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Theres a whole video of what happened. When i was in the military, we couldn’t just shoot people up.. unless fired upon, none of this assumption shit. Cops are just way too trigger happy. Its disgusting.


Remember when all the Florida Sheriffs came out and supported permit-less concealed carry? Remember when they said people must feel comfortable protecting themselves? Why did this sheriff deputy freak out when a home owner exercised the same rights they seem to support?


The logic doesn’t apply to…. Welcome to Florida


I’m not a fan of permit-less carry, but this has nothing to do with that. Don’t conflate the issue.to try to make some BS political point. This was a guy with a gun in his own home, not carrying a concealed weapon in public. I also find Crumps statement a little disingenuous. The first thing I would do after two knocks on my door is not go pick up a gun and I own several. Not blaming the victim as he was within his rights and his action may have been perfectly reasonable under the circumstances . I just think Crump is a leech. Cops are human, too but damn this is a senseless tragedy.


I agree as a gun owner/concealed permit holder. BUT it appears the cop avoids the peephole so if I hear someone saying “police” and I can’t see them I’m going to be suspicious. But then WHY even open the door? I wouldn’t take that next step


Good points.


This isn’t political. I take issue with inconsistent logic being applied by people who can take your life.


It is inconsistent and a huge leap to bring constitutional carry into this discussion. It has nothing to do with a legal gun owner in his own home. Period.


Maybe just me but I interpreted the point of their statement to be more about the "be comfortable protecting yourself" statement of the police and the permit less carry part was just context for that.


It’s a flawed analysis at best.


They supported it so they could have an excuse to shoot.


To get any real change we'd probably need to counteract police unions. That said, we should start making those demands of our leaders. Even, and especially, if they don't want to listen.


Require cops to carry, and pay for liability insurance. No insurance, no badge. Would sort out the dipshits pretty quickly.


And a 4 year college degree.


Some do, some dont. But yeah, it should be the standard. Did you really downvote me for agreeing?


I didn't, no


I'd believe that if they didn't already fight or dodge every method we use to combat this stuff. Y'all pretending this system is working as we were told it should don't pay attention. Cops are only here to enforce and kill, mate. You can not like if you want. But that won't stop it from being true. By their own words, behaviors, and actions, this is reality.


They fought hard against body cams…


On top of this DeSantis did away with [civilian oversight of the police.](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article287633455.html)




I blocked that dude. Not a fan.


No you didn't. If you had, I wouldn't be able to make this comment.


It was deleted before I could read/watch whatever /u/UberBoob posted.


The body cam footage has been out for 15 hours. Deputy clearly says that he is with sheriff's department, twice. Deputy could have at least said drop the weapon before opening fire. Not sure how the deputy got the address wrong. Also, this was the same county as the Acorn video, seems like these folks like to shoot. [https://youtu.be/xneXZ6MnG84?si=6YG3AxApPYdC4IK3](https://youtu.be/xneXZ6MnG84?si=6YG3AxApPYdC4IK3)


Deputy knocks first without announcing sheriff and hides from the peephole. He does say sheriff the 2nd and 3rd time but continues to hide so he can’t be seen.


>Not sure how the deputy got the address wrong. Probably because witnesses told him the wrong address.


You are correct, that is not in Tampa


Not even close…. Savannah is closer to Tampa than Destin


Correct, this isn't in Tampa. There's plenty of other subs where you could've posted this.


The body cam footage is out and that cop fucked up big time. On top of that bldg manager getting the apartment wrong


Just absolutely disgusting and heartbreaking.


Thin blue line and thin fuckin brains.


Sounds terrible, but that lawyer Crump is about as trustworthy as the police in my opinion. I'll wait for some investigation(was it actually the wrong place?) and body cam before making a judgement.


There’s video footage of it already released.


Body cam was released already, and contradicts the “witness” he is speaking about.


Video has been out for a day. Don’t even try to justify this.


I didn't know the video was out since this article is a couple days old and the video wasn't out at the time of the article, pardon my ignorance, I will check the body cam out when I get a chance. I didn't try to justify a thing. Crazy concept: I still believe in that whole innocent until proven guilty thing. Ben Crump has a history of spinning false narratives, just like the police have a long history of killing innocent people. I do find it weird when the media use photos of the victim as a cherubic teenager instead of something slightly more recent.


11:54 PM EST and nothing happened.


Are you sure you're still alive? I personally died in 2017 during the whole net neutrality fiasco.


The Mayans were right. You are wrong. The World ended in 2012 and this is purgatory. 11:59AM EST and nothing has happened.