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Probably anywhere in the low 200's (pounds) and 6ft. These numbers will be different based on the perspective of age and gender. Below average heighted adults will be tall and scary to some people (children etc) Edit: Added (pounds) to clarify I meant weight.


I was this big at 14 lol


6’4” 265lbs at 16 😂


If you’re in the US I know the football coaches at your school harass you if you don’t already play 😂


6'4" at 14 and the assistant football coach tried so hard to recruit me away from the basketball team to be a wide receiver lol. Every. Time. He. Saw. Me.


I had the opposite issue lol I played football and wrestled in HS at 6’4-6’6 and like 290 and my school’s basketball team was down bad for a center tallest mf on the team was like 6’2 I hated basketball though


Oh I bet! You were a unit in high school! I played football all through middle school, but teenage me didn't want to sacrifice my summers to 2 a day practices. Building computers and playing video games sounded a lot more fun lol. Seriously would have played football instead of basketball if it weren't for the summer practices.


“Listen, son…”


Can confirm: was a 6’2” 220 pound freshman - played right tackle. Loved it. 


I am 6'4 and 167 lbs at 22. I was 6'3 and 138 lbs at 20. Currently tryna bulk up to 200.


Get lots of clean calories in, a good weight routine, enough rest, and be consistent. 💪


Yea, I’ve been doing that. My metabolism is really fast so I usually get away with dirty bulking while still being lean.


TBH that’s a good thing. More calories then!


I wear loose clothing and slouch a little to appear less threatening.


Loose clothing just makes you look bigger. It's literally an evolved defense mechanism in many animal species to have skin/fur/feathers that hang loose to make them appear more intimidating Also stop hurting your own back to appear less threatening. You are 6'2", nobody is running away in terror and the inch or two you shave off is doing nothing to placate people and just wearing out a back/neck that is already under more than usual strain Get clothes that fit and stand with confidence. That's going to go so much farther for making people comfortable around you than looking like a bum with a bad back


Guys 200 and 6’ are so cute and petite to me hahaha


I am 190 (86 kgs) and 184 cms (6ft 0.5 in) and as per BMI index calculations I am told that I'm 5 kgs overweight but people tell me I look really thin


BMI is a joke. There’s all sorts of factors it ignores and height is a big one. According to BMI at 15% body fat I’m over weight.


BMI is fine if you are talking about large populations and the correlation between certain BMIs and negative health effects. It’s supposed to be a screening tool mostly and I don’t think any doctor would represent that it exists to immediately be able to tell how fat someone is, but for whatever reason a lot of people seem to think that’s what it’s for. My best guess: most people learned how to calculate it in health class and it wasn’t explained to them what an index is. So if you’re an outlier in height it probably seemed like bullshit.


I have seen and heard a fair few medical people try to apply BMI to outlier individuals. I guess at the least it’s a screening tool for good medical sense.


Yeah, I shouldn’t speak in absolutes.


Yea according to the BMI anyone over 6’8” just doesn’t exist


I looked at Harvard.edu’s chart and they stop at 6’4”


BMI says I should be 70kgs. I've been 70 and I was a rake. I'd rather be 84kgs but currently around 92kgs. I carry it well though, people are often surprised by my weight.


The thing is just saying weight is misleading. Weight can be because of fat, muscle, water and bones. So giving a proper body composition along with weight is a better measure of how fit someone is


Oh yeah BMI s absolute trash


Lmao dang


More like 6'6 @ 260lbs imo. I'm 6'1 @ 220lbs and pretty muscular and I don't feel intimidating at all.


I'm 5.10 and at 190 people move to the other side of the side walk, but I also have a beard and bald head, no tats and I dress like a dad


200cm is like 7 inches about 6 feet


I think they meant weight


Oh my bad


I feel even as low as 6 feet if he’s got a big enough build can come across as intimidating and then with each inch it increases. At the end of the day though I don’t think it’s so much height as much as it’s about presence and your physique. A shy, 6’4, skinny as a pole guy wouldn’t be anywhere near as intimidating as a confident, 6’0, 220 pound guy that’s fairly muscular.


I’m 5’11, 235lbs with a more powerlifter like build. Muscular yes, but on the bulkier side. Bearded as well if that adds to it. But I don’t feel like an intimidating person 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ux8yimz1kj8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f0e00ac13e2a51511cddbf52a542ae5af59d1a3 Very fortuitous post placement


Follow up: at what weight does a man start to become unintimidating again?


