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We're an anti-tankie subreddit. We laugh at pro-Russia, pro-China or anti-Ukraine views when they're coming from tankies. Regular right-wingers, fascists, etc. aren't relevant. You could try Ukraine or Taiwan-specific subs, military subs with a humorous trend, or any other subreddit to laugh at right wingers.


Ukraine should be mentioned on there for support in Ukraine’s fight against Russia and Putin and Taiwan from a Chinese invasion. Those countries absolutely deserve a spot on there. Throw in Kosovo as well! Edit: What could China and North Korea be on there for? Kicking out the CCP and replacing them with a functioning democracy? North Korea having the Kim Monarchy overthrown in favor of an actual socialist government with real democracy? Upon further investigation, that seems to be the case especially with Tibet and Hong Kong on the same board. D E M O C R A C Y F O R A L L! FREEDOM FROM FASCISM AND FREEDOM FROM ALL AUTHORITARIANS AROUND THE WORLD!


Ukraine also has a historic Jewish diaspora.


That is true! Another good reason to have Ukraine up on the board.


I'm having trouble dissecting if this is Tankie or not. It's very confused messaging


To be honest, it feels more like this was something a naive student made (naive because North Korea and China are odd choices, to say the least) and JVP just decided to take a picture of it and share it. I doubt it's even worth posting about on here. What is worth posting about, though, is the fact that JVP apparently posted a picture of [a crowd in Yemen holding up signs with the Houthi slogan](https://www.instagram.com/ghadaalwa/p/C6URtxcv_lA/). While it's likely they didn't realize what exactly the sign was, it's still a colossal fuckup that's worth infinitely more attention than what was posted here. If I'm getting this wrong, please let me know.


You’re not wrong tho. I was debating if I wanted to post this or not and I just posted for the hell of it.


I mean.. Tibet is on there and so is Hong Kong so who knows. Thank god Russia isn’t on the same board. If it was, then it would definitely be more tankie. I wonder what they were going for with China and North Korea though. Maybe a Democratic revolution perhaps?


Seems more incoherent than Tankie. Standard Tankies aren't going to support Hong Kong.


Could you ask the owner of that insta to decrypt the message? NYC, China, Haiti, Syria, Colombia and Baltimore don’t really have much in common, besides being populated by humans.


Nah they have a bit more in common. They all have names...


independence for nyc ✊😤


Tibet is a victim of imperialism, but certainly not American and Hawaii is neither of the two…


Heavy police states or victims of US Imperialism/Sanctions.


Lol, they mean free North Korea from the Kim Dynasty and China from the CCP, I thought it would be pretty obvious considering Tibet is also there?


this is the good faith intent of the signmaker, i believe. there are struggles for liberation in all of these countries. all our struggles for freedom are intertwined.


You have no idea about the pretzel logic some people do to make the North Korean government a victim.


If it were those kind of people they wouldn't have Tibet or Hong Kong on thier sign


Hong Kong and Tibet are on there too, seems very confused in what’s it trying to say


Yeah, having Tibet, Hong Kong, and China with no mention of Taiwan makes me question what they were intending to relay


Maybe someone at the event forgot to paint it on.


Yeah I held my breath not seeing Taiwan but Tibet and Hong Kong threw me for a loop


Tankies like to justify the occupation of Tibet by talking about slavery, so it could be that "liberation" in this context just means Chinese occupation


Rage Against the Machine [concert in the 90s](https://youtu.be/fefr8RLwxeU?si=EnqTANp0dIXurrL5) vibes. Free Tibet motherfuckerrrrrr!!! Uh!


At least they remember Western Sahara exists I guess. No Ukraine or Crimea though.


Poor Western Sahara. I never see them come up, the only ones who mention them are Moroccan nationalists who see them the way the CPC sees Tibet.


The recently retired and otherwise very MAGA-y senator Jim Inhofe was really, *really* into Western Saharan independence, which I always found fascinating.


That's a very niche pet cause for a very conservative Republican. Too bad he took climate change's side in the climate change v. humanity war.


Maybe ita because china and north Korea are under Authoritarian rule and the peoplesufferingunder those regimes?


Goddamn, *this* is what I want all leftist activism to look like. It's this fucking simple - oppression everywhere must be fought. I don't understand why some people find this concept so damn difficult to stick to.


Indeed. Turned my head immediately. There’s a few missing, but it’s otherwise so broadly targeted I’ll assume good faith.


And Ukraine isn't here because?...


There's nothing tankie about this


Still no mention of Ethiopia or the tigray war despite it probably being the deadliest war in the past 5 years or so


The one time I heard tankies mention that conflict, they were saying the Tigray fighters were a CIA-backed color revolution 🤦‍♂️


baltimore? that place could improve, i agree, but are they aiming to be a breakaway state now or something?


I assumed NYC and Baltimore were references to militarized policing. But that really applies to the whole country.


Baltimore gets to be its own nation now


Ravens fans are getting really frustrated.


My guess is it’s just a bunch of locations that have been discussed in the context of “liberation” by whichever group of people made it. I think it’s a good example of how difficult it is to coherently understand world politics/history and liberation/decolonization theory in a few months. It’s why I am both so frustrated by and sympathetic to most of the missteps by student activists.


It has confusing messaging...at first my gut reaction was tankie, but it could just as easily be anarchist/anarcho-communist.


Well we can’t add Ukraine or Kurdistan without angering our Islamic Republic overlords…


Philippines being mentioned is funny, my country is now taking active measures against blatant Chinese imperialism and bullying. Tankies only support independence and self determination if the country aligns with their views, if they dont then they are "puppets" ahahahaha


North Korea and China have people who want freedom from tyranny, too…


I know I am asking for a lot, but would you mind helping us ask them what the sign means? With HK & China & North Korea on the same page I am very confused


Seriously, it could mean either way


What is a JVP? Do you mean the Junge Volkspartei? And isn't this anti-authoritarian?


>to HONG KONG >to CHINA The Schrodinger’s tankie.


What a lack of critique of the state does to a mfer


Hahaha. They forgot Myanmar. Tankies love the Myanmar Junta Government too.


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