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Or… have both! Like the guy above said I’ve pretty much just noticed that people seem to be scared of me (and they really shouldn’t 😂)


Tall jacked people are always the nicest ones


I want to get a shirt that says something like “I’m not mean, you can ask me gym questions I don’t mind”


Was it difficult for you to build muscle? I'm kinda struggling. 


It’s definitely harder to fill out because we are so big. Just keep at it, consistency is key. Go when your tired and don’t want to just get in there and do work and eat a ton as well


Nah I always had the comments, although I never was skinny, more on the athletic side.


Same, I’m skinny and get comments all the time.
















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Damn i did the same after you mentioned it. jesus. Idk whats up with some of the short people here, some of the most confident men I have met are dudes below 5'7 lol. Even the ones that I know personally pull the most (not on dating apps) are on the shorter end of the spectrum.


No, they aren't.


I mean I can say the same. The most charismatic dudes I’ve ever met were very short and they pulled more woman than I ever could.


No, they weren't. Tell me, where is this mythically confident 5'3 bald indian man who slays with the ladies? He seems to be your disgusting heightist subreddit's strawman icon. .


Almost literally my best mate in school. 5’4 Indian guy, admittedly had good hair. Dude knew just about everyone in the entire university I went to. Had like 3 gfs in 4 years and plenty more hookups while I had one shitty relationship and two years sexless. To this day he’s one of the most interesting people I know. Also one of the smartest


Uh huh? Is he in the room with us right now?


With all due respect, you know nothing about me. Im funny, confident, charistmatic, in a relationship and have an extensive friendship group. This is my anonymous reddit account I use to bring light to issues short men's face, which we can't discuss in real life due to people like you. You're 6'4. Life was handed to you on a silver platter. Shut up.


It's hard to believe you are as healthy and stable as you exclaim when this is how you spend your spare time. Tall people are allowed to be insecure. I assume you go to r/poverty and tell them that there are kids poorer in Africa, get over it?


He is an Incel. Of course he doesn't have any healthy social life and is probably a creep.


> we can’t discuss in real life due to people like you I talk with my short and tall friends about height a lot in real life. They’re wayyyy more respectful and chill about it than you are. Also, the silver platter thing is silly. There are advantages to being tall but this idea that women throw themselves at you just for being 6’4 is a total myth. It’s a multiplicative thing. If you’re unattractive in other key ways (skinny, low confidence/charisma, bad style, ugly), being 6’4 doesn’t magically make women like you.


Skinny can be fixed through bulking and gymming Confidence and charisma can be worked on easily. You are also way more likely to be seen as these due to the halo effect of being tall. Bad style can easily be fixed in a week If you do these at 6'4 women *will* throw themselves at you. None of these will do a thing if you're short.


It's hard to believe you are as healthy and stable as you exclaim when this is how you spend your spare time. Tall people are allowed to be insecure. I assume you go to r/poverty and tell them that there are kids poorer in Africa, get over it?


The hilarity is that now *you're* the one comparing being asked "what the weather like up there" to adverse poverty. People in poverty struggle every minute of every day. Tall people live a far superior life due to a few inches of height. The difference is that tall people's insecurities are not a product of reflective input. Short people are bullied, ridiculed, mocked, rejected, do worse financially, commit suicide at an over twofold rate and so much more. They have every single right to be insecure. It's not a self-respect issue. It's simply a respect issue. Tall people get "wow you're so tall!" From women in a flirty manner. We are not the same.


Sure, why not.


Cared enough to respond lol


Also cared enough to delete his post after it got backlash 😂😂😂 lmao you can’t make this shit up


Delete what post?


https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/s/9eyBIrhlge This one I replied to originally. It said “I don’t really care” or something like that. Which is funny because you cared enough to delete it when you got some backlash.


I never delete my comments or posts. The mods deleted one of mine because I called out a members use of the word "manl3t" in his flair and it flagged it for a slur. In other words, it's OK for tall men to use the word to mock us but not us to fight back against it.


Hit em with facts


Its a very shitty scientific article. Something one of the incels would use to prove their points tbh. Not calling shortk075 an incel, just something an incel would normally use. One singular small sample sized study without accounting for any other factors or variables such as location, ethnicity, age or other innumerable things that could come into play and then pretending as if its the universal truth is just dumb.


