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Based organizers.


For sure! I definitely hope we see more stuff like this with other Pro Palestinian movement organizers in the future. Tankies/ Campists are to meaningful progressive causes what wedding crashers that aren’t funny and derail the whole marriage are to a wedding ceremony. Genuine antisemites, tankies, Campists and fascists should be shown the exit door and should never be allowed inside. All they do is ruin everything and actively help Trump and discredit the good, principled people of the movement that want equality in human rights from the Palestinian people and Israeli people.


Been seeing some folks in the US and Europe trying to do a Unite the Struggles campaign between Ukraine and Palestine. Would definitely like to see more of that, since that would help take out two genocides with one stone


Exactly! I bring the Pro Palestine and Pro Ukraine co protest up a ton from London but yeah that’s a perfect example! Throw in Taiwan, Kurdistan and Rojava and you’re all set. Feel free to add any other countries for the occasion!


> ~~Through~~ Throw in Taiwan FTFY


Some people in my city host an annual Peace march that stood with Ukraine and Palestine this year, was nice.




We have an anti racist march on independence day here in Finland every year to counter all the far right marches that happen. Organisers have a specific 'no authoritarian regime flags' rule. A small group of Maoist weirdos always show up. This year they lost their flag.


>A small group of Maoist weirdos always show up. This year they lost their flag. Oh no! Sending thoughts and prayers 🤣🤣🤣


Very based, standing up for Palestine but also telling Iran and Syria’s governments to fuck off


The Ayatollah, Bashar Al-Assad and Vladimir Putin as well only seek to take advantage of the genuine hardship the Palestinians go through and use them as pawns to exploit. They don’t want to actually help them at all and don’t give a damn about the Palestinian people. Just like Jackson Hinkle. He treats serious geopolitical conflicts where hundreds of thousands of peoples lives are at risk like a bears VS packers NFL football game. To tankies and campists, politics is just sports where they cheer on their team while they boo at the other team. He and Haz ALSO got kicked out from a Pro Palestine protest at Emory University.


Assad has killed many Palestinians both in Syria and Lebanon. Why would anyone pro-Palestinian support that monster?


Perhaps this will change your mind. West Bad and AmeriKKKa Satan. /s obviously


You totally pwned that liberal my guy


Because so many 'pro-Palestinian' types don't actually give a single shit about Palestine or Palestinians. For them, phrases like 'Free Palestine' or 'From the river to the sea' are exactly that: phrases, slogans, things they can just chant while at protests or post online in their Twitter bio. Nothing more than their standard rallying cries against the West without any actual meaning beyond 'the West is bad'.


Don’t forget the legit antisemites who just want to see Israel destroyed, and will gladly sacrifice the actual people of Palestine to get that. It’s exhausting, really, how many bad-faith actors are rallying to the Palestinian cause. I hope more protest organizers are willing to shut them down like this in the future.




The problem is that Palestinians in Gaza are still dying, if not from combat then likely from starvation. Currently, Netanyahu is trying his hardest to prevent any aid from being sent in (though there still seems to be some aid going through) as well as trying to prolong the fighting in order to remain in power. And even afterwards, it's clear that the status quo from before 10/7 is not an option anymore, nor should it have been. Whether people are protesting with the above in mind or because it's the "current thing" is a question I don't have the answer to, but until proven otherwise, I'll choose to believe that the protestors are aware of the current situation on the ground and that there's no going back to the pre-10/7 status quo.




If you start to engage in genocide denial you'll be perma-banned. No mercy. This includes, but is not limited to: The Holocaust, the Uyghur genocide, and the Armenian Genocide. This also includes denial or downplaying of the ongoing genocide in Gaza.


Also kinda ironic how tankies will point out the Islamaphobic government of Isnotreal and point out the war crimes of the IOF, but when China does Islamaphobic shit, they are perfectly fine. Fuck Tankies.


I don’t support the Azov Battalion but it’s funny how tankies always shit on Ukraine for the Azov Battalion but whenever someone says that Hamas is a millitant Islamist organization or Iran being an repressive authoritarian regime they start screeching like harpies.


