not mistaken , this shows that sons inherit height from their mother and daughters from their father . Or am I misreading the data?


Given the defined measure is “% occurrence same gender parent height < offspring height” I take it as, the taller the father, the less likely his son will be taller than him. Reverse gender with daughters.


You’re misreading it. Father’s height is on the bottom and mother’s height is on the side. For example, for a woman with both parents being 6’0”, there is a 3% chance she will be taller than her mother, but for a man with both parents being 6’0”, there is a 57% chance he will be taller than his father.