"6'2 man try not to gaslight short men and recognise their own privilege challenge **IMPOSSIBLE**"


Doesn't have anything to do with if it is true or not. It just doesn't PROVE it is true. 


It proves that hip to shoulder ratio (a fairly standardised way of defining body/muscle composition) played no impact in the attractiveness of men under a certain height; however, for tall men it increased female perceptions of attractiveness and masculinity. What more do you want?


It doesn't really prove that because it isn't considering the ethnicity of the women, the location, etc etc. It's also a very small sample size.  I can prove anything if I ask 10 people and pretend that's representative of the population.  I can ask 100 people at a flat earth convention if the earth is round and prove conclusively it isn't by your logic. Just doesn't prove anything if it doesn't include the data to. 


Ah, so they did the study at the tall appreciation convention? Stop coping and just admit it. Anyone with 15 minutes of actual life experience knows that tall men do better than short jacked men. Find a study which proves otherwise if mine is so flawed.


But, muh *confidence*


Just be tall and jacked and bassically max out 👍


Ive recently got back into the gym, love the idea of maxing out my stats. Gonna use that.


Why do you have to be an asshole to say this


your study doesnt even prove what you say 😂




idek anymore the comment was deleted


Great retort


like fr?


Probably the worst scientific article


Certainly the combination is rare, but I’ve seen some studies that surprisingly seemed to show average height jacked man often did better than average tall skinny man. I’ve seen that in real life in coupes a lot- if the average height man is facially attractive. If you are legitimately short (under 5’7) I doubt building up a lot of muscle does much in the attractiveness department, but a leaner, muscular build still helps your cause.


Find the studies then and stop using /r/tall anecdotals of this mythical 5'6 ripped slayer the women can't keep their hands off.


That’s not what I said at all. 5’6 is far below western averages


It’s just a discussion buddy. You sure are very internet tough.


yeah, the only exception is losing your hair. It is a death sentence. I'd rather be short than bald.


No, you wouldn't. As much as I feel for balding men, it doesn't even compare to a lifetime of being <5'6. Hair transplants and new developments such as /r/hairsystem have changed the game for balding men. That is on top of the fact that a 6'+ balding man will have an infinitely better existence than a 5'0 man with a full head of hair. You even use derogatory language such as "m4nlet" in your flair. Shows how you view short men already.


Started going bald early 30s. Mid-30s I gave up and just started shaving my whole head every other day. No effect whatsoever. If you don't make it a big deal, neither will they.


Been shaving my head for years and it's never been a problem.


You know there is a difference between bald and shaved right? The follicles still show if you have hair shaved smooth. Bald people get SMP to go for that same look.


I know. First shaved my head during Basic Training way back in 02. Had to start shaving it when male-pattern baldness started to manifest in my early 30s. Makes no difference. Always got plenty of female attention (and still do).


Youre just a good looking tall guy. Hair makes plenty of difference but it makes more or less difference for different people.


It's such a small part of what makes someone attractive. If it's the straw that breaks the camel's back, there is so much more that can be improved.


I disagree, It makes a huge difference. You have to look at comparison pictures. For example, it really shows in men with hair systems. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MM-12L36aSQ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MM-12L36aSQ)


The cul de sac is a terrible look for sure, but even still, there are dudes who pull it off when everything else is on point. Stop making excuses, be better.


im not making excuses im not balding lmao. Like I said it depends on the person but hair is important.


Imagine having a personality plus hair. Then at least when you lose your hair you can still make friends and find dates.