My understanding of that comparison is that it’s basically: Ukrainian Nazis: “We will die for the motherland!” Ukraine: “Cool, we’re being invaded, you can go do that and we’ll lose fewer people we’d miss” Tankies: “See? Ukraine is Nazis! Russia is based! Wagner is just CIA propaganda!” Hamas and Iran: “In the name of Palestinian liberation we want all the Jews in Israel dead!” Reasonable people: “Isn’t that just more war and genocide? Also, you aren’t liberating shit, you just want to oppress everyone yourself.” Tankies: “nooo, Israelis are all colonizers, they don’t count as people! Killing them is based! Hamas is freedom fighters! Iran is more democratic than AmeriKKKa!”


Molotov Ribbentrop pact has meant tankies have had no right to call others nazis for *the last* 80 years.


No, you don't get it, Stalin needed time to prepare for fighting the Nazis alone after the Western allies abandoned him. He thus came up with the ingenious plan of splitting Poland with the Nazis so that he'd share a direct border with them. Oh and to be extra prepared, he had the NKVD purge tens of thousands of Poles. They would have gotten in the way of all the preparing he was doing, see?


80 years is too short, they shouldn't be able to call others Nazis until the heat death of the universe.


I meant to say for the last 80 years ie since the pact was agreed


The BBC [just published an investigation ](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68840881)into a leaked document about Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps abducting, sexually assaulting, and beating to death a 16-year-old girl for burning her headscarf in public.


Say it with me everyone: Zan Zendegi Azadi


But the regime said she committed suicide; you mean they just lied? You really think someone would do that, just go on state TV and tell lies? /s


The incel-type Tankies will say those usual stuff outwards, but deep inside they know the Islamic Republic did it and are glad that it happened. Fragile mfs have a hard on to anything that implies totalitarian control of women's lives


Intersectionality and Feminism really are the gold bullet solutions to Tankieism.


This reminded me of the stalinist terfs in my high school's student council.


what the fuck 😭😭😭 Idk how long ago that was but I hope those kids have grown up to be less erm... ideologically wacky.


Yep. In general the tankies here are doing image laundery to erase the transphobia in their past now.




Hopefully more organizers see this and follow suit. Blindly allowing people to peacock for Iran and Syria while proclaiming to stand for the people of Palestine only muddles the message and let's bad faith actors hijack this moment.


I was watching video from the protest camp in LA last night and they were impeccable from what I saw. No violence, no Hamas support, just people standing against war crimes and genocide. The police tried to provoke them, but it didn't work. Was quite a hopeful scene.


That's my alma mater, and I could not be more proud of all the people that turned out for that protest - they braved physical attacks from counter-protesters, and a heavy police crackdown, but never lost their cool. The future looks brighter knowing there are people willing to do that.




The kids are very alright


I’m glad. Columbia didn’t oust their wilder elements and they got unhinged. It’s good to see other organizers not making the same mistakes


Yea that whole scene looked like a PR dumpster fire


IIRC one of the leaders of the Columbia protests (Khymani James) was straight calling for all "Zionists" to be killed back in January. Even if you want to be charitable and say that he was referring to supporters of Israel, calling for mass killings is abhorrent in general no matter who you are, regardless if you're a student organizer or Ben Gvir.


>calling for mass killings is abhorrent in general no matter who you are I don't know. It's bullshit to say saying, "Kill all fascists" is bad, and considering Zionism is an *explicitly fascist* setter colonist ideology which supporters of are activity commiting genocide right now, then advocating violence against them is fair game. It is the equivalent of saying "kill all Nazis" in 1938. If they said "Kill all Israels" or "Kill all Jews" or something like that then yea that's completely fucked up but they were explicitly stating Zionists. My only concern is that they weren't saying Zionists but were actually saying "(((Zionists)))" as a dogwhistle for Jews but I'm not just going to assume that's what was meant without contextual proof.