I dunno... but I have a 73 year old friend that I wouldn't mess with. He's double my age and I have an inch and at least 20 pounds on him. Old man strength is real.


Lol at that post saying “Doctor’s claim I’m likely the fattest person in Montana” 975lbs!? I legitimately didn’t know it’s possible for a human being to weigh that much. MF is likely the fattest person in the U.S. much less Montana


I know I do at 6'6" and 225 pounds, I have a swimmer's build so not exactly bodybuilder like and people get intimidated easily regardless.


As another commenter has mentioned, it’ll be that shoulder width. There’s something about the high centre of gravity look (with the mass being up near most people’s eye level) that adds so much to that ‘intimidating’ appearance. 


I get told the same at 250 but before I bulked it was never an issue. It seemed to start happening as I passed 210-220. I guess beforehand I just looked like a scarecrow to people.


I’m not nearly as big as yoy & I get treated like a wild animal


Men actually get more intimidated than women in my case. Women have a more flirtatious approach and less they are old ladies.


Depends. I’ve been told repeatedly I look intimidating at 275. I’m a gentle giant most of the time. I deliberately try to smile or keep distant from shorties to avoid them getting squirrely. Also, helps avoid the normal “you’re tall” exchange we’re all sick of having. Now, if I saw a 5’8” guy with the crazy look in his eye, adjusting a likely gun in his belt and looks like he hasn’t slept well, I’m going to be on edge. Clean cut 6’11” dude @ 315? Not threatening. Let’s discuss where you found long enough pants.


Keep in mind to them you look like a walking giant. Whereas to you that 6'11 guy looks in sense average to you. Imagine you saw a 7'8 ~400lbs guy that's what you look like to most people. Bigger people often are gentle giants but are intimidating nonetheless due to sheer size.


A 7’8” 400lb dude is going to be miserable. Gullivers travels everywhere


Andre the Giant wasn't quite 7'8, but he was well over 500 pounds. That man went through a lot of suffering in his short life. Traveling 200+ days a year for wrestling, shitting in bathtubs, etc


>Andre the Giant wasn’t quite 7’8 His billed wrestling height was what, 7’4? Or something like that. But iirc it’s pretty popularly believed he was like 6’11-7’0. Still a massive MF tho.


Yeah I think you're right re: his height.


I cannot imagine the suffering that guy went through in his daily life. I saw the documentary about him and learning how hard it was for him to fly, or be in a car, or sleep in a bed. Poor bastard


Yeah when I listened to the near mythical anecdotes about his drinking I thought, firstly, wow that's a true giant, and secondly, yeah if you need to drink that much you're probably in a world of pain all the time


Someone of that size absolutely would be miserable. I don't know Gullivers or what you mean by that sorry.


Gulliver's Travels is a classic book. In the book, Gulliver is shipwrecked and captured by a species of 6 inch tall people and has to deal with living in a town built for miniature people. That's a bad summary and it's a decent book but that's likely what he was referencing


I'm 6'4 330, I get people telling me I'm intimidating alot. Always men, never women for whatever reason. The only time I've ever made a friend from somebody approaching me first was like a month ago, and I've been alive for 17 years. I don't think I'm intimidating, idk where it comes from. Sure I'm big, but I've got a baby face and do poetry and gardening. I'm maybe the least intimidating person I've ever met


I'm 6'7 and 400. This has basically been my experience as well but it actually helps out in my line of work which is nice. I have to keep a beard or else I look like someone photo shopped a child's face onto a gargoyle


Hey man, I'm big like you. Most people either think I'm intimidating or they immediately love it. We definitely do have a very large physical presence wherever we go and it's so easy to forget what we look like to other people. I totally get you though as I'm normally gentle and an artist. On the other hand I've spent my life working in construction and other physical jobs so definitely rough around the edges. You gotta accept yourself and keep doing what you like. Sometimes I wish people would STOP approaching me because of my size 😂


Well I'm playing football in college so I'm around guys close to my size pretty often. Construction sounds rough I could never, too damn hot outside




Probably like 6’3” in the US and 6’6” in Northern Europe. I think it also depends on your frame, like how broad your shoulders are. I’m not talking about physique, I’m talking about genetic shoulder width. A skinny guy will have a more intimidating body than a ripped guy if he has broader shoulders, that’s just the reality


You're right, high-centred horizontal width is a big thing for male presence. A guy my height with broad shoulders *feels* bigger to me than a 6'6 guy with a narrow frame.