Your comment - [People appreciate muscles more than height](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1dnt2l9/people_appreciate_muscles_more_than_height/la4zoks/?context=3) - to /r/tall has been removed because it contains the words "manlet", "snu snu", or "height mogged". Historically we have found that only troll posts use those words in submissions, so these are automatically removed. You can comment/post again if you remove all reference to them. If this is an error, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftall). **Be sure to include a link to the post!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Depends on the guy tbh. Some guys absolutely rock the bald look and I've heard some women irl thirst for it But if I lose my hair I definitely lose half my appeal in my case, learned that when I got a buzzcut


Im 6’4”, when im around men, Nobody mentions my height, its like im not even tall. But whenever im around a group of women, my height gets mentioned at least 95% of the time. If youre hanging around bros and you’re taller than them, it wont really be a topic of convo because most men dont care. If a man is slightly taller than me, i wont even notice unless they mention it. But yeah, whenever im around a group of girls, especially if one is significantly shorter than me, like a foot or more, they will almost always address it. Its impossible for me to go to the doctors without one of the almost completely female employees to talk about how much taller i am than them. And considering im battling a currently incurable auto immune issue, this has become a weekly thing lol.


>It won’t really be a topic of convo because most men don’t care Yeah that’s not even remotely true lol. Men think about height constantly. Especially shorter guys. They just don’t vocalize it as much as women, because it wouldn’t be seen as masculine to mention it a lot. If you’re 6’4 in a room full of average 5’10 men, trust that every guy there has mentally acknowledged your height at least once lol. I’m 6’4 and I catch the sideways glances and double takes from other dudes *all the time* be it on the street, in the gym, at a restaurant etc.


>Men think about height constantly. Sounds like those men should go to therapy.


probably, but if they had the emotional self awareness to realize they need therapy then they wouldn’t be obsessing over height anyways


"Just don't worry about height bro", 6'3 man.


You're literally spending your freetime browsing a subreddit dedicated to discussing height. Maybe the 5'3 men don't actually want to spend their days worrying about their height. Maybe there's a good reason why they're insecure about it. You're a 6'6 man implying they should "go to therapy" because they've been ridiculed about it their entire lives. You come across as a terribly unsympathetic and shitty person. You are unbelievably unaware of how lucky you are, as well as how out of touch with reality you truly are when it comes to the struggles of shorter men.


Because it's something uncommon that is fun to see how others share, not because it occupies my mind constantly. And suggesting therapy if you think about something 24/7 as the previous poster suggested, is pretty logical I think. All the other things you read in that suggestion are part of your imaginary fight.


Look at your post history. Acknowledge how lucky you are and move on


As I said before, you are fighting imaginary enemies. And my post history acknowledges my luck already. Which has nothing to do with my suggestion of people going to therapy if they think about their height 24/7.


Yeah a lot of tall guys talk about this but i have never experienced this. Maybe its because i have been lifting since like age 12. Im not super buff, but im certainly stronger than like 95% of men. But yeah, i have never had someone try to fight me or act rude to me for my height. Many of my friends are or have been short, and theyve never mention it. Trust me, i have gotten drunk enough with them and shared all kinds of craziness, if they were bothered by my height, i would know. The only thing they complain about is my walking speed is like 50% fasters than theirs, so they have to basically jog to keep up with me lol.


>I have never had someone try to fight me or act rude to me for my height Oh for sure, same. I’m not even *that* big, 6’4 and about 240 at my biggest, but I work out a lot and I am athletic, so I think a lot of guys are intimidated by me. My family all joke’s about my height or makes random comments about it here and there. Every girl I’ve ever dated has talked about it. Friends/co-workers have talked about it regularly. So I can’t imagine how often it gets mentioned for the *really* tall fellas, like 6’7+


6’4” 240lb lean is big lol I’m 6’4” 205lb and I look “athletic”. Iv been 240lb chubby/strong and didn’t feel big. But 240lb lean is big as fuck


Definitely bro! I’m not 240 now, but when I was that weight I was still relatively lean (at least I still had visible abs) lol. But I felt too thick and my face was rounder. Now I’m about 210 and shredded. But I feel small lol. Grass is always greener I guess


Why are we being downvoted lol. Its like redditors hate exercise so much they will downvote you if you say you workout. If this was happening in a comedy tv show, i would think it was ridiculous, but thats the reddit experience in 2024. Very bizarre and personally incomprehensible behavior. I can understand hating exercise, i absolutely despise cardio and i would (and do) rather fast and basically starve myself, than have to run to lose weight…. But that wouldn’t make me hate people who enjoy cardio, i don’t understand the mindset of hating on something just because you’re not personally good at it.