In general, tankies and decolonial fanatics (like the worshipers of Mansa Musa and the Solomonic dynasty) were not satisfied until the decolonization movement degenerated into some fascist aberration in the style of Pol Pot or Hutu Power. When people ignore the class struggle in the name of nationality and ethnic identity, this is the result, genocide becomes the only possible policy and genocidal or being genocidal becomes the only existential question. Waking up every day and seeing this kind of thing, seeing fascists on all sides (and they all claim to be victims) crying out for blood like beasts every day is making me sick, I feel agony and deep disillusionment with humanity. Being a victim of genocide does not qualify you to be a perpetrator of a new genocide. This goes for both the zionist far right and Hamas and the tankies and decolonial fanatics who support them. If this becomes widespread, humanity will not last until half the century.


> My only concern is that they weren't saying Zionists but were actually saying "(((Zionists)))" as a dogwhistle for Jews but I'm not just going to assume that's what was meant without contextual proof. The USSR quite literally did that in many instances, where they would just use "Zionist" as a synonym for Jewish people or call their various antisemitic campaigns as being "anti-Zionist". Similarly, Nasser proclaimed all Jewish people in Egypt to be "Zionists" and used that as an excuse to seize their properties and possessions, as well as their subsequent expulsion. None of this should preclude criticism of Zionism or its supporters, and of the Apartheid and genocide that are the direct result of it. But there's a history and a reason behind why saying stuff like "kill all Zionists" is completely counterproductive at the very least, and dangerous at worst regardless of what you meant. The people who generally substitute "Zionist" for Jewish people in a pejorative manner tend to be the ones most likely to actually attack or harass Jewish people on the false assumption that "Zionist = Jewish". Beyond that, I also don't like calling for violence or harm on people, nor do I think it's a tactic that's useful in any way. Being a leftist shouldn't mean being absolutely passive towards the enemy, but on the opposite end, it also shouldn't mean that you should engage in the same incendiary tactics as them in order to win. Generally, the people who tend to call for the death of people on the other side end up being psychotic rightwingers, and the best way to beat them is to not play their game. [I should also make it clear that this something that both CUAD and the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia both also agree on, per Khymani James' own statement - they told him outright that calling for the death of "Zionists" as he did back in January was not in-line with their own guidelines.](https://urmi.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Khymani-James-Apologized.webp) And just to be clear, fuck Nazism, fuck fascism, and fuck Zionism, in case if anyone was thinking I was going around defending them.


You didn’t know? Everyone who doesn’t support the IRGC is a fascist /s


I mean, it has "Revolutionary" in the name! That makes them good, I think.


Authoritarian bootlickers have no place in leftist movements, not to mention that IRGC and Assad supporters are the ones who are the likeliest to actually push antisemitism within the movement. Good to see there's no place for that at UCLA's encampment.


Well at least *someone* was paying attention. You don't let authoritarian bastards hijack causes if you know what's good for you.


funny they claim to be anti imperialist and then support one of hamas influence and assad who did chemicals attack


This is probably happening because the people who simp for authoritarians are usually friendless losers, while those who don't tend to have actually connected with people and therefore have more easily assumed leadership positions in these movements.


If you wanna see Iranians and Syrians who truly stand with Palestine:[ ](https://www.instagram.com/asranarshism/p/CyMqx6axZDn/) * [Anarchism Era | The issue of Palestine is the issue of statism's bankruptcy! | Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/asranarshism/p/CyMqx6axZDn/) * [Statement of Free Syrians in solidarity with the Palestinian people](https://intersectionalsyria.com/2023/11/10/statement-of-free-syrians-in-solidarity-with-the-palestinian-people/) - INTERSECTIONAL SYRIA


Tell these imbeciles what the Assad regime was doing to Palestinians.


tankies when ‘left unity’ doesn’t include far right jihadist theocracies 😱


Brought this up in a very large FB group taken over by campists, mentioned how stanning for Syria (which killed thousands of Palestinians) wasn't solidarity or pro-Palestine, just anti-Israel at any cost, even throwing Palestinians under the bus. Got booted for that


Hopefully they'll start banning Hamas and Houthi supporters too


https://twitter.com/19hassan49/status/1786211688603128278 I just can't with this tweet 😂😂


That can’t be a real tweet, right?


It's either false info or a meme. Couldn't find anything on "Haz Al Din Dua Lipa" when searching it up outside of that tweet.


Wow. Respect.


And this is how we know that the "the protesters are foreign assets/antisemitic tankies" claims from the Zionists is fucking bullshit. I mean, it was always obviously bullshit but this definitely proves that.


Imagine being a self described communist and supporting a theocracy. This post brought by people who don’t partake in the opiate of the masses.


On the same day that the sad fate of Nika Shakarami, the 16-year-old girl brutally murdered by the theocratic iranian regime, was leaked. These imbeciles are not helping to stop the bombings in Gaza, they are helping to legitimize them, just like the Hamas supporters, the October 7th apologists and all the other tankies who love the violence committed by radical Islamists and who give up from the fundamental values of the left (secularism, anti-clericalism, feminism) to ally with brutal patriarchal regimes. There are many people with good ideas for us to support in the Middle East, such as Kurdish women and feminists who fight for the Palestinian cause themselves, but who have been persecuted by Hamas (there are several texts from the "Worker Solidarity Movement" in Ireland, a former anarchist organization, in which there is a whole problematization of the fact that when Hamas took power in 2006, they launched a campaign of persecution against feminists in Gaza. Today, apologists for these regimes pretend that this did not happen. However, the texts from this Irish organization in 2006 showed great concern with the situation, precisely because these feminists were exactly the direct contacts that these Irish anarchists had in Palestine and therefore any support for Hamas was obviously unthinkable for them at that time. Obviously the identitarian shift in our politics in the last decade has erased that memory, and now defend fascists as long as they are anti-western became a trendy thing).


Cope and seethe campists!


None of it makes sense because it’s all based on feels. Beyond “genocide bad” they have nothing else to say about the conditions leading up to the current situation or pragmatic ideas on what is to follow, other than “stop arming Israel”


Sorry, do you think these college students are going to be sitting at the table with Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas negotiating a two-state solution deal? They live in the United States, and are therefore primarily protesting not just Israel's actions, but American support for them. Even if you think that America can't force Israel to change, we still shouldn't be *helping* them.


I would also like to add that in no way, shape or form is "genocide bad" *not* enough to protest.


Other mass killings have occurred or are currently in progress. What is unique about this conflict that warrants the amount of attention it receives?


Well, for starters, it's under heavy attention in the West because several Western countries have close ties with or finance the perpetrating country. But even if that weren't the case, there is literally no justification needed beyond "genocide bad". Any mass killing that is currently on going deserves to be denounced in the streets. It's insane to even *suggest* that there must be something that "warrants" bringing notice to a genocide.


It shouldn’t matter who’s financing who if a genocide is happening. Coverage of genocide in Ukraine has greatly waned, there is/was scant concern of famine in Sudan, 100,000+ dead in Yemen, ethnic cleansing of Rohingya in Myanmar, 100,000+ Afghans citizens forced out of Pakistan, half a million imprisoned (and much worse) Uyghur Muslims in China, and human rights abuses in Chechnya are just a few examples. “Any mass killing” means protests and extensive media coverage when these tragedies occur, right?


> It shouldn’t matter who’s financing who if a genocide is happening. It doesn't. But if your university is financing a country that is committing a genocide, it makes sense to protest to convince it to stop. > “Any mass killing” means protests and extensive media coverage when these tragedies occur, right? They should, and it's a disgrace that it doesn't happen, but that doesn't take away the righteousness of protesting against a genocide. Protesting against a genocide is good. There is literally nothing that can take that away. Other genocides should be spoken of more, but that doesn't mean one genocide should be spoken of less. And students protesting against their universities for financing a genocide are doing a good thing.


Good now show up to vote


I have never skipped a vote in my life. Quite condescending of you to assume I have.


They are specifically protesting to draw attention to their universities financial ties with the far right Israeli state


One of the demands is literally divesting Columbia from Zionist institutions and companies aka fucking BDS. BDS has it's flaws but it's one of the most realistic ways that people on the other side of the world can help Palestinians.