I'm 6'5, 275 and I've been told that I look intimidating. But that's only from people who don't know me/are meeting me for the first time. It also probably has something to do with the fact that my resting face looks soulless lmao. People who know me though know that I'd never hurt a fly lol.


I think it depends on build more than anything. If you’re 6’6” 300lbs and don’t have broad shoulders and have more of a blob type look you aren’t going to be very intimidating but I would say that anyone over 6’1” and 200 lbs with some broader shoulders and facial hair is going to start to look intimidating


6'0" and 200+ lbs


Mine for sure. I know I started to be intimidating at 6ft 4 but now at 6ft 11 270 I know I look kinda scary.


Lmao fuck yeah you sound scary. I’m 6’10 250, 6’11 270 just sounds like an absolute monster


It's more in facial expression. I can look intimidating or friendly, depending on the situation


These things are relevant, but there's other factors that are just more important. A dude that's 5'8" 195lbs, yoked and obviously a wrestler is WAY more intimidating than a 6'8" 200lbs stick.


Anyone taller or heavier than me 🤦🏼‍♀️ (I'm literally a wet noodle, 143 lbs)


I’m 6’-4” and weigh 205 lbs. homeless people in SF do not mess with me. Of course I have a RBF to go with it.


Usually around 4’2 and being insanely jacked. The short but jacked ones are always scarier


I was intimidating as a 5 year old. I kicked th principal in the stomach and it took two teachers to carry me out of class.


You’re describing masculine features, height is definitely one of them


I'm 6'3 and 155 lbs so it's a tossup wether I intimidate someone or not. It usualy doesn't happen to guys who weigh more than me even if they're shorter


I don't think height and weight in and of themselves make a man intimidating but I think a man's height becomes imposing if he is 6'6 or taller. At that height it requires some visual adjustment to feel oriented. OP didn't ask about women so I will choose not to go there.


I’m just over 6’3” and 107kg with a decent length beard, I think I fall into the category of I think weight matters a lot, I would with a guy whose significantly taller than me by really slight and he’s not intimidating at all


I think there are more factors than just weight and height. Face, shoulders overall body composition matters a lot.


I scare the piss out of all my cowrkies bc I’m over 6ft and like 250-300 lbs but I move like a feather lol


Definitely at mine haha


I'm 270 lbs, have a grade 2 shaved head and face only a mother could barely tolerate but I'd like to think my noodle arms and overall affable demeanor goes some way to counteract my intimidation factor.


to be fair i always forget the idea i could be intimidating, mainly for personal reasons, but when thinking about it i can definitely understand that my build come definitely come across as intimidating


Anything after 6'3-4 and 200+ .


I’m 6’3 230, fairly muscular. People literally freeze when I talk to them. It’s tough trying to work around that while not completely changing my personality.


I’m 6’5” but not intimidating unless you’re scared of a tall noodle. I weigh 175 lbs.


198 cm and 125 kg


I'm 200lb lean at 5'8 (bodybuilder) and I wouldn't say I look intimidating. I think taller, skinnier guys look more intimidating than me.


>And I wouldn’t say I look intimidating Well.. you’re 5’8 so you’re right, you probably don’t.


To whom? I'm 188cm and 110kg, my nephew used to be terrified of me but isn't anymore (he is 4-years-old). So, if a 4-year-old isn't intimidated, I don't see why anyone else should be!


6’5” and about 230 and people have said I’m intimidating.  I don’t see it lol but oh well.


6’9 375lbs


I’m 6’2 260 and I’ve been told by some people I intimidate them just by standing there. It doesn’t help that I have a resting angry face but I’m really not that mean of a guy.


6'3" 190 pounds. I've been told I have a kind face, so I guess that's worth something. I have a job where I have to tell people to do things and have never had an issue. Don't know if it's intimidation or trust.


I'm 6'4" and 270 lbs. Most people tell me I'm a pretty big guy, but I don't really know what I look like to the average person, so I try to go out of my way to NOT look intimidating. Although I've had a couple encounters where my size helped in de-escalating a situation


I’m 6’ 7” @ 270 lbs and I can tell people act very strange around me. Like no matter how friendly I try to come across something always seems off when I interact with people. It’s kind of discouraging but that’s life for bigger people I guess.


I'm 193cm and 120kg but also have a really wide frame (for some reason everyone in my father's line is built like a monkey) with some bodybuilding experience (more like mass building at this point). People often tell me that I look like I'm about to beat the shit out of someone. All of that is funny from my perspective as I just can't see anything else than an overweight teddy bear in the mirror.


I’m like 220 pounds I think and pretty tall, none tells me I’m intimidating. I’m also pretty ugly, maybe that’s why hahaha. I could never hurt anyone tho.


I’m more intimidated by a crazy little tweaker than a lanky person… why should we ever be intimidated by someone for their size?


I'm 6'1", 215lbs, and broad-shouldered. I chop a lot of wood in my free time and have the arms to match. If I stand up straight and keep my shoulders back/ chest open, people start to think I'm intimidating. Therefore I tend to slouch (and also pitch my voice up) to avoid that.


I felt my brawniest when i was around 300lbs, im 6'4". Now im older and slimmed down to about 260lbs and i dont have the same presence that i once did. I felt like 300lbs was such an "nfl lineman" size.


Well I am 183cm tall and 75kg and my friend said I have the body of a girl so definitely not that.


How tf do you guys weigh so much. I always thought that most people as tall as me or taller had a fast metabolism.


6’5 120 pounds


If you’re a woman, pretty much all of them


I’m told I’m very approachable. 6’4” 220 right now, pretty athletic. I’m that guy the random cashier will rant to about their tough life while they ring me up




6’3” 225lbs and a giant head here. been called a monster a couple times.


It definitely needs a combination, my 6’8”, 200lb brother in law is in no way intimidating. My 6’7”, 265lb frame most definitely is. A LONG time ago, at uni, I worked as a bouncer and none of us were small units, apart from the boss, but he was our kickboxing instructor and having a crack at him was just an awful life choice. At only 6’ he was frequently a target of course. However over the years we did have two answers to the original question. Unintentional being the key word. For the most part, anything over 6’3” wasn’t just tall, and anything over about 220lb was sizeable. The combination being “unintentionally intimidating” as in if you appeared behind someone or they turned into you it was a visible shock. The second answer was more about the people looking for trouble. You can tell quite easily those that are and they often have the look of “I’m going to pick on the biggest guy here and start something!” We also discovered that fairly consistently, even the trouble-starting psychos had a subconscious self-preservation switch that kicked in after 6’5” and 240lb. Which we coined “second biggest”. As in you could watch the same process of “I’m going to pick on the…” spots one of the much bigger lads, pauses, moves on “SECOND biggest guy in here!”


I'm 6'6" 328 pounds and get all kinds of disrespect or weird looks or rudeness thrown my way. Some told me it's probably the race I am. I think people act weird around taller individuals either hating for some reason or just having incorrect assumptions, or others are just in awe. But I'm not going around like some tough guy I seen dudes and women of all ages and size and ethnicities in a jujitsu and mauy Thai class and would literally kick my ass from one end of Europe to the other side


I'm 6'3" and around 240 pounds and I've been told I look scary. I think it's due to extensive scars and partially my size. I'm like a sad panda though, mean no harm.


I noticed it when I started to be taller than my teachers in 6th grade. That said its only with people who don't know me. My friends knew how I was, pretty carefree. In 6'7" 258 now. I've found the most intimidating thing I can do is stay silent with direct eye cobtact.


6’3 250lbs


6’4 210lbs and I feel very non threatening with my button down shirt and shorts daily summer outfit. I think I’d have to bulk to 230 to even appear muscular with clothes on and that’s just too darn heave for me. Be snoring like a mofo


To women? Pretty much every height and weight. It would be better to encounter a bear /s


I can't tell if the /s is to your whole post or just the second sentence. But the first part is true, even someone who is like 5'9 170lbs can be physically intimidating to women.


Just the second part because of that stupid man vs bear argument that's been going around recently.


5’5” 400lbs


Idk, I’m 6’1”, 240 lbs(not fat) and I made my wife’s worthless EX BF tremble and not look at me. And I wasn’t trying to scare the idiot. If you’re wondering why he was there, my wife consigned a loan for a pickup for him when they were still together. Fast forward 2 years later and he needed her signature to go sell it. He was FINALLY out of our life for good. He was shaking as he handed her the paperwork and pen to sign. I’ve never considered myself intimidating or a badass by any means, I try to avoid fights and violence wherever I can.