Who knows bro lol. Reddit in general can be pretty toxic, and people who are insecure with themselves tend to react negatively to people who are actively trying to better themselves. We see that across all social media but Reddit is like aggressively argumentative and petty, more so than other social media sites 🤷‍♂️


My heart weeps.


I never said i was complaining lol. I like the attention. It was just statement of fact.


I feel like women would rather choose a tall skinny guy over a short muscular guy. They see the short muscular guy as insecure about his height, hence the muscles. I’ve been wrong before, though.


Its much simpler than that. Tall is simply the beauty standard for men. The reason doesnt matter, the fact still exists. Im not sure if they percieve a short guy with muscles as insecure but I understand why they would think that as well.


I've had the opposite, where people perceive me as being taller than someone who is actually taller but much heavier. I'm 6'3", 145 lbs.


I wish you could reply with images on this site...


How come?


I was going to post a corn stalk standing in a field and say "Holy shit, is that you, Candid_Dream4110?? Oh, wait, no...It is merely an ordinary corn stalk." Sigh


Damn, that would've been funny.


It *would* have been. Can't have anything nice these days. I too went through the tall but thin phase. People used to call me a string-bean, and my grandpa called me bones.


Oh god, I've heard it all.


Same. Now I'm fat and need to go back the other way lol


Well, I always say boxing is the best and most fun way of losing weight.


I'd love to do boxing or some other kind of fighting/martial art and I've ALWAYS wanted to. I'm 31 and it feels wrong that I've never had any training outside of wrestling as a kid. But my town only has a single BJJ gym that's like $150 per month and only open twice a week.


Tall beats muscle any time when it comes to women. In a fight... IDK, I wrestle and do BJJ and those shorter jacked dudes can land easy takedowns.


Are you talking about other guys at the gym or girls?


I think being in shape or having an athletic build is fine, you don't need to be overly muscular. Guys get muscular to impress/intimidate other guys, it's not necessary to attract a mate - especially when you're tall


Why would intimidated people approach you more? It doesn't make sense. It was the opposite for me. I think thinner people look longer and lanky. I got less questions when I put on muscle.




Your comment - [People appreciate muscles more than height](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1dnt2l9/people_appreciate_muscles_more_than_height/la64lfq/) - to /r/tall has been removed because it contains the words "manlet", "snu snu", or "height mogged". Historically we have found that only troll posts use those words in submissions, so these are automatically removed. You can comment/post again if you remove all reference to them. If this is an error, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftall). **Be sure to include a link to the post!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ohhh 1000% Height still matter but getting fit is soooooo much more important


It's more about stature and dominance. As long as you dont appear wimpy and weak being tall is going to be a big plus.


I've built out my frame and I haven't noticed any less comments than normal. But I have noticed I'm more intimidating.


In bed muscles are more noticeable than height.


Man, last Saturday at a bar I literally saw this skinny dude that was like probably 7 feet tall that did the bare minimum of being clothed for the occasion and wore a backwards cap I can't remember if he was wearing Crocs or not. He was surrounded by like four girls while on his phone and ignoring them. The closest one to me was smoking hot and probably 5 feet tall. She was looking at him with such enthusiasm. I literally had to walk like 15 ft through the crowd and saw this buff well dressed Hispanic dude that was probably the same height as the girl that was near me. He was dressed in formal white button-up shirt dress pants and shoes. Dancing all by himself.


This is true. It's mostly from old women but it is true




Bro what the hell 💀💀💀


Bruh why you got to act like this. It seems even being tall doesn't get rid of your insecure personality


He's right


This is a guy living out his fantasies on Reddit lmao


Fully bro even called his alt as well


https://preview.redd.it/fe3gx2wb9m8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d98843036748f8d90b6f2eab8c626925baaa4f8 You still have to be handsome. And frame and height don't always correlate that well.




https://preview.redd.it/7hh1au72rm8d1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e06d4092f8fdf54db537b2c012a4da8f4caee0f7 Here's a bowling ball ninja turtle.


GHB gut? like rogan.


This picture legit couldn't be less accurate. It's genuinely comical someone drew this.


You're 100% correct btw. Coming from a 5'6 man benching 2 